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Everything posted by FemmyV

  1. In the scenes for next week, it looks scary for Bran. Too much time underwater?
  2. The Lannisters are on their way out, I doubt it much matters. But FTR, their troops, along with the Tyrells', have gone to war when called. If the Sparrows wind up in charge of KL, with the add'l members of the FM throughout Westeros, they could represent one more roadblock to getting to the real war. The one we've only got 2 and a half seasons left for.
  3. But will the High Sparrow send an army of lesser sparrows to fight WW's, for the benefit on anyone following the Red God? Or any other of the 'new' gods?
  4. This is my favorite episode of the season, so far. Castle Black: The dialog between Sansa and Jon was better than predicted in these forums. And I get that Sansa has grown a brain and realizes they'll be dead if they don't take Winterfell, but she's got no business trying to order Jon around. Never imagined I'd be happy to see the Pink Letter. Tormond/Brienne: Oh my goodness. If Jamie gets killed, I'd have no trouble seeing Brie transfer her affections. The ones she won't admit to. Tormond acted like he's found the woman of his dreams - or nightmare. I do wonder, though. Brienne has been told all her life she's ugly. I hope she doesn't think Tormund is making fun of her, the way many knights have. Davos/Melisandre ... truth leaking out. I thought it was interesting that, here those two have been at pains to not have that conversation about what happened to Stannis, and Brie pretty much cut right into it, and by the way, don't bother mourning, cause he wasn't that great a guy, anyway. Okay. Winterfell: Osha, my girl, you served bravely. And at least there's not going to be any torture for our girl. This spells very bad things for Rickon. Like they weren't bad enough, already. Kings Landing: liked Marg & Loras, like that she's trying to yank him to reality. Not sure what to make of Cersei's plan; I fully expect a double cross in there, somewhere. The Vale: Littlefinger played everyone in the room, and played them brilliantly. Who knows? Maybe he will end up on the throne for a minute or two. Iron Islands: I'm not sure who looks worse for age — Theon or Yara /Asha. Seriously, Yara looks like, 5 years older, sadder than when we saw her last. Lighting? Come to think of it, this episode was all about brothers and sisters, wasn't it? Jon / Sansa, Marg/Loras, Yara/Theon ... and for once, Cersei/Jamie took the back seat. Mereen: on one hand, Dany's going to be pissed. OTO, isn't it about time we wrap up that story and move to Westeros? I enjoyed how Tyrion worked the contrasting rooms. Jorah / Daario show: let's face it, they're never going to be Butch & Sundance. Or even Arya/ Hound. But. They Did. Something. And now, someone knows about Jorah's stone skin. Dany: I had it figured that she would summon Drogon, but she had it all going for herself. I know people say she's crazy, but IMO she's got the right kind of crazy going for her. She is not another case like Aerys, either — she knows exactly what she's doing and has got it under control. Never imagined she'd kill all those Khals – okay. Maybe that was a bit on the extreme side, but they weren't about to listen to her. Sometimes, you gotta prove your point.
  5. Well, it happened for Ned & Cat. I don't see Sansa & Jon as a politically expedient marriage, either. If anything, it'd be kind of redundant; he's already on track to lead the North. A political match would be one that brings add'l people to the fold, who they might otherwise have to watch their backs with. I've often thought Sansa & Tyrion would do well together in the long run, but that was before the Season 6 SuperSansa we've been told about. And Tyrion, right now, is a pity party. Still, it's not outside the realm of possibility that an alliance with Tyrion could, in the future, be helpful in getting/keeping Lannister armies off of Jon Snow's back.
  6. I thought the 'Karstark likes' em young' was a reference to the Lannister boys that were killed. TOJ: Lyanna's baby, had Ned not intervened, would either be killed on sight if found by Robert or Tywin (especially Tywin), or used as a pawn by those who would want to have something to keep Robert & Tywin in check, over the years. It's possible Dayne, himself, might have wanted to take possession of the baby, if for no other reason than a bargaining chip, as someone on the losing side. About Sam & Gilly: as boring as they are right now, I'm looking forward to seeing Sam 1) confront big daddy 2) tell daddy about the WW and Jon Snow. Because then, Big Daddy is going to have the option of — just maybe — going to the Tyrells with Sam's news. I don't see Book Tarley siding with Sam, not without a major personality change. Heaven knows what Show Tarley will do.
  7. I wish I could be as hopeful as those putting forth the idea the whole Rickon thing is a ruse. If it is, it's a really, REALLY bad idea on someone's part. Considering the Umber is aware that Ramsey killed his own father, he's really going to leave Osha and Rickon in Bolton's charge? Geez, no wonder the North is so fucked up, with brilliant thinking like that. The scene of Jon coming back to life reminded me of Captain Jack Harkness, equally delightful, nude. I don't know what's growing faster: the list of corpses, or the use of f-bombs. I can't wait for A Girl to do just what Jon Snow did and walk out of THOBAW. Enough. Olly, we hardly knew ye ... and it was enough for your smirking face. Tyburn is starting to remind me of Willard Stiles. ToJ: Watching four men go at Dayne and wondering why no one tried slashing at his feet / legs.
  8. I have a vague recollection that the big reason Dany dropped her ring was because it was associated with her marriage to Drogo and she knew that if she was found by Dothraki, they would use it to recognized as a widow, and she'd be sent there.
  9. So much for Shaggy Dog. It seems senseless to bring Rickon back, I hope he does something worthwhile this season.
  10. I don't hate Littlefinger; as a character he has done more to move the story, and in ways that don't leave us rolling our eyes at obvious plot devices, than just about anyone. As villains go, he's done an excellent job of getting his way and (mostly) managed to keep his own hands clean, which has made him an awesome master manipulator and one we don't see enough of, to get too tired of. What he has enabled others to do, otoh, is pretty heinous. Littlefinger needs to die for Joffrey's butchering of Ros, alone. Sure, it wasn't wise of her to double cross him, but ow. Same for the other girls he sent to Joff. I expect to see him reach for more and more power, until there are just a few pieces left on the board, and see Sansa come in at the end with a knock-out punch. She may very well marry him in order to get close enough. Or, she may even marry Frey (or his heir) before he gets offed. That would be pretty intriguing, to have Sansa in a position to control movement between North/South. As for which family I'd want to serve? Tyrell's. Kind of impotent at the moment, but overall I get the feeling Olenna takes care of her people.
  11. I don't believe Tywin was thinking that far ahead re: planning to take control, himself. Really, I doubt he gave a golden shit what anyone in KL or beyond would think of him as ruler. I see the whole thing fairly straight up: Tywin had some begrudging respect for the Imp and he had to send someone who would a) follow his orders b) keep Cersei & Joffrey in line, at least temporarily. Tywin's pride is the source of so much angst and conflict where Tyrion is concerned. Tyrion represents Tywin's imperfect seed, something too unbelievable to contemplate — and yet, there he is. Of course Tywin doesn't want to believe it's his child, but the other options, again, something he doesn't want to give credence to. I think Tyrion's failure to impregnate Sansa was what made Tywin finally give up on him. It was the one thing Tywin wanted him to do, for the sake of the family's future, and Tyrion's refusal to man up made him expendable, at last. Likewise, trying to marry Cersei off to Loras ... between Jamie's refusal to leave the KG, Cersei being nuts, and the Imp's independent-mindedness, I think Tywin pretty much gave up on that generation at that point, at was ready to start grooming Tommen.
  12. saw I I was one of those who considered the idea Robert could be Jon's father, for a little while at least. The timeline was still a little grey back then, and it made sense that, if Robert had married Cersei and moved on, Jon would be a huge inconvenience to that marriage. Plus there was some resemblance w/the black hair and all .. "the seed is strong." When Oberyn became a factor and talked about Rheagar leaving Elia to run off with Lyanna, that was the first character who suggested Lyanna wasn't kidnapped, IIRC. Oberyn actually filled in a lot of blanks in the timeline, I think. Until he came on the scene, by most counts the war happened because Aerys Targaryan was batshit crazy and taking the kingdom with him. After Oberyn, I finally understood the war broke out because of Rheagar making off with Lyanna, and the subsequent killings of Brandon & Rickard Stark.
  13. As a book reader, it may seem more obvious because we read how Ned found Lyanna, dying; iirc it was repeatedly hammered. But, if you go back and pay close attention to S01E01 & 02, the set-up is there.
  14. On second/third viewing, I do enjoy the similarities and differences of scenes where Tyrion goes to feed and unchain the dragons, and Walda goes to Ramsey's dogs. Tyrion goes to feed vicious, untamed beasts, knowing he may not come out alive. Walda follows Ramsey to man's best friend, otoh, and walks into that ...
  15. Pod would know that Sansa was aware of the Hound, and would share the info with Brienne if for no other reason, court gossip. I went back and re-watched the fight scene in 4x10, The Children. Brienne had no idea she was talking to Arya, until Pod identified Sandor Clegane, and that's what set the light bulb off in Bri's head, "you're Arya Stark!" Why on earth would she associate Arya with the Hound, but not imagine Sansa would know who he is? Brienne is newly in Sansa's service, and already keeping secrets? Not good. Whatever reason D & D left it out, it's clumsy and it takes viewers out of the story.
  16. Not so powerful anymore. Ramsey has no wife, no heir atm. Sansa was his ace in the hole. Now, she can claim she lied about her marriage to Tyrion not being consummated. And if she turns up preggers with Ramsey's child, 1: she can try to claim it as Tyrion's, at least until Ramsey is dead, if necessary. And if no one knows she's preggers until Ramsey is dead, she's got an easy claim to Winterfell.
  17. Brienne might not know, but Pod sure would. If they're going to start out serving Sansa by hiding half the story, that's not good. This is where I miss the books and GRRM. I would have liked to see how he would write Sansa's reaction to the Hound's death, especially since it came as a result of his involvement with Arya. This whole debacle should be a lesson to any writers out there who would consider cashing in on a franchise before they can finish it.
  18. Jon's ice zombie will probably have better communication skills.
  19. They have yet to find something to do with the Iron the islands are named for.
  20. Wow, that was awesome and terrible, and was totally worth going spoiler-free! Bran - there's a welcome return, everything about it, including Max Von Sydow & Lyanna. And Hodor had a name. I wonder what traumatized him so that he can't say anything much, but I expect we'll know by the end of the season. Meera's growing up. Ramsey is just so so awful. Boy passed into cartoon at least 5 episodes ago. I feel like I should be cheering, that two people behind the Red Wedding are now gone, but jebus, poor Walda. I wonder why Brienne left out the little detail that Arya was with the Hound? Iron Islands: I was sort of happy that side trip was left out last season. As of now, I can only hope it's not as bad as Dorne. Still, it is good to see Asha (or whatever they're calling her) back. King's Landing: Tommen, look buddy ... your days are numbered, trust me. Find your spine while you can. Braavos: A girl needs to move her story along. Mereen: Congratulations, Tyrion, you didn't get fried. Now what? Castle Black: Well, that was unexpected! Hooray, Jon's back. Sort of, at least. I just wonder if he's really all there.
  21. Yay! Site back! I can say this: I enjoyed S6E1 the first watch, fell asleep twice on later viewing. Wall: What do they think they're going to do with Jon's body, if not burn it? The whole set up, that they are barricaded in a room with the body makes no sense. Have Davos, et al, given any indication they think there is another course? His knowledge of what the Red Woman can do, afaik, does not extend to reanimating the dead. He doesn't know that she has friends who can. Clumsy plot device for showing us who is on team Jon and who's not, and what battle for the body comes. That said, Yay Davos! Yay Edd! Yay Ghost! ETA: wave if you liked the Rorschach test of Jon's blood in the snow. Melisandre, poor thing. She believed in her Red God, and in his name, killed Renly, killed Shireen, with the by-products of Stannis and Selyse. No wonder she's depressed and disillusioned, right now. Thorne was great. I'm going to enjoy watching him die. Ollie, the little bastard, I fear will be given a second chance. Winterfell: I don't care or need to see Ramsey humanized, thanks. Miranda was a sick shrew. Hallelujah, she's dead, hallelujah, Ramsey should suffer a loss. And yeah, watch out Walda. Roose lost all control of Ramsey when he gave him the Bolton name. Sansa needing help with the knight's oath wasn't that big a deal. Her brain functions would have been seriously impaired by that point, from being immersed in cold water and carrying around a few gallons in her clothes, she and Theon both. But i was glad to see a handful of characters catch up to each other, and, best of all for Sansa: she now has the beginnings of her own army. Only two, but it is significant. It's also quite significant, I think, that one member of that army was previously pledged to her (I'm still not sure if her marriage to Ramsey was legal) husband. Dorne: Oh jebus, what was that? Jamie/Cersei: Oh, jebus, why was that? All I can think of that might make sense of it, is if Jamie goes off to Dorne with Lannister armies, leaving KL vulnerable to ice zombies and dragons and such. Marge: she's there. Now what? Mereen: would have enjoyed seeing Tyrion do something but at least it was short. Dorthrak: Not bad, not great, but intriguing. I'm actually looking forward to seeing Dany operate on her own again, and seeing what she's going to pull out of her ass, this time. Oh, and isn't it a shame that Stannis' whole family was killed before they could tell us how they stopped Shireen from turning to Stone Man /Stone child.
  22. Soap opera watchers used to have a phrase for certain female characters who started out as bad girls, but became heroines after being subjected to sexual assault: "Redeemed by rape." If Sansa suddenly starts making wise decisions, it will be a shame that that's what it will have taken.
  23. What it basically means, if nothing else, was a tip-off that Jon was going to become a central character in the story.
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