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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. Lort. These people!! JT: Find someone else to slobber over and think about. You're a cute little guy, find some cute little girl. No Tall girl's gonna go there UNTIL you have a bazillion dollars. Until then, find some one vertically matched with you. Austen, you're a douchecanoe. Just admit it. BUT... Compared to JT, you might be a butthair ahead. Wow. What an accomplishment. BRAVO: Shut this shit down. It's boring AF. Shep: My feelings are hurt but Austen deserves this..." Deserves WHUT? JT kicking his knees?? MORONS. The lot of them.
  2. Her "mystery man" looks like a smothered steak or something. Does the plate have a face? Oh wait... I just saw the guy. Is that his REAL hair??? 😅
  3. But look at his DAD's chin. Very tiny. I think the Dad has wisely grown a beard over his tiny chiny chin chin. Sam needs to do the same. It would help a lot.
  4. And Chantel, going to Greece and dating a "European" isn't going to do you a BIT of good, whether your friends with you think it's good idea or NOT. Your MOTHER will have her say in your relationship, EUROPEAN or NOT. And guess what? They will NEVER equal you in her mind. I actually think you two should be on "Smothered" as opposed to 90 Single Life.
  5. If TLC just stuck a fork in the whole show, it would be all right with me.
  6. I'm shocked, I say "SHOCKED!" that the unholy combination of Jen Shah and Monica are involved in this MYSTERY!!! Shit. I mean, Monica WORKED for Jen Shah! Weren't we all a little confused why Heather AND Meredith showed up in NYC for Jen's trial? Besides the CAMERA TIME, of course. And Heather, honey; LYING about Jen giving you the black eye isn't something to be PROUD OF. It doesn't say you're a "ride or die" friend, it says you are STOOPID AND DRAMATIC. THIS is the time to reveal the golden nugget? Sweet tap dancing baby jeebus.
  7. Nutalee never is dull. She's a fruity as a nutcake. Josh is right behind her however, JOSH HAS A J-O-B. And makes $$$$. So he's not a complete moron. Nutalee on the other hand.... I KNEW that was her Mom coming, what with the American flag and all. I just can't quite wrap my brain around Nutalee, thinking that Josh is gonna find her AND her Mom an apartment, a job, a car, a daing NEW bunch of hair extensions, AND A BABY!!! ALL IN A WEEK!!! She is a total moron. But hilarious. Her moods swing like a daing cuckoo clock. My guess that the whole BABY business is coming from Mama. She wants a grandchild before she's 90. I get it. But... Mama, your girl is a complete and total NUT JOB. YOU KNOW THIS. Veronica is a cute lady. I'm not sure WHY she went for this slide into skeeviness. Is the $$$ THAT GOOD?? And Jamal is a cute guy. He's also about 15 years younger than Veronica. Even with her finger in her mouth (which looks moronic IMHO), she's a waayyy long ahead of Jamal in the life department. I actually think Veronica would have much better luck with a guy her own age or a little older. But what do I know?
  8. OR... He could just be a giant asshole and isn't afraid to show it anymore.
  9. I doubt he thinks he looks like a moron. Self reflection isn't really in his wheelhouse, now is it?
  10. It'a probably less expensive than Lizzie's too.
  11. His assholery started really early, apparently.
  12. There's only one question: Do you like to EAT????
  13. I only have one question and it's a snarky one: At the beginning of the show there's a picture of Amy & Tammy sitting down on some stairs. Tammy looks pretty good! How in the world did she get into that position? She's still using the wheelchair whenever we see her for the most part. Just a thought.
  14. Welp, I'm glad to see the OG 3 getting their TRUE thoughts & fillings out on this lookback. I kinda think this may be the end of it. The Christine wedding special and then HOPEFULLY they'll pull the plug on this shit show. Hey! It's almost 2024!! HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS!!!😊
  15. In my mind, they just bought a big old hunk of land and had to pay it off BEFORE they could divide it up. Is this right? Because if so, it's STILL just a big old hunk of land and a SURVEYOR could and will HAVE to at some point, divide up the hunk.
  16. And Douchie, your kids don't come to see you at your house, why would you think they'd all want to come to your "recreational lot"?? Dingleberry. Janelle, just stop worrying about your damn "estate"... You're only 53 years old. Go get a job, buy some lottery tickets, do SOMETHING yourself FOR YOURSELF.
  17. I think it would be a great idea for Douchie to shut the fuck up. Every time he opens his mouth, some more ridiculous shit comes out. He literally cannot help himself. Meri, honey; this is when you get a surveyor. This is the only way to do things fairly.
  18. CryBrows, you got EXACTLY what you wanted. It's just not turning out the way you THOUGHT it would. If you could just stop with the crying jags, you'd probably be a lot better off. It's so funny, though; you need to stop Douchie from digging that hole. Hell, he's all the way to China by now.
  19. It was obvious he practiced that soliloquy before he delivered it. He can't THINK that fast, obviously. He keeps throwing out the "SHE joined my family, I can't ask her to leave" blah blah; like now he's blaming his RELIGION for why he had to suffer through all this. Like, he SACRIFICED shit so he could be the King of the Eternal Kingdom but he had to do some WORK first and he didn't like working. Then he got pissed off the OG 3 just didn't hang around for scraps.
  20. For fuck's sake, CryBrows, what the hell is wrong with you???
  21. The good thing about these "lookbacks" is Christine, Janelle & Meri can finally be honest about their fillings. CryBrows? Not so much.
  22. Welp, I think we can all see for ourselves that Douchie is not only a narsisstic pig but he's also a complete and total martyr about all this shit HE created. Finally, and I only say this again.... THIS MAN IS A MORON.
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