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Everything posted by FemmyV

  1. If anything, Stannis' later behavior bore out the justness in Renly's cause.
  2. http://www.ibtimes.com/author-george-rr-martin-addresses-reports-he-has-finished-winds-winter-1996443 Author George RR Martin Addresses Reports That He Has Finished 'The Winds Of Winter' “Game of Thrones” creator George RR Martin has addressed reports that he has finished writing “The Winds of Winter.” The book is the sixth installment of the book series “A Song of Ice and Fire” upon which the hit HBO series is based. Last week, new director Jack Bender made waves when he declared that he had seen an advance copy of the novel’s manuscript. “Never believe rumors. I've said that a thousand times,” said Martin. He replied when user mcsubbaiyen asked him if it was true that he had finished the book. The question was asked in Martin’s personal Live Journal blog page. “Did you really finish writing 'Son of Kong'? We need an official response to these ongoing rumors,” read the question. “Son of Kong” is the nickname that Martin has given the forthcoming novel. ...
  3. Purging was very Tudor. At some points GRRM steps off the Roses page, IMO because Robb / Talisa sure did look a little Edward/E. Woodville to me.
  4. Let's say LF comes in to WF, Ramsey dies and LF marries her, gaining her legitimacy as heir of WF. Or, as a next moves, goes after the Dreadfort and does the same. LF can marry her then, and pick up two estates. But then, suppose someone who comes along and has dragons, and LF decides to set his site even higher? By hiring an confidential pro assassin who doesn't know who they're working for, 1: LF can be genuinely surprised when the deed is done 2: As he moves up in the ranks of society, there are less people he can play with, so to speak. Every time he gets his own hands dirty, he more risks losing more for being exposed.
  5. ooh, wait ... here's one way to send Arya for a hit on Sansa: Littlefinger is moving to gain, and consolidate, power. A lot of us are assuming he intends to load Sansa up with another title or two, and marry her. What if he imagines he can manipulate Dany or some other to-be-named female with strategic use? He won't have use for Sansa at that point, and will need a convenient way to get rid of her. And he has the money and connections, I'd bet, for a FM hit. It would be a good point in the arc for the tables to finally be turned on LF, with Sansa emerging from Pawn to Playa.
  6. .. and so they did. Any number of times. Renly wasn't just an upstart lord - he was Stannis and Robert's brother, having served on Small Council
  7. Who has more money than the Lannisters, is looking at sour investments with the Lannisters, just switched horses to the recently deceased Stannis Baratheon, and shares an island with the Faceless Men?
  8. Happy July 4th! HBO is running the 6 part series "John Adams" features Stephen Dillane as intense, soft-spoken fashion plate Thomas Jefferson.
  9. Seriously, any examination of Cat's character, as she is written and portrayed on the series, only has one conclusion: she would have outed Jon's identity and presence the first instance she thought it would bring her leverage to getting what she wants. My guess is, that would have happened when she was trying to get Renly and Stannis to stop knocking heads. "Hey, you two - don't want to get along? Let's talk about door number 3." Stannis's views on what's right and what's wrong, at this point, have an easily identifiable slant to what's right for Stannis. Cause, duty and all. I think Renly was right to go over his head and, was, in fact, a good judge that Stannis wouldn't make for a good king. All the stuff with Melissandre eventually bore that out, but Renly grew up with him, he knew what the bannermen were thinking. Stannis wouldn't be able to hold the throne for long. I suspect those with enough power and money to own an army would, sooner or later, get tired of Stannis' form of justice. re: Frey - Better yet, they should not have renegged on the deal they made. Whoever called Talisa an anachronism was on target; a pretty girl of a respectable house gets to follow soldiers' encampments, as a woman, and choose her sexual partners without getting raped? That there's 1960s Miss Free Love and Robb got duped, big time. Aside from the part where his family assassinated half of her family, Sansa would have done okay with Tyrion. As the daughter of a disgraced house and a political prisoner, she could have done — and eventually did — far worse. With Tyrion, Sansa would have a husband who, in spite of his own disdain for it all, would have happily, winkingly faked the courtly manners that meant so much to her. And, by all reports, the sex would be pretty good.
  10. Jonsa is a ship that needs shot up with cannon asap. He's not going to have the experience to know how to deal with someone as traumatized as Sansa, and she was never on Team Jon to begin with. I cannot imagine this being a happy match for either. I've heard about early drafts re: Jon & Arya and Imo, they could be each others' saviors, or each others' doom. Could you imagine what might transpire if the Faceless Men agreed to take a hit on Jon?
  11. Somehow, that conversation didn't have as much impact on me as the one where he gave - assuming that's what was said off-camera - Cersei the information to get Loras hauled in, in the first place.
  12. Except it's not good advice at all, except to Cersei's most narcissistic nature. It might feel great to have Marg and Loras in the cells, the reality is, it's creating further enmity between Tyrell and Lannister, and if Olenna carries through on her threat, the Vale better have food ready and packed to go. Else, KL will go to full rebellion. Further upthread it was remarked, the show is doing an awful job of cueing viewers to how bad conditions are. Every now and then, we get a throwaway scene like Olenna outside the city, mentioning the smell and it was played for laughs. In addition to the Wall stuff, there's unrest all over. The book does better because it references what The Mountain was up to in the River Lands, pissing everyone off.
  13. They may have to put him into hiding; 5:10 featured not just one, but TWO scenes giving Cersei cause to go on a rampage. On top of which, there's that prophesy thingie. One kid left.
  14. More anvils than a Norfolk shipyard ... Then you have Aemon's deathbed ramblings.
  15. I expect Ramsey to go on the hunt immediately. The only question is, who will he run into first? 1. Stannis, or what's left of him 2. Theon & Sansa 3. Brie & Pod
  16. Speaking of Reek, aren't victorious warriors supposed to find the body of their dead opponent before they ride home for dinner? That's the ONE thing that gives me some pause before completely accepting Stannis is 100% dead.
  17. This is the same KL that attacked Joffrey's progress as they were returning to the keep, tore off a guard's limb, and nearly raped Sansa. And the same KL that did a 180 for Marge. No surprise here.
  18. For that matter, how did the number of people who would rather freeze their asses off, year round, than swear fealty to the throne grow so huge, as to wake up the WWs?
  19. Thinking about Rhaegar's death at the Trident and "Rheagar's rubies." Rubies in ASOIAF as a glamour to disguise. Could he have somehow used a glamour to leave a lookalike at the Trident, while Rhaegar busted ass to get back to the Tower of Joy and marry Lyanna? Ned said he found her in a pool of blood. He didn't say whose.
  20. But you know what's amusing? Go to IMDB and catch the major cast members from an episode and see what their 2015/2016 itineraries are. Every major and most major-minor characters have anywhere from 1-4 projects lined up. KH? Gee, looks like he's going back-packing and falling off the face of the earth TFN. His credits wouldn't be so scrubbed w/out a good reason.
  21. Because Prince Humperdink Ramsey is going to need clues. First the clue how Sansa got out of her room, then he'll find Dog Girl's arrow embedded in the post, above where she fell, and conclude she was aiming at Sansa. Whether he'll use the info simply to go chasing after Sansa, or something worse, I dunno.
  22. As a book reader, I appreciated the LACK of Sansa in DwD and was looking forward to the break for the show. It's just one example of D & Deviations that are frustrating because they don't do anything very useful in the long run, just run minutes off the clock until we can get to the next big plot point. Likewise, Stannis lately. Book tells us the Stannis / Bolton fight goes on 7 days and IIRC is itself a minor cliffhanger. D & D chose to blow that one for us, by setting up Stannis to lose 1/2 his army. I didn't exactly predict that in the 5/9 thread, but quoted Tyrion's caution to Dany about killing her devotees .... I guess the showrunners dropped that anvil on us, too. I don't know that I expected Stannis to win, necessarily, but I didn't expect to see him so crushed, so SOON. I guess maybe .. killing Shireen when they did, how they did, set us viewers up for Stannis' destruction before we were ready. That is, if Brienne actually killed him. Now there's that? I can see her sparing him for one reason, only: she's been a guest of the Boltons.
  23. Oh and say, does anyone know where I can find a white dress & traveling cloak that will turn blue when coming into contact with dragon skin?
  24. "Mothers' Mercy" ...eeesh. Mom's a bitch. Even in the book, I refused to believe Jon Snow is dead dead, and I still do. What's the point of subverting a trope before you've fully developed it? Snow is the embodiment of the Classic Lit Hero: there were mysterious circumstances surrounding his birth; he has a special sword; he's just getting started, and now, you're going to kill him? Before he got to go to the underworld? No. This is Jon Snow's entry to the underworld. That scene was intense! I wanted to FF but couldn't. Olly, we hardly knew ye. oh - where's Ghost? Interesting, the ideas about Stannis still alive, too. I wouldn't mind that. Dillane's great. I was hoping to hear him say, "oh, fuck ME ...." as Ramsey's army came on the scene, but one can't have everything. Arya's kill creeped me out; I just thought she'd be cleaner about it, is all. I did expect A Girl to Go Blind, no surprise there. Theon/ Sansa - probably wound up in a snowbank. Not sure I care who finds them right now. Dorne - really? The best thing about this will be watching Cersei go nuts next season. Tristane better hide. I was surprised it turned out to be Dothrakis, where D & D landed. Sure looked like Westeros. Tyrion + Varys, ACT II - Yay! I wonder how long before Tyrion asks about the other dragons .. Cersei's walk was the best scene of the night. I hate her, but damn, Cersei Lannister is one of the best-written and performed female characters of the last two decades.
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