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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Julianne (ER & The Good Wife) I can't stand her. Thought on ER she was just annoying character. That her character did not make much sense when her love left. She loved him so much but did not go with him? The kicker was when the actress left ER. She was offered 5 million dollars to stay IRC. My friend & I were searching our cars for spare change for gas to last to payday. She said "not everything is about money and she chose to leave". I never liked it after that. JMHO
  2. Why did John think Bay going to the doctor to get an MIR for possible amorism was immature? Sherrie singing and the signing singing was really beautiful.
  3. 90210 original Kelly should have ended up alone. That way she could always chose herself
  4. I grew up in my sister's shadow. No matter what I did. Worked at to be good at my sister could come along and easily excel at it. Most of time she was even interested. So I understood how Kit felt most of the movie. However I hate that Dotty dropped the ball & let her team down. The first time I saw it I thought Dotty should not even have come back.
  5. Outsourced such a sweet quirky funny show. I think people thought it was racists so did not give it chance. I loved the cast so much and was so disappointed it was canceled.
  6. Field of Dreams "Dad do you want to have a catch"
  7. I liked Richard's show Cook your ass off (dumb name). I don't hate Richard and do think he is a good chef just seems he wants to be a celebrity chef. I was not surprised Gail voted for Marcel. Even though I believe Marcel is a good chef also, I think Gail hates Richard. Always had that impression.
  8. Felt so badly that Bay went to the doctor all alone. Bay seems to hold everything in and Daphne seems to let all her anger out. It's very interesting. I missed Toby. Please writers give him a story!
  9. I am not a big fan of Aviva but she sounds and looks terrible at the reunion.
  10. My UO The Office I always liked Jim & Pam together. Always cracked up when Jim gave that look to the camera. Everybody loves Raymond I loved this show and it never failed in making me laugh and forget about my troubles. That's what I look for in a sitcom. Once Upon A Time Tired of Emma & Hook. Give me some Snow/ Prince Charming story & make me happy!!
  11. Ziva NCIS I can't stand her. She just annoys me. I also think Tony and Tim work better without her. Kate worked better on the team JMHO. This one is strange for me as I usually like quirky characters but Penelope on Criminal Minds I can only take in small doses. It's hard for me to believe a women working that job can't stand to hear the word vomit.
  12. Watching Notting Hill again makes me remember how much I disliked the decision for the William's sister to get together with Spike at the end. The poor nice guy stock broker was left all alone.
  13. Usually watch this on Demand. I have no clue who either of these celebrities are.
  14. What no love for Bay? She is my favorite character on the show. I often wonder if she regrets finding out she was switched. It seems like Daphne inherited a another family but Bay's bio parents do not seem to want to spend time with her.
  15. what kind of dress did Bay have that she is upset about the dress code?
  16. I don't think Toby has chemistry with either the teacher or Sheri. Is he even divorced yet? He needs to work on himself first before he gets into which would just be a rebound relationship. I would love Toby to actually become a teacher. He can still DJ on the side.
  17. The 2 David's reunited at Cookie's concert in UT. David Cook invited Archie up on stage to sing his hit Crush. http://youtu.be/j3h9DYDkBvY
  18. I think Aviva reads blogs and boards about the housewives. I have read many people calling Heather out on her use of Holla and her MF thing at Lu's house. JMHO Aviva's just repeats things to try to find something fans will be on her side about (tm Kristin).
  19. What I learned from the episode soaps pay you very well!! Dang.
  20. Jenna was my favorite on Blossom. She is still adorable. I am not a mom but found it kind of funny that she was so wanting to baby proof everything but she holds her child on her hip when she cooks. Know lots of mom's who do that but if your mom senses are so over protecting that one just seems like a no no. Jill and new husband: Their meal at the 5 star restaurant looked delicious. I would absolutely let her come her & spoil me LOL. Could care less what the neighbors thought of the big bus in our yard. Bobby seemed to really enjoy the time with his grandkids. Glad that they ended up spending more time with the family. At the end the update did say Jenna did hire a housekeeper and they have once a week date night. So they must have some money.
  21. When I was an working as an usher at a movie theatre, a co-worker said to me "is that Lou Rawls?' I responded "doubt it. Why would he be here?" Our little town theatre is in the middle of no where. Lou came over and shook booth our hands. It was helping an opening a new art theatre. He came to the theatre to see Austin Powers part II. Not sure they are celebrities but I did meet Teresa and Luann from Real Housewife's shows at a casino (on separate nights :) ).
  22. Nine about the nine hostages during a bank robbery. Tim Daly, Scott Wolf and some other good actors. I remember really loving that show and was so sad it was canceled. Sports Night so enjoyed everything about this show and would still watch the reruns today.
  23. NCIS Ducky is my favorite character. I find his rattling off his facts charming and endearing. Abby on the other hand drives me crazy. OUAT Emma and Hook ship runs the show for me. All the other characters suffer from this pairing. ATWT I wanted Paul & Meg to end up together. Wish Emily was really behind Meg's craziness instead of Meg actually being crazy.
  24. Clint Eastwood & Lee Marvin bought my dad a beer. Dad was 18 and in his marines uniform in a bar across the street from some movie premiere. Eastwood and Marvin snuck out. Dad asked them if they would get in trouble. Eastwood said "nah once you have been to one of those you have been to them all" Mom, Dad, Aunt & Uncle were having dinner at Foxwoods casino when James Brown came in. My aunt thought he was Little Rich. My parents, uncle & aunt did not bother him. When he left he gave everyone except parents table an autograph pictures of himself. Not sure if he was mad they did not ask or if he was mad my aunt called him little Richard.
  25. Watching some clips of this show made remember how much I use to love it. When I stopped watching it Paul & Meg were just getting together. That was a couple I rooted for so was very disappointed with how that story ended. Meg went crazy and tried to set up Emily. Meg had to leave to get help & does not get to raise her daughter. Another favorite couple of mine was Carly & Jack. How funny that Sage (their daughter) was so much like her momma!! Glad the show ended with CarJack back together. At least 1 couple I rooted for got together.
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