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One Night Ultimate Games: Season 2

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8 minutes ago, MarkHB said:

I am going to go ahead and start an alternative vote...

2 to DL MarkHB (Drogo, Lisin)

1 to DL Drogo (MarkHB)

Bae you're literally doing what I just said the bad guys would do.


What negative intent do you think I could've had to claim Switcheroo early and tick off half the players in the game?  

Full disclosure: It's possible I'm bad, too, depending on what the quiet folks did... but you's bad.

Sod it, imma be bold. If I find I was switched by someone else and it means I lose I'll take the medicine.

Drogo, you may wanna switch your vote bc... 


Henchy McHencherson.

And as Spruce has MarkHB in his family, if MarkHB dies he'd lose too.

@The Crazed Spruce We can guarantee a win for us and you - I'm gonna pick a hero who isn't in your family (aka A1 or raven) and then you will win along with us evil-doers. With the trio and Drogo and Family Man aka Spruce (who has a bad guy - MarkHB - in his family) we have 5 votes - a majority. 

@MarkHB come off Drogo and hop on raven as you're a trio member now.

@Drogo come off MarkHB and hop on raven as you're a trio member as well.

2 to DL MarkHB (Drogo, Lisin)

1 to DL Drogo (MarkHB)

1 to DL raven (SilverStormm)

2 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

 Drogo, you may wanna switch your vote bc... 

You henchmanized me?! 

Fuck excellent logic, I can believe SS is an evil temptress who brought me to the dark side.

Since I'm nothing if not loyal to temptresses... 

1 to DL MarkHB (Lisin)

4 to DL raven (SilverStormm, MarkHB, CP, Drogo)

4 minutes ago, Drogo said:

*I'll be shocked if Role Retriever and Voodoo Lou didn't screw with at least one of us, *but I'll stick with this vote regardless of what gets chimed in at this point. 


 I figured with so little going on, me being bold would make for an interesting ending, if nothing else. 😄

Better to go out with a bang than a fizzle.

  • Love 2

I have hemmed and hawed about voting this "early".  I was planning on voting later.  However, I now have evening plans and hope this doesn't mess things up too much.  I role retrieved Machiabelly.  So, now it looks like I should vote like this.

1 to DL MarkHB (Lisin)

5 to DL raven (SilverStormm, MarkHB, CP, Drogo, aquarian1)

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

I have hemmed and hawed about voting this "early".  I was planning on voting later.  However, I now have evening plans and hope this doesn't mess things up too much.  I role retrieved Machiabelly.  So, now it looks like I should vote like this.

1 to DL MarkHB (Lisin)

5 to DL raven (SilverStormm, MarkHB, CP, Drogo, aquarian1)

Ok, so... that makes @SilverStormm's plan fails (if everyone shows up to vote) because Switcher acts after Retriever so, Machia was a baddie, then A1 retrieved that role and made Machia the Retriever and she became the baddie, then Drogo swapped Mark and Machia making Mark the Retriever and Machia the Evil-Ometer meaning Machia is not a baddie afterall... I think I've got this right.

  • SilverStromm – Baddie
  • Drogo Was Switcher but now Tempted and is Henchman
  • aquarian1 – Role Retriever now Baddie  
  • raven
  • TheCrazedSpruce Family Man
  • MarkHB Family was Evil-ometer switched with Machia by Drogo now role retriever
  • Machiabelly Family role retreieved by A1 now Evil-ometer
  • Lisin Family
  • CuriousParker  - Baddie

Which means that the family + SCOOP can outnumber the baddies, I don't necessarily trust that either Silver or CP isn't in fact the Mad-Scientist so I don't want to vote for her... SO 


1 to DL aquarian1 (Lisin) 

@raven @The Crazed Spruce @MarkHB @Machiabelly we need your votes! 

@The Crazed Spruce has no loyalty to any side except his family members, which means he can still vote and win with the trio as long as we aren't DL'ing one of his family, which we aren't.

It all comes down to which way Spruce decides to vote and as my plan came first, nothing has really changed numbers-wise. C'mon TCS, don't let us down, we were first to offer you the win on a silver platter!

4 minutes ago, SilverStormm said:

@The Crazed Spruce has no loyalty to any side except his family members, which means he can still vote and win with the trio as long as we aren't DL'ing one of his family, which we aren't.

It all comes down to which way Spruce decides to vote and as my plan came first, nothing has really changed numbers-wise. C'mon TCS, don't let us down, we were first to offer you the win on a silver platter!

Sure! But he's a GOOD GUY! Come on @The Crazed Spruce vote with the good guys!

ALSO!Mark only joined that DL because he thought he was a baddie... @MarkHB You're on the wrong vote now! 

The Family Man isn't a 'good guy' he's his own faction lol. Besides, I doubt that SCOOP would have hesitated to DL one of his family if they thought them a trio member which would've meant he lost! They don't give a hoot about whether you win or not @The Crazed Spruce they just want your vote! As evidenced by the original DL of your family member MarkHB when they thought he was part of the trio.

Anyways, I'm off to bed. I leave it to my brethren now. Whatever happens happens, I regret nothing. Trio Forever!

  • Love 1
Just now, SilverStormm said:

The Family Man isn't a 'good guy' he's his own faction lol. Besides, I doubt that SCOOP would have hesitated to DL one of his family if they thought them a trio member which would've meant he lost! They don't give a hoot about whether you win or not @The Crazed Spruce they just want your vote! As evidenced by the original DL of your family member MarkHB when they thought he was part of the trio.

Anyways, I'm off to bed. I leave it to my brethren now. Whatever happens happens, I regret nothing. Trio Forever!

Sorry, I meant TCS as a human is a good guy, just trying to pull at his IRL heartstrings here! Also? I'm part of his Family too so I'm hoping that means more than the baddie's promises...

Also? I'm so confused now! 

42 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Trio-- if you don't think Spruce has it in him to break bad, we can always put our votes on his remaining child Lisin (and force a tie or take majority depending how many votes come in and when time is called).. 


1 hour ago, Machiabelly said:

Wait. Missed some posts. Changing vote to Aquarian

And you missed one:

5 to DL raven (SilverStormm, MarkHB, CP, Drogo, aquarian1)

3 to DL aquarian1 (Lisin, raven, Machiabelly)

1 hour ago, Lisin said:

And you missed one:

5 to DL raven (SilverStormm, MarkHB, CP, Drogo, aquarian1)

3 to DL aquarian1 (Lisin, raven, Machiabelly)

Our trio consists of SilverStormm, Drogo and aquarian1.

@MarkHB you're a hero!  Vote to DL aquarian1!  @The Crazed Spruce your family needs you!  Vote with us!

2 minutes ago, raven said:

Our trio consists of SilverStormm, Drogo and aquarian1.

@MarkHB you're a hero!  Vote to DL aquarian1!  @The Crazed Spruce your family needs you!  Vote with us!

Still awake... You aren't a member of @The Crazed Spruce's family, just fyi 😉 . Also, you missed CP off the trio list, we're a quartet now. 

Just now, SilverStormm said:

Still awake... You aren't a member of @The Crazed Spruce's family, just fyi 😉 . Also, you missed CP off the trio list, we're a quartet now. 

I know I'm not a family member -  I meant Lisin, who is a member, since she originally called for the vote switch. 

I didn't think the Trio could gain members.  I think I am going to be awful at the pirate game.  I thought maybe CP was the Mad Scientist.

2 hours ago, Drogo said:

Trio-- if you don't think Spruce has it in him to break bad, we can always put our votes on his remaining child Lisin (and force a tie or take majority depending how many votes come in and when time is called).. 

In @The Crazed Spruce we trust. Or rather his self-interest anyway.

I played my hand and will live or die by it. Knowing that his family would've happily voted MarkHB on a DL and thereby make Spruce lose, should tell him all he needs to know about family loyalty, ahem.

14 minutes ago, raven said:

I know I'm not a family member -  I meant Lisin, who is a member, since she originally called for the vote switch. 

I didn't think the Trio could gain members.  I think I am going to be awful at the pirate game.  I thought maybe CP was the Mad Scientist.

Original trio were, myself, machia & CP. Drogo makes the 4th member of our happy quartet as he was henchmanised.

ETA Going to try to get some sleep again.

Whatever the outcome, fun game all!

17 minutes ago, raven said:

I know I'm not a family member -  I meant Lisin, who is a member, since she originally called for the vote switch. 

I didn't think the Trio could gain members.  I think I am going to be awful at the pirate game.  I thought maybe CP was the Mad Scientist.

You’re doing great! (And not just because you’re voting with me lol). The one night games can get confusing because there’s a lot of role switching done and people don’t know if they’ve been switched etc.  

Bottom line is currently we “know” that Silver, CP and Aquarian1 are the baddies who “recruited” Drogo without his knowledge. 

Now it’s just up to @MarkHB to show up and change his vote to the good side and for @The Crazed Spruce to vote with his family! 

Or not if that’s what they want to do. And then we lose. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Lisin said:

Now it’s just up to @MarkHB to show up and change his vote to the good side and for @The Crazed Spruce to vote with his family!  

Or not if that’s what they want to do. And then we lose. 

 It's too late in either case.  Time is up!

Final votes are:

4 hours ago, Lisin said:

5 to DL raven (SilverStormm, MarkHB, CP, Drogo, aquarian1)

3 to DL aquarian1 (Lisin, raven, Machiabelly) 

With one abstaining.

Results are forthcoming.

  • Love 3

Them's the breaks.  And really, time was up before I made the call.

With a final vote of 5-3, raven was captured by the Shady Grove police department.  And when they were unmasked, they were revealed to be:


The Detector!

Which means that all the Dastardly Trio evaded capture and win!  (This time.)  And since raven was not part of the family (this time), the Family Man also succeeded in his goal of keeping the family out of the kerfuffle.

Our winners for this round are:

  • Silver  (Rapscallion)
  • aquarian1 (Dr. Peeker)
  • CP (Temptress)
  • Drogo (Henchman #7)
  • and Spruce (Family Man)

Now for a flashback to the events of the Night as they happened.

  • The Dastardly Trio of Silver, Machia, and CP plotted together:
    • Dr. Peeker Machia peeked at Drogo, and found he was Switcheroo.
    • Temptress CP brought Drogo over to the darkside, changing him into Henchman #7.
    • Rapscallion Silver looked at Role A and saw it was the Mad Scientist.
  • Evil-ometer Mark got an evil reading in his vicinity.  He did not know if it was Spruce, Machia, or both.  Machia, along with CP and Silver saw Mark as he took his reading.
  • Annoying Lad Lisin annoyed Machiabelly.
  • Detector raven used her detection field on roles B and C, finding they were Voodoo Lou and Self-Awareness Girl, respectively.
  • Role Retriever A1 retrieved the role of Machiabelly.  A1 became Dr. Peeker, and Machia the Role Retreiver.
  • Switcheroo Drogo swapped Mark and Machia.  Machia became the Evil-ometer and Mark the Role Retreiver.
  • All Family Man Spruce knew he needed to protect his family of Mark, Machia, and Lisin.

Two things that amused me.  First, how popular and thus powerful Machia was this round.  He knew more roles than any other player at a certain point (himself, Silver, CP, Drogo (twice over), Mark, and Lisin.)  Granted, a couple later powers changed half that information, but still.

Second, when Drogo started the DL on Mark, he was doing the right thing for the exact wrong reason.  Made me chuckle.

Now, as usual for the denouement of a One Night game, I open the floor for feedback and questions.  Or, since I've been going kinda comic book with this setup, it's time for the Letters to the Editor page.

  • Love 4

Missed the vote by a couple of hours. If I'd checked in earlier this afternoon, I might've tried to shift the vote to @SilverStormm, but yeah, once the votes were cast I would've voted for @raven anyway to protect my family. Even the evil one.

If it's any consolation, I would've felt sorry about it for at LEAST ten, fifteen minutes.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Second, when Drogo started the DL on Mark, he was doing the right thing for the exact wrong reason.  Made me chuckle.

It was the right reason, until it wasn't..

3 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

I would've voted for @raven anyway to protect my family. Even the evil one.

If it's any consolation, I would've felt sorry about it for at LEAST ten, fifteen minutes.

Who among us doesn't have at one evil family member?

Great game @SVNBob! Thanks for running it.

  • Love 1
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