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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Oh no, they dragged that hoary* chestnut out again? It was actually launched last year. it seems that perfume ads have a long shelf life. I remember being amazed by how long the J'Adore Dior ad ran unchanged. I think some of the Lancôme fragrance ads have been the same for a while as well. Meanwhile, I've had the ancient White Shoulders theme song in my head for a week. (Wear it and the world is yours!) No explicable reason. It's just there. ETA apparently I am the on,y person on the internet who remembers this jingle. I've searched a number of times and find no trace of it! * Pun intended
  2. Ugh. Bravo had this in heavy rotation too. The song itself isn't so bad, but just hearing that piece over and over and over is enough to drive one mad... And add me to the list of those happy to see Ariana Grande stranded in the desert (temporarily, I'm sure, as she probably has her TMobile phone at the ready).
  3. IMO, Gigi wasn't even *funny.* Good impressions take a certain kind of talent that Gigi doesn't have. Who saw that in rehearsal and thought "that will go over well"?
  4. If we're gonna do one-and-done crapfest crossovers, my vote is for a return of the Gallery Girls. Make it into a thing: Gallery Girls v Galley Girls.
  5. Maybe we should spray it around the room before watching the show?
  6. Flat Iron seems to have given up the flat iron! But he will always have the nickname :)
  7. So, we are back! I know it's pointless to complain about drama on this show. Because the lame drama IS the point. But: Crap! Jax, what the heck? Blabbing a (likely exaggerated) story about your own girlfriend to the world? Didn't think I could be at a loss with this crew but... guess I am. ;) And of course I'm glad to see that neither Ariana nor James have changed, like at all. And daaaaaaaaang, Peter? I seriously didn't recognize him! *small voice* kinda love Sandoval's new hair *small voice* And he's still got the best comments. "Slung f'in cranberry." I wanna sling some cranberry! Let the fun begin!
  8. All that exposure and Lala doesn't even look... pretty or stylish. There's no mystery and it looks like a young girl who went through her mom's nighties and threw one over her (inappropriate lace) leotard. Lisa looked pretty (if not just a tad overly boob-y).
  9. And it's not like anyone aside from a handful of writers is going to get rich off one children's book--let alone one published by a rando publisher--and start a new life off it? I guess the odds are better than sitting at home snarking on family and hoping to get rich, but whatevs. LOL
  10. I'm giddy every time I see the ad.
  11. Mentioned this in the Holiday thread, but I saw a Target holiday ad, and--drumroll--no "Marshmallow World"! Also saw the Glade ad. Yup, it's November!
  12. I had my first sighting of the Glade commercial, AND the Target holiday ad. No "Marshmallow World."
  13. You're welcome! It's the first ep that got me hooked and it's been my favorite ever since! And I was thinking: it's too bad Kelley wasn't golfing off the deck on this ep. Then we REALLY might have had a Seinfeld moment, if a whale came by at just the right/wrong time!
  14. Crossing Over. There's the spinoff! Too bad that title is already taken!
  15. Maybe so, but it's fun to consider that they're messing with us!
  16. I'm starting to wonder if Target's ad team doesn't sift through a bunch of songs and then deliberately choose the earworm-iest for use in their commercials.
  17. LOL! But we DID get a great shot of Jimmy wedged between Meghan and various family members, shoving that giant cake in his maw! Hugs be darned, I'm eatin' CAKE! Here's my idea: Stick Vicki on a new show with Caroline Manzo and see which one can micromanage her kids' lives to the greatest degree.
  18. Or she should just go get a job with the Residence Inn hipsters. They look like they're having an awesome time, no ill-fitting blazers required.
  19. I love, love, love Regrettable Food. I cry-laugh myself into asthmatic fits every time I read it. It doesn't matter if I've read a section several times already. Fits of laughter, every time. Do that thing that you do, I'll show you a new move. Check out the diggydiggydiggydiggydeedoor!
  20. OF COURSE they approach a company called "Eat Clean Bro." I confess that I avoid this show like a blk-stained plague. However I caught a couple episodes and I'm just left with so many (perhaps hyperbolic) questions. * When did Crittofer become a motivated, can-do guy? Did I miss something? If not, who was Caroline talking about? * Why does Vito have to have a deli in Manhattan? Admittedly it's been a while since I visited NY, but it didn't seem like there was a shortage of authentic Italian delis. And certainly real estate in Jersey is cheaper than Manhattan. Right? * "We'll use your supply chain, your manufacturer, all your stuff, and slap our name on it. And then sell it. And you should be excited, Eat Clean Bro! Promise we'll get you 1000 people. Look at my track record." Really? * The best place to announce your breast cancer scare is at your kid's televised milestone birthday party? Really? Now excuse me while I go watch something intellectual, like the last season of Vanderpump Rules.
  21. Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli... IS ANYBODY HERE A MARINE BIOLOGIST?
  22. LOL @Mondrianyone I was just about to post the same thing. Great minds ;) I wonder if Bravo anticipated that, with all the drama the episode, the big what-the-heck moment for many of us was that FANCY BEN USES FAKE SYRUP.
  23. ^^ Hilarious! I came here to note the exact same thing!! For all his whinging about his high food standards, he drizzles his French toast with... Good old Aunt Jemima.
  24. I watched carefully a second time and noticed it had a neckline. It was really hard to tell. Such a weird choice for a tv show! Kelly DDOD almost broke the internet! Quite frankly.
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