bafleyanne July 21, 2016 Share July 21, 2016 BBAD has been surprisingly good the last few nights. Lots of game talk, and Natalie and Michelle were flat out hysterical last night with the prank they played on Paul. I've been pleasantly surprised because normally it's largely snooze worthy and mostly them eating or similar stuff. Link to comment
Wings July 26, 2016 Share July 26, 2016 I like when the HGs are talking about production and we get fish on the feeds but no fish here! We hear and see more of what they are doing against the rules with no interruption. 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 11, 2016 Share August 11, 2016 On the plus side, tonight has been very educational. If it weren't for BBAD I may have never heard the word blouch, or been motivated to discover its meaning. In a certain sense, it seems totally appropriate I learned this term from Paulie. ;> Link to comment
Nashville August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 Don't know about yall, but this season I'm finding Orwell's evictee commentary flatter than front row at a One Direction concert. Previous season Orwell comments were personalized snarky one-liner responses to each evictee-specific clip, and the snark was good - good enough that I looked forward to Friday nights, to see the newest Orwell take on the latest Thursday evictee. This season, though? Canned responses which have nothing to do with the evictee clip. Case in point: Bridgette's evictee clip is the take of her looking directly at one of the House cameras and saying (in a comment originally directed to Frank), "I don't know what I'm doing here." In past seasons this would have been Orwell gold - begging for a response like: "It showed." "That's why you're out now, toots!" "But do you know why you're gone now?" We know you didn't." What do we get this season, though? "It's anybody's game now." Lame. Link to comment
Nashville August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 YKYBWTMBBADW*: In the "Smart Cover-Up Special" ads, the old lady's legs are starting to look pretty good. * You Know You've Been Watching Too Much BBAD When: 4 Link to comment
Wings August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 ha ha ha ha ha ha! ^^^^^^^ Link to comment
Darva6 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 If I see one more Baywatch ad while watching this show I will put a gun in my mouth. I fast forward as quick as I can but I always seem to catch some of it! HATE! 2 Link to comment
Nashville August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 3 hours ago, Darva6 said: If I see one more Baywatch ad while watching this show I will put a gun in my mouth. I fast forward as quick as I can but I always seem to catch some of it! HATE! Yup yup yup. Someone needs to feed Camera Douchebag his telephoto lens, stat. 1 Link to comment
AndreaK1041 August 17, 2016 Share August 17, 2016 The scroll at the bottom is pretty funny. The one I'm watching right now says "Nicole can't guess the number Corey is thinking of". Link to comment
Fex August 19, 2016 Share August 19, 2016 Does/Did anyone have After Dark today? I set my alarm, only to find an episode of Intervention Canada :( There was a message at the bottom of the screen saying the regularly scheduled program wasn't available due to technical difficulties. Link to comment
Nashville August 19, 2016 Share August 19, 2016 13 hours ago, Fex said: Does/Did anyone have After Dark today? I set my alarm, only to find an episode of Intervention Canada :( There was a message at the bottom of the screen saying the regularly scheduled program wasn't available due to technical difficulties. We got two back-to-back repeat BB episodes from this season. I just figured they were still playing the HoH comp. 1 Link to comment
Fex August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 1 hour ago, Nashville said: We got two back-to-back repeat BB episodes from this season. I just figured they were still playing the HoH comp. Thanks! That makes more sense than "technical difficulties" 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 23, 2016 Share August 23, 2016 (edited) Swear to god - if I never hear the show choir bunch singing the "mother/father/children/sisters/brothers" song again it'll be too soon. What about that second cousin twice removed - gonna leave her out of the mix??? Or your grandmother? Or Granny's cat? YOU ASSHOLES!!!! ;) Edited August 23, 2016 by Nashville Mad grandma props 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 26, 2016 Share August 26, 2016 (edited) First Orwell Drinking Game of the night: Paul appears to be sitting pretty. If you're happy about that, take a drink; if you're not, drink two. Gonna be a looooooonnnnnnnng night.... Edited August 26, 2016 by Nashville Paul, not Paulie. Geez.... 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 21, 2016 Share September 21, 2016 Last BBAD of the season tonight! Link to comment
Cigale July 1, 2017 Share July 1, 2017 First BBAD of the season was quite interesting (for someone who cannot get the feeds). Alex told Jillian that Christmas used to be an addict, big time. Are we supposed to already know that? I didn't watch any of the presentations and interviews. Link to comment
slasherboy July 1, 2017 Share July 1, 2017 Ew. Kevin. The fingernails on his little fingers are painted/polished gray. The girl with tattoos down her right arm has man hands. That's all I've seen so far. Link to comment
Wings July 1, 2017 Share July 1, 2017 10 hours ago, slasherboy said: Ew. Kevin. The fingernails on his little fingers are painted/polished gray. The girl with tattoos down her right arm has man hands. That's all I've seen so far. That is Christmas and she painted his nails. Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 3, 2017 Share July 3, 2017 Trying to watch last night's episode. Why is Raven dressed up like she just returned from a cocktail party? Paul is endlessly talking and I keep hearing a southern female voice that snorts while laughing. Is that Raven? A lot of snorting. Link to comment
Christina July 4, 2017 Share July 4, 2017 I've barely checked out the feeds, because it is the same people repeating the same things over and over. Turned on BBAD, and it's the same people saying the same thing over and over. I'm turning to a rerun of Psych. It's an episode where Dule Hill and his college quartet sing, and I can listen to that over and over. 2 Link to comment
Cherry Cola July 4, 2017 Share July 4, 2017 Does Jason wear the red Whistlenut shirt every. Single. Day? I am already tired of it. Link to comment
peachmangosteen July 4, 2017 Share July 4, 2017 5 hours ago, Cherry Cola said: Does Jason wear the red Whistlenut shirt every. Single. Day? I am already tired of it. Any time I've seen him on the feeds he's been shirtless. Link to comment
Cherry Cola July 4, 2017 Share July 4, 2017 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said: Any time I've seen him on the feeds he's been shirtless. Huh. Maybe he just wears it specifically for bbad. 1 Link to comment
RedheadZombie July 5, 2017 Share July 5, 2017 On Monday night's show - Paul: "I didn't win last year by being deceitful. I worked my ass off. " Is he really trying to convince them he won? Elena, Dom, and Raven just nod and listen in awe. Also, Dom literally sat with a plastic cup blocking her mouth, and spoke with her eyes darting around like a paranoid nut. She did this long enough to drink a well full. She must have realized how stupid she looked and put the cup down. 1 Link to comment
Nashville July 9, 2017 Share July 9, 2017 So - on last night's BBAD the Poor Raven Telethon put me to sleep, and I missed the rest of the show. Did I miss anything good? Did Jerry Lewis come out at the end? I love the part where he sings "You'll Never Walk Alone".... :P 1 Link to comment
slasherboy July 17, 2017 Share July 17, 2017 Where is everybody? Link to comment
Dewey Decimate July 18, 2017 Share July 18, 2017 (edited) On 7/16/2017 at 9:49 PM, slasherboy said: Where is everybody? I know, right? I only watch BBAD, but like to follow the Live Feed thread and post there. It's sad, but watching them for three hours almost every night (2 on Thurs) makes me fully able to imagine things happening as they're described in the live feed. That said, last night while everyone was playing pool.... wowza at Mark's outfit. There is nothing wrong with wearing bright pink shorts and a tank top, but all I could think of was an SNL Robert Smigel cartoon. He looks like he walked out of an Ambiguously Gay Duo episode and came to life. Edited July 21, 2017 by Dewey Decimate 3 Link to comment
AndreaK1041 July 18, 2017 Share July 18, 2017 I've watched BBAD the last two nights for the first time this season. The feed is constantly on Paul. I will say he's really good at popping in to rooms, talking to the couple people there like they are his most important alliance and then popping out. I could see myself getting fooled by that. I still don't know which one is Mark and which one is Matt. Don't tell me, I don't care. Jessica seems like she's done a lot of positive work for her game in 3 days. Well done her. Link to comment
Nashville July 18, 2017 Share July 18, 2017 Swear to God I'm changing channels if they don't take this frikkin' camera off the Josh and Dom Victim Show - they're killing BBAD. :( Link to comment
Nashville August 7, 2017 Share August 7, 2017 (edited) So tonight's BBAD ends up being monopolized by - you guessed it, PAUL!!! More specifically, Makeup Tips With Paul And Elena! Why is it you can never find a bullet when you need one...? ETA: Screw this horseshit - I have the latest GoT on the DVR. Outs. Edited August 7, 2017 by Nashville 2 Link to comment
Nashville August 16, 2017 Share August 16, 2017 Then again - sometimes on BBAD, you just get lucky. The Setup: Raven has been increasingly salty - and increasingly vocal - about her displeasure over the fact Production hasn't called her for a DR in the past 2+ days. Then - at 12:11AM CDT / 10:11PM BBT, in the HoH room: BB: "Raven, please go to the Diary Room." Raven immediately freaks out - jumping up and down and shrieking "You DO love me!!! You DO know who I am!!! YAY!!!" at a pitch guaranteed to make dogs wince - before making a dash for the HoH door. Then, just as Raven is exiting... Matt: "Babe...?" Raven stops, turns in the doorway. Matt: "Don't mess it up." Raven: "Fucker!" with accompanying bird released into flight, before heading out HoH door. Matt (just before door closes): "No, just walked her home - thanks for asking." That just made the entire evening worthwhile. :> 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie September 6, 2017 Share September 6, 2017 Well, this thread is dead. Anyway, I tuned in last night to watch Paul's work out routine. Apparently, it includes mimicking kayaking, backwards, with a pool stick. I also saw him advising Josh on how to work out. Does Paul think he's an expert now because he's shared the same house as Christmas? 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 7, 2017 Share September 7, 2017 12 hours ago, RedheadZombie said: Well, this thread is dead. Anyway, I tuned in last night to watch Paul's work out routine. Apparently, it includes mimicking kayaking, backwards, with a pool stick. I also saw him advising Josh on how to work out. Does Paul think he's an expert now because he's shared the same house as Christmas? No, Hanukkah is retroactively a crossfit expert now because she's shared the same House as Paul - his expertise warps the space-time continuum. 2 Link to comment
slasherboy September 7, 2017 Share September 7, 2017 Every season I particularly look forward to BBAD. I don't get the feeds but I really enjoy watching the hamsters in their natural surroundings being themselves. But this year I just can't because they're all so repulsive and I don't care about following in one hamster in particular, nor do I enjoy the game talk. So I rarely watch BBAD this season and that's why this thread is dead, because I'm not alone. Oh, my poor pathetic life..... 2 Link to comment
Fex September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Aggghhhhh!!! I think someone at BB is a Twin Peaks fan - watching Kevin talk to the camera on last night's BBAD and they zoomed in on the stuffed owl sitting beside him, and there was electrical feedback. This explains everything!!!! Paul is a Woodsman!!!! 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Night before last when the HGs were doing the "unicorn milkshake" thing, two thoughts kept going through my head: Given all the emphasis on unicorns, the guys in the Production booth are either definitely not Deadpool fans - or they definitely are. Had they had so chosen, Production could have sent a clear and direct message to the HGs about viewer perceptions of this season by simply replacing the milkshake ingredients with multiple packets of Kool-Aid. ;> 3 Link to comment
Nashville September 12, 2017 Share September 12, 2017 Ok - I just gotta ask: What the everlovin' monkeyfuck is the deal with that damn lady's scarf Kevin had tied around his head last night? It's not a bandanna, it's not a do-rag - it's a scarf. A frikkin' SCARF. I don't know what look Kevin was shooting for, but he looks like a late-'60s/early-'70s housewife about to fire up the ol' Hoovermatic and get to housecleaning. :P 2 Link to comment
Nashville September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 Is the HoH aquarium short a few fish tonight? Link to comment
Nashville September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 FYI - BB better get somebody to minding that aquarium soon, or they're going to lose all the fish. The one Josh was moaning about so badly last night wanting to give it mouth-to-mouth because it was staying up at the top of the aquarium "gasping for air"? Most likely it has ick - a parasitic infection which, if untreated, can result in 100% mortality in a tank. One of the side-effects of ick infestation is damage to an infected fish's gills, which means the fish's ability to absorb oxygen from the surrounding water is compromised - hence the "gasping" at the top of the aquarium. Oxygen concentrations in a tank are highest at the point of air/water contact (the top of the tank), and the fish is struggling to get every bit of oxygen it can. Link to comment
Nashville September 14, 2017 Share September 14, 2017 Tweet from @BBADOrwell: I mean, I am laying right there. Paul is ignoring me like I'm Christmas in bed next to him. The Shade is strong with this one. :D Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 And tonight's BBAD Special Edition is: Adventures in Sleeping!!! Think I'm about ready to switch over to the DVR and catch up on FTWD. Somebody let me know if they do something drastic like - wake up. 1 Link to comment
Fex September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 9 hours ago, Nashville said: And tonight's BBAD Special Edition is: Adventures in Sleeping!!! Think I'm about ready to switch over to the DVR and catch up on FTWD. Somebody let me know if they do something drastic like - wake up. Thanks for this comment. I'm just going to go straight to delete on my DVR.... 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 5 hours ago, Fex said: Thanks for this comment. I'm just going to go straight to delete on my DVR.... You weren't missing anything; our intrepid F3 slept clean through the entirety of BBAD. 1 Link to comment
MrHufflepuff September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 Forget POP TV. If anyone wants to give me free room and board, I'll let them watch me while I sleep. 1 Link to comment
Fex September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 Pop TV gave them questions to answer from twitter, and I found it actually kind of interesting. Annoying though when it goes to commercial right after asking a question, so we miss the answer. I was never sure if we missed time during the commercial breaks, so I guess now I know! Link to comment
Nashville September 20, 2017 Share September 20, 2017 So this is how BBAD ends - not with a bang, but a whimper. And a stuffed owl wearing a bandanna. Until next time, folks. 1 Link to comment
Nashville February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 Mmmm... popcorn.... 2 Link to comment
Wings February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 5 hours ago, Nashville said: Mmmm... popcorn.... I find it hard d to believe coconut oil is the reason some thought it was the best ever. I think they had been eating microwave packs. I pop it in olive oil and drizzel it with butter. That has to be better. Coconut oil is tasteless and why I don't use it in regular cooking. Link to comment
imjagain February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 9 hours ago, Wings said: I find it hard d to believe coconut oil is the reason some thought it was the best ever. I think they had been eating microwave packs. I pop it in olive oil and drizzel it with butter. That has to be better. Coconut oil is tasteless and why I don't use it in regular cooking. I make my popcorn in coconut oil and add a little salt once its done. The best popcorn ever, seriously. I have popped in olive oil in the past. Something about coconut oil makes amazing. Link to comment
Wings February 11, 2018 Share February 11, 2018 Just now, imjagain said: I make my popcorn in coconut oil and add a little salt once its done. The best popcorn ever, seriously. I have popped in olive oil in the past. Something about coconut oil makes amazing. There are 2 types of coconut oil. One is white and has a mild cocnut flavor, the other is clear and solid when refrigerated. Which do you use? Link to comment
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