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Everything posted by FemmyV

  1. Yes, Sam is wonderful, but in all fairness, Gilly didn't have much choice about her baby daddy, the way Cat perceives Ned had a choice about his baby mama.
  2. A close look at the Season 6 trailer 2 shows what looks like a bomb attack on the palace. Had he not already been offed, I would have assumed Hisdaq was the insider, sabotaging things.
  3. Just re-watched the teaser trailer for next week. Something about the Dany-Daario "I take what's mine" blip is raising the hair on my neck, making me wonder if Daario is on the path to selling her out to the Harpies.
  4. Has to be deliberate choice on the writer/producers sides. When Brienne met up with Sansa and was filling her on on Arya's whereabouts, she left out the fact Arya was traveling with Clegane and just said "a man." It makes no sense that the woman who marched up to Davos & Mel to announce, 'yep, I killed Stannis, all right,' would think it was just too indelicate to tell Sansa who Arya was with. Conclusion: TIIC are either saving up Sansa's reaction, or trying to backtrack and minimize that relationship altogether. I don't really have a dog in the hunt, but I do think it's sloppy on their part; Seasons 1 and 2 Sansa/Clegane interactions showed them both well aware of each other, as members of the opposite sex. If nothing else, I'd expect to see Sandor consider signing onto Team Sansa in some capacity, but I can also see him keeping distant and staying the hell out of the Friend Zone.
  5. And if Cat hadn't set Jamie Lannister free, the Karstarks wouldn't have taken matters into their own hands, either. That's some shit the surving Starks will have to own.
  6. Right. More like a provincial tribe living off the coast of Scotland and thinking they're badass.
  7. I have suspected Sansa had a sexual attraction to the Hound, but an unwelcome one. Not sure I could buy in if it happened *that* suddenly.
  8. I think those who believe Jon / Sansa will be endgame are fooling themselves. For one (minor) thing, it was Arya, not Sansa, in the GRRM outline. For a major thing, well, two major things: 1. Sansa doesn't give Jon anything (politically) that he can't get without her, in the long run. (who was raised as Ned's son), and as the guy leading the fight against the WW, he'll have the respect of the North. he gains creds as a legitimate claim to the Iron Throne and, through his friendship with Tyrion, he can ally (possibly) with Dany. If anything, Dany makes the most sense of all, if he's going to have a political marriage. Dany, or someone who comes from a powerful family in parts of Westeros where he needs diplomacy. 2. If he does not get a political marriage, and winds up with one of his cousins, it makes far more sense that it be Arya. Their closeness has been set up since the very beginning of the book. It's either going to end well for them, or in heartbreaking tragedy. I'll leave some room for the possibility TV and the book diverge, yet again, but it's like the GRRM quote I used elsewhere: you don’t hang a giant wolf pack on the wall unless you intend to use it.
  9. Pretty sure book Bran knows, and that Sam explained it when he introduced Bran's group to Cold Hands. With show Bran, anything's possible. It doesn't really matter to me whether or not LF knew Ramsey was going to give Sansa the harsh treatment; he knew exactly what kind of person Roose was, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Further, he knew he was leaving Sansa without anything like a Clegane around to protect her if anything should get out of hand. 10:1 he was counting on Sansa to be happy to see him and his troops, either way. So the plan was: drop off Sansa, let her marry Ramsey; go back, kill Ramsey now that Sansa was installed in the North and gain control of whatever troops resulted from that. From there, he probably figured he'd have control of Northern and Vale troops. Next, marry Sansa and ally with the Tully's. Then take down the Tyrell's - ostensibly for Cersei, but really to keep them quiet about Joffrey's death - before finally coming for the Lannisters. Just my hunch. Yah, I'm with you. Often, it just feels like porn in comparison to Seasons 1 and 2. I may be wrong, but that's what it seems like the more D & D deviate from GRRM. At least this season, it's porn that's going somewhere. From April 22 Mashable, with GRRM: For my own part, whenever one of the dire wolves die, that signifies an increased chance D & D will further deviate from one of the aspects of the books, that book fans loved. So, yes, it's a pisser.
  10. I expect LF wants to convince Sansa that Jon isn't entirely capable of protecting Sansa. If spoilers are true, that he that adds to his case. I expect LF wants to convince Sansa that Jon isn't entirely capable of protecting Sansa. If spoilers are true, that he that adds to his case.
  11. I can't imagine how there is any running away from the NK now. If they make it to the wall, it will be because he wants them to.
  12. Enjoy isn't the word I would use for E5. Compelled, perhaps? Geez ... Sansa/Baelish: He really does have a pre-civ Tardis around, somewhere. It's a good thing Sansa's not too bright for her own good, not yet. If she was trying to play LF, he'd have been wise to it. Of course she's right to be angry with him and feel betrayed, but she still hasn't quite put it together, just how much and how many of them have all been his pawns. Sansa's catching on, though. A few more steps and maybe she'll figure out how to use his army and leave him spinning. Sidenote: Would Arya, due to her time at Harrenhall, be able to piece together LF's role? Sansa / Jon: "Jon is every bit Ned's Stark's son as Ramsey is Roose Bolton's." Not, "every bit as much as Rob, Bran and Rickon," and not "every bit as much as I and Arya are Ned's daughters." And that is why I will never, ever, be a Jonsa shipper. She does not view him as her equal. Period. Her attitude may change with the whole R + L business, and that's just as much reason why Jon deserves so much better than what she offers him as a mate. Brie: If she goes to the Riverlands and encounters Jamie, maybe she'll see the difference between having someone attracted to her unwillingly, and someone who thinks she's all that and a hand grenade. Arya: Thank goodness, her stuff is finally back on a moving track. The play reads so much like pro-Cersei propaganda, I have to wonder if her money paid for it. One would think Arya would have no qualms killing the Cersei actress, in this case. I can't blame her for being affected by the play, PTSD-wise, but if I were her, in the interest of the Starks, I'd want to shut that shit down. Kingsmoot proves you can do drama without a built-up, expensive set. Euron is way more normal than I expected from the book, and it's easy to see why he won the argument: Euron brings the party! Asha & Theon stealing off with the ships was awesome. Someday, Theon will be able to speechify all he wants. But not this day. Dany/Jorah: Awww. I'm glad she finally forgave Jorah, and that he's humbled up and fessed up in every way. The scene showed how they both are vulnerable, and showed why I totally reject the Dany's-insane arguments. She's very much a human, our girl. Mereen: has anyone else noticed the use of propaganda and origin stories in this episode? From the puppet play, the Children, FM, Kingsmoot, and now Tyrion is buying propaganda for Dany. I digress. I can't blame Varys for his reaction to the Red Priestess, but she handled him brilliantly and I'm not even sure if she's a good witch or a bad witch. Bran & Co: Although the WW origin story was a little anti-climax, I far prefer what we got to the Brother From Another Planet scenario some Reddit peeps present. That's just all kinds of convoluted. The vision with the undead army & NK was scary shit. But if he can put his mark on Bran and get to him anywhere, and get past whatever enchantments are put up, why even bother to run? If they go beyond the Wall, surely he can get through, now. And now that it is time to run, 3ER keeps them tied up so he can show Bran how Hodor got his name? This is why I hate most time travel stories: it's not the idea that you can't change anything by going back, it's that time travel stories often create a loop where characters are actually forced to loop back, ad infinitum. On the plus side, Team Stark is doing a decent job of wiping out NK's generals. To the neg, oh, Summer. Oh, Hodor. Cannot stand the idea of either of them becoming wights. Query: if the NK was originally a NW guard, who was the original Dead Head (and where is NK now)? Query: Will Bran be able to challenge NK (or whoever that is) by warging into the wights or other things and stealing his troops. Not very complicated, those wights.
  13. Summer? Hodor? Jebus, why? No time atm for a real opinion sharing of everything, but until then: I wonder what would happen if Bran tried to warg the undead army away from NK control?
  14. Who knows? It would sure as hell be one reason for Cersei to want to see Marg dead; it would further push Cersei out of the action, out in the margins.
  15. Finally! In season 6 we get to meet Sam's family!
  16. And he did attempt to negotiate her release. It just happened that Tywin and Littlefinger betrayed his plan and killed Rob et al after Cat accepted and released Jamie.
  17. Stupid to apologize for leaving him holding the bag, re: Joffrey's death? Disagree. It'd be common decency. One might even hope she would, when it was safe for her, clear Tyrion's name in the poisoning.
  18. First off, Dany isn't guilty of anything that hasn't been done by just about any other ruler in Westeros. • Rob Stark sent 2k of his own men to be slaughtered, to defeat Jamie. • Stannis — fratricide, infanticide • Robert – sent thousands to their deaths because someone stole his girlfriend, responsible for the violent deaths of a Duchess/Princess Regent and her infants. • Aerys — been there • Tywin / Frey / Roose Bolton - Red Wedding All she's done is lived separately from them, and on a much larger scale. There are two possible ways she can go: The Robespierre Route we fear, or, if — and it's a big if — if she can listen to Tyrion and give up the anger she has towards Westeros' current leading families, she'll be in a good position to set their clocks straight, or clean them out. While Dany has every reason to hate on Baratheons (oops, not many left), Starks, Lannisters and Reeds, they, themselves have no reason to hate her. All they're likely to have is fear of retribution, and if Dany can allay that, she can get the throne. What does retribution look like? For some people, it might looks like sitting on your ass and playing with your dragons, in Mereen, while Ice Zombies chew up Westeros. I like Dany, and she has one thing going for her that none of the current benevolent players do: she actually wants the throne. She understands that 1/2 the job is pure show business — something Tyrion, Tyrells, and maybe the HS currently get. Outwardly, she totally believes in herself as being competent for the job, and her inner fears are confined to her advisors. ETA: Marg also wants it, but she wants the role of Queen as a secondary, helper position, unlike Dany who would more likely have a King Consort. Jon, at this time, is 100% uncomfortable with the idea of titles, especially KING. He will step up to the plate when needed, but he's not about the ceremony, not about being BMOC. Something has to happen to convince him he's the best possible person for it and that if he doesn't, all Westeros will go to hell. Something like an Ice Zombie invasion. But even then, I don't see him going for the IT unless he decides that's the only way he can attain the manpower/firepower necessary for the war to come. Additionally, if Jon does take the throne for the war, it wouldn't surprise me if he abdicated immediately after and named a successor. Tyrion is my #1 pick in that case. Unless some great love affair develops, Jon / Sansa ain't gonna happen. (And if it does, FU D & D.) Not just because I dislike Sansa, but because there's no reason for it. If she winds up inheriting Winterfell, the Dale, the Riverlands, and Warden of the North, she has nothing John needs that he can't have without marrying her. Sansa is his sister or Auntie, and she will be loyal, regardless. Either he goes big for politics - Dany, Marg, some Frey girl or a Sand Snake, maybe even Asha/Yara, or he goes with Arya.
  19. Sometimes I think the Starks — well, Ned & Cat mostly — deserve a little slapping. They stayed up in the North and completely isolated themselves, ignoring all politics and diplomacy, and, as a result, were nowhere near prepared to deal with the way their life was going to change when Robert reappeared and brought them to court. Ned maybe gets a small break, as second son there wouldn't have been as much expected of him, courtwise, but Cat never had that excuse. The both of them, being so close to Robert Baratheon, to Jon Allyn, they should have known damn well what kind of treachery surrounds court. And Cat allowed her daughters to go there with only a Septa as chaperone? Is it any wonder Rob broke his oath to marry a Frey girl? The Starks' doom is their inability to compromise. It is known. The next step is to see which of the survivors is able to adapt and thrive, upon understanding the necessities. Jon is on his way. I'm not sure about the others.
  20. He was proxy for King's Hand, until Tywin got there. If he tried to help Sansa leave KL for WF, without a treaty agreeable to all, it would have been a huge betrayal of his family. As it is, he sent Littlefinger to offer Cat a deal: cut Jamie loose and he'd release both Sansa and Arya. Except he didn't have Arya, and Papa Lannister had his own ideas. I can't remember Littlefinger told Tywin about the proposal or not.
  21. except most armies keep guards out for that sort of thing. If Stannis had them, and they'd been killed on duty, we'd have heard about it.
  22. Forgive me for not elongating on Ramsey's perfect execution of destroying Stannis' supply lines, starting a chain of circumstances that lead to widespread desertion.
  23. It has to do with a certain amount of plotting. Jon has lucked onto a lot stuff. Ramsey, otoh, calculates it all, BUT .. many times with his victims, when he gets a win, it's written as being because HE'S SO MUCH SMARTER than his enemies. He wasted Stannis' army because he's a super-smart villian; he got a woman to join him in the dog kennels, MINUTES after giving birth, he managed to knife one of the genuinely smartest, most treacherous Lords on the show because Daddy never imagined his son the psychopath might have a problem with losing his newly-gained power. In Season 1, I loved GoT because the antagonists — Cersei, Jamie, Littlefinger, et al, — were all smart enough that their victims didn't have to be dumbed down.
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