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Everything posted by ktwo

  1. I saw a map recently which showed West Virginia as one of the states in which there are more opioid pain prescriptions than people in the state. More than one Rx for every man, woman and child living in West Virginia. I can't find the map but I think that PBS's Frontline posted it.
  2. Leah is clearly all dolled up ready for a reconciliation, and I think the conversation will be about Jeremy getting custody, Corey-style.
  3. Seriously. I wonder if Barb tracks this on her calendar like Michelle Duggar used to do with her menstrual cycle. First two weeks of new dick: Jenelle calls all the time wanting Jace. Next two weeks of new dick: Jenelle constantly threatens to sue for custody. Then... nothing. Regarding Javi's deployment: It's really weird that no one asks where he's going. I know he probably can't say, but there's a big difference between someplace like South Korea and some place like the Middle East.
  4. When I saw her I said, "Wow, she looks like Lisa Bonet," never imagining that it was actually her until I read this thread. Damn. And I'm totally with whomever said up thread that we've seen the last of Laird. My husband said that as soon as he closed the door.
  5. I was shocked to see Andrea hold up her MTA card during the discussion of Sanders thinking that you could still use tokens on the NYC subway. I can't imagine her traveling anywhere without, at minimum, a Town Car and driver. Maybe it was an intern's card that she borrowed?
  6. Agree this was fantastic. If they cut it, why release it online now instead of waiting to plug it into another show? It probably won't be dated before the finale, and it didn't have the host in it.
  7. You may be thinking of one with Abbie where they have a serial killer who offers up older bodies in exchange for not being extradited to Texas. I think the ep title is Agony?
  8. I learned two important things tonight. First, since we are all lovers of the 1990s here, I will share that there is an ER forum at PTV! And second, in that forum I learned that the guy who played Lenny, the wife beater who Kelly encounters at the clinic and then helps his wife escape with their baby, is played by the same guy who voiced Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid.
  9. Replying to this post from last week's episode thread since I think my question fits better here: What would have to happen to Jenelle and/or Kaiser to have all of her dumbass fangirls realize that she's the worst mother ever and should not be emulated or sympathized with?
  10. My husband and I both thought the same. He's convinced she's on the pillses.
  11. ktwo


    How does Farrah know anything about furniture or decorating? She bought the staged model home in her development!
  12. Joe and Mika both cast a HUGE side-eye on Sarah Palin's speech in support of Trump over the weekend.
  13. Sasheer was in a bunch of stuff in Ariana Grande's show - the vocal impressions sketch, Feminist Song and the nuns sketch. But she's mostly filler.
  14. It's really incredible to see how much the presidential election in general and Trump in particular is sucking all the oxygen out of the room. A married sitting governor has a sex tape with someone on the government payroll and it doesn't lead all of the news? I guess he really would have to be found with a dead girl or a live boy.
  15. My youngest is a year older than these kids and I can confirm that hot dogs can be a serious choking hazard and should be cut up into little pieces even for kids who are a lot older than Kaiser. They are one of the most common things that kids choke on along with grapes (which should also be cut up) and popcorn. That scene was so weird - he had almost a whole hot dog with a bun on his high chair tray and was ignoring it, and Jenelle/Tori were busy frying up like five more hot dogs.
  16. I love how Jenelle thinks Nathan's girlfriend is a "danger to her son" because she filed charges against Jenelle for assault.
  17. I thought it was more that she freaked out about the heroin but not the cocaine.
  18. The whole "female firm" idea screams "discrimination lawsuit" to me. Didn't they just go through an EEOC investigation about not hiring enough African-Americans?
  19. True that ION showed the finale today, but their next airings appear to be Season 13. WGN has Season 5 on Friday morning, though.
  20. Wasn't Ebony the other one in the original 16&P crew? She turned into quite a trainwreck also, even without Teen Mom paying her.
  21. There is ZERO chance that Farrah cleans her own bathroom.
  22. That was weird. President Obama just told Raul Castro to answer Andrea Mitchell's question at their joint press conference.
  23. I meant that it might not be a big deal because Addy is only one of her three children. But then I just remembered that Corey said he would be done after this season also. Is that still true?
  24. Would that really affect the show that much?
  25. Leah from Teen Mom 2 also entered "rehab" for "anxiety and depression." Those words exactly. They showed that on the Catch Up Special.
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