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Game of Thrones Mafia

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Like I said I'd be near the beginning, I've been puzzled since the start.  Further proof that familiarity with (at least part of) the setting is an advantage in the way we play the game.  (So I'll be somewhat better in the next two games.  Whedon and Who.  I can hang with those universes.)
Since I'm not going to be good for clue hunting, I thought I'd go back over the thread and summarize some old suspicions.  Normally I'd throw out what the known (read: dead) villains said as lies, but given that we're operating under the assumption that there are two separate villain teams, we have to take what they said into consideration.  So let's look at who the dead attacked and voted for.
Lisin pointed at photo fox.
Hanged Man pointed at Oinky Boinky and possibly at TJtrack99.
Oinky Boinky pointed at jessied
Dougal agreed with the group about Hanged Man, and had a gut feeling about Machiabelly he dismissed (but should he have?)

Lisin voted NL Day 1.
Hanged Man was the only vote for photo on Day 1, but didn't get a chance Day 2.
Oinky switched from jessie to Hanged Man during Day 1 voting, and was the only person to vote for jessie Day 2.
Dougal voted NL Day 1. He indicated he was leaning towards voting Hanged Man Day 2, but we closed the votes fairly quickly.

I think all we can glean from this is Oinky and jessie are not of the same House.  And photo is definitely not part of House Baratheon, unlike Lisin and Hanged.  However, this doesn't fully exonerate jessie or photo as heroes, given there are two villain Houses.  It is logically possible that jessie is a Baratheon and photo is a Lannister.  I know they're claiming not to be either, but it is a possibility given the logic.  (Sorry ladies, just going by the absolute facts.)

Now, let's look at the one hero who died and see if anyone tried to paint him evil.  Looking back, there was really only one person that was partially suspicious of Dougal; Mark.  Dougal was killed by the SK.  Mark may not be the SK, but he still could be part of one of the evil Houses.


The one bit I don't get at the moment is why an ampersand would be a clue pointing to Athena.  Could someone explain that to me?

  • Love 2

Being that we have a mod and a helper for this game, and it's been already claimed that the helper is also an editor, I am not convinced at all that the ampersand could be a clue.  Since it was said that it's out of character for egavasc to use one, am I sure that SilverStormm wouldn't use one?  Sorry, but I am not on board with that being a clue.


I have a suspect in mind.  However, I can't really find a clue to fit the suspect, my supposition comes purely from game play alone.  Like photo fox, I am new at mafia, so still feeling my way around.  It seems I am at a crossroads (whether or not to attempt a reasoning for a suspect), where turning left means loyalty to game-play, and turning right means loyalty to the hero realm.


I still have some time ... I will be dealing with offline life until around 1:30 Central ... when I come back, I am hoping to have met with a conclusion for this quandary.

  • Love 1
The one bit I don't get at the moment is why an ampersand would be a clue pointing to Athena.  Could someone explain that to me?


egavasc hasn't used an ampersand elsewhere, so people wondered if it were a hint that there was a clue there.  It was in the middle of the phrase "gods & men," which was taken to point to Athena as she's the only person with a godlike handle.

  • Love 2

BizBuzz you have my condolences.  The Red Wedding is the HBO equivalent of getting hit by an RPG,  you were wise to catch it on a weekend.  I hope you're recuperating.  



As for what I thought was a clue, "gleefully" stood out to me, just because GoT doesn't seem like an overly gleeful show.


Definitely not starting any GoT Glee Clubs anytime soon.... but "gleefully" fits into story here since it was used to describe a Barratheon bannerman's acceptance of a mission to kill Tywin Lannister.  Tywin Lannister was horrible to everyone, ever.  This is a man who told his dwarf son that he killed his own mother just by being born, and on that day he wanted to drown him in the sea and only didn't because he bears the Lannister name.  


I've reread D3 and still I'm only getting the rocks/stone/god clues I felt were pointing at Lady Athena via the Medusa connection.  I was hoping there would be more discussion and a stand-out clue, but it doesn't look like there's too much from yesterday.  



Further proof that familiarity with (at least part of) the setting is an advantage in the way we play the game.  (So I'll be somewhat better in the next two games.  Whedon and Who.  I can hang with those universes.)


SVNBob, I'm new to mafia but well-versed in GoT story.  And these D's and N's are about 90% true to or reasonble to story, just with more characters mingling (ex: dragons in Dragonstone!), people dying who didn't die in-story, and people who did die in-story being killed in much better ways.  


In the mean time, if I can serve the realm by clarifying any questions about what's story and not, I'm available. 

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 1

Ok I think there's only the one DL so far. I just...something doesn't sit well with me with Athena's and WD's defenses. (Though I also feel like jessie's post was pretty equivocating...and with 2 Villainous factions plus a SK out there, just because a Villain from 1 faction was gunning for her doesn't mean she's automatically a Hero.) And I think the "gods & men" clue is as good as anything we've come up with...plus there's also that bit about Tyrion's scholarly reading, and Athena was the goddess of wisdom. Therefore:


2 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99), 7 to force her to tap dance until combustion


(Can you tell I just watched Buffy's "Once More, With Feeling" recently? :D)

  • Love 2

I have some doubts about the Athena lynch (not based on anything concrete, just a hunch), and I'll say that I think either she or wd bear investigating tonight, and probably ASAP after Night falls.


2 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99), 7 to force her to tap dance until combustion


1 to DL jessied112 (MarkHB), 8 to play "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes while she's working on a term paper.

  • Love 2

I am not on board with the Athena clue, and I am going to hold off on my other suspicions for the moment, however, I can get on board with the other DL.


2 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99), 7 to force her to tap dance until combustion


3 to DL jessied112 (MarkHB, CuriousParker, BizBuzz), 6 to see if it's true that it takes 12 to make a dozen.

  • Love 1


I think all we can glean from this is Oinky and jessie are not of the same House.  And photo is definitely not part of House Baratheon, unlike Lisin and Hanged.




To be clear, I don't have a personal vendetta against the Lady Athena - I just pulled some clues out of D3 and we saw a very strong (and kind of threatening, damn!) reaction.  Methinks thou doth protest too much and all that, hence my vote to DL.   


Also, since OB was a Villain Lannister, a jessied112 DL assumes that she's either Stannis Baratheon or the SK, and 2/16 isn't an attractive bet for me personally... especially based on the actions of one Tywin Lannister...  I'd rather look to the story clues.  


I'm not vouching for anyone (sorry jessie) - and if she is indeed bad, no one would vouch for her since the SK doesn't have allies, and King Stannis' allies are now in the hands of the Silent Sisters.  (*One person vouching for Athena doesn't put my mind at ease since there are still two Villain Lannisters remaining.)


ETA something a little bird said (I thought you'd all enjoy) -   

"Nobody is a villain in their own story. We're all the heroes of our own stories."  -George R.R. Martin, author of "Game of Thrones"

Edited by Drogo
 Also, since OB was a Villain Lannister, a jessied112 DL assumes that she's either Stannis Baratheon or the SK, and 2/16 isn't an attractive bet for me personally... especially based on the actions of one Tywin Lannister...  I'd rather look to the story clues.



Well....I can still say that I'm not either of those. I will point out that Oinky was going after me before N1 even started, so they were going off of absolutely nothing on that first day. Also, CuriousParker did also go after me day 1, before anything could have been determined by me, besides some odd clues here and there. So, if I do get DL'd, watch out for CuriousParker, because I have some vague, yet undetermined, suspicions and if someone could check CP out to avenge my probable death, then that would be fantastic.


wd seemed pretty sure about Athena not being evil, although it's possible they're evil together. Of course, I am not quite sure myself and I'm refraining from DL'ing Athena just because I'm just unsure of this yet.

  • Love 1

Something is gnawing at me.  I kept feeling Athena's responses of the possibility to being DL'd were villainous because they were harsh.  I had to stop and think who could sound that threatening and still be a hero?


I actually took every response that Athena has offered during game play to see if I could come up with something that is in character.  But I kept looking for things that would associate her to being a villain, not a hero.


Switching my thought process that she could be a hero made me think a little differently.  And now, I am leaning towards her being a hero based on something she said about a list.  Even Drogo knows she has a list, remarked it with his starting a DL, which makes me want to change my idea about Drogo.  ::giggle::

I know there are some people here who are trying to baffle us by making moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against them, yet I know only too well the game of ‘always keep your foes confused’.

  • Love 1

Wonderful, it looks like in the last 15 minutes that I've been fighting with my phone trying to vote, BizBuzz made a post that made me rethink everything.

I think I'm picking up what you're putting down, Biz. But I also don't like the odds of Jessie being a villain vs. hero. Right now, the person I want to hear from is writing dreamer because that's mainly what's keeping me from voting for Athena, since imo Jessie and Athena are equally valid as villains if we're going by clues alone but the odds for villainy lean in Athena's favor.

  • Love 2


Switching my thought process that she could be a hero made me think a little differently.  And now, I am leaning towards her being a hero based on something she said about a list.  Even Drogo knows she has a list, remarked it with his starting a DL, which makes me want to change my idea about Drogo.  ::giggle::


Before you change any ideas about me, you should just know that everything I do is for the good of the realm.  I won't lay claim to heroism or villainy because those claims inspire scrutiny, and power only resides where men (and women) believe it resides.  


I did give the list comment some thought- but it didn't sit well.  Arya Stark doesn't threaten people with being on her list, she just puts them on it.  ;)  And were Athena a Stark/hero, I believe she'd have more supporters than one.  


I'm so certain that if even one more person comes forward to vouch for Athena, I will change my vote.  

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 1



So there's three factions of villains. The Lannisters, Stannis and Dany. Okay...that's not daunting at all.

Yeah, but they seem to be taking each other out, virtually handing the rest of us a win.


egavasc hasn't used an ampersand elsewhere, so people wondered if it were a hint that there was a clue there.  It was in the middle of the phrase "gods & men," which was taken to point to Athena as she's the only person with a godlike handle.

This is exactly what I'd been thinking, Mark. I'm sure about the ampersand, less so now that it points to Athena.


Before you change any ideas about me, you should just know that everything I do is for the good of the realm.  I won't lay claim to heroism or villainy because those claims inspire scrutiny, and power only resides where men (and women) believe it resides.  


I did give the list comment some thought- but it didn't sit well.  Arya Stark doesn't threaten people with being on her list, she just puts them on it.  ;)  And were Athena a Stark/hero, I believe she'd have more supporters than one.  


I'm so certain that if even one more person comes forward to vouch for Athena, I will change my vote.  

Not watching the show, I could be wrong about this, but... if she is who people are starting to think she could be, wouldn't it be true that there are only two people who would know it?


Sooo confused....

  • Love 1

Even though I through some heavy clues at Athena, I'm going to go with my gut and trust writingdreamer. That last post was so specific that even though I don't watch the show, I'm assuming those that do would be able to tell if wd was lying.

2 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99), 7 to force her to tap dance until combustion

4 to DL jessied112 (MarkHB, CuriousParker, BizBuzz, photo fox), 5 to pray the dragon doesn't strike again

Eta - removing unnecessary quote tag

  • Love 2

Family is over rated.

Since this is the first game of Mafia I have played where I actually know the story, this has never came up for me before. How much of a clue to your identity can you give? And can you just come out and say I am Ned Stark, bannermen to me? I am not Ned Stark.

You can't announce your character, but you can certainly hint at it. Whether anyone else believes your hints is another story. After all, who can you really trust?

  • Love 3

Well, I can see both sides here. And I guess it's time to make a decision. I'm distinctly leery of EVERYONE in this game, since to be honest, it's hard to call many characters on GoT Heroes, in all honesty. So I'm taking my chances, I think.


2 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99), 7 to force her to tap dance until combustion


5 to DL jessied112 (MarkHB, CuriousParker, BizBuzz, photo fox, stacey), 4 to pray to old gods and new that the choice is the right one...


@egavasc, you're saying 6:40pm EDT Monday, correct?

Edited by stacey
because words are important, especially when casting your vote for a DL
  • Love 2

Honestly Drogo, I have a heroic family member vouching for me. I learned that I can announce what type player I am from being this same type with Bob in a previous game: I am a Mason. A heroic, wandering badass one.


If there is a heroic investigator, let them investigate me then to satisfy Mr Drogo, who may or may not be a villain. My bedtime list is personal and is whomever affected my family so not your call how I prioritize it. (I'm being very in character here)


Obviously not voting for myself:


3 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99, TMunz), need 6 more, with feeling (couldn't resist more Buffy references)

6 to DL jessied112 (MarkHB, CuriousParker, BizBuzz, photo fox, stacey, Athena), 3 to get a needle in the eye.

Edited by Athena
TMunz and I voted at the same time. You'll regret it :P
  • Love 2

Dougal's assessment after Day 1 never got updated, so...


Characters mentioned so far, plus ones in italics that I'd expect but haven't been mentioned, with very brief descriptions for the uninitiated; check out

the show wiki or, if you're willing to brave book spoilers, a wiki of ice and fire for

much more than you'll ever want. The timeline is seems like it's taking off from somewhere a little fluid through season 4 (second half of book 3) but mostly near the start.


  • King Joffrey, horrid little shit. Technically his last name is Baratheon, but ain't no blood there. Villain.
  • Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King and King Joffrey's grandfather. Villain.
  • Cersei Lannister, Queen Regent and mother of the king. Probably a villain.
  • Tyrion Lannister (the Imp), former Hand of the King, Joffrey's uncle. Probably a hero.
  • Jaime Lannister (the Kingslayer), Cersei's twin and lover, Joffrey's father (semi-secretly). Could possibly be a hero.
Joffrey has two younger siblings, Tommen and Myrcella. Neither is really important in the show until later in the timeline, but they could pop up. There's also Lancel, Cersei's cousin who she

slept with for a while.

Others in King's Landing:

  • Littlefinger (Petyr Baelish), Master of Coin and schemer. Probably a villain.
  • Varys (the Spider), spymaster. Could be either side.
  • Sansa Stark, formerly engaged to Joffrey and now a pseudo-prisoner of the Lannisters. Hero.
People in Meereen:
  • Daenerys (Dany) Targaryen, Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, believes herself rightful heir to the throne. She's got dragons 'n shit. Hero.
  • Ser Jorah Mormont, Dany's advisor. She doesn't know yet that he originally was selling info about her to Varys. Hero.
  • Grey Worm, one of the leaders of the Unsullied, former warrior slaves who Dany freed with her dragons. Hero; most likely of the ones mentioned to not be a player.
There are some others who might pop up, especially Daario Naharis (a mercenary following Dany) and Hizdahr zo Loraq (a former noble in Meereen who's all up in Dany's business).

Baratheons and allies:

  • Stannis Baratheon, believes himself rightful heir to the throne. Stern but fair is his whole deal. A hero.
  • Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight. Smuggler, gets shit done. Stannis chopped his fingers off but he still helps him out. A hero.
  • Melisandre, the Red Witch, creepy-ass magic lady who tells Stannis he's the chosen of the Lord of Light. Maybe a hero, dunno.
People on the Wall:
  • Jon Snow, bastard half-sibling of the other Stark kids, respected member of the Night's Watch. A hero.
  • Samwell Tarly, "Sam the Slayer", fat but smart. A hero.
Ghost is Jon's direwolf.

Others I expect to show up:

  • Arya Stark, badass girl who stabs people. A hero.
  • The Hound (Sandor Clegane), traveling with Arya trying to get a reward for returning her to her family. Could be either, leaning hero.
  • Bran(don) Stark, paraplegic boy presumed dead, magic powers to control animals / sometimes Hodor. A hero.
Bran is traveling at this point (I think?) with Hodor (a gentle giant who only ever says "Hodor"), his direwolf Summer, and Meera and Jojen Reed (teenage siblings from the swamp; Meera spears

stuff, Jojen has visions). Rickon, the youngest Stark who never does anything, is off with Osha and direwolf Shaggydog hiding.

Out of the 13 mentioned, there are probably 3-5 villains and the rest heroes. Of the other six I'd expect, all could be heroes. The other characters who seem most likely are Ramsey Snow

(villain or serial killer), Theon/Reek (possibly hero/recruitable), Margaery Tyrell (hero), Oleanna Tyrell the Queen of Thorns (...hero??), Oberyn Martell the Red Viper (hero), Gregor Clegane

the Mountain (villain), maybe Ygritte if she's still alive in this timeline [unclear] (hero), and oh my god there are so many more possibilities we could have done this game with 30-40 players

without going into obscure characters easy.

As of D3, italics are largely my observations unless I carried them down from Dougal's comment, underlines are new characters since D1:

Lannister Villains:

  • King Joffrey, horrid little shit. Technically his last name is Baratheon, but ain't no blood there. Villain. Not directly seen yet, so I am assuming he's the third Lannister.
  • Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King and King Joffrey's grandfather. Lannister Villain. Oinky Boinky - Dead
  • Cersei Lannister, Queen Regent and mother of the king. Probably a villain.
Baratheon Villains:
  • Stannis Baratheon, believes himself rightful heir to the throne. Stern but fair is his whole deal. A Baratheon villain.
  • Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight. Smuggler, gets shit done. Stannis chopped his fingers off but he still helps him out. A Baratheon villain. Lisin - Dead
  • Melisandre, the Red Witch, creepy-ass magic lady who tells Stannis he's the chosen of the Lord of Light. A Baratheon villain. Hanged Man - Dead
  • Ser Axell Florent (NPC?)
People in Meereen:
  • Daenerys (Dany) Targaryen, Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, believes herself rightful heir to the throne. She's got dragons 'n shit. Believed to be the Serial Killer.
  • Ser Jorah Mormont, Dany's advisor. She doesn't know yet that he originally was selling info about her to Varys. (SK's typically work alone, so this character confuses me)
  • Grey Worm, one of the leaders of the Unsullied, former warrior slaves who Dany freed with her dragons. Hero; most likely of the ones mentioned to not be a player. (Not mentioned since D1, so most likely an NPC)
Others in King's Landing:
  • Littlefinger (Petyr Baelish), Master of Coin and schemer. Alignment up for grabs per mod notes.
  • Varys (the Spider), spymaster. Alignment up for grabs per mod notes.
  • Sansa Stark, formerly engaged to Joffrey and now a pseudo-prisoner of the Lannisters. Hero. (never seen, only mentioned)
  • Lady Olenna Tyrell, I don't know her backstory, probably a hero
People on the Wall:
  • Jon Snow, bastard half-sibling of the other Stark kids, respected member of the Night's Watch. A hero. (Not seen since D1)
  • Samwell Tarly, "Sam the Slayer", fat but smart. A hero. (Not seen since D1)
Ghost is Jon's direwolf.


  • Arya Stark, badass girl who stabs people. A hero.
  • The Hound (Sandor Clegane), traveling with Arya trying to get a reward for returning her to her family. Could be either, leaning hero.
  • Lady Arryn, mentioned only in D2
  • Bran(don) Stark, paraplegic boy presumed dead, magic powers to control animals / sometimes Hodor. A hero. (Never seen, only mentioned, likely not a character at this point)
  • Tyrion Lannister (the Imp), former Hand of the King, Joffrey's uncle. Hero - Dougal, Dead.
  • Jaime Lannister (the Kingslayer), Cersei's twin and lover, Joffrey's father (semi-secretly). Most likely a hero since he's identified with Tyrion
  • Ser Bronn, mercenary turned knight who is training Jamie. Most likely a hero since he's identified with Tyrion
  • Oberyn Martell, seen with Ellaria Sand in D2
  • Ellaria Sand, seen with Oberyn Martell in D2
  • Brienne, seen only in N2 with Podrick Payne
  • Podrick Payne, seen only in N2 with Brienne
  • Love 2

Honestly Drogo, I have a heroic family member vouching for me. I learned that I can announce what type player I am from being this same type with Bob in a previous game: I am a Mason. A heroic, wandering badass one.

If there is a heroic investigator, let them investigate me then to satisfy Mr Drogo, who may or may not be a villain. My bedtime list is personal and is whomever affected my family so not your call how I prioritize it. (I'm being very in character here)

Obviously not voting for myself:

3 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99, TMunz), need 6 more, with feeling (couldn't resist more Buffy references)

6 to DL jessied112 (MarkHB, CuriousParker, BizBuzz, photo fox, stacey, Athena), 3 to get a needle in the eye.

Now now. If you are who you claim to be, and the clues I saw were not clues at all, the heroic investigator should investigate someone else. Like someone who might be a villain.

The character lists above seem too extensive... I would think the Martells and Tyrells would be excluded from this game since we know so few of them. .. and neither has really been categorized as strictly heroic or villainous in the show.

And if Lady Arryn is creeping around here I don't like to F with that level of crazy.

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 2

I agree that the character list seems too extensive, but in looking things over, something struck me: what if some of the scenes with the apparent one-off characters are where the clues are?  To wit;


  • D1: The characters on the Wall are only seen in this story, and that scene is where the "a man’s laughter could freeze in his throat and choke him to death" comment was that we took as a clue for HM.
  • N1: The section "On the road somewhere outside The Twins" includes Arya Stark, the Hound, and the mention of Lady Arryn.  It's also the section with the line "A tinker passed by, his mule braying which jolted Arya out of her reverie," which we've been wondering about.
  • D2: This one may break the pattern (assuming the pattern even exists).  I was thinking that the scene with Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand would be it, but in rereading I saw that Oberyn was the apparent target of a failed night kill by the Lannisters (who can kill only on odd-numbered nights per OB's PM, and this would have been on Night 1).  My conclusion is that the Martells may be heroes, or they may be Yet Another Faction, but I'm pretty sure that they're actual characters.
  • N2: The one-off (to date) characters are Brienne and her unfortunate squire, Podrick Payne.  This was the story with the "gods & men" comment that we jumped on, but I wonder if the section "On the road to The Eyrie" needs closer scrutiny.  It may be worth noting that both this section and the one I mentioned from N1 (with Arya) discuss going to the Eyrie.
  • D3: Includes no sections that meet the criteria I've been discussing.
  • Love 2

Even after that explanation, I just don't buy that ampersand as a clue.  I can't get behind that vote.  Less so now that both halves of the pair are claiming.  I asked for the benefit of doubt before in the same case, and many of you gave it then.  My turn to do the same.
Plus, by my own argument, I have to go the other direction.  I don't necessarily want to, but it's the only logical choice right now.

3 to DL Athena (Drogo, TJtrack99, TMunz), need 6 more, with feeling (couldn't resist more Buffy references)
8 to DL jessied112 (MarkHB, CuriousParker, BizBuzz, photo fox, stacey, Athena, writingdreamer, SVNBob), 1 to close the door.


And jessie?  First drink after this is on me, no matter how it plays out.

  • Love 3

Remember, SVNBob's got that one.  In the afterlife, you take free drinks whenever you can get them.  :)


Perfect! I will definitely be doing that!


On another note, here's an interesting fact: in all my years playing Mafia, both on TwoP and on PTV, this is my first ever lynch. Usually I last to the end, or get killed off at night, so....ACHIEVEMENT! 

  • Love 4
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