Machiabelly April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 (edited) Clamatto juice is tomato juice infusd with clam juice. It is good with vodka, and better with vodka and spices. our town instead of a celery stick they use a green bean steeped in spices. Also, in the wikipedia article the mention Prince Edward Island which is where I live. Edited April 4, 2015 by Machiabelly 3 Link to comment
MarkHB April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 I've actually visited PEI once, when my family took a vacation through the Maritimes when I was 7 or so. That was long before the bridge, though. Love the B's avatar, btw! 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 *floats in* Wow, that was an intense day. I was around witnessing the WHOLE THING. I'll take a pina colada and pass it off to our new friend, here. 3 Link to comment
caprice April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 Where's the fun stuff? I'm thinking body shots! 3 Link to comment
Drogo April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 Piña colada, please. I'm getting caught in the rain whether I like it or not. *floats in* Wow, that was an intense day. I was around witnessing the WHOLE THING. I'll take a pina colada and pass it off to our new friend, here. The pina coladas are on me. So if you like pina coladas or getting caught in the rain... 4 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 Mark...that is my arm and my tattoo 6 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 Did you know there is bacon infused vodka? (I can tell you how to do it) and it is great for making a caesar. If barkeep could think of a way to float an egg overeasy on top so it rounds out breakfast I will tip accordingly. I'm dead I have nothing to do but drink - catch up 2 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 Order it with a pickled egg on the side 2 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 *floats in* OMG, I just watched Season 4 Episode 2 ... OMG OMG OMG OMG Wishes really do come true! *floats out* 5 Link to comment
caprice April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 Just tossed back two lemon drops with my mother. Where are we with activity? 2 Link to comment
egavasc April 5, 2015 Author Share April 5, 2015 Story is with the editor! And it might be my favorite one so far! 3 Link to comment
egavasc April 5, 2015 Author Share April 5, 2015 (edited) Night 4At The EyrieThe Small Council had entrusted Littlefinger with bringing The Eyrie and thereby, The Vale, to the Lannister cause via Lady Arryn. She and Lord Baelish had grown up together due to Petyr being raised as a ward of Lord Tully; father of Lysa and Catelyn. Littlefinger was hoping to further exploit the relationship he had with Lysa by taking control of the Eyrie and expanding his control over Westeros. The journey had been relatively easy until he had reached the climb up. “Never again,” Littlefinger had muttered to himself. Little did he know.Lord Baelish received quite a different reception than the one he’d expected. Lady Arryn should have welcomed him with open arms; the woman was in love with him. Or at least, she once had been. Now she her attitude appeared quite cold to him; she’d had her guards meet him at the conclusion of his ascent. Despite romance once golden, observed Littlefinger, love could sour without care. She had had him thrown into a sky cell to await trial. The indignity of it all! Did she not know his position within the realm? The power he had? He could give her anything she could ever want and more. The ultimate protection. She would need never fear for anything again.The trial, of course, was a sham. It was evident to Petyr that Lysa had completely lost her senses; she fabricated crimes with which to charge him, and of course then found him subsequently guilty. Knowing his fate was doomed Baelish put up little defense, preferring to save his mental faculties for manipulating a way to freedom. If only he could get Lysa alone. A few choice words, whispered gently into her ear, a few delicate touches to some delicate areas, now that would ensure his freedom.Littlefinger never got the chance. The hour of his execution had arrived and the insufferable Robin Arryn kept yelling. “Mummy! Make the bad man fly!” he cried, over and over again. That is, when he wasn’t suckling from her teat. The spoiled mummy’s boy was the only reason Baelish was about to die, of that he was certain. He made offers to the guards, the Lannisters weren’t the only ones to pay their debts, and he was wealthy enough to pay off many of them. It was all to no avail. They gathered around him, ensuring there was no way for him to weasel his way out and without ceremony shoved him through the Moon Door. Littlefinger was sneaky though; determined to not be killed by the fall he had pilfered a knife from one of those twice cursed guards. Working quickly whilst falling, he stabbed himself decisively in the heart. Even in death, Littlefinger would be the manipulator of his own fate. On the way to the EyrieArya and the Hound had very nearly reached their destination. While Lady Arryn and her son Robin were not the sanest people in the realm, as Arya’s few remaining relatives they were perhaps the safest people with whom she could reside. Arya was having trouble deciding if now was the time to exact her revenge upon Sandor Clegane, considering the odds of meeting him again once she was an adult. Unfortunately she did not have Needle with her and could not manage a way to take the Hound’s sword. His death would have to wait.Clegane was happy to soon be rid of his charge. No more would he have to hear her chant the list of people she wanted to kill; hearing his own name included was amusing but also irritating. He contemplated whether he should have killed her and saved himself the trouble, but no, he’d needed the coin and so chosen to seek a ransom for her. One he hoped the Lady Arryn would pay. By the gods, he knew there was no guarantee of that.As the pair grew nearer to the start of the climb to the Eyrie, they heard the distinct sound of a man screaming which stopped suddenly. They both turned to where the sound had come from, only to see a man falling through the sky as if dropped from the castle. Unfortunately, it was also just in time to see the body smash into the rocks below, to hear the splat of his vitals spreading over the ground.“Do we really have to go there?” Arya said with reservation.“No, no we do not. ” replied the Hound, fearful of what crimes Lady Arryn could pin on him. The Moon Door might be worse than fire on his list of terror. In the hands of The Silent SistersLisin - Davos (House words: Unknown), Villain Baratheon, Protector:You are Lord Davos Seaworth, aka the Onion Knight, and loyal supporter of the one true King Stannis Baratheon. A former smuggler, always prepared to tell it like it is, you have become one of the king’s most trusted advisors, the Hand of the King, although you differ on religious grounds. His Grace raised your status and family from nothing to knighthood. As such, you would die to protect him and his claim to the throne. Should he be targeted for attack, you will take his place. As an advisor to the King, you will help him choose whom to target on his path to the Iron Throne. Hanged Man - Melisandre, Villain BaratheonYou are the Lady Melisandre, Priestess of the Lord of Light and advisor to the true King Stannis Baratheon. You have converted His Grace to the faith of the one true God the Lord of Light. As Priestess of the Lord of Light, you have magics that are otherwise unknown in Westeros and you work to support Stannis as a means of spreading your faith. Your ability to see what others cannot grants you the knowledge of one person per night. Should you discover the Spider or Littlefinger, you can bring them to your side. You also may help King Stannis choose whom to target on his quest to reign over all of Westeros. You cannot win without Stannis. Protect him at all costs. If Stannis should fall you cannot win the throne, your mission will then be to prevent the villains from winning it. Upon your death, the Lord of Light will transfer your powers to another member of your team.Oinky Boinky - Tywin - (House words: Hear Me Roar) Villain Investigator LannisterYou are Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King. The patriarch of House Lannister, it is your ruthless pragmatism that has elevated your house to the most powerful in the kingdom with your grandson on the throne. Despite disgusting rumors of Joffrey’s illegitimacy, you are determined to leave a legacy, by keeping a 'Lannister' king on The Iron Throne, at any cost. On odd numbered nights, you and the other members of your house may target an enemy. Victory can be achieved only when you outnumber the lesser nobles and have vanquished the pretenders to the Iron Throne. You also may seek out the role of one person per night, looking for either Littlefinger or Varys the Spider; both of whom have access to valuable information. Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne.Dougal - Tyrion (House words: Hear Me Roar) Hero, InvestigatorYou are Tyrion Lannister, former Hand of the King and Master of Coin. Often referred to as ‘The Imp’, a name you are not fond of, your dwarfism has profoundly affected your life. Hated by most of your family for causing the death of your mother, you’ve developed a thick skin and use your scathing wit to deflect cruelty. Your intellect and political savvy have helped keep the Lannisters in power, but you can no longer endure the disrespect and constant betrayals of your family. Now you endeavor for the Heroes, seeking out villains to ensure the safety and well being of the common man rather than the sadistic King Joffrey. You may investigate one person per night. Should you discover either Lord Varys the Spider or Peytr Baelish aka Littlefinger, you will recruit them to your side and access their valuable information. jessied112 - Jon Snow (House words: Winter Is Coming) HeroYou are Jon Snow, bastard son of Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark and member of the Night’s Watch. Raised by your father alongside your true-born half-siblings at Winterfell, on an equal footing with Eddard's legitimate children and trained in combat skills alongside your half brothers. A natural leader, you display bravery, resourcefulness and quick thinking and noted to be a skilled horse rider, a gifted swordsman, being trained with swords "since you could walk". You are constantly accompanied by your albino direwolf, Ghost. You chose to go north to ‘The Wall’ (a 700ft tall structure made of solid ice) to protect Westeros, as your bastard status ensures you could never become the Lord of Winterfell. You and your fellow brothers (aka ‘Crows’ because you all dress in black) of the Watch take a sacred and lifelong vow to defend the realm from the Wildings and ‘WhiteWalkers’ (long believed creatures of myth), forsaking earthly pleasures for this higher cause.CuriousParker - Brienne of Tarth (House words: Unknown) Hero InvestigatorYou are Lady Brienne of Tarth, aka, somewhat unkindly, Brienne The Beauty. Only living child and heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth (The Evenstar) of Evenfall Hall on the Isle of Tarth, located in The Stormlands and lady knight extraordinaire. Headstrong and judgmental, you are also honest, straightforward, loyal to a fault and determined. Although you have received extremely poor treatment from most knights, you cling to a naïvely idealized concept of knighthood. Despite – or perhaps because of – the fact that you have no expectation of ever being recognized by society for your accomplishments and strength of character, you nevertheless strive to live up to the ideal of a true knight at all times. You are a fierce and exceptionally honorable warrior, a former member of King Renly Baratheon’s Kingsguard; ‘The Rainbow Guard’, until his untimely death. There are few in Westeros who could best you in combat, not even a bear! You are currently in search of Jaime Lannister, who Lady Catelyn Stark left in your charge. Each night you may ask of one person “Is this Jaime Lannister?”, in an attempt to discover Jaime and thereby redeem him by bringing him to the side of the Heroes. BizBuzz - Petyr Baelish (House words: Unknown) RecruitableYou are Lord Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger, Lord Paramount of the Trident, Lord of Harrenhal, Lord Protector of the Vale and former Master of Coin. Despite your birth as a lower noble, you have manipulated your way into becoming one of the most powerful men in Westeros. You have means of acquiring information about people, though not as notoriously as the Varys the Spider’s “little birds” and can use this skill to see the night actions of one person per night. While some fear your ambition, all are willing to utilize your information. If discovered, you may share your knowledge with your new allies. Whether you share the truth is up to you. Still praying to the Old Gods & The New:MarkHBAthenastaceyMachiabellycapriceTJtrack99The Crazed SpruceJayKaySVNBobDrogoTMunzwriting dreamerphoto fox There is one clue in the story. You have 24ish hours to get your night actions in (will be lenient because holiday weekend if necessary, please try to get them in if you can!). Enjoy the bar! Edited April 5, 2015 by SilverStormm Oops, bad editor missed a small (inconsequential) typo - now fixed. 6 Link to comment
Athena April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 Oh Em Gee. Wait. Was there a clue or clues in this story? Thanks game mods! 5 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 Bartender, a round for the house please. To @BizBuzz! 5 Link to comment
egavasc April 5, 2015 Author Share April 5, 2015 Yes, yes. Sorry I forgot! One clue in the story and 24 hours for night actions. Post above has been edited to include! 3 Link to comment
caprice April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 We just opened a nice red wine and I'm happy to share. 4 Link to comment
JayKay April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 Oh my god. That was f*cking awesome. I actually cringed at the end. Not to sound morbid, but these deaths are amazing. Anything that'll keep me hungover all through Easter Sunday, barkeep. 5 Link to comment
Drogo April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 (edited) I'll take a glass of that wine. I'm celebrating. To BizBuzz... I like you so much more than your character. Well played, old friend. Edited April 5, 2015 by Drogo 4 Link to comment
egavasc April 5, 2015 Author Share April 5, 2015 Oh my god. That was f*cking awesome. I actually cringed at the end. Not to sound morbid, but these deaths are amazing. If you're morbid for enjoying, I'm definitely morbid for having SO much fun writing them. 7 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 *floats in* A death of honor!!! *floats out* 5 Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 If you're morbid for enjoying, I'm definitely morbid for having SO much fun writing them. I'll second that ;) 5 Link to comment
caprice April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 Happy Easter, Good Passover and a pleasant Sunday to you all. I've got a pot of coffee on for those who need it. 6 Link to comment
photo fox April 5, 2015 Share April 5, 2015 I made a chocolate rum cake roll for lunch today. Unfortunately, I used my dad's 40-year-old Bacardi that had apparently evaporated some of the liquid out over time. The result is that it has quite the bite! I think you could eat a piece in lieu of a cocktail. Lol 6 Link to comment
Lisin April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 I'll have a slice! Even though my husband and I are in our 30s my mom and his mom both still give us Easter baskets (aah the beauties of both of us being only children and also not having our own kids) so we've got quite the haul of candy here. I may go into a sugar coma. 6 Link to comment
Drogo April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Holiday weekends, so exhilarating as a kid- so exhausting as a parent. I don't get a &@#%ing basket, so I'm looking forward to a story! Let's go with one last drink. A Screwdriver, barman, so I can put my mind back together after egavasc and SilverStormm inevitably blow my mind. 8 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 *floats in* I am officially indoctrinated to the complete 4 seasons of GoT, and my head is a massive ball of jelly with all the story lines. I think I watched 8 episodes in just 24 hours. I need a life. ::giggle:: *floats out* 8 Link to comment
caprice April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 No Easter basket here either, although my mother did buy a couple bags of my favorites -- Cadbury Mini Eggs! Mimosas with brunch and we were set. Actually, I'll have another mimosa while waiting. :) 5 Link to comment
TMunz April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 Can I get a hot buttered rum? It's still cold as Beyond the Wall up here. Winter isn't leaving. *side eyes Mother Nature* 5 Link to comment
MarkHB April 6, 2015 Share April 6, 2015 I can support TMunz; it's definitely a relapse of winter here today. 6 Link to comment
egavasc April 6, 2015 Author Share April 6, 2015 Alrighty y'all, story will go up sometime tomorrow. Sorry for the delay! But I can promise that this next one is going to be great! 10 Link to comment
SVNBob April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 I don't know if we should have played this instead or not: They did miss one gag though. "Grovor. Grovor grovor grovor." 8 Link to comment
TMunz April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 *gets really nervous as the day wears on* *slowly sips drink and squints at all of the living players* 5 Link to comment
Drogo April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 I believe this one's going to knock some socks off. Worth a wait. One more. Double shot of Imperia. 4 Link to comment
caprice April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 *gets really nervous as the day wears on* *slowly sips drink and squints at all of the living players* Right? Local wineries, here I come... with a few people I haven't decided whether or not I can trust.... ;) I believe this one's going to knock some socks off. Worth a wait. One more. Double shot of Imperia. I'm not wearing socks. 4 Link to comment
Drogo April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 Right? Local wineries, here I come... with a few people I haven't decided whether or not I can trust.... ;) I'm not wearing socks. Well you should be. You're going to catch your death of cold! Crap I've become my grandmother. 6 Link to comment
caprice April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 Crap I've become my grandmother. Is that where you learned how to do that stunning smoky eye? 4 Link to comment
BizBuzz April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 *floats in* hmmmm ... there is plenty of room in the seven hells for any that may be joining me soon ... *floats out* 4 Link to comment
Drogo April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 Is that where you learned how to do that stunning smoky eye? Grandma's specialty was red lipstick... all over her teeth. 5 Link to comment
caprice April 7, 2015 Share April 7, 2015 *floats in* hmmmm ... there is plenty of room in the seven hells for any that may be joining me soon ... *floats out* I've had a ticket to the Special Hell for a long time, although not related to this game. Heck, just yesterday, walking past a display of breakfast cereal with The Avengers pictured on the boxes, I told my sister that I wouldn't mind having Chris Hemsworth as a birthday present."With or without the costume?" she dead-panned. "Really doesn't matter." Grandma's specialty was red lipstick... all over her teeth.I have a lip gloss that does that, no matter how carefully I apply it. 4 Link to comment
TMunz April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 The nights are dark and full of terror. And, alcohol. 7 Link to comment
egavasc April 8, 2015 Author Share April 8, 2015 Day 5In the Tower of the HandCersei was not sure what had changed, but something surely had. Despite the grief of losing their father, and regardless the loss of his hand, her attraction to him had never been greater. Perhaps it was his new position of power? As Hand of the King and Queen Regent respectively, with few remaining members of the Small Council, the Lannister twins had complete and utter control over the realm. Provided they maintained unilateral negotiative zoning over Joffrey. Their petulant child needed a firm hand if he was to remain king. Cersei had planned on discussing strategies regarding handling their eldest son with Jaime, but now that she was in front of him discussion was the last thing on her mind. Jaime opened his arms to her and she flew into them. When they were together, the chaotic world around them disappeared. The next thing she knew, Jaime had swept everything from the table in one motion and they were both upon it. Jaime was atop of her and nothing else mattered. Then she saw him. A man hidden up in the rafters. They had been so caught up in their passion neither had noticed the creaking of the beams under his shifting weight. The blood turned to ice in her veins, but before she could scream, she was shot through with pain. The man, whom she noted wore a stag's head sigil on his surcoat, had leapt from his perch, and thrusted a sword straight through the twins bodies, pinning them to the table like two butterflies caught on the wing. Jaime’s full weight was on top of her as he struggled to breathe, his punctured lung rasping with every attempt. Pinned thusly, there was nothing for the Queen Regent to do except to scream for help; she shouted and wailed until she was hoarse but to no avail. No one was coming to her aid and she belatedly remembered she had sent the guards in the tower on an unimportant errand, because she could. Captive in their final embrace, the lovers bled out on the table, Cersei’s terminal act was to kiss Jaime, and then they left this world the same way they had entered it; together. Along the wall of The Red KeepJoffrey was gleefully exuberant over the latest spiteful attack he had devised in his continued terrorization of Sansa Stark. He had commanded her to accompany him on a walk along the curtain wall protecting The Red Keep. The head of her father was looking especially putrid by now and he wanted her to smell it. If she fell into it, or off the wall for that matter, it would merely be a bonus.“Come come Sansa. Look out at the beautiful day over this beautiful city!” he said with a sneer, eagerly anticipating the sight of pain on her face.“It is indeed a beautiful morning Your Grace. Pardon my leisure; I was merely enjoying the scenery. I know you must be taking me to an even lovelier view and will hurry accordingly.” Sansa replied. She knew where they were heading, the path was all too familiar, and she was hoping to stall for as long as possible. Steeling herself to see the rotting head of her father took time and she was determined to not let the sight of it bother her in front of Joffrey. Twas best to never let him see that he had any effect on her emotions.They had almost reached Traitor’s Walk, where the spikes which bore the heads of traitors were located, with Joffrey grinning in delight, when a blood curdling sight appeared in the sky above. Sansa lost any control over her emotions and cried out in fear and dread. Joffrey drew out his sword but his attempts to fight off the dragon were pitiful, his thrusts almost comical, fear had so drenched him in sweat that his sword slipped from his hand. Drogon had dodged every thrust casually, and seemingly bored, merely snatched the boy king up by the back of his doublet. Joffrey screamed out, apparently throwing a tantrum in midair as if he could reason with the dragon. Parading his catch about, Drogon appeared to be flaunting his power over people. He tossed Joffrey back and forth, toying with him, flipping him in the air before catching him again in his gaping jaw. The somersaulting king lost track of which way was up. Finally the great beast tired of playing with his meal. With one last quick toss of his head, Drogon threw Joffrey up in the air and blasted him with a fiery breath. The charred king made a bitter, yet delicious snack. DragonstoneStannis had taken to eating alone. With Melisandre and Davos gone, the king preferred to eat with only his thoughts for company rather than be distracted by the poor counsel of others. Melisandre had shown him the way forward, but doing so alone gave him pause. The king consumed his meal whilst he pondered advancing on King’s Landing once more. He then sipped some wine to wash it down. The chef had not been performing up to snuff lately. Or perhaps the Lady Melisandre had been improving the cuisine. Surely the Lord of Light had better things to be doing than perfecting a meal.From outside the king’s dining room the guards heard a commotion. They rushed in to find His Grace clawing at his throat, gasping for breath, his face turning purple. They tried to clear his airways, but it was in vain. Stannis had supped from a poisoned chalice and the Iron Throne would never be his. In the hands of The Silent SistersLisin - Davos (House words: Unknown), Villain Baratheon, Protector:You are Lord Davos Seaworth, aka the Onion Knight, and loyal supporter of the one true King Stannis Baratheon. A former smuggler, always prepared to tell it like it is, you have become one of the king’s most trusted advisors, the Hand of the King, although you differ on religious grounds. His Grace raised your status and family from nothing to knighthood. As such, you would die to protect him and his claim to the throne. Should he be targeted for attack, you will take his place. As an advisor to the King, you will help him choose whom to target on his path to the Iron Throne.Hanged Man - Melisandre, Villain BaratheonYou are the Lady Melisandre, Priestess of the Lord of Light and advisor to the true King Stannis Baratheon. You have converted His Grace to the faith of the one true God the Lord of Light. As Priestess of the Lord of Light, you have magics that are otherwise unknown in Westeros and you work to support Stannis as a means of spreading your faith. Your ability to see what others cannot grants you the knowledge of one person per night. Should you discover the Spider or Littlefinger, you can bring them to your side. You also may help King Stannis choose whom to target on his quest to reign over all of Westeros. You cannot win without Stannis. Protect him at all costs. If Stannis should fall you cannot win the throne, your mission will then be to prevent the villains from winning it. Upon your death, the Lord of Light will transfer your powers to another member of your team. Oinky Boinky - Tywin - (House words: Hear Me Roar) Villain Investigator LannisterYou are Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King. The patriarch of House Lannister, it is your ruthless pragmatism that has elevated your house to the most powerful in the kingdom with your grandson on the throne. Despite disgusting rumors of Joffrey’s illegitimacy, you are determined to leave a legacy, by keeping a 'Lannister' king on The Iron Throne, at any cost. On odd numbered nights, you and the other members of your house may target an enemy. Victory can be achieved only when you outnumber the lesser nobles and have vanquished the pretenders to the Iron Throne. You also may seek out the role of one person per night, looking for either Littlefinger or Varys the Spider; both of whom have access to valuable information. Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne. Dougal - Tyrion (House words: Hear Me Roar) Hero, InvestigatorYou are Tyrion Lannister, former Hand of the King and Master of Coin. Often referred to as ‘The Imp’, a name you are not fond of, your dwarfism has profoundly affected your life. Hated by most of your family for causing the death of your mother, you’ve developed a thick skin and use your scathing wit to deflect cruelty. Your intellect and political savvy have helped keep the Lannisters in power, but you can no longer endure the disrespect and constant betrayals of your family. Now you endeavor for the Heroes, seeking out villains to ensure the safety and well being of the common man rather than the sadistic King Joffrey. You may investigate one person per night. Should you discover either Lord Varys the Spider or Peytr Baelish aka Littlefinger, you will recruit them to your side and access their valuable information.jessied112 - Jon Snow (House words: Winter Is Coming) HeroYou are Jon Snow, bastard son of Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark and member of the Night’s Watch. Raised by your father alongside your true-born half-siblings at Winterfell, on an equal footing with Eddard's legitimate children and trained in combat skills alongside your half brothers. A natural leader, you display bravery, resourcefulness and quick thinking and noted to be a skilled horse rider, a gifted swordsman, being trained with swords "since you could walk". You are constantly accompanied by your albino direwolf, Ghost. You chose to go north to ‘The Wall’ (a 700ft tall structure made of solid ice) to protect Westeros, as your bastard status ensures you could never become the Lord of Winterfell. You and your fellow brothers (aka ‘Crows’ because you all dress in black) of the Watch take a sacred and lifelong vow to defend the realm from the Wildings and ‘WhiteWalkers’ (long believed creatures of myth), forsaking earthly pleasures for this higher cause. CuriousParker - Brienne of Tarth (House words: Unknown) Hero InvestigatorYou are Lady Brienne of Tarth, aka, somewhat unkindly, Brienne The Beauty. Only living child and heir of Lord Selwyn Tarth (The Evenstar) of Evenfall Hall on the Isle of Tarth, located in The Stormlands and lady knight extraordinaire. Headstrong and judgmental, you are also honest, straightforward, loyal to a fault and determined. Although you have received extremely poor treatment from most knights, you cling to a naïvely idealized concept of knighthood. Despite – or perhaps because of – the fact that you have no expectation of ever being recognized by society for your accomplishments and strength of character, you nevertheless strive to live up to the ideal of a true knight at all times. You are a fierce and exceptionally honorable warrior, a former member of King Renly Baratheon’s Kingsguard; ‘The Rainbow Guard’, until his untimely death. There are few in Westeros who could best you in combat, not even a bear! You are currently in search of Jaime Lannister, who Lady Catelyn Stark left in your charge. Each night you may ask of one person “Is this Jaime Lannister?”, in an attempt to discover Jaime and thereby redeem him by bringing him to the side of the Heroes.BizBuzz - Petyr Baelish (House words: Unknown) RecruitableYou are Lord Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger, Lord Paramount of the Trident, Lord of Harrenhal, Lord Protector of the Vale and former Master of Coin. Despite your birth as a lower noble, you have manipulated your way into becoming one of the most powerful men in Westeros. You have means of acquiring information about people, though not as notoriously as the Varys the Spider’s “little birds” and can use this skill to see the night actions of one person per night. While some fear your ambition, all are willing to utilize your information. If discovered, you may share your knowledge with your new allies. Whether you share the truth is up to you. SVNBob - Jaime – (House words: Hear Me Roar) Villain Lannister, Lover, RecruitableYou are Ser Jaime Lannister, aka The Kingslayer. Lord Commander of The Kingsguard, Son of Tywin, brother to Tyrion, twin of Cersei and father to her children. You are a renowned swordsman, having joined the Kingsguard at 16, perhaps the best in Westeros according to many. You earned the title ‘Kingslayer’ because despite being one of his kingsguard, you murdered The Mad King Aerys Targaryen during Robert’s Rebellion, effectively striking the winning blow for Robert Baratheon to sit The Iron Throne. Your fate is tied to that of your lover Cersei; should either of you be killed the other will also die. If Brienne of Tarth finds you she will recruit you to the Heroes, at which point you will no longer be able to communicate with any remaining members of your group. TJTrack99 - Cersei (House words: Hear Me Roar), Villain Lannister, LoverYou are Cersei Baratheon-Lannister, Queen Regent and Protector of the Realm. Widow of the late King Robert Baratheon, you attempt to guide your son Joffrey in ruling Westeros. Your only redeeming quality is the love you have for your children, whom you would protect at all costs. Your incestuous relationship with your twin Jaime is the root of much of the conflict in Westeros and one of the causes of the War of the Five Kings. Full of pride and quick to anger, your temper often gets the best of you and you are long to hold a grudge. All your life you have worked to maintain whatever power you could obtain and you are loathe to lose it now. The Lannisters must remain on the Iron Throne at all costs, targeting one of their foes every odd numbered night. Your fate is tied with that of your lover Jaime; should either of you be killed the other will also die. JayKay - Joffrey – (House words: Ours Is The Fury), Villain LannisterYou are His Grace, Joffrey of House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. A little tyrant, you brutalize all who dare challenge you in any way. Although you believe and are believed to be, the son of the late king Robert Baratheon, you are in fact a sociopathic child of incest between Cersei & Jaime Lannister. Your reign is owed entirely to your family’s desire for power and control rather than any great skill in politics or combat. Regardless, you are the king sitting the Iron Throne and can target one enemy every odd numbered night. Victory for yourself and your family can be achieved only when those who claim your throne have been removed and you outnumber the remaining nobles. caprice - Stannis – (House words: Ours Is The Fury) Villain Baratheon You are Stannis of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. After the death of your brother Robert Baratheon, on information provided by Ned Stark; you declared yourself the one true king as the bastard Joffrey was born of incest between Queen Cersei and her twin brother Ser Jaime. Your claim is unpopular as you lack either of your brothers’ charm and your dedication to the Lord of Light puts you at odds with the beliefs of the people. Yet, none of this deters you from your quest for the Iron Throne. On even numbered nights you and your allies may choose a target for attack. Your victory in Game of Thrones mafia can only be achieved when you destroy the Lannisters and outnumber the remaining Heroes. Beware! Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen is also making a claim on the Iron Throne. Still praying to the Old Gods & The New:MarkHBAthenastaceyMachiabellyThe Crazed SpruceDrogoTMunzwriting dreamerphoto fox There is one clue in the story. You have 48 hours for discussion. Good Luck! 7 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. 4 Link to comment
MarkHB April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 8 Link to comment
Athena April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 O_O WOW 1 Link to comment
TJtrack99 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Well, I came into this game knowing 2 things about my character: 1) I'm hot, and 2) I like to drink. Both of those shall continue. And to fulfill a promise to my fellow Lannisters: 7 Link to comment
Drogo April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 (edited) That about does it for villains. Now we just have fire breathing creatures to contend with. Great story. Truly the best yet. Only Joffrey could pull off a mid-air temper tantrum. Edited April 8, 2015 by Drogo 1 Link to comment
JayKay April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 To Seven Hells with the Iron Throne! Damned thing hurt my backside anyway. (I'd just like to thank my parents for being wonderful mentors and not *spoiler* on my *spoiler*.) 6 Link to comment
Drogo April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 (I'd just like to thank my parents for being wonderful mentors and not *spoiler* on my *spoiler*.) This post is everything. Thank you. 1 Link to comment
photo fox April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 What? What? My head is spinning. 1 Link to comment
caprice April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 That. Was. Awesome! If I had to go out, at least it was on the same night as a passel of Lannisters! Incredible story, egavasc! Hey, this means I've been reunited with my Red Lady. Even better! *wanders off* 2 Link to comment
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