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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. My lord, that's wonderful! "You found Sophia" bwahahaha, awwwww :(
  2. Re ASZ: (Pic so as to not disappoint HalcyonDays) Not a spoiler, but spoiler tagged to be a good poster and not hog the front page-no spoiler was harmed in the making of this post.
  3. And, lo, Ocean Chick said, "so sue me, " and it came to pass. Welp, I'm going straight to hell (or at least not eating next to nachomama) because I love, love dipping my toast in runny egg! And I'm gonna have to say that the road to hell is very likely paved with the shredded roofs of people's mouths after eating Capt'n Crunch. Evil!
  4. The Simpsons (so many possible variations, please adjust as needed) Rick is Homer (because everyone seems OK with his plans, no matter how insane--it's even funnier when you realize that the character who made this very observation about Homer was Frank Grimes.) Darryl is Bart Glen is Lisa Judith is Maggie Season 1 Carol is Marge Beth is Milhouse Michonne is Ms. Krabapple Abraham is Ned Deanna is Scorpio Eugene is Barney The Governor is Mr. Burns Current Carol is McBane
  5. I just love how VG describes everyone he works with as fantastic or wonderful. etc. I'm sure some would say it sounds fake, but he sounds like he just really admires the people he works with and who work for him. Damn, am I jealous.
  6. Here's another fun bird tip: If you are ever on the beach and see a cute seagull, do not throw him any food whatsoever. There's no such thing as just one seagull. The moment a seagull gets food from you, hundreds will appear out of nowhere! Every time. Did we actually see Abraham's birds fly up and away, or did we just see them fly overhead?
  7. Screw Team Rick, Team Deanna, etc. I want to be on kikismom's Team!
  8. Do, or do not. There is no try. (As always, sorry.)
  9. Haha! OK, you caught my murky sentence structure...but I have to agree, soup is hard to cut. If you guys are adding enough stuff to your oatmeal so you don't taste it anymore, I'm on board! Raisins are evil, too? I do need a list.
  10. I don't think he saw birds flying way up high over very tall trees as a sign there were walkers coming. I think he was just simply having another anxiety attack (or whatever it was) like the one in the morning. I also think something like a walker attack snaps Abraham out of any haze, not puts him in one. He's a man of instinct and action/reaction. The birds could also be the opposite, a sign of calm and peacefulness. CDB doesn't often get the chance to pause and look up into the calm sky. It could mirror the peace and calm in the house, which is where he had his first breakdown.
  11. I'm sticking by my cilantro in tomatillo soup, but it is a bitch and a half to cut once wet. A nice departure for King, other than some of his more recent ones, is Eyes of the Dragon. And the short stories are almost always good. Oatmeal may not be evil, but I don't trust people who insist plain oatmeal tastes good and isn't some form of torture.
  12. Characters like that get taken down by other people, not walkers. (If ever they go down, of course.)
  13. I loved the GTA joke, as well.
  14. Under The Dome (the show) is the crappiest crap to ever crap, at least since The Event ended, and I will yet again be watching it this summer. Someone please help me.
  15. Holy Moses, there are some gems in that one. Two episode observations that the screen caps brought-up for me: 1. It seems like they literally built the wall just behind the church, almost touching it, but purposefully excluding it. (I'm sure it's just a production thing, but it's odd.) It's the pic where Gabriel says, "Ew." 2. Eugene seems really at home in that tacky van. I am 98% he had one pre-ZA. The mullet seems at peace there. I believe in some parts "fixnto" is one word.
  16. "He's dun bin bit!" Excelsior! Photo Recap is up, and it's a good one!
  17. Don't forget the ones where it's final exam day and you haven't been to even one class!
  18. My copy of The Stand is from 1990 and is "for the first time complete and uncut." More fuel to put on my fires during the ZA!
  19. I'm not sure we've seen any walkers die off from "natural" causes yet. I think we can assume the one Maggie found in the trunk had been there for almost all the ZA, had never eaten, but was still raring to go. Unless it's actually addressed on the show, I feel that any change in appetites and speed of the walkers have more to do with the production of a show over 5+ seasons than the actual mythos. It bugs me they never really discuss their situation enough to talk about this kind of thing, at least where the viewers can see it.
  20. Wait, it's not hair? I thought it was too! I'm a little scared to click on that link below.
  21. The Shining is one of the very few times I saw the movie before reading the book. I...don't think I have much of an opinion of the movie, now that I think about it. Tommy Knockers went off the rail! This is a very odd comparison, but King is like Stephen Sondheim, in that they both have second act problems at times (and I really love them both, dearly).
  22. Bingo! The movie was crappy (save for Tim Curry who does no wrong, not even Home Alone 2), but the scene with photo album was nightmare-inducing. I think I may need to re-read The Stand this summer. Been a while.
  23. And scores of recent college graduates can finally tell their parents, "see, I told you I'd figure it out" as they fill their moats with art history majors.
  24. My mom and I had a standing appointment to watch Mommy Dearest every Mother's Day, and I was in the sweet spot for Poltergeist (which today would be too young), so I kinda think that's sweetly funny. Grew-up on Stephen King books, and even though in the book Misery she <slight, very old spoilers> cuts off his feet, the scene in the movie of her hitting his ankle wedged by the board with a sledgehammer is somehow worse and still makes me sick to my stomach. In a Voice class in college, we had to memorize, "amidst the mists and fiercest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts,he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he see the ghost." I already knew it-anyone recognize it? :) (ETA the first part of the quote that popped into my head a few minutes after. Man that's some useless info my brain just won't dump!)
  25. If it's one on one, does the walker really only take a few bites and then move on? I don't remember the earlier seasons so well.
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