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Everything posted by LakeGal

  1. This show will not be back for a second season. It is cancelled.
  2. I laughed at Jillian and Aly being completely disgusted by Jake's kissing.
  3. I am enjoying this show. I like the twists and turns. I am waiting to see how it turns out. I believe there are 2 episodes to go.
  4. I tried to like this. I spent more time wondering if they were peeing in the bushes than enjoying the characters. I'm out.
  5. I am happy for Leanne. Glad she got married.
  6. I don't understand Sam living at the mansion either. I am sure he wasn't paying for that party. I realize they like the character of Sam. But it makes no sense that he would continue to live there after splitting from Stephen.
  7. They made a little joke about Clementine and Morgan looking like twins. They are sisters in real life.
  8. I guess the show figured out a way to save money in casting the new Alexis. Just use an actress already on the show.
  9. I was watching The Voice last night. Blake told one singer that he lit up the room. I immediately thought the singer better start to look over his shoulder. People that light up a room always seem to end up on Dateline as a victim of murder.
  10. I was bored. Sometimes it was song choice. Other times they just did not sound good. I kept wondering if the coaches were saving their better singers till later in the battle. At least with this format they can't montage anyone.
  11. It was kind of nice to watch Paul get knocked off his arrogant perch. He dictated to his team while the other team all got to have a say in what to do.
  12. Maybe Mama Donna was right. Vanessa just wanted to be on TV. Plus the diet and rules might have got to her. I also wonder if it's true that Ashley wanted to get in on the sex with Vanessa. That might have been something that didn't go over well with Vanessa.
  13. I love this. I have been to Scotland to Loch Ness and area. So it will be fun to watch.
  14. I had heard of this case. But I did not listen to the podcast about it. I expected I would watch this and agree that Adnan is innocent and should not be in jail. But I was confused and frankly a bit bored by the HBO series. I do not have a strong feeling that Adnan is innocent. I also don't know enough to say he is guilty or who did it. But I did expect to have a clearer impression of the case. I think HBO failed with this one.
  15. I watched it. I didn't mind it. I will watch again next week. It did keep my interest.
  16. I just watched the first 3 episodes. It took a bit to get back into the show. But I am happily enjoying the ride now.
  17. Kaci is obviously not over Evan. She is wrong when she says he stole 10 years from her. He did not kidnap her. She willingly stayed with him. That was her stupid choice. Her parents obviously are happy they are done. I am happy I don't have to hear Evan say "Girl" anymore. It annoyed me every time he said that. I do not think Morgan and Evan will last. She is just the new shiny thing for him. The best part for me was seeing John's Akita. We have an Akita and I always notice when I see one.
  18. I was expecting Adam to shove Alexis into the fire face-first. Now if she has plastic surgery she will need a new face. Perfect for recasting her.
  19. I've seen the first season. It was on in Canada a few months ago. I liked it enough I would watch a second season if there is one. It wasn't great. But it held my interest.
  20. Well I wasn't expecting that. The show took a dark turn.
  21. The men were obviously told to put their hands (or fingers or thumbs) in their pockets. I looked at the photos and laughed at the poses.
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