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S21.E37: Power of Veto #13

Lady Calypso

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..Jackson deserves to win this season hands down!

I don't agree with this analysis.  There is a reason that TPTB puts the decision in the hands of the jury.  Jury management is important!  If winning the most competitions makes a hamster the most "deserving" to win the $500,000 then just abolish the jury and keep score by counting HOH and Veto wins. 

TPTB could even establish an elaborate scoring system and keep a running tally.  5 points for a win, 3 points for second and 1 point for third.  Performing poorly (as in throwing) a comp results in negative points.  (-5 for dead last, -3 for second to last and -1 for third last.  That would prevent them from losing on purpose.

Of course, this kind of scoring to determine the Winner would create an entirely different kind of Big Brother than we are accustomed to, so in the alternative, we just keep the (often bitter) jury and see what happens.

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2 hours ago, Slider said:

Ovi - that's who will be getting my votes.  

Maybe that's why production asked Ovi back to stand awkwardly in the kitchen with a tray of cookies - to remind everyone voting for AFP that Ovi was indeed part of the game at one point.  Otherwise, it was a bizarre and wasted cameo for him - it was a timed event, so what was the plan there, other than to count him as something that had been changed?  I did see Nicole give him a quick hug, but Boss Hogg was all, "there'll be time to chat with Ovi after this is over, I got myself a comp to win."  Which incidentally is the only smart thing I have heard come out of Cliff's mouth in weeks.

1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said:

Did they edit out the part of the competition where the paramedics came in and put Cliff on oxygen for 15 minutes while the timer ticked on?  I was watching this and thinking "I'm 4 years older than Cliff but I don't get that winded to the point where I'm falling on the ground.  Dammit, man.  You're in the house for 3 months, work on some cardio!"  I dunno, Maybe because I try to stay somewhat active (and I don't look like I'm carrying a baby that was due a month ago).

Although, on the positive side, I do think that Cliff looks like he has dropped some weight.  If you look at the promos he did for BBAD compared to how he looked at last night's comp.

Nichole wasn't that far behind Snackson in that comp and she definitely smoked Holly.  If she had been this competitive earlier on, I think she would have been targeted as more of a threat earlier on.

Cliff is a couple of years older than me.  I certainly don't mean to age-shame, but I agree with the bold.  He's in a house full of workout equipment for three months, where there is little else to do to pass the hours.  Maybe he did work out and we just didn't see it, but I'd have to think that even taking several laps around the back yard a few times a day would've helped him immensely to keep up a little bit better with some of these comps.  Granted, he likely wouldn't be able to beast them out like Snackson but at least he might not end up on the ground covered in sweat after part 1 of 3 of that luxury comp.

And I swear, the way the show was edited, it looked like Nicole had won that comp, what with Snack having to start and stop 14 times because he was doing it wrong.

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As I understand it, the increasingly large and elaborate competition set-ups take longer and longer to set up and take down means that the back yard is unavailable to the hamsters for long, long stretches at a time.   Think back to ye olde BB of times past--it seemed most of the conversations and time was spent outside.  Lots of pool lounging, lots of hammock swinging, lots of slumped couch sitting.  Now it seems like everything takes place in either the HOH room--often without the HOH even being present--or what is the boat room in this set.  I think it would be hard to have a regular exercise regimen if you didn't have access to the area in which to actually perform said regimen. 

I remember reading somewhere that was why for celebrity BB, they have to dedicated an inside room to be a gym area so the celebs can continue to keep burning those calories.

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As I understand it, the increasingly large and elaborate competition set-ups take longer and longer to set up and take down means that the back yard is unavailable to the hamsters for long, long stretches at a time.   Think back to ye olde BB of times past--it seemed most of the conversations and time was spent outside.  Lots of pool lounging, lots of hammock swinging, lots of slumped couch sitting.  Now it seems like everything takes place in either the HOH room--often without the HOH even being present--or what is the boat room in this set.

I've noticed it in the rare times I've watched BBAD this season. They always seem to be inside. It's very boring. The show thinks the audience wants to see elaborate set-ups for these comps but the time they spend on putting up these elaborate sets in the back yard aren't adding anything to the actual comps. We don't need an entire back yard filled with goofy visuals to keep us engaged. I guess the show thinks its audience has the attention span of a five-year old.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

They should be able to easily find room in the house for a stepper and a treadmill.   They don't take up that much room.  

Heck, throw in a jump rope and an exercise wheel.  They take up no room and can be used anywhere.

ETA:  Cliff could walk around the house, up and down the stairs, that would have helped him at least a little bit with his cardio.  Of course I don't know what he has been eating for the past three months.  Probably not watermelon.

I distinctly recall seasons with an inside gym.  I know it was there on the season where Eric was america's player.  They also used to have an elliptical and a treadmill in the backyard.  I recall the elliptical was squeaky and would drive live feeders nuts.   Even if you cant get outside, the house has stairs you can climb and other seasons had houseguests who would lead aerobic sessions inside and out.

Dammit, now I feel guilty for skipping the gym today!

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I wonder how many viewers BB has lost over the years for that very reason?

Probably not zero, but about as close to zero as possible. Their ratings have been remarkably consistent. They've only gone down the same rate as overall TV audience decline (slightly LESS so, really).

"After this season, I would imagine that viewership will really tank, as will the number of feed watchers."

You would be wrong. No one cares. They do the same shit every year. No one cares. 

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And I swear, the way the show was edited, it looked like Nicole had won that comp, what with Snack having to start and stop 14 times because he was doing it wrong.

I just re-watched it. The editing is definitely wonky. In few of Nicole's scenes she's coming from the wrong direction to hit the buzzer. So either she forgot initially to hit the buzzer (and production reminded her) or there is some serious splicing.  The edit gives the impression that she was remarkably consistent in the shots but if you look at each shot you see multiple balls scattered everywhere.  Just always hard to tell truth - when we have to go by what the producers choose to show us. I think they wanted us to believe Nicole won- in order to drive up the suspense.

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28 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Probably not zero, but about as close to zero as possible. Their ratings have been remarkably consistent. They've only gone down the same rate as overall TV audience decline (slightly LESS so, really).

"After this season, I would imagine that viewership will really tank, as will the number of feed watchers."

You would be wrong. No one cares. They do the same shit every year. No one cares. 

Agreed.  It doesn't matter how much production interferes with the show or how many dickheads they cast, this is our crack and we'll be back every season until the show is cancelled.  We're dummies.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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29 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I just re-watched it. The editing is definitely wonky. In few of Nicole's scenes she's coming from the wrong direction to hit the buzzer. So either she forgot initially to hit the buzzer (and production reminded her) or there is some serious splicing.  The edit gives the impression that she was remarkably consistent in the shots but if you look at each shot you see multiple balls scattered everywhere.  Just always hard to tell truth - when we have to go by what the producers choose to show us. I think they wanted us to believe Nicole won- in order to drive up the suspense.

What I didn't understand with Nicole was that she seemed to be walking around than rushing, maybe it was to conserve energy or to think more.  But it was such a stark contrast to Jackson it was hard to believe she beat him.

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9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

What I don't like is every year they bring in Dr. Will who has not been relevant since BB2 to actively try to SWAY jury members on how to vote. I wish they would drop him. Warhol said 15 MINUETES of fame not 15 YEARS.

I don't mind the Dr. Will segment every year, only because I get to judge how much filler he's put into his face and how many chemical peels he should have stepped back from. He's starting to get that puffy look that women of a certain age with too much plastic surgery get and that tickles my funny bone. His hair especially looks hilarious right now according to his Twitter account. Who knew Pepé Le Pew was the in thing for men's hair this year? 

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I know it would take the "suspense" away when announcing the winner,  but it would be nice if there was a timer going while each person is doing these timed comps to prove their time.   Mr..  Tostandon and I both thought for sure Nichol won.  If she had,  I really doubt CliffHog would have voted out Jerkson. 

As big of a fan of the show Nichol claims to be,  I wonder if she sat there in embarrassment as CliffHog was laying out the veto ground rules to Holly.  I also wonder if CliffHog has ever really seen BB, all of his demands were ridiculous.  He sure did take pride in shouting "I LOVE BIG BROTHER!". 

17 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

 I watched that veto comp and wow! Jackson sure had to have taken more than 11 minutes to complete that task. I call bullsh*t. 

The fact that he said production was reminding him to leave UP the ones who were the answers to the question, makes me mad.   the double negative nature of the task is designed to make it HARDER.  Let him do the opposite, and take more time!  

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