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Everything posted by FemmyV

  1. On 11/2/2016 at 10:16 AM, GrailKing said: Not hating Sansa because Arya is in her storyline. Hating Sansa because after having waited 4-5 fucking seasons for Arya to return to the Stark fold for action, her first, main task is propping up Sansa/Sophie. On 11/2/2016 at 4:18 PM, OhOkayWhat said: On 11/2/2016 at 6:30 PM, Eyes High said: I can remember times when it was impossible to have spec conversations about one subplot or another without things getting wildly off track (not as bad here on Previously TV as it was on TWOP) by JonSa shippers who were like, "no, that can't happen ...." because the idea under spec interfered/conflicted with that relationship's likelihood. It's one thing to spec because it's what you'd like to see, another to insist with no basis for it in the story, as told, and if someone is going to halt conversation that doesn't fit their view, that someone deserves to be reminded they're on crack. Loudly and often. On 11/4/2016 at 8:24 AM, Eyes High said: After the way Cat treated him for being Ned's bastard son, I'd imagine Jon would be a lot more patient about allowing Dany a reminder of her first love/husband. On 11/4/2016 at 0:17 PM, Eyes High said: It would be funny if they never met, considering some of her first lines were "where's the Imp?!" in S01E01.
  2. Another checking in, with no issues about the nudity. It's a great reminder of how the park's human employees view the hosts as objects, with no need for modesty during tuning sessions. Anyway the human body really is a beautiful thing - why do we have to leave all the action to porn? Speaking of, kind of, what seemed weird about the orgy for me was, how did they happen to have this palace-like set in the middle of the tiny border town? It wasn't the orgy, it was the total break of the containing realities the characters were in, that I thought was odd. Not sure how I feel about the separate timelines. Have we not considered the idea that Arnold = Wyatt, somehow? I don't know .... Maybe Arnold faked his death by leaving a convincing bot as his corpse, and went to live in West World, laying low. Shrugs
  3. Yes, there were all kinds of specs about Tyrion as a Targ, but wasn't there also plenty of spec about Bran warging a dragon? I suppose that could still happen, but now we have the added challenge: can Bran warg an undead dragon? Uncle Benjen seemed to think Bran's powers would be more than up to snuff for defeating the NK ("you'll be ready for him"). And if Bran can warg an undead Vyserian, well, then, what about all the other undead? Just something to wonder about. I'm okay with Jon / Dany bringing the pretty, after all Fire + Ice, right? I leave room for doubt over end game, primarily because of the former title, "A Time for Wolves." Wolves, not dragons. And btw, according to the GoT Wiki, Arya's age is expected to be around 17 for Season 7. Arya/Jon? I'll say that's 25% me shipping, 75% me shipping because there's so much else that points to it. Although, believe it or not, I can almost see Arya/Jamie. They could be deadly together, and if Jamie is willing to clean his slate with Bran, it would be a good political marriage for the Starks to marry Arya off to either of the Lannister boys, knowing how easily she could kill them in their sleep. Love the Jamie/Brienne, but I'm not convinced that will ever be more than an emotional affair. I'm happy about the leaks, overall. If the books were out, we'd have read them already.
  4. Loving Maeve right now. She is so wise and full of street smarts - and so confused at the same time. And now will MiB and Teddy team up, or will/does MiB see the Wyatt stuff as just another distraction?
  5. And perhaps, the marriage. From the outside, it's the perfect life: solid breadwinner of a husband (well, maybe ...), on Main St. in Charming Town, good looking kids, etc, etc. Likewise, the retail space has everything she says she wants, but here she is backing away. Midlife crisis. I felt sorry for Robert until he shook the bird's nest out of the tree. Maybe it's supposed to be comedy, but it did look like one of those 'character' moments that was really not good for him. Overall I don't like any of the characters, is my trouble. Love the actors, love the writing, but not much sympathy for anyone on the screen atm.
  6. I suspect someone is going to be needed to reforge Ice, Ned's sword, before the end. Because Tywin is just that much an asshole, even in death. Are we sure Jon/ Dany going horizontal is what brings down the wall? Could it not be NK gets his hands on that magic horn, or what have you, at the same time? I've got to hold out some hope Theon will find his spine for once and for all in Season 8. Am okay with Meera going home - she's done enough and she lost her brother. Keeping him safe was more or less the #1 reason she went with him, poor thing. Could have sworn, though, GRRM did say that Howland Reed would make an appearance before all was over.
  7. JonSa shippers. What's Arya been doing? Playing the truth and lies game. She'll hear right through any of LF's spoken lies, but paper? Hmmmm ....
  8. Looks like they're saving some of the high stakes reunions for Season 8. Jaime/Bran is one that I want to see.
  9. Well, if Dany lands at Dragonstone, and Jon heads down there looking for obsidian, anything's possible. Not surprised to hear that LF would try to put a wedge between Sansa and Arya. Arya is Jon's favorite sib, by far, and she can clean a man's clock, the latter of which is going to gain her a great deal of respect from Jon's lieutenants. Considering their past in which Sansa was always the high value "good" sister and Arya was the one being corrected in her behavior, it stands to reason Sansa won't be thrilled with the change in status.
  10. If anything, Tyrion's skirt in that first pic (Vale) is an exact match in materials and pattern. Hmmmmmmm
  11. "Shit gets real," indeed. I'm not entirely convinced that's Stark armor, not yet. Ayra's leather skirt pattern is more or less, a circle within a square. Stark battle armor skirts hold to a rectangular pattern. http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/File:Ned_%26_his_horse.jpg http://www.vulture.com/2016/05/game-of-thrones-coolest-armor.html
  12. Or maybe they're going off to get Bran at the tree (or is Meera going to carry him a full mile)?
  13. Strategically, it would have been a good thing for Sansa to know in whose company Arya was at that time. No matter how much of a heavy Brienne & Pod may think Sandor is, the fact that Arya was with him, willingly, was information that Sansa (and later, John) could use, at least in theory. That's not about Sansan shipping, it's just rational sense that anyone without an agenda would conclude. It was a massive elephant in the room in an otherwise good episode.
  14. You see a more interesting character; I see a purposefully crafted tool, in an attempt to hide story changes made by a second writer.
  15. It is not so awkward if you do not expect Brienne mention him by name. And people already explained why : it makes sense that Brienne does not want to worry Sansa. And if we make an analysis of the narrative decision, it is also coherent: it reinforces the relationship of Arya-Sandor without spending more time than the minutes they already used, and avoiding making Brienne to do something that does not make a lot of sense (mentioning him by name). It makes no sense at all. If you're in someone's service, like Brienne put herself to Sansa, you don't go around withholding information because you don't want to worry them. Sansa is the superior, she is the decision-maker, and Brienne undermines that ability. The first time Brienne encountered Sansa, she had just seen Arya and failed completely to mention it. At that time, there was reason to hold her tongue because she couldn't be sure about LF. But LF was no where around the second time.
  16. Yes, but their feelings have been shown to have tons more intensity than any other sib pairing and many non-sib sexual pairings. In the books, Jon Snow did abandon the NW vows and got killed because he was going to war to rescue Arya. No matter how much the show veered from that and for whatever reasons, it makes no sense to diminish that, for the books. By the time Season 8 comes around, Arya will be about the age Dany was at when she married Drogo, if not older. Who knows what's in store?
  17. I think she wants to be Queen, I don't think her desires have changed all that much, but the reasons have evolved from wanting courtly glory, to wanting (what she thinks is) the security from commanding large armies, and being able to order your enemies' deaths, when you can. I think that what she has yet to realize is that if she were Queen, she'll have nothing to deal with but a lifelong series of enemies Gendry coming back, just to die, would be heartbreaking. So would Jorah, Meera or any of the wolves, or Sam.
  18. Lately, the thing about LF that strikes me (I just finished re-watching Season 4) is that I can't recall any scene of him mourning Cat. There she was, the love of his life, and he may have helped broker the deal (Jamie's release) that made it safe for Tywin to have Robb & Cat murdered. And .... no reaction from Petyr that I can recall.
  19. When I saw Jeffrey Wright in the trailer, the dominos of resistance fell away. I'll watch at least the first two eps.
  20. I find it hard to believe Arya in the North would fowl the writers' plans — and what are those plans, again? IIRC, it sounded like they intend to maximize conflict between Jon and Sansa. I can't think of a better way to do that, and stay true to the original outline, than have Sansa stuck watching the close relationship between Jon / Arya, with Baelish underfoot to stir up jealousy.
  21. Jebus. If TIIC are planning on turning Season7 / North into The Sansa Show, what's the point in watching for the Sansa-ambivalent? Arya can go where she damn well pleases, this time around Sandor/BwB aren't going to be able to keep her hostage — especially not if she hooks up with Nymeria. Which is what I would like to see, and I'd also like to think Arya will bring the wolven army North. They'll be very handy for snow battles.
  22. Could be rent-controlled, could have a small portfolio/trust fund.
  23. In other forums I've read talk of a possible MacGuffin in King's Landing, necessary for dealing with the Others. Seems like an interesting theory that would be Widow's Wail, especially now that Goff's body/tomb has, no doubt, been blown to bits and in the rubble. Along those lines, who wouldn't be surprised if it turned put that Ice was even more special a sword than anyone ever thought, and in need of reforging? Considering the care that was taken in the sequence where Tywin destroyed it.
  24. I think/hope Tyrion will be patient enough to wait until the Dornish women are expendable. Either way, pretty much everyone involved has or has had some forgiving to do to be there - Dany included.
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