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S25.E13: Reunion

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I figured that the Reunion should get its own thread, because there's a few questions that need to be answered. For instance: what the heck was CT doing there? I don't think Jonny had any questions for him. Was it because CT wasn't in any of the drama, or because he rope-a-doped through questions regarding Diem last season?


It's oddly touching to see Laurel try and repair her relationship with Cara Maria. I don't think CM is weak for accepting the Killbot's apology, but I don't see them being on another Challenge together. And nice to see Killbot ready to bite a head off when it came to Theresa.


In retrospect, Jordan's move was stupid, but it was also ballsy. If Johnny insists on coming back, I hope Jordan gets the better of him one way or another.


I forgot that most of the season took place in Uruguay. I reckon they're all lucky Luis Suárez didn't put the teeth to any of them. And that was a fun scene with the armadillo. Also, nice to see nobody stoop to bringing up Frank, who wrote himself as the winner after getting kicked off for Patient Zero shit. Oh, and Isaac? Still a space cadet, albeit an oddly likable one.

My thoughts:


Even though I hated what Nany did, her and Cohutta are too adorable together and they seem really solid today.


Jordan and Theresa can STFU. I understand Jordan's logic, that he sees Bananas as the best and with his competitive nature, he wants to beat the best. But, man just go away with that cockiness.


Theresa is the kind of girl that says she hates drama, but will always be in the middle of that bullshit. Good to see Laurel and Devyn call her out on that shit.


I am glad that Laurel/CM made up, but I can tell their friendship wont be the same.


CT was not used prperly. He is too gorgeous to just have hilarious one liners. But, he was mellow as shit this season, so I can see why. But, his relationship with Cara is probably the cutest thing ever. He is so protective of her and hates to see someone bring CM down. The whole "I'm your best friend" to cara was too much adorbs. I honestly like the whole Boston bond between Johnny R/Zach/CT/CM.


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I'm officially sick of Theresa. While by no means a terrible competitor, I don't understand how people see her as one of the top-tier girls. The only elimination round she's ever won was against someone (Camilla, while normally solid) who was completely checked out by that point in the game. I found it odd that Theresa said something along the lines of "it's been such a long time since I've been stabbed in the back so royally" in an interview. How soon we forget Marlon and Jordan's vote for her and Jasmine in Rivals II! I also found it telling that when Devyn asked if it's possible for the two of them to be cool, Theresa could not give a straight answer and just hemmed and hawed.


I would have liked to see Aneesa at the reunion, as I found Laurel's rivalry with her much more compelling than the one with Theresa.


Jessica and CT barely spoke during the reunion.


Cohutta had the most adorably crestfallen look on his face while he was watching the highlights of Nany's hookup with Portland Johnny.


I admit that I was giggling during Devyn's story about being trapped at the bus station.

Edited by jsm1125
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I didn't bother to watch the actual finale, because once CT and Cara Maria were out, I no longer cared who won.  Or so I thought.  Finding out Bananas won again, and that he has not had to work at an actual job in his adult life because of these challenges actually made me kind of ill.  How about maybe don't bring him back next time and let someone else have a shot, huh?  I'll at least admit that he made a couple of decent points at the reunion, and might not be a complete idiot, but he's still a jerk.


I hope that Nany is maturing and truly understands that Cohutta is a quality person that is worth having in her life.  Maybe outside of the party environment she can be faithful to him.  She sure did look unhappy while they showed the clips of her with Johnny.  Maybe that was embarrassing enough for her to stop behaving the way that she did / usually does on these shows.  What I didn't like one bit was her continuing to say that Cohutta was the one who looked stupid when she slept with Johnny.  Why does no one ever correct her and tell her that she's the one who looked bad, not Cohutta? 


I was surprised that Laurel and Jordan are doing well as a couple.  Most of these things fizzle out once everyone is out of the hook-up environment.  I think Laurel is kind of an ass, as people in regular daily life go, but she looked fantastically gorgeous at the reunion.  I also liked her response that she didn't try to talk Jordan out of flipping all the cards because he's capable of making his own decisions. 


CT at least seemed to enjoy the reunion even if he was never called upon to speak.  He cracked me up when he shouted, "BUT WE'RE BEST FRIENDS!" at Cara Maria, and I loved how hard he laughed while Devyn was telling her hysterical story about waking up on the bus with no one around but Uruguayan men, and she decided to go with the one that grabbed her hand because one strange man is better than five.  She can come back any time, because that girl is funny and smart.  I enjoy her personality and don't care at all how she performs in competitions.


I wouldn't hate it if CT and Cara Maria ended up as a couple, but from what she said about Abe, it sounds like maybe they are back together, and if so, ew.  Cara Maria, honey, you can do SO MUCH BETTER, and no, your personality is not lacking at all.  I was bummed to hear her say that, and to see that despite everything she still has so many insecurities.


Overall, this was probably my favorite reunion in a long time, I don't usually laugh out loud at these things but I was amused a lot during this one.  Maybe my favorite part was Zach earnestly naming all the Disney princesses, and knowing that Mulan was a warrior, not a princess.


I give the whole season a B, because it entertained me and went by too fast, but I can't give an A to anything that awards Bananas with $125,000.

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This reunion was enjoyable. So many things to comment on. First, Aneesa should've probably been there instead of Jessica. She had more a more interesting storyline than Jessica.

I kind of get what Nany is saying when she says that she made Cohutta look stupid. I think she's saying that by hooking up with Johnny R. she made Cohutta look pathetic. Here she is spending all her time with him and then she goes and sleeps with another guy. She should amend that statement, though. She came off really terrible in that situation. Good for Nany for setting Johnny straight. If he's going to justify his gossiping behavior by saying that's what you do on these shows or that's how you entertain yourself then Jordan is doing the same. Causing drama for attention. He's such an asshole.

Cara and Abram are more than back together. She moved out to Montana with him. I adore her friendship with Johnny R., Zach and especially CT. He's like a big brother and seems like he protects her when other people are being assholes to her. I hated when Devyn said that the people who use a gym membership, should use that money for a personality, because it's such a low blow. The things Cara was saying wasn't untrue. Devyn did get lucky and no, she is not some great strategist. Every girl wanted her in the final and I guarantee you that if the boys had known that the final would consist of three partnered heats, Devyn would've been voted in every time until she went home.

I don't like picking between Jordan and old Johnny. They're both assholes.

It was especially nice of CT to cut his own hair for the reunion.

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I kind of get what Nany is saying when she says that she made Cohutta look stupid. I think she's saying that by hooking up with Johnny R. she made Cohutta look pathetic. Here she is spending all her time with him and then she goes and sleeps with another guy. She should amend that statement, though. She came off really terrible in that situation. Good for Nany for setting Johnny straight. If he's going to justify his gossiping behavior by saying that's what you do on these shows or that's how you entertain yourself then Jordan is doing the same. Causing drama for attention. He's such an asshole.


I understand nany's insecurities of relationships and not wanting to get sprung cause she feels like she'll hurt someone in the long run. She could of done it in a way different way, but I can see from the reunion and on social media that she is really fallen for Cohutta, and vice versa. So, I hope they work out.


I kind of would like CT/Cara as a couple too, weirdly. But, it is great to actually see a male/female relationship that is platonic on these kind of shows.

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I posted this in the other thread but Theresa really is a punk. If you're going to threaten to hit someone you then can't sit back and go "I won't give you the satisfaction" when that person steps up to you. Don't make threats that you can't back up.


I want a Cohutta of my own.


Nany was so defensive about the Cohutta/Johnny R thing but that was all on her. Getting mad at Johnny B for wanting to spread the drama for tv's sake was stupid. Bananas wasn't making Cohutta look stupid, Nany was.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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It was especially nice of CT to cut his own hair for the reunion.

hahaha I totally noticed too lol, but he is still hot even with a wonky cut


I was on the fence about Theresa until the reunion, now I dislike her She is mean! I thought Devyn was kind of being sincere and she blew her off, and yeah don't say your gonna punch someone then not back it up! She shouldn't have said it in the first place. I am NO Laurel fan but I am glad she called her out on the BS

I also didn't like Devyn being rude to Cara. WTF did Cara do to you? Everyone on the planet knows that you basically lucked into 15K and didnt work for it until the finale. Otherwise I do like Devyn.


I love Cohutta, please Nany do not hurt him. They seem really cute together and I think he would treat Nany well ( I feel like Nany had a habit of dating assholes/losers before...RW Vegas Adam comes to mind)


Wish we could have heard more from CT and I missed Aneesa. Laurel can go suck it, I don't like her and I hope Cara keeps her at arms length. I have a soft spot for Cara and Im glad Zach/Johnny/CT are friends with her


Last thought ( sorry, I don't know anyone IRL who watches the show/actually cares about it lol) I am a Zach fan! I am glad he realized how it feels to be on the other end of the spectrum (body physically failing/having a hard time) I think it will make him more empathetic and I think his attitude about the finale was pretty good considering how he was in the past. Also he is funny and def not hard on the eyes. I am glad MTV didn't let him drown. :-)

I accidentally first posted in "After Show" thread about this reunion.


honestly like the whole Boston bond between Johnny R/Zach/CT/CM.

ITA. And this silly "Boston Strong" bond is why I can never hate any of these 4, no matter how much bullshit spews out of their mouths (Zach!). CT looked incredibly hot to me, bad haircut and all, although I wouldn't mind him growing that beard back.


The fact that Bananas straight up admitted that "The Challenge" is how he supports himself made me want to throw up. What a pathetic tool.

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I don't know why, but I kind of loved when Jessica was talking about (OK, and now I'm blanking out on his name, whoever the guy was that she thought she was getting involved with during the show), and Bananas started patting her on the shoulder, and she said "don't comfort me!"  It just cracked me up for some reason. 


Also, I'm really surprised that Laurel and Jordan are still together.  I would have thought he was done the second he left.  He strikes me as a "love the one you're with" kind of guy, more than engaging in actual relationships. 

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I don't understand calling someone pathetic or a tool just because they make their living doing reality television.

Johnny does have a legitimate job. THIS is his work. How is what he's doing any different from what an actor does? He's actually making better money and getting more gigs than most actors are really. It's not his fault he doesn't have to wait tables between work. Instead, he gets to travel a lot and do charity work with Hannah, and in between has the challenge and other appearances to generate some good income. I think a lot of people would love to be in his shoes.

He's made a lot of money from this gig and has plenty of connections for when he's ready to settle down and get a job away from the cameras. Why would he want to stop now? I really don't get it.

Agree completely. How is this not "real" income? He isn't living off the government, he's making his own money and having a great time doing it. I don't see anything pathetic about that at all.

Why should he be sitting in a cubicle somewhere just because somebody doesn't think he has a "real" job.

He gets to travel and see beautiful places while hanging out with his friends and making good money.

In what world is that wrong?

  • Love 5

Completely agree that there is nothing wrong with Johnny Bananas doing the show as his job. I would do it in a heartbeat, if I had the chance. What an amazing job; sure beats the shit out of most ordinary jobs I can think of!


I liked the reunion because it felt well-edited, tight, and flowed well. The "Devyn on the Bus" saga went on too long (I don't really care for Devyn), but it was great other than that.  I loved all the unseen footage.  Does anyone know if there's going to be a "Shit they should have shown" episode? Those are my favs.


I'm ecstatic that Abram and Cara Maria are still together! They are my favorite Reality T.V. couple EVER. They were so cute on Cutthroat and on their adventures that Cara Maria has chronicled on her YouTube channel.


(I know Dustin wasn't on the reunion, but are Dustin and Heather back together? I also enjoyed them as a couple.)


Cohutta is adorable, but I've never understood what people see in Nany. She looks like a transvestite to me. 


I greatly enjoyed this season. I have an unhealthy obsession with this show and hope that it never ends. My hope is that Abram and Evelyn come back soon, even though I know that Evelyn is at Harvard and Abram was writing children's books and building energy-efficient homes in Montana. Evelyn and Abram are my favorite competitors of all time. 

Edited by Zima

According to wiki, Johnny has made $400k in his Challenge winnings. If he started in 2006 that's 50k a year, not too shabby. I don't care for the guy, but seems like he loves what he does!

Taxes is taking a huge chunk of that, though.  His real income is more likely from the college bar appearances they get to do, and whatever stipend they get while they're on the show.


Cohutta is adorable, but I've never understood what people see in Nany. She looks like a transvestite to me.

She really does, and it's annoying how she can't stop messing with her hair constantly.


I couldn't stand Zach when he was on BotS2 with Frank and I never really thought he was attractive. But he was totally adorable this season.

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