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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Found this show on Demand yesterday and watched all the shows today on my day off. What a cool concept of kicking off the trainer. It will be interesting to see how well or not so well some people will do. No Diet guy is kind kooky but I can't help but kind of like him. He is positive and there is just to much negativity in this world. His contestant (Jeff??) is going to have a difficult time I think. They are the most interesting pair to me because they just should not work together but they kind of are. Clean Momma was a little nutty. Was surprised the lady stayed with her as long as she did. That was a terrible fit. Super swap lady and Wild Diet are my picks for the win. Both of those contestants seem eager to learn and follow their programs. Have not checked out other threads yet so if this is posted elsewhere my apologizes. Shaun T. has a blog in people magazine and there are a few small articles about the trainers (momma being one :) ).
  2. Okay so I was seriously a good-two shoes in high school and that teen party looked boring to me.
  3. Hated the way Daniel died :( Know it was probably truer to RL I guess. Just on Soaps usually they get to say Good Bye to their loved ones.
  4. How is everyone today :) I work at a crummy retail job. Had today off which I enjoy a lot since I hate my job. What do you guys do for a living? fun?
  5. Teresa/Brady/Kristin/Stolen baby that story was bizarre to say the least. But it was wrapped up so quickly. Melanie was great IMHO in detective mode. Teresa was barely in her own story. John and Marlena could have been involved with the search. There were a lot of missed opportunities
  6. After Nicole almost died Daniel turned over a new leaf. He was sorry for how he treated her in the past. That made him see what he was missing. Daniel has kept that promise. Today was one of the first times I have really liked them as a couple.
  7. oh great more ugly tears from me in the new year
  8. Ben should have run away with baby Thomas. Abigail and Chad would have gone searching for baby Thomas. Abigail and Chad would remain friends and try not to give in to their feelings. (right now it feels like Ben was right about everything... well expect the murder part ).
  9. I enjoyed Jennifer/Abigail/JJ as a family unit during the Christmas ornament ceremony. Also liked Doug telling them it was up to them to continue the tradition.
  10. Lucas and Maggie's talk outside the book store window broke my heart :( I cried the ugly cry. I really liked Maggie in the Christmas episode. She was really there for Lucas even helping him hanging Will's Christmas ornament. That was such a sad scene but it was nice they remembered Will. Speaking of Lucas he had the funniest look on his face when JJ and Claire were singing. Guess he did not like their song.
  11. I don't find Kate talking down & insulting Teresa entertaining. Would much prefer to see Kate taking Teresa under her wing. Women supporting each other would be nice to see.
  12. I was more responding to the spoiler that Chad dumps Abby. They can be feature without being a couple. Abby was just about to married. Chad and Abby should lean on each other and be friends first JMHO.
  13. Shouldn't Abigail try being single for a little bit?
  14. Why would Caroline move in with Victor ? He doesn't even know her real name.
  15. The last time I saw Belle/Shawn they were trapped (Maybe ??) on an island. It felt like they would never get home/
  16. yes Jordan should come back but I doubt she will. The character always cared a lot about her brother.
  17. Poor little Colin all alone :( I hope they find him soon . (still on Thursday's show)
  18. My UO's about OUAT I like the hero's more than the villains. Always like Bae and Neil. Felt he should have been an important character outside of a love interest for Emma. Bae/Neil was the reason for the first curse. He is Henry's father, Rumple's son and Hook's friend/enemy. Neil lived for 300 years surely there was a story in there. People seem to hate Neil for setting up Emma and leaving her alone in jail while cheering on Rumple & Evil Queen who ripped apart families, murdered whole villages and who knows what else. I also don't think Rumple should get a happy ending.
  19. Rafe did talk to Jennifer. He dropped a lot of hints to her about not talking to her only texting. Jennifer asked Abigail to call her not text. Then nothing.
  20. I totally cried the ugly cry when Bo died. My poor dog was so upset he didn't know what was going on LOL I was not watching Days back then so the flashbacks were such a treat and Bo's death was kind of beautiful. He got to see most of his family and he died in his love's arms.
  21. I always like Eric. Wanted him with Nicole. Disappointed with the way he will leave.
  22. Day off so trying to catch up on week's worth of shows. Watched Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday shows. It's getting good. My rambling thoughts Bo Brady has the most beautiful inviting smile. Can't he get a brain transplant? Pretty please? Steve is fun and adds a lot to the show. John comes alive around him (he seemed bored before). Kayla totally is going to fall for his sweetness tactics but true fully so would I :) Okay I have always adorded Sami Brady. Wow was she fun with Andre and what a strong lady. She does and always has reminded me of Marlena (yes I know but there are similarities). Speaking of Marlena what fun was that? She has no fear and went and ratted out Andre to Stefano! I worry for Eric every day :(
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