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  1. Amanda gave the impression from day one she wanted to be a star in Hollywood first choice. She then chose DCC to be on TV as a stepping stone. Not a surprise she’s gone
  2. If she did choose her BF over DCC I hope he treats her right and doesn’t break her heart! If he treats her wrong after what she gave up for him (if that is truly the reason she hit pause) then that is not ok at all. She does seem pretty exclusive with him and maybe his friend group based on Instagram. Looks like he enjoys the bars (which is fun at that age!).
  3. It’s sad to see the good ones exit DCC early in hopes of stardom. Because the ones like Holly, Kalyssa and even Abigail Klein never really made it in Hollywood, and they gave up DCC in hopes they would. LA girls are a dime a dozen like them. AK did make a Taco Bell commercial and a few small roles or Lifetime movies but that is still far from Alist. Holly does back up dancing and posts videos but remains nameless otherwise from what I see. Kalyssa is a lingerie model but certainly no Giselle level of fame. Even Jasmine was on a season of the Bachelor and Melissa Rycroft did Bachelor and DWTS, but again these are only single seasons of reality TV. I wish Amanda would realize likely that her stardom is in her own backyard so to speak. (If she truly is leaving to pursue Hollywood). Making DCC is very elite and difficult they don’t often realize they likely should maximize this peak window then try to stabs out in Hollywood at age 28 when they outgrow DCC.
  4. It could be so many things - hopefully nothing like she was assaulted by a crazy stalker or something.
  5. I thought the finals weren’t until June 14th, and Vets only go to finals....I still think this whole thing is a made up story that has not been verified
  6. Anyone considered the scenario that Victoria is not actually leaving? It doesn’t make sense, she’s a 5 year point girl. She posted on her Instagram a pic of her June DCC Calendar. I don’t fully buy it. Just because some mysterious post went up saying she was no longer a cheerleader does not guarantee that is the truth. If she is doing a LOA I pray it’s not due to a serious illness of a family member.
  7. I don’t find Alora relatable. She doesn’t seem authentic. My guess is she would return to NY in a second if she could get theatre work there. I hope Kristin retires. She looked sluggish on the show last year, also I don’t like it when entertainment gets overshadowed by politics, she tried to get too political.. The Bachelor is now about politics instead of the show and I need a brief escape from politics, they better not make DCC like that lol! Maddy should retire, enough is enough. Tori I hope makes it! I think Armani is darling I hope she comes back. I also want to see how many of last years rookies can actually do a jump split and memorize choreography on the spot. We never saw those skills in 2020. Hoping for a more traditional season!
  8. I feel bad for Kristen and I’m shocked they allowed her cameo to look like this! Look at the tones of her thighs vs calves. It makes no sense unless the pic she posted is just odd lighting? Looks like her tights are two different shades.
  9. Isn’t Tess like almost 6ft tall? If so, I never realized Victoria must be 5’10 or 5’11”? They are standing next to each other and Victoria is almost as tall as Tess. I never realized she was that tall for some reason. I must admit it, Victoria looks fabulous.
  10. To focus on the dance, why is the girl in front on the wrong foot?
  11. This is really sweet of her to do! Although I wonder if it is kind of mean to pass out cookies to team mates that are probably all starving after dieting and practicing? I bet none of them eat these!
  12. I think it was because the engagement was a surprise for Jinelle which is common when people pop the question. Perhaps the staff and Cassie knew it was happening but remained tight lipped to ensure Jinelle had a magical proposal. In addition, it doesn’t matter if it’s heretosexual or same sex oriented, they were being professional as colleagues to not make it a big deal. Most work professionals wouldn’t be broadcasting an office romance until they were no longer employed there. After the engagement and they no longer worked there, everyone supported it. Not everything has to be political. And if we want to normalize all relationships why does everyone insist on “showcasing it” rather than just a normal celebration of two people in love?
  13. I think Gina is the best and should be the next pick for the Triangle point. In previous years, she had always been placed close to the front on the side. It could appear they have been grooming her for that spot. She’s one of the best technical dancers on the team in my opinion and seems to be the right height. I love Maddie but I think she is so overly strong in hip hop and maybe not as stand out (although still very good) in other styles. I wish she would smooth her hair I think the curls make her face a bit too round or childish. She’s cute, but Gina is glam. Gina also was shown in the background “assisting” Melissa Rycroft last season during the mentoring session where they watched video of themselves. Gina is also a third year, so if she’s point now they can prob get two or three years from her in this spot. Judy loves the tall polished blonde dancer (like herself), and Kelli also recognizes Gina’s strengths. So for these reasons, I vote for Gina, although it is a hard choice for sure!
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