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Everything posted by lucindabelle

  1. I think the GM scandal is so outrageous I can't believe it isn't ginger news. The analogy with Ajeffrey Dahmer and real people neve reign able to absolve themselves of manslaughter was good. It made me think of the Arthur Miller play "All My Sons," in which a man is responsible for the death of pilots because of a defect that he knew about and didnt fix due to cost. That GM KNEW and people died is outrageous. And without Ahe Daily Show I wouldn't have realize this because its not being reported as fully as it shld be, I.e., you have to look and the outrage doesn't seem to be there. I totally agree that Barra is there to take the fall and thought Jon demonstrated that well.
  2. But Zelena in Czech etc has a short e. zehlena. Not zeLIna. Nice catch though. I agree the motivations are not convincing, though I prefer the idea of romantic rivalry to sibling rivalry. This show really has it in for adopted parents, doesn't it. First there's young Henry hating the only mother he's ever known (until the last few seasons) because he's convinced she's the evil queen (I really loved it when there was the possibility he was just plain wrong about her). Now, one out rust from drunk daddy and her whole upbringing by Peasant Mommy doesn't count. Anyone else feel that what Zelena saw in the past isn't the whole truth? I think there's going to be more to the abandonment story.
  3. This show is sucking now. Blend of a hallmark and procedural is a bad one. And the baby book, perfectly kept for eit years, was by far e most surreal thing in it. Every single mother I've ever known stops keeping that thing a few months in. Too busy! I would be a family scrapbook at best, and usually drawings and essays are kept separately. It just seemed to be there so daddy could cry over it, the same way stalker shrines exist on procedural s so that detectives can find them. I do NOT understand the whole "oh no! The FBI!" Reaction. They have this huge mystery they can't solve, so why not ring in the FBI? Doesn't Bellamy himself work for the Federal government? Even scifi has to have internal logic and some resemblance to the world.
  4. I like that the Eglish aren't cartoon villains (though villains on the whole). Loved that the captain or whatever rank he was was not having the whole "he started it" defense on be fight. Some of it was hard to follow but I definitely think this has potential. Anybody else think Araham looked and sounded irish? Maybe it's e cause the actor is English and trying to sound period American so it came out that way. Hs dishy. Abraham's wife is practical minded. Anna is an idealist. I can see how Abraham doesn't really think as much of his own wife. Baby is all kinds of cute.
  5. I don't like Trixie's new haircut. It's too severe. I too worried about Doris' husband... As he is still around at the end. I guess so, because otherwise they wouldn't have enough money. I thought the nosy neighbor didn't look nearly mortified enough. Natural childbirth has arrived, and that's interesting but the doctor telling the women that those other women gave birth without pain because they didn't expect to feel pain was pretty condescending. He's give north so many times, then, has he? There seemed a little spark between the doctor and Jenny, though, so I'll forgive him if there is. I love the doctor so much, and Shelagh. lucindabelle- please look at the bolded text and correct. The sentence needs clarification.
  6. Speaking as a Jew, too, I found that pretty close to impossible to believe. See the emphasis on Gilad Shalit. Also wouldn't the scientists kidnapping have been big news?
  7. Appalling. Cannot believe it. Horrifically bad.
  8. This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing! I love the wolf coughing him up and getting into the song!
  9. I learned my multiplication times 3 on schoolhouse rock and can still isn't it, and the preamble too. Also learned preliminary embroidery from some show on PBS. Is this the place for snarky lessons learned, too?
  10. I loved Logan too. I can understand how Rory felt blindsided by the proposal and that they really were too young, though a lot of people get engaged out of panic as they graduate, but I thought they complemented each other well and would be good together down the line.
  11. Oh the plowman and the farmer shoud be friends, Oklahoma Thriller, 13 going on 30 Shall we dance, The King and I The Rain in Spain, My Fair Lady The jitterbug sequence in A League of Their Own
  12. Pro se with Denis O'Hare in 1996, where the judged tears up when O'Hare is crazy again at the end, very powerful. One reason I hated the English one from the start is they did that episode and did it so daly, The other one that really stood out to me was season 10, "blood money" with the Holocaust insurance scam and the old man testifying about how he'd carried his sister to Italy and she died anyway, and how the nazis didnt give out death certificates, damn this show was once so good.
  13. I've always loved the theme to Thirtysomething! Apologies if that didnt come out as a video... Not sure I'm doing it right and didnt see instructions, M.A.S.H., of course. I too love The Game of Thrones... Anybody see the YiuTube video of the cat meowing it? Brideshead Revisited. Te original Cosmos.
  14. I can't make it through an episode without becoming a puddle. I love Chummys upper class accent, and how she calls her mother "Mater," and how she's just so kind and sweet.
  15. Oooh! Has this aired on PBS yet? I thought it was coming on March 30. Apologies if I'm dense, I only landed here today. Also, does anyone know how to get the Season 2 Christmas special? I caught up to this show on Netflix on the Roku, and that episode wasn't there. So far, my record is complete in that I cannot watch this show without weeping.
  16. I kind of love Robin and Barney together and always have. I like the Mother, but hated "Once" on Broadway so much and her ridiculously bad "Czech" accent that it's spilled over onto Cristina Milottie, unfortunately. And I loved Lily and Marshall's vows. I believe, LAFR, that the wedding itself is in a church, not in the hotel. It's not at the Farhampton Inn. That's just where the guests are staying.
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