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Sherlock Mafia

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Now that it's officially Night, I can share this with y'all.  It's not my October Loot Crate unboxing (I did record it, but it looks like the file is corrupted and cannot be uploaded or played in any way.  If I do manage to get it working, I'll get it posted.), but it is an unboxing.


A little while ago, I backed a Kickstarter for a tabletop game that relates to this thread; One Night Ultimate Vampire, the prequel/add-on to the One Night Ultimate Werewolf games.  My rewards package came in recently, so I decided to do an unboxing for it.


Day 3

The Dead Don't Speak

John and Mary Watson Residence

Mary tightened the sash on her robe and opened her front door nursing her morning cup of coffee. It was one American habit she hadn’t quite been able to shake.
“Hello, there!” she called out cheerfully to the uniformed policeman standing guard on the sidewalk. “Officer? Got any idea when we’ll get our steps back?”
“Sorry, ma’am,” replied the young man. “Inspector Lestrade is bringing in a forensic consultant to give another look before he releases the scene.”
Mary smiled her thanks and closed the door, stepping into the dining room. “’Releases the scene,’” she grumbled to John and Sherlock, who stopped round to check on the case. “My life was so much less interesting before I met you boys.”
“Ah, yes,” drawled Sherlock, as he blew across the top of his steaming cup. “I’m sure working for the CIA was incredibly dull.”
Mary stole an apprehensive look at John. Her history was still sometimes a trigger for her tightly-wound husband. He had forgiven her lies, but their marriage had survived by focusing on the future and avoiding the past. “Well, I never was bombed, in any event.”
She took a bracing sip of her coffee and turned the subject. “The policeman outside said Greg is returning with a consultant to look for forensic evidence.”
John snapped his newspaper closed. “Yes, he said he was going to get Anderson on the case. Assuming he can find him, of course. He’s gone pretty far down the rabbit hole with all of his conspiracy theories.”
“Anderson!” Sherlock grimaced. “Anderson won’t work with me.”
“You might be surprised,” returned Mary. “He became quite a fan after your fall. ‘I believe in Sherlock Holmes,’ he said. He always believed you were still alive.”
“Or maybe he knew,” bit out John. “Why not? You told Mycroft, and Molly, and your parents, and a hundred tramps. Maybe you told Anderson as well? I was the only one who –“
The doorbell rang, interrupting John’s favorite diatribe. Sherlock jumped up gratefully and vaulted to the door. “Anderson! Glenn! It’s great to see you!”
“It’s Greg,” grumbled the inspector, while Anderson threw Sherlock a skeptical glance. “What’s going on? You’ve never been happy to see me.”
Sherlock pushed past them to head out the door. “Well, it’s a new day.”
“Where are you going?” asked John incredulously.
Sherlock knotted his scarf around his neck. “Fresh air. Just popping outside for a moment to talk to Wiggins. Won’t be long. Anderson, let me know what you find.”
Anderson looked up from the evidence he was examining, reviewed the notes he had scrawled in his notebok, and let out an amazed laugh. “It’s obvious! That’s how he did it! It’s obvious!”
He grabbed up his mobile phone and frantically dialed Lestrade. “Greg! I figured it out. Not the way I’d have done it, but-“
“Anderson!” roared the inspector in his ear. “Focus! And this had better not involve Derren Brown!”
Anderson took a calming breath. “Well, you know the paving slabs in that whole area – even the exact ones in the front of their house – you know they were all…”
Lestrade heard the sound of breaking glass, a quick breath, and then eerie silence. “Anderson!? ANDERSON?!”
But the man with blood oozing from the hole of a sniper’s bullet between his eyes was past answering.
On the sidewalk, two women were approaching from opposite directions. One was dressed in designer fashions and tapped away at her expensive camera phone. The other wore sensible shoes and carried a gift tin of biscuits in her sizable purse.
At the sound of the shot, Mrs. Hudson grabbed the arm of the younger woman and stepped behind her. “Help!” she cried in a quavering voice. “I may be next.”
The glamorous woman shook herself free of the landlady’s grip and turned to face her. “Why would I help you?”
Mrs. Hudson screamed. “It can’t be you! They said you were dead!”
“Yes, and I have to stay dead for now,” Irene answered calmly, looking down at the elderly woman now cowering at her feet.
She pulled a syringe out of her purse. “This won’t hurt, but I really can’t allow you to ever wake up. Chalk it up to bad luck,” she crooned, sliding the needle with some care into Mrs. Hudson’s neck.

Still on the Battlefield (in alphabetical order):

  • aquarian1
  • caprice
  • Drogo
  • Hanged Man
  • Jesse
  • Lady Calypso
  • MarkHB
  • Oinky Boinky
  • SilverStormm
  • stacey
  • SVNBob
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • TJtrack99



On a slab at St. Bart's:
egavasc – The Hound, Villain
Well, you're an animal. You're scary as hell, but you have no special abilities.
Machiabelly - Mike Stamford, Hero and Weak Doctor
Each Night PM the name of a player to protect. Since your role is Weak, if you target a villain with your protection, you will also die that Night, along with any hero the villains have successfully targeted.
CuriousParker - Philip Anderson, Hero
You used to be a good detective, but your penchant for conspiracy theories has discredited you and gotten you kicked off the force. Therefore you have no special abilities.
Lisin - Mrs. Hudson, Hero and Hider
Each Night PM the name of one player to hide behind that night. If you hide behind a hero, you will be untargetable for all other roles. However, that does not mean you are entirely safe: should the person you hide behind get killed, you will be killed as well. This is a Weak role and as such you will die if you try to hide behind a villain.

There is one clue in the story.
You have 48hrs for discussion. If a minimum of 50% of the players have joined a lynch by the time that deadline arrives Day will be extended.  7 votes are needed for a DL.
Good luck!

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Holy cow.  And we didn't even take a shot yesterDay, so it hurts twice as much to lose both CP and LisinLis' role in particular is interesting, because she clearly hid behind a villain.  Who among is appears enough of a Hero that Lis would trust them, but is actually a Villain?  And why didn't Lis just hide behind me?  Hurts my feelings. 


I took the day off tomorrow so I won't be hovering over my work PC as I normally do - so I'm just going to throw this out there.  "Steam" was in D3, and N2 story had "awash"/"flood," all water-words.  It's not the most confident I've ever been with a clue, but I don't know how much I'll be online and I don't want to ruin our chances for a DL or an extension. 


1 to DL aquarian1 (Drogo), 6 to make the donuts

The "goldfish" thing made me wonder if perhaps the clues are in the story titles.
In reverse order:
"The Dead Don't Speak" - could be Hanged Man who Drogo was advocating we DL last Day (and what happened to that idea?  Not that I'm advocating that HM get taken out right off again, unless he's evil)
"A World of Goldfish" - again, could be aquarian1
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" - No idea
"The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night-time" - No idea
"There's An East Wind Coming" - Was this what the egavasc DL was based on ("East" => "egavasc" due to rough similarity)?

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It will be funny if I get lynched, not quite as funny as when the Heroes lynched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but close.


Curious Parker what are you doing here? You are fairly clearly Lestrade,  Just as Drogo is Mary/John/Sherlock and Bob is also one of Mary/John/Sherlock, You should be pointing your attentions at Caprice, Mark and Silverstorm


I did like the Hanged Man DL yesterDay, but when he was cornered and faced with certain doom (a few minutes before Mods called Night) he outed me/Bob/CP as Heroes.  A Villain wouldn't do such a thing, as far as I'm concerned.  


And while I still don't know for sure if Bob is/isn't a Hero, I believe he is- and I know I am, and we all know CP was.  2.89 out of 3 ain't bad, as Meat Loaf would say... so HM is in my Circle of Trust.


HM did however point a finger at you, Mark, as well as caprice and SilverStormm- which might explain your motivation to bring up his DL again.


*Trust that I could be easily swayed from my current DL string, but not for a Hanged Man lynch. 

Okay, this is going to be a big mess of seeming nonsense, but I hope some of it will be clear to the right people and ideally someone who can help.


Drogo, I trust you, but you're wrong in this DL. Unfortunately I can't say anymore than that because of reasons, but you are wrong. HM is also wrong about me, but for those same reasons, I can't go into it yet.


Reasons suck.


My temp job ends today. Just in time for the weekend, right? I'll be able to participate if I survive. To that end, I'm going to re-read the story very carefully and see if, miracle of miracles, I might actually see anything.

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Actually, I was rushing to post that before work this morning (so let's not talk about this post right now... ;), and in trying to get the list of titles together and remember who it was you had proposed the lynch of, I forgot / missed that post he had made.  HM was wrong about me, though; I'm a hero.  You'll find that out for sure when you're dead (in-game).


I'll take the bait on this one...


3 to DL aquarian1 (Drogo, SVNBob, MarkHB), 4 to overfeed the fish.

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You'll find that out for sure when you're dead (in-game).


That's a weird thing to say to me.  


HM was wrong about me, though; I'm a hero. 

I don't think you are, Mark, but we can discuss at a later date.  


*Unless of course you were trying to tell me I'll be dead toNight, in which case this exchange will be very helpful to the Heroes. 

Okay, this is going to be a big mess of seeming nonsense, but I hope some of it will be clear to the right people and ideally someone who can help.


Drogo, I trust you, but you're wrong in this DL. Unfortunately I can't say anymore than that because of reasons, but you are wrong. HM is also wrong about me, but for those same reasons, I can't go into it yet.


Makes sense to me.  I trust you, too. 

Edited by Drogo
quoting issue fixed

Yeah, I'm a bit lost too, so....I want to wait for aquarian's defense and see her reply to all of it.


But right now, I feel like I need more information, other than 'it's in my gut....REASONS'. 

Oh, I need a lot of information. And I'm sorry, LC, but I can't even say that this is something my gut is telling me. There are reasons that I can't say much, just that those reasons are also why I know that the DL against aquarian is wrong.


Lis' role in particular is interesting, because she clearly hid behind a villain.


Drogo, I'd say that Lisin was hiding behind CP. Her info does say that if the hero she hides behind is killed, she will be too. So, that's a possibility.


He’s gone pretty far down the rabbit hole with all of his conspiracy theories.”


Okay, story. I know being down the rabbit hole isn't unheard of, but does it ping anything for anyone?

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Drogo, I'd say that Lisin was hiding behind CP. Her info does say that if the hero she hides behind is killed, she will be too. So, that's a possibility.

In the story Lis hides behind a woman, who kills her. So she hid behind a villain, and the Villains used their Night kill on CP.

I'm not sold on my own DL, and I wish we had more clues and discussion going on.

Rabbit hole sounds Sherlocky, but could be a clue. Alice in Wonderland? Mad Hatter? Lewis Carroll--> LC?

Okay, you guys, I'm sorry, I really have to break away from the game for a minute here. Most of you know that m. caprice (aka the trying man, or ttm) is French. Obviously, we've been glued to the news this evening. I am... happy? to say that we know none of his family was anywhere near the tragedies in Paris. While he has family that live near Paris, we would have heard from them by now. Since we haven't, not even from the soccer-mad nephew, we know that everyone is safe.


At the same time, we are utterly transfixed by the news right now. It's madness in the caprice household. We've got CNN on mute with French news playing on the internet. There's a lot more information coming from RTL, but it's still very sketchy.


Given my theatre history, I'm devastated for the people who were killed in the Bataclan. And yes, some of all this took place not far from where we were with my mother last summer.

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I thought the title - case of the strange dog at night referred to the hound. 


The East wind coming for some reason makes me think of the blowing across the coffee phrase but no idea what it connects to. 


Heading away for the weekend so I will get this done. WE CAN NOT AFFORD another no DL day heroes!  There are too many fishy references...


4 to DL aquarian1 (Drogo, SVNBob, MarkHB, Oinky Boinky), 3 to take out something that smells after 3 days. 

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