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Everything posted by novhappy

  1. The public service commercials for "love is love" and recycling need. To. Stop. Way to ubiquitous. I flip the channel way and they are on every channel!
  2. Is there any topic in here that is for general post season 7 discussion?
  3. I can never get over how bad Mika is at reading the news
  4. I have a question. If anyone watched this show from the beginning was the premise always finding a spouse and proposing to F1? Or was it to find "love"and then some early bachelor upped it to proposing to F1 and now that is the standard? Signed, curious minds
  5. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/02/msnbc_s_town_hall_with_donald_trump_was_disgraceful.html Awesome takedown!
  6. I am rewatching season 6 and there is so much to love in this season! I always notice how fantastic and heavy all the make up is! Especially on Clare- her face can really carry a ton of makeup well. She always had on so much lipstick! Imagine walking around with all that lipstick on all the time? The episode where Valerie bails out Colin the bail bondsman looks like he could be the Predident of student council CU! Young 20s , preppy and extremely clean cut- he's wearing a sweater vest for Gods sake!
  7. Joe must be tired this morning. Why else would he allow Steve Schmidt to drone on and on. Didn't interrupt, didn't bark at him just let him state obvious observations about the race. Actually they all seem exhausted.
  8. Joe and Mika's treatment of Jennifer Granholm this morning was horrible. They both came off as ignorant, rude teenagers. Just terrible
  9. Sugar on watermelon? Have any of the children on the Drummond ranch ever had a piece of fruit without sugar? Ever?
  10. On my tv they are having audio problems. Lost audio during hand jive and a crackle over Hopelessly Devoted.
  11. Anneofcleves I came here to say I am watching the church potluck episode now and she looks so normal! Her hair is great and her mannerisms are normal. I haven't seen an early ep in a long time. I forgot when she was just making basic recipes and not overselling. every. ingredient.
  12. I don't have favorite character episodes but I think my favorite episodes are where the question a suspect in an interrogation room and take turns breaking the suspect down. Or when they have a person with info in and peel it out of them. They use different psychological tricks and I find that part interesting vI don't know ep titles so I can't cite unfortunately.
  13. Am I stoned or did I just watch Ree make buttered noodles? (Rerun 16 minute meals). Crazy crazy crazy. Buttered f'ing noodle! Oh with lemon zest how intriguing! And she puts the cooked noodles in a cast iron pan with the melted butter- why not teach people to dirty every dish they own while making something that 8 year olds can do!!!
  14. I just watched Mosley Lane. Wow that episode destroyed me and, wow, the "he was alive yesterday" was crushing. I really appreciate you guys lists of best and worst episodes. I have been using them to narrow down the eps I record and focus on.
  15. I feel like our window into the judging is closing. We are no longer seeing a robust discussion of each dish and the overall theme or progression. Now we basically get a few offhand comments during tasting, and a summary discussion of the top and bottom dishes. I prefer to hear the dishes discussed fully and versus each other. Maybe when their are less contestants.
  16. Golly that special at Bobbys was awkward! The cooking was ok- the showed some tips and techniques. Anne Burrell was just short of rude to Eddie, clearly irritated by having to help him and a bit imperious when telling him to help her. Why were Geoffrey and Scott there? It would have been better if Bobby was having a sleepover to welcome the relative newbies. But I don't want to see anyone in their pjs and Alex g with the pigtails was cringeworthy. The only funny part was Sunny complaining about the quality of the sheets. But Bobby had no witty comeback.
  17. The pretense of Bobby and Ina cooking together to test recipes for Thanksgiving was a good one I thought. And a good instruction for people learning to cook. Someone hosting a big dinner, unless they're very confident, should test their recipes in advance, for timing , potential glitches and taste. It was certainly a better pretense than the ridiculous sleepover st Bobbys!
  18. I thougt Messy Wesley was foolish for whipping out his stencils this early in the game. The judges are only going to be impressed by them once. I would have saved them for a challenge where plating was a more major part of the challenge. But he couldn't wait to use them and screwed it up. He knew his food was bad. And the stencils didn't make up for it of course so he wasted them. Messy, impetuous Wesley "Your food utterly sucked but I love your art, dude!" -said Tom Colichio never
  19. Hi! I am new here and just started watching CM. I am wondering if you guys have thoughts or lists on the most painful victims family notifications to watch. The most difficult "your daughter/loved one/baby is missing/dead" reactions. Any ideas?
  20. The most complete explanation for the swapnil/Tim issue to me is that swapnil was getting high and that pissed Tim and producers off. "Being lazy" and " taking smoke breaks" was the cover story.
  21. My lord that picnic was the most ridiculous plot device I think I've seen on this show, possibly any cooking show! I don't know many middle aged people who want to sit on the ground at all must less in the whipping winds. Then she makes an entree that absolutely requires two hands to cut and eat! Silly! Also silly- she just "discovered" this spot in the ranch with the beautiful view! It's right by the lodge she said! At least they acknowledged and joked about the wind instead of pretending it was a calm afternoon on the Italian Riviera!
  22. I believe the reason travel n taste shows are so popular, not on this board but clearly they are popular, is because those shows make the actual food accessible to the viewers. There will be diner or dive or BBQ joint near everyone or somewhere one travels to that you can actually eat the food you see on TV. Most Americans live in or near a population center, and travel to others and this type of show gives them a reason to watch even if they don't cook. These viewers are a broader demo for selling packaged products as well. It's like going out to a restaurant that was reviewed in the paper. I personally hate these types of shows cuz I love to cook more than I love deep fried hot dogs with Cajun bacon Harissa topping.
  23. I presume Jay used golden raisins as his ants because he doesn't have any ants as pets. He knows nothing about ants.
  24. I'm late to the discussion but I wouldnlikevto add that there were WAY TOO MANY talking heads of jay during the first challenge. Wow! In the challenge he would shout at a competitor "I don't know anything about after school snacks" cut to a talking head wherein he shouts at the camera "I don't know anything about after school snacks". They cut to a talking head of him every five seconds. It was super annoying to me, followed by his stupid pigs and ants generated no drama or interest. It didn't matter.
  25. At least this round of people were able to cook a bit. How in the world could spare ribs cooked for 15,16 minute be good? Is that possible? According to the judges it's very possible! Also, fava beans. I was not opaying full attention but did they show anyone fully cleaning them? But no one got a comment about not fully cleaning them/-including the guy who grilled them whole?
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