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Everything posted by FemmyV

  1. Trying to stay relatively spoiler-free here, but I did see the "previously on..." clip for tonight. Benjen!
  2. If I get to choose how Stannis dies? By some noble sacrifice, after he realizes what a putz he's been where Mel is concerned. Someone, back, compared what he did to Shireen with the Abrahamic almost-sacrifice of the Bible. Comparatively, I'd say Stannis fucked up when he chose not to take orders from the big guy, directly, and allowed Mel to channel communications.
  3. I can't imagine what the Sand Snakes will be up to. I've resigned myself to Jon Snow's stabby cliffhanger ... or possibly worse, depending. All the writing has him on the trail of a Classic Lit Hero: at some point, he's going to have to go to the Underworld, whatever the book's/show's version of that is.
  4. Sansa is not at all a hero at this point, she is a survivor. The only person she's helped is Dante, and look how that ended. When the time comes that she finally pulls her head out of her ass long enough to investigate the deeper end of the pool, that may change.
  5. Arya won't be the one to do it, but I'm ready for Ramsey to go. It will give Sansa the chance to figure out which castle to collect next.
  6. I wonder if Arya will go blind by the end of the episode?
  7. I saw something recently, quoting GRRM, that Reed WILL make an appearance.
  8. I have to wonder if D & D decided to mess up every weak-ass blog writer out there who thought they were being cool to use the word "penultimate" in their headers and ledes, as in, "every season, the penultimate episode is the one that kicks the most ass," give or take. As GoT "penultimate" shows go, this was underwhelming. We got what? Two crucial scenes and two setups? What 5-9 did do well, I think, was offer sets of comparisons and contrasts of what various remaining players will do when they're between a rock & a hard place, compared to Jon Snow's almost perfect score on the Hero Test. Stannis: when all is said and done, he remained true to form. Sorry, Shireen. Sorry viewers who forgot about Renly and the Shadow Baby, sorry to those who enjoyed his more human side, and to those who realized what an attractive man Stephen Dillane is (go back and watch John Adams - Dillane made Thomas Jefferson look hawt !!! ) and want to root for his character. Sum: when pushed into a corner, Stannis will A) cheat and use magic, and B) kill his own progeny to get what he wants. Duty? Stannis put Shireen on the stake for duty? Right. "A ruler who kills those devoted to her is not a ruler who inspires devotion." — Tyrion, to Dany. Stannis just jumped the shark. I wonder who Davos will switch loyalty to? or will he go down with the ship? Dany: That was my initial assessment as well, but as has been pointed out, the longer Drogon stayed there, the more spears would have wound up in his hide. Better to compare and contrast Dany to Selyse — two negligent mommies. Dany's vibes were what drew the beast, and in the end, she was mother enough to get her scaly beast-child out of there. That said .... by now I think it's past time that Dany took some sort of dancing lessons, herself. I know she's trying to be regal and commanding and all, but you'd think a Dothraki queen might have some skills with a blade, having the opportunities to learn from the likes of Selmy, Jorah, and not-Daario. Same goes for Missandei. No more standing around like you're at a photo shoot, chicas. I have little doubt that Hizdar was Harpy, he was pretty much their #1 apologist and PR dude. For secret conspiracies to stay secret, a leader may have to remain hidden from all but the very top level of lieutenants. Not bothered by his death, if he was killed. I just don't see Westeros accepting an absolute monarch. For every Bolton and Lannister, there's a Stark, Martell & Tyrell who might be a little full of themselves, but are highly capable of peaceful, relatively benevolent, self-rule in their respective fiefs. Dorne: I shake my head. Tristane = Aegon is the only thing that makes sense there. Arya's test was simply one of obedience. Whoops! Still Arya. Yup, it is seriously cheap writing. Just being on Arya's list is enough reason.. This does give viewers and extra reason, I guess, but it also invents a weakness for Arya to get close. For now he doesn't rule it. If R + L = J, Snow may have a whole new take on what he should be doing with his life, once spring kicks in. He may face a choice where, if he doesn't accept the throne, he will be perceived as a long-term threat by whomever does.
  9. At this point, it looks like the real nail-biting will be over what color eyes Jon will have upon revival.
  10. Season 1, ep 2, approx 22:00, sharing war bedding stories: Robert: "Thank the gods for Bessie, and her tits. Yours was, Eleena, no? Meryl? Your bastard's mother." Ned: "Wyla." Robert: "That's it. .... must have been a rare wench to make Lord Eddard Stark forget his honor. You never told me what she looked like." Ned: "Nor will I." Robert: "We were at war, none of us knew if we were going back home again. Too hard on yourself."
  11. Are we talking poetic justice/morality here? Cause in real world, that argument will not fly unless the incoming head of state is prepared to exonerate, which isn't Tyrion's case. Not yet, anyway. But even if it was a morality issue, Tywin's murder had little to do with political self-defense and everything with Fuck You.
  12. I want to see Cersei die with Needle struck thru her heart. By Arya, with Jamie's face.
  13. I don't know, I mean ... let's say the Wall really is impregnable by White Walkers et al. In spite of that, you don't want them camping out for the next 3-7 years. If Robert had been a better husband to Cersei, Tywin would have kept his closeness to the throne an advantage for far more than 15 or so years they have had.
  14. No one in Westeros is going to get the equation R + L = J until they first know and care there is a J, secondly know WHEN Ned brought J home, and only then, if they further speculate L was knocked up. WE, readers and sullied, have the information that Ned made a special promise to L, and IIRC, that L had some sort of infection that may have been associated with childbirth, but no one in Westeros knows that except maybe two other characters (Jojen & Meera) not on screen and 1 other, who has yet to be introduced Jon Snow probably was completely unknown about to most of Westeros, and for those who did, outside of the Stark family, nothing but an obscure footnote. Until he became Commander and started sending out letters, asking for help.
  15. Until now, there's been no talk of Ned Stark's Bastard in the south. Sam sent out Jon's letters, asking for help, just two episodes. Give it a little more to let the news get out, about who's now commanding the Night's Watch. Tyrion doesn't know yet, but when he finds out, I'm sure Varys will, shortly after.
  16. Does anyone else want to see Brienne become a dragon rider? I'm stumped as to why the character hasn't been killed off already. She hasn't moved any plots along all season. She may or may not help Sans a - I'm not banking on it. But I do think look great on one of those .
  17. I think she'd have gone beyond that, even, and spilled the beans herself. Cat started the war of 5 Kings, when you get down to it. Even if she'd have somehow managed to keep it quiet while Ned was alive, is there any doubt she'd reveal Jon, in order to challenge Joff?
  18. I've just assumed that Syrio = Jaqen And I assume neither GRRM nor D & D will kill off a character they've been slowly building into Big Hero Man.
  19. i'd want to see Gendry in more of a role before we slap him on a dragon, in general. I also wonder about Brienne. Don't know about genetics, but I expect she'd be badass. I'm going to wait and see how the walk goes. Lena is so great as Cersei, I half expect her to own it and leave her onlookers in shame, you know? I don't really care what self-projecting interest groups will have to say. Either way, if the Sparrows buy her contrition and leave Cersei as regent without further harassment, that leaves work for Varys.
  20. Is it not obvious, considering the way Jon's character is developing? Leadership skills? Check. Combat? Check. Making allies? Check. So far he's only warred against Wildlings so we don't have too much of him re: battlefield strategy. The only big missing thing at this point is, he has no desire for the Iron Throne.
  21. Let's say Tristane is Aegon; if Myrcella marries him and he ascends, House Lannister remains relevant. Cersei gets to continue being a Queen Mother, and Jaime gets to keep the life he wants. What I want to see this season, but we probably won't, maybe season 6 if lucky, are some ravens making their way to the Wall and Mereen, respectively. In truth, I'm kind of stumped Maester Aemon failed to mention how handy the dragons could be on the Wall. Still, Tyrion is one character who knows both Jon AND Dany now. I'd hope that when he finds out what Jon is facing on the Wall, he may think it a good idea to get those two in the same room. Let's say Tristane is Aegon; if Myrcella marries him and he ascends, House Lannister remains relevant. Cersei gets to continue being a Queen Mother, and Jaime gets to keep the life he wants. What I want to see this season, but we probably won't, maybe season 6 if lucky, are some ravens making their way to the Wall and Mereen, respectively. In truth, I'm kind of stumped Maester Aemon failed to mention how handy the dragons could be on the Wall. Still, Tyrion is one character who knows both Jon AND Dany now. I'd hope that when he finds out what Jon is facing on the Wall, he may think it a good idea to get those two in the same room. Now, we're set up for Jon / Dany vs Myrcella/Tristane. Or maybe that's just too easy.
  22. Suppose she's at the docks and about to give "the gift" to Mister, when suddenly walks by. Tough choice.
  23. That was full of awesome! Although I take it as a given that Cersei will eventually bounce back, for now it's gratifying to see her brought down a notch or three. Dany + the Imp = win win win! I love how they played off of each other, pretending they weren't trying to impress, and the surprise of seeing both think of themselves as their families' black sheep. Sansa's test: if she can refrain from making her new knowledge re: Rickon & Bran known to Ramsey, it may be evidence she's finally wising up. Not taking bets. Hardhome: dang. Still absorbing that.
  24. Mmmmm, great. Cause there's also a bunch of talk about Michelle Fairley's name making an appearance, as "hooded woman." That would be seriously mean.
  25. Interesting. I wouldn't have considered it that way, because Selyse almost makes a point if having no great value invested in Shireen. If you're right and it's Stannis's betrayal, he'll be sealing his doom.
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