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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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On 7/2/2019 at 7:21 PM, ByTor said:

Ignore this. Can't get rid of it. 

So here is my speculation on the Tara situation. Ive had it in the back of my mind since last year but didn't really know if I believed it myself until now.

Tara purposely put on a few pounds during TC last year to reveal the double standards for VK and the rest of the team. She showed up to auditions looking good and it wasn't until TC (& meeting VK) that she looked a bit heavier. I also got the vibe that she was pretty indignant. Not putting in that much effort into her look on the calendar reveal day that they showed on the show and there was something in her expression that was off. 

It also puts the 3.14am iHop photo into perspective. If Tara didn't care about being on the team anymore and was doing this to expose Kelli's double standards, it probably was more of a celebration and show of unity across the vets than it was a sad night. 

Eh I don't know, just my speculations.. 

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There are many issues involving Victoria. First, her weight Kelli needs to check on her BMI. Height and weight gives the BMI. Victoria’s immaturity she needs to grow up. One example last year she stated that quail is a fish. Another example is the media interview she could not be an ambassador for the Cowboys organization. What she needs to do is think before speaking. 

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40 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Like the conversation Kelli didn’t have with Victoria, this hasnt happened either. Victoria has been a bigger diva this year and her determination to make the team is fueled by stepping on anyone she has to in order to get it. The only things she learned from last year is to be sneakier and meaner.

I guess this is where some of the rumors fall apart a little bit for me.  If the path has been paved so smoothly for VK this year, why would she need to be sneaky or mean about anything?  Only if she fears she might get cut does it make sense that she would seek to demean or disadvantage who she perceives as her “competition.”  

Edited to add:  I’m not suggesting VK isn’t worse this year than last.  I just don’t get it.  If you so clearly have a spot, being an awful b*tch to all your future teammates doesn’t seem like a very smart path to an enjoyable tenure on the team. 

Edited by ClosetDCCFan
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2 hours ago, DCCFan197605 said:

The story should have been written before she left.  I am not recommending that anyone chase her anywhere.   Hers is a unique story and one I am certain would interest a broader audience.   She should write a book.

I find it amazing how much outrage there is that a guy can’t be a DCC, but so little concern that a person might not feel comfortable being an out LGBTQ as a DCC.   

I wanted to see if others found the lack of press on the matter surprising and I have gotten my answer.

This topic is inappropriate for this thread and so, I’ll stop posting about it.


Did I find the lack of coverage a little surprising? Actually, yes.

Do I hope that Jinelle gets to tell her story on her terms and her timeline if she so chooses? Abso-f#*&king-lutely.

(It was a nice change of subject tho 😊). 

Edited by KnyghtRyder
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If Kelli had proven herself to be a fair, no nonsense type supervisor in her role as the DCC director in the past, it would be easy to dispel these rumors as unbelievable. However, the rumor that Jalyn was cut for show group as a 'punishment' for insulting VK is not only 100% believable ,but it is similar to stories that we've heard in the past. We've heard that Olivia was cut from the team (not just show group but the team itself) because she got into it with Cassie. We've heard that Kelli has purposely called girls last or near the end at auditions to scare them as punishment for gaining weight - even Kashara, who appeared to be one of Kelli's absolute favorites (I mean, if that's how she treats her favorites....). We've heard that Tara's cut last year was related to VK. At this point, enough people have mentioned it that there at least appears to be some truth to it, even if there were also other reasons to cut her.

So, I find the Jalyn story believable, regardless of what reason they come up with on the show. Jalyn isnt out of shape or anything, and it's hard to believe that Jalyn just suddenly forgot how to perform that she would just get outdanced by everyone. I'm not even referring just to VK. As others have said, Daphne looked rather mediocre from the clips that we saw as well. 

Edited by Jess14
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18 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

I guess this is where some of the rumors fall apart a little bit for me.  If the path has been paved so smoothly for VK this year, why would she need to be sneaky or mean about anything?  Only if she fears she might get cut does it make sense that she would seek to demean or disadvantage who she perceives as her “competition.”  

Edited to add:  I’m not suggesting VK isn’t worse this year than last.  I just don’t get it.  If you so clearly have a spot, being an awful b*tch to all your future teammates doesn’t seem like a very smart path to an enjoyable tenure on the team. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Victoria is thinking that she can't take any chances this year.  Some people I've met have done exactly this.  They know they have the in somewhere but, when STRONG competition comes along for that spot, the person is sneaky and mean behind the scenes in order to either make the competition quit, get cut or look bad enough to TPTB that the competition doesn't get chosen.  Part of it is because the person is scared that they're not good enough (or they didn't get it the first time around for some reason) and they don't want to take chances, even though it may backfire.

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33 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

TCC Shaina just posted a beautiful message on her instagram regarding the three sorority sisters she lost.  My heart just goes out to her.  I hope she has support to get through such a difficult loss.  

I just saw her post... it made me cry. Sounds like she was super close to three of the girls who died. Heartbreaking 

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The show talks about bonding and sisterhood within the organization and implies that the TCC bond with each other over the course of camp.  After the team announcement last year, Daphne was hugging Cianne and Daphne told Cianna that “you feel like my sister and we met 10 minutes ago”.  

Edited by Jazzmom
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2 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

Do the TCC keep to their group during TC and not really meet or get to know the other candidates?

Rookie practices, team bonding field trips, etc.....no matter what group they are in, they are still a "group" as rookies.

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1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

Rookie practices, team bonding field trips, etc.....no matter what group they are in, they are still a "group" as rookies.

My thoughts exactly, so why did Daphne say she only met her 10 minutes ago?  This was right after the team announcement and they were all going around hugging each other.  

Edited by Jazzmom
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3 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

My thoughts exactly, so why did Daphne say she only met her 10 minutes ago?  This was right after the team announcement and they were all going around hugging each other.  I feel that it shows cliques inside the rookie group and they don’t all meet each other. 

I thought she said ten "weeks" ago... referring to auditions.

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1 hour ago, Busy said:

Has anyone else been cut. 

Yes! Hell froze over, pigs started flying, parallel lines now intersect, teenagers across the nation put down their phones, I actually finished my shampoo and conditioner at the same time, AND... Victoria Kalina was cut from training camp.

Edited by SanDiegoGal
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1 hour ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

I guess this is where some of the rumors fall apart a little bit for me.  If the path has been paved so smoothly for VK this year, why would she need to be sneaky or mean about anything?  Only if she fears she might get cut does it make sense that she would seek to demean or disadvantage who she perceives as her “competition.”  

The path was smooth and paved for her last year too. She had a guaranteed spot on the team and despite her behavior, still would have made the team if the things she did weren't so public. As confirmed by an insider last year, Kelli went to Char about taking a bigger team and the only reason Vikkie didn't make the team was because Kelli was told to cut her. In Kelli's world, she should have been a DCC last year. 

I have heard, from an insider I consider reliable, that Vikkie has gone so far this year she actually started rumors about Madeline S. that she felt entitled to a spot as a legacy and believed she was better than everyone else.

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16 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

I have heard, from an insider I consider reliable, that Vikkie has gone so far this year she actually started rumors about Madeline S. that she felt entitled to a spot as a legacy and believed she was better than everyone else.

Kelli must be treating Madeline S better than she treated Dayton, for VK to feel threatened.

Edited by scorpio1031
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58 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

The path was smooth and paved for her last year too. She had a guaranteed spot on the team and despite her behavior, still would have made the team if the things she did weren't so public.

I guess her idiocy is what I struggle with.  If she would just get out of her own damn way, she would make this team hands down, irrespective of whether there are 36 more qualified individuals at training camp?!  So honestly, has she (and her mother) learned NOTHING from last year?  It’s seems to me that the only thing that threatens her spot this year is more conniving.  

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am i the only one who doesnt feel like VK is some manipulative or "conniving" person??? 

I'm from Alabama so I know people in the south can be catty but she just seems like she'd rather be cheering others on instead of putting others down. VK just doesnt strike me as someone who looks for drama, i feel like she looks for fun and idk.. joy in life

i still feel like the whole jinelle thing was taken way out of proportion cuz again, it was a year ago (by gones be by gones) and jinelle has forgiven victoria 100000x over cuz ya know...she's an adult. and accepted VK's apology on the show so like?

other than that i just feel like she is the kind of person to skip to the good parts and like if she saw all this it would break her heart cuz yes she may look dumb at times..but manipulative?? catty?? 

i much rather get those vibes from other TCC's and DCC's before i get it from VK

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7 hours ago, Jennv said:

I rewatched the Chelsea affair episodes recently. Here is what baffles me, she had her little “fatties r still in the team” on camera meltdown and kitty told on her.

That was the episode where I truly disliked Kitty from then on...& I actually FB’d her & told her...HaHa!!! No joke...

What’s funny about Kitty in that episode, is that she went to K&J & said Chelsea was being “negative” about the meeting they just had with her (I think about weight, right?) & they called Chel back in...& yet Kitty is way far & above NEGATIVE in her comments to the DCC women (TCC & Vets). She calls it ‘keeping it real’ & ‘telling it like it is’, but in actuality it’s rude, mean & disrespectful. WHY DCC (& CMT) continue to show her segment, when women are trying to empower one another now is beyond me...

I luv the boards & discussions here, but I’ve not watched a season all the way thru especially when Kitty is on...

Thanks for listening...er, reading...

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Rewatching season 13 and am currently watching the episode where VK is called into the office after SG was announced. Completely forgot about Denise being in the office with K&J and it just baffles me that Kelli wanted her in the office because she didn't notice VK that night during practice. I'm sure there were others that did not particularly catch her eye that night but were they called in to talk with K&J and Denise??? Nope. 

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14 minutes ago, ThatSlaps said:

Rewatching season 13 and am currently watching the episode where VK is called into the office after SG was announced. Completely forgot about Denise being in the office with K&J and it just baffles me that Kelli wanted her in the office because she didn't notice VK that night during practice. I'm sure there were others that did not particularly catch her eye that night but were they called in to talk with K&J and Denise??? Nope. 

that stuff blows my mind. i think its cuz when travis wall was there, VK was his favorite of the rookies. (yes that means over jalyn and caroline lol) so from then on she was held in high regards and should always be delivering. 

So when she doesnt get noticed its like "wheres the VK from travis wall night?"

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12 minutes ago, itme said:

am i the only one who doesnt feel like VK is some manipulative or "conniving" person??? 

Last year we watched as Kelli and MTT tried to sell us this narrative of how “incredible” VK was which, for many of us, just didn’t match what we were seeing  for ourselves on social media.  Rumors swirled on this board as soon as auditions rolled around and, as we watched first hand the double standard being pushed on us by Kelli and the show, most of those rumors proved absolutely true.  So when tidbits pop up again this year, some of which specifically relate to how much effort is being put forth to protect VK and that original narrative so as not to have a repeat of last year’s embarrassment, it isn’t a stretch for me to think there is considerable manipulation going on.  Maybe VK isn’t sophisticated enough to be orchestrating it, but it sure appears to be happening on her behalf.  And by all accounts, she’s a willing participant.   

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1 minute ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

Last year we watched as Kelli and MTT tried to sell us this narrative of how “incredible” VK was which, for many of us, just didn’t match what we were seeing  for ourselves on social media.  Rumors swirled on this board as soon as auditions rolled around and, as we watched first hand the double standard being pushed on us by Kelli and the show, most of those rumors proved absolutely true.  So when tidbits pop up again this year, some of which specifically relate to how much effort is being put forth to protect VK and that original narrative so as not to have a repeat of last year’s embarrassment, it isn’t a stretch for me to think there is considerable manipulation going on.  Maybe VK isn’t sophisticated enough to be orchestrating it, but it sure appears to be happening on her behalf.  And by all accounts, she’s a willing participant.   

I'm gonna agree to disagree, i still think people abuse the fact that she's young so she is easy to throw into the mix of gossip cuz no one is gonna root for the child. I think what people make up (rumors and gossip wise) is always blown out of proportion and arent true. on top of the show making her look like an idiot (also blown out of proportion)

the hardest thing is that no matter what she does, people find ways to pick her apart. idk i just feel like shes a sweet and vivacious girl who people just want to destroy. 

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2 hours ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Yes! Hell froze over, pigs started flying, parallel lines now intersect, teenagers across the nation put down their phones, I actually finished my shampoo and conditioner at the same time, AND... Victoria Kalina was cut from training camp.

Wait this is a joke right?? Like not for real?? Sarcasm right? Cause that would be a veeeery interesting turn of events. And I am sure some people would be thrilled to see that maybe Kelli has come to her senses. 

Edited by Mercurialsteph
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2 minutes ago, itme said:

I'm gonna agree to disagree, i still think people abuse the fact that she's young so she is easy to throw into the mix of gossip cuz no one is gonna root for the child. I think what people make up (rumors and gossip wise) is always blown out of proportion and arent true. on top of the show making her look like an idiot (also blown out of proportion)

the hardest thing is that no matter what she does, people find ways to pick her apart. idk i just feel like shes a sweet and vivacious girl who people just want to destroy. 

It's really strange.  No one ever talks about how people were picking on Brennan and out to destroy her dream.  Could that be because she wasn't tattling on people and causing problems for other candidates?  Usually, when there is smoke, there is fire.   I didn't notice that anyone other than Kelli and Kitty were fighting to keep her from being cut.  I'm sure there is always the chance she is just the sweetest little thing ever.  But after 13 seasons of seeing thin girls being called "dcc soft" don't tell us VK wasn't given special treatment.  Kelli will probably stay blind to the problems VK brings until the crowds start mooing at her when she's on the field.

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2 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

It's really strange.  No one ever talks about how people were picking on Brennan and out to destroy her dream.  Could that be because she wasn't tattling on people and causing problems for other candidates?  Usually, when there is smoke, there is fire.   I didn't notice that anyone other than Kelli and Kitty were fighting to keep her from being cut.  I'm sure there is always the chance she is just the sweetest little thing ever.  But after 13 seasons of seeing thin girls being called "dcc soft" don't tell us VK wasn't given special treatment.  Kelli will probably stay blind to the problems VK brings until the crowds start mooing at her when she's on the field.

I can see what you mean

I still feel like people blow things up to belittle her. Yes, when theres smoke theres fire but I feel like that isnt the case this training camp. (even thought ppl still wanna say so)

But again, that was last year and even though K&J dont forget what TCC's do. I feel like they realize that alot can happen in a year and what you see is what you get. 

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Just now, Loves2Dance said:

Being young is no excuse to act the way she did and using her youthfulness as an excuse just furthers the lack of responsibility Vikkie has never been forced to accept. Lacey was also 18 when she tried out and she was a rock star from Year 1 to Year 5; she didn't destroy people, lie about people, make the locker room toxic...etc. Vikkie did all that and more. 

Lots  of very mature 18 year olds have passed through those doors and risen up to become leaders: Lacey, Maddie, Jenna {I know there were some issues there to but not like this} started at 18 

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1 minute ago, Loves2Dance said:

Being young is no excuse to act the way she did and using her youthfulness as an excuse just furthers the lack of responsibility Vikkie has never been forced to accept. Lacey was also 18 when she tried out and she was a rock star from Year 1 to Year 5; she didn't destroy people, lie about people, make the locker room toxic...etc. Vikkie did all that and more. 

i think people handle youth differently so ill stand by my previous statement. VK isnt Lacey they handle things differently 

I think there was way more pressure on VK and Lacey didnt have an entire community attacking her, her rookie year

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53 minutes ago, itme said:

am i the only one who doesnt feel like VK is some manipulative or "conniving" person??? 

I'm from Alabama so I know people in the south can be catty but she just seems like she'd rather be cheering others on instead of putting others down. VK just doesnt strike me as someone who looks for drama, i feel like she looks for fun and idk.. joy in life

i still feel like the whole jinelle thing was taken way out of proportion cuz again, it was a year ago (by gones be by gones) and jinelle has forgiven victoria 100000x over cuz ya know...she's an adult. and accepted VK's apology on the show so like?

other than that i just feel like she is the kind of person to skip to the good parts and like if she saw all this it would break her heart cuz yes she may look dumb at times..but manipulative?? catty?? 

i much rather get those vibes from other TCC's and DCC's before i get it from VK

She lost me last year. To me, I got mean girl vibes everytime she talked about Dayton. There seemed to be a smirk under every "oh Dayton is so great it sucks she got called into the office". I need to rewatch but I remember being super put off by Victoria by her reaction to Daytons cut. Based off her behavior just by the show, she is one that I would have steered clear from. 

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Just now, Shady580 said:

She lost me last year. To me, I got mean girl vibes everytime she talked about Dayton. There seemed to be a smirk under every "oh Dayton is so great it sucks she got called into the office". I need to rewatch but I remember being super put off by Victoria by her reaction to Daytons cut. Based off her behavior just by the show, she is one that I would have steered clear from. 

wasnt she sobbing when Dayton got cut?? like theyre real friends i think and I dont feel like VK would fake it for the camera 

like she can fake it "happy wise" but faking it "petty wise" seems beyond her

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Just now, itme said:

i think people handle youth differently so ill stand by my previous statement. VK isnt Lacey they handle things differently 

I think there was way more pressure on VK and Lacey didnt have an entire community attacking her, her rookie year

Nobody was attacking VK until we saw her actions during season 13.   You can't blame a bad edit when a newbie complains about not making show group.  If anyone other than VK had whined about not getting an elite position before making the actual team, they would have been ridiculed too.  THey made exceptions for her weight, which was glaringly obvious.  They excused her poor attitude and selfish actions.  She's reaping what she's sowing.  And more than likely, VK is this way because her parents never held her accountable for her actions.  You can't blame people for disliking her sense of entitlement when so many other candidates put their heads down and work hard for a spot on the team.  She felt that it was her spot and she deserved it, without doing ANY of the work.

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1 minute ago, hathorlive said:

Nobody was attacking VK until we saw her actions during season 13.   You can't blame a bad edit when a newbie complains about not making show group.  If anyone other than VK had whined about not getting an elite position before making the actual team, they would have been ridiculed too.  THey made exceptions for her weight, which was glaringly obvious.  They excused her poor attitude and selfish actions.  She's reaping what she's sowing.  And more than likely, VK is this way because her parents never held her accountable for her actions.  You can't blame people for disliking her sense of entitlement when so many other candidates put their heads down and work hard for a spot on the team.  She felt that it was her spot and she deserved it, without doing ANY of the work.

she barely even complained lol she literally said 'i really wanted show group' thats it lol lots of TCC's have said that but go off i guess

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2 hours ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Yes! Hell froze over, pigs started flying, parallel lines now intersect, teenagers across the nation put down their phones, I actually finished my shampoo and conditioner at the same time, AND... Victoria Kalina was cut from training camp.

This was a joke right !!

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Just now, Mercurialsteph said:

so HAS anyone been cut aside from Alexandra? That was the most recent one right?

Yes she is the most recent !! It’s been rookie week the vets and k and j have all been on vacation 

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Just now, Mercurialsteph said:

so HAS anyone been cut aside from Alexandra? That was the most recent one right?

oh yeah lol i forgot alexandra was the most recent one. i dont think there has been anymore

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I wonder if the girls will start posting swimsuit pics now that the calendar cover has been revealed.  Or will they have to wait until it's shown?  Cause if I were Brennan I'd be posting that pic everywhere:)

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I was openly rooting for Victoria, to the eye-rolling dismay of several. I rooted for her last year, I rooted for her comeback, I rooted for her improvement and betterment. I chalked her questionable behavior up to youthful indiscretions and maybe some bitchery thrown in. After all, it happens. I am done rooting for her. She has proven to be the personification of the stuff that Regina George is made of, and with the culture around her, why would she turn out any differently? 

The real crime lies with Kelli, Tina, Judy, Charlotte, Kitty and the horse they rode in on and anyone that looks like them or the horse.

We've been hurled into a culture where people aren't even feeling obligated to APPEAR to be magnanimous or just. Where certain people feel emboldened and entitled to stop apologizing for their absolute worst instincts and shamelessly nepotistic behavior. It's the fabric of who we are right now.

I'd encourage Victoria to thank Mommy and TPTB for doing their part to make this work for her, but I seriously doubt true gratitude is a part of her character makeup.

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I know someone mentioned that Kristin has received a lot of praise this time around in TC, but anyone with insight have an idea on how Lily is doing? Rewatching Season 13 this weekend reminded me of her heartbreak at the end of last TC. 

CMT MTT Editors were so focused on getting VK sound bites, that we never really got to know Lily that well. And by “we” I mean: the viewers, Kelli, Judy, Kitty, and Charlotte. It was kinda like they turned around and bumped into her and said, “Oh Lily. We forgot you existed. And because you didn’t remind us that you existed, we are going to have to let you go. K? Byeeee 👋 👋.”

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6 hours ago, KatieC said:

It was talked here and other places. What kind of publicity do you mean?  Like a news story about it?  Not surprised at all if that’s what you mean. How is it even news worthy?

I think it was because the engagement was a surprise for Jinelle which is common when people pop the question.  Perhaps the staff and Cassie knew it was happening but remained tight lipped to ensure Jinelle had a magical proposal.  In addition, it doesn’t matter if it’s heretosexual  or same sex oriented, they were being professional as colleagues to not make it a big deal.  Most work professionals wouldn’t be broadcasting an office romance until they were no longer employed there.  After the engagement and they no longer worked there, everyone supported it.  Not everything has to be political.  And if we want to normalize all relationships why does everyone insist on “showcasing it” rather than just a normal celebration of two people in love?  

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4 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

I know someone mentioned that Kristin has received a lot of praise this time around in TC, but anyone with insight have an idea on how Lily is doing? Rewatching Season 13 this weekend reminded me of her heartbreak at the end of last TC. 

CMT MTT Editors were so focused on getting VK sound bites, that we never really got to know Lily that well. And by “we” I mean: the viewers, Kelli, Judy, Kitty, and Charlotte. It was kinda like they turned around and bumped into her and said, “Oh Lily. We forgot you existed. And because you didn’t remind us that you existed, we are going to have to let you go. K? Byeeee 👋 👋.”

During the two hour special, K&J would sit in the office while the girls were practicing, and they would call girls in to cut them or talk to them.  It wasn't the big production like it is now.  They called this one gal in, Elizabeth, and cut her.  And she had never been called in before, and said so.  I think there are some that are called into the office consistently so it isn't that much of a surprise.  And some, it's like you say, they forgot all about them.

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1 minute ago, SmpIsimon said:

The irony is that if they focused on all the back-stabbing and shit-stirring that VK and TK do, they'd have a hell of a reality show!  

After the whole Varsity Blues scandal, it would definitely be timely and newsworthy.  Another parent paving the way for their child.

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45 minutes ago, itme said:

she barely even complained lol she literally said 'i really wanted show group' thats it lol lots of TCC's have said that but go off i guess

There seems to be plenty of examples backing up the negative image most people on this board have of VK.  If you know of other real-world examples of positive VK behavior, then please share. 

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4 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

The irony is that if they focused on all the back-stabbing and shit-stirring that VK and TK do, they'd have a hell of a reality show!  

Messy mommy didn't pass along the accountability gene to messy baby, clearly. Beautiful storm, my ass.

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4 minutes ago, MavisL said:

Messy mommy didn't pass along the accountability gene to messy baby, clearly. Beautiful storm, my ass.

Well, like I've said before, every storm leaves damage in it's wake.

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6 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Well, like I've said before, every storm leaves damage in it's wake.

LOL so true! I feel like Tyra Banks screaming at the ANTM contestant "I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU!!"

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