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Everything posted by FemmyV

  1. Needle, to our knowledge, is plain old castle-forged, not Valyrian steel. She can still cut some zombies' eyes out but otherwise, don't know how much damage she can do with it. As of this writing, Cersei's path is successful from a power POV. Right now, she is sole Queen.
  2. I just started watching tonight and almost regret wandering into this forum (spoilers), but, it's the fact of all that blood all over the place, and not any of it on Nas's clothes (or body underneath), combined with not one single character mentioning the lack of blood on his clothes, that had me leaning toward his innocence. What, no one checked the shower? I'll have to look for the Ben Wishaw version when this has finished its run.
  3. Does this mean Dany lands in Dorne? For all we know, Lyanna may have just wanted to fuck a crowned prince, and got in over her head. i don't think it's going to be that easy. Like any youngest sibling who's been out on their own and independent for X years, encountering their elders who expect them to fall back into their old roles, Ayra is going to tell Sansa to fuck off, once the initial shine of reunion wears off.
  4. True, that, but as an anti-Jonsa, I admit I often feel it's necessary to tear Sansa down, when I get vocal about it. This is because so many pro-Jonsa posts portray Sansa as a sweet, unselfish, and wise individual, and have, all along.
  5. Thinking about the next season, what I want more than anything: More fucking Stark family interactions. The story revolves around them and their struggles, but they all struggle ALONE. To some extent, it's been a highly successful breaking of the rules but it's getting tired. As a viewer, I'm treated to all manner of familial action from Lannisters and Tyrells (no more, that), Boltons. But the Starks? Come on - the show's theme is their family song. Just as Dany will now be far more interesting, tied to the rest of the canvas, so will Arya, Jon, Bran & Sansa.
  6. The thought occurred to me that we don't need a group of people teaming up to take The Mountain down. All it would take is one word from Dany: "dracaris." And he's a pile of molten metal and bones.
  7. Wouldn't it be funny if Ned was the one who was right, about Arya, all along? “You,” Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, “will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon.”
  8. Neither would I, but if he's really going to go that far left field, I think I'll call for Edmure.
  9. Not an assumption, but recognition of a possibility. Dany needs allies. Jon holds the North. It's claimed the North is non-invadable. But Jon has ice zombies and needs help. Dany has dragons. And then you have that troubling moment when Brienne was telling Sansa how she found Arya with "a man," as opposed to the infamous Sandor Clegane.
  10. I expect to see Euron attack Dany's armada. Unsullied, Dothraki don't know a whole lot about sailing, let alone warfare at sea. Although I don't mind the idea of seeing Kit & Emilia bring the pretty, Dany & Jon may not necessarily form a marital alliance. His holding the North is a great bonus for her, if they can ally without marriage it leaves her free to hold that branch out for the Reach or the Riverlands. That leaves Jamie as a possibility.
  11. You know what, tho? If Sansa is going to be the one to do LF in, she's going to have to get close to him. Very close. So close that it may look like she's lost her mind and betraying her own family. Just saying ...
  12. It's going to take the Hound, Jamie, Brienne and Mel combined to bring down the Mountain, and at least one is not going to make it. It may be that the best they can do is distract him long enough to get to Cersei. And then there's Qyburn to contend with.
  13. People make the mistake of thinking con men — confidence men — operate by getting you to take them into your confidence. That's wrong. The con operates by taking the victim into the predator's confidence, ie, "You can't tell anyone, but ..." You can't tell anyone, but some day I want to sit on the Iron Throne. Sansa is right to not trust Baelish, and she is only a revelation (that being, his role in getting Ned killed) away from turning the tables on him.
  14. Agreed, but: Jon & Tyrion's nascent friendship was built before Tyrion's family became responsible for wiping out 1/2 of Jon's. Even knowing the Imp killed Tywin, may not be enough, itself, for Jon to trust Tyrion. Sansa's opinion will be interesting.
  15. All that. And who does she have left, now? Qyburn and Mountain. Two very "yes," men.
  16. Yes! Everything from the tone, the music, and how much of it played out like Michael's settling of debts. This episode left me wishing I haven't looked at so many spoilers. I knew it all was coming, the only surprise - if any - was the theatrics in how it played out. KL: Cersei looked great in her military-themed dress, which pretty much screamed 'this girl is going to put up a fight.' Had to admire the way she enjoyed her wine and watched. Alas ... I'm going to miss Margaery, she was one of my faves. Marg was a great example of a female character who was totally at peace with her gender, understood its limitations, and adapted to just about every circumstance thrown at her, in her quest to be "THE" Queen. Gay husband? No problem. Sadist husband? Dealing with it. Boy husband? Well .. she made him a happy boy, at least. And she had the best of HS, too, it's just a shame he was too arrogant, in the end, to let her go when he finally realized where Marg's real priority was. Tommen, we hardly knew ye. Ironic that, if Cersei hadn't felt the need to unleash the Mountain on Septa Unella, he might have remained with Tommen and prevented that. But that's why we still tolerate Cersie as a heavy, six years in: she always gets bitten in the ass by her schemes. Dorne: Watching this scene made me go back to wondering WTF season 5 was even for. Was it really necessary to waste so much time, just to set up Myrcella's death? Was it really necessary to kill off Doran? Happy to see Highgarden and Dorne hookup against Cersei, but I just can't believe the awfulness we were subjected to, to get to this point. Citadel: Nice to get a look at the library, but really, couldn't have Sam simply sent a raven? "Dearest Jon, Gilly and I ..." I normally enjoy Sam & Gilly, but this scene was soooo out of place in the episode. The Twins: I enjoyed Jaime putting Walder in his place. At first I wondered if the serving girl was Arya but passed because: face. Lovely mirroring of Cersei's promise to Septa Unella (mine will be the last face you see before you die), a la Stark. But then again: when did Arya learn how to cook? "They're here, Sir." On edit: As fun as it was, I'm a little concerned about the Frey pies being given to Arya (instead of Manderly) to deliver. It may have been justice, but it was Cersei-style justice, not Mercy. I hope she finds Nymeria and Jon, fast. North of the Wall: Finally, the Reveal! Sort of. We still don't know how Bran will interpret the info. The North: I was very intrigued by the blocking of the Sansa / Jon scene on the battlements, and again, at the table. They are similar, they are apart. All thanks to the show’s writers for finally allowing Sansa to have an operating brain; she’s finally less of a stupid, selfish, bitch, and I can finally enjoy the character. Her relationship with LF is fascinating: she is learning she has power over him; she knows she shouldn't trust him; and yet, if he gets his heart's wish, he might offer her the greatest protection she could ask for, along with a more realistic version of the queenship she once wanted. If Jon doesn't wind up marrying Dany or Arya, give Lyanna Mormont a few years, she's awesome, and probably, maybe has a wee crush on KotN. I'm sort of sorry to see Mel go. Yeah, she's an albatross, but an interesting one at that. She's far more useful, humbled, and Jon needs all the help he can get. Davos was great in that scene, but Mel had a good point. Stannis and Selyse both gave the green light, and Davos himself knew there was a reason Stannis ordered him out of camp. Dany & Co: At long last! On to Westeros we go. I still have some small fear that Daario may try to sell her out in the long run but I'm glad to see him becoming history — this actor was never really Daario Naharis to me, anyway. Love that Tyrion is Hand, once again. Some things to Poi Dog Ponder: Will someone release Edmure and if so, will he re-take Riverrun? Is Bran going to bring the NK's mark south of the Wall? What's going to happen when Tyrion and Olenna meet again? Will she clear his name in Joff's death? When is someone going to tell Sansa the story about how LF held a knife to Ned Stark's throat, in the throne room? Who will ally with Cersei? Is LF too far gone, in bringing the Vale knights to the North, to give the appearance of loyalty? How will the Ironborn split affect things? When is Jon going to give the order for all the North to start burning their dead? Where is Robyn Arryn? If Jaime turns on Cersei, there's another possibility, if Tyrion will rubber stamp it. I guess now is the time for the turning out of cousins we've not previously met.
  17. Whomever was serving as Maester for the Boltons has the ability to spread the word about Walda, Roose, etc.
  18. I have no problem with Ramsey's death onscreen, and no problem with Sansa ordering it. But if they were going to go the CGI route, I'd rather they'd have spent the money showing us what Nymeria's up to.
  19. Well, we agree on one of those points, anyway.
  20. In the example I gave, I'm quite sure that whatever reason those who defended the decision to withhold offered up, the show has yet to affirm. Ramsey was a total coward, who was emboldened when he believed he could get away with his shit and leave someone else holding the bag. Theon's own army was already rebelling against him when Ramsey attacked. His torturing people had the dual purpose of leaving them in fear of him, and helping him feel in control. He killed his father by faking him out with a show of affection to get close, when he feared losing Winterfell and understood there would be no repercussions from the locals; he used Theon to lull the Ironborn into a peace treaty, then violated it, slaughtering everyone. In all of Ramsey's victories, it was because he controlled all factors and took care not to fight anyone on equal footing and alertness.
  21. I made a willing exception; smart or not, the Vale troops did show up in time.
  22. No, not at all. Once upon a time, TV shows hired people whose job was to spot these kinds of holes. This bothers you for the same reason that Brienne's failure to inform Sansa that Arya was traveling with the Hound bothered me and others: it's unfuckinglikely and it takes away from willing suspension ...
  23. That was satisfying. Sansa, Sansa, Sansa! Six years into the show, six years, to get to the smart, sharp young woman we saw tonight. Talk about a fucking character arc, but one thing was still missing: Sansa figured out that Ramsey was going to kill Rickon no matter what — that was good. A little emotion over the impending murder of said brother would more weight to the insight. And, the Wolf Princess got her first kill. It was a good one. I think she is going to marry LF, did you see that smile on her face when the Vale troops came in? She's getting a taste of power and knows Petyr can offer her more. Dany and the Wise Masters: I loved everything about Mereen tonight, from Tyrion coaching Dany against killing everything in sight, to the confrontation with the Masters ("My reign has just begun"), the dragons - all three. I also liked that it DIDN'T turn out to be a case of Yara ex machina, and that Dany, the Dothraki (whose arrival was pretty much on time), and the Dragons got the job done on their own. I loved Grey Worm slice & dice. And I really, really, really liked Dany/Tyrion/Yara/Theon, and their idealism in the notion they can do better than all their fathers. Oh, yeah, Happy Fathers Day, y'all. The actual fighting of the Bastard Bowl battle was the least interesting part for me, except strategy parts, like how Ramsey (Sansa was right!) pissed Jon off enough to abandon their plans and let his troops get surrounded, and get himself virtually undefended in front (the Red God must like Snow a WHOLE lot to keep him free from injury). Also the part where the cinematography went strobe. Ooh. Arty. Ramsey, what an asshole and coward. And true to form, he's up for one-on-one with Jon as long as he's got a ranged weapon. Another nice touch: the changing of the banners to match last week, at River Run. Things I look forward to learning when Dany hits Westeros: Who, besides the Ironborn, will join the cause? Who will refuse? And who will change their initial sides? My guess is: Dorne and Highgarden will go with Dany immediately. In the cases of Starks, the Vale, Lannister and Frey, if there are any left by Season 7 ep 02, I expect all kinds of switching back and forth among people who don't want to be allied to each other, but marriage demands it.
  24. I think last week's writer (Cogman) royally fucked up. Was he under direction from D & D to write Arya with her guard down? Dunno.
  25. Wow, I'm so happy with this episode, for so many reasons. This is hands' down the season's best so far, if you can forgive the lack of epic battle scenes. Like episode 4 there was a lot of to enjoy but there was also meat! Not just candy, but real meat. But first, let's back track to all the questions about last week and whether or not Arya was pulling a freak out on the waif. So sorry I now have to agree with those who called it bad writing to have a Girl, who knows there's a pissed off Waif who wants her dead, galavanting around Bravos & throwing coin around and not carrying her Needle for protection? That out of the way ... Candy with substance: A Girl is also just damn lucky Lady Crane knows how to treat abdominal tears and intestinal damage, eh? To bad Lady Crane wasn't so lucky, herself. Real witch, that waif. I will admit to some breath holding at the end, to see if Ja'qen or not-Ja'qen would rip off a face to reveal Syrio. Either way, all good and wasn't it fucking grand to see and hear A Girl pronounce herself Arya Stark? Whoever he is, he doesn't seem to mind that much; maybe we'll see him again one day and find out why he targeted Arya in the first place. Arya fucking Stark. Candy: Tyrion getting Missandei and Grey Worm to drink. And tell jokes. 19 ways to yell for help, indeed. And Dany's back. One might have noticed that many those things anti-Danys list as reasons why she'd be some whacked-out dictator are also the reasons Tyrion uses to say why she'd be welcome to the Iron Throne. Sidenote: I wonder who Varys is off to see? Ships! Many ships! And Dany returns. Tyrion, Dragon Mama is going to be very unhappy with you ... but looking ahead: who's the lucky birds gonna be rescued by Yara & Co? Meat: The Hound hooking up with Bw/oB. So glad to see the people we thought of as kind-of-good guys still are. Meat: Brienne / Jaime. So that's how it's going to be. For now, anyway. Good thing she's keeping the Valyrian steel for now, at least. Sweet meat: Pod & Bron. Happy to see those two reunited, too bad about this week's dick jokes. So Bron would do Brienne, hmmm? Meat: Brienne / Blackfish .. not brilliant but, like so much else here that we haven't gotten in forever, the dialog had substance. Meat: Jamie / Edmure. Poor, poor Edmure. He's just always going to be seen as the joke of the Tullys, and their bane, if they don't get that castle back by the end of the story. Hard to believe he rolled the Blackfish for a brat he's never seen, by a woman he fucked once and whose family killed most of his off. Asshole, Edmure. You might think he'd at least realize that no way would the Freys want their legitimate heir to Riverrun killed. Happy Blackfish went out fighting. But Jaime ... *sigh* .. still fighting the war for Cersei's cunt. "The things we do for love ..." indeed. I have a feeling Jamie will use that phrase at least once more, when all is said and done. Candy: Cersei / Hound / Sparrows take one. We may have had too much exposure to this scene for it to have very much of an impact, but as much as we hate Cersei, it was good to see her win a bloody one against those bullies. Candy with substance: Cersei / Sparrow / Tommen - Ooooooh ... IIRC we are way off book territory here. Good demonstration of why Cersei is such a great heavy in this story: for every win, there's at least one loss, and that's why she gets to stay around when Joff and Tywin got bumped off the island. I wonder what the Little Birds found? The leftover Greek fire, or the tunnels?
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