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I am currently playing host to the lovely Athena so haven't got time to sit pondering over clues this weekend. I will add my vote to the DL in the hopes that Drogo's gut is right.


5 to DL aquarian1 (Drogo, SVNBob, MarkHB, Oinky Boinky, Silverstormm), 2 to hopefully even the score.



Best wishes to you and yours caprice.

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I'm making a new version of this pie... it's actually super simple (rather, the one below is super simple, but because I'm me I'm making it more complicated this time) I made the one in the picture as a trial run at the beginning of October. I have issues. Also I'm in charge of stuffing (sausage, leeks, apples, french bread). Normally my mom does the turkey and my step dad does the rest of the sides but this year she just had foot surgery so she can't walk at all so my step dad is doing the turkey as well as sides. And this is where it gets insane, because you see, I'm the first person in my family to actually be born in the United States, my step dad German. He's also a legit chef. Trained in Davos and all that good junk soooooo, Thanksgiving is always somewhat crazy at our house because no one but me grew up with it and by virtue of that we don't tend to have many of the traditional Thanksgiving menu items. We always have a battle over having turkey because step dad thinks it's boring and wouldn't a nice beef tenderloin be much better? I mean maybe? But it's THANKSGIVING. So he makes my mom in charge of it and he goes crazy with the side dishes. We made a deal this year. Yes turkey, but he gets to spatchcock it so it isn't "boring" and then I believe we're having roasted broccoli and brussle sprouts with a balsamic reduction and mashed potatoes. Probably something else too, maybe a sweet potato and apple gratin or something. There's only 5 of us so that's already too much food! 



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Lis, I have some of those, "But it's tradition" conversations here too. My niece and her husband and my mother are coming for several days. m. caprice may have talked me into roast beef instead of turkey, and I don't have a problem with that. Of course, we came close to cleaning out our local Total Wine, so I think he was already working toward "meat" for dinner.


That reminds me... I need to get to the pharmacy for my migraine meds....


He'll be in charge of the meat; mom is going to teach my niece how to bake the rolls; I've got the potatoes and dessert. We're keeping it simple.

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Oh, my god, that pie. So pretty! How do you make it? (BTW, we're having duck this year! I'm so excited.)

Ahem. I almost got completely distracted from what I came here to do. Which is...

Mod note!

Night 3 story is with my lovely editor. Thanks for your awesome patience with me.

If Day 4 ends up spanning American Thanksgiving at all, I'll be adding an additional 24 hours to that day. (I'll note that again when we get there, but just in case y'all were wondering...)

Edited by photo fox
edited to fix my error. thanks, stacey!
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Oh, my god, that pie. So pretty! How do you make it? (BTW, we're having duck this year! I'm so excited.)


It's actually crazy easy: (recipe in link, my adaptations below)


Make favorite pie crust or buy frozen, whatever, no judgment here!

2 lbs of apples (I used honey crisp)

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg

1/4 tsp kosher salt

1 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice

2 tbs unsalted butter

3 tbs preserves (or not! Doesn't seem to matter!) 


peal (or don't! Doesn't matter!) the apples and cut into quarters then slice the quarters fairly thin so you've got like, half circles. Put all the slices in a bowl and mix with all that other stuff except the butter and preserves and leave them alone for about 45 min., then you just put the slices in the crust in overlapping spirals, flat side down, overlap the slices so it ends up looking like a flower. Cover the exposed crust with foil and make sure the apples are packed in really tight and bake at 425 for 40 min. uncover the crust and bake for another 15 min. until apples are tender. When it comes out you can mix some water in with the preserves and brush it over the top to make it shiny but ultimately I don't think you HAVE to.


That recipe has you drain the apples and then reduce the liqued and pour half back into the pie but I found that it made the pie way too juicy so I won't be doing that this time. It probably really depends on how juicy the apples are to begin with. Then it has you use that juice to dissolve the preserves for brushing but again, I don't think that step is really necessary if you're going to be eating it fairly fast. We ate it over two or three days and kept it in the fridge and it didn't get brown or anything. 


My new twist is I'm going to blind bake the crust, then I'm going to fill it with a pastry cream and I'm going to poach the apple slices and arrange them on top of the creme, then I'm going to sprinkle them with sugar and brulee them because apple pie creme brulee sounds amazing to me. 


That's exactly 

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So my fellow US-ians, what sort of plans do y'all have for Thanksgiving?


My mom is having the family over after she gets off work (complicated - she runs the kitchen at a place where the holidays are usually pretty busy, and she tends to schedule herself then, rather than ask the staff to come in), and then Santa is making a 'surprise' visit - actually (SPOILER) my uncle who makes a pretty lifelike Santa on a yearly basis.


Funny story, my brother called today to sing happy birthday to me with his kids (yes, it's my birthday), and we got talking about Thursday, and what people were bringing. I was listing what I knew, and got to the end, and said, "And well, you know, I'll bring chips. and salsa." And my niece (who is three) sang out, "I love you, Aunt Stacey!" Apparently the kid likes chips! (also, told them I'm 26 and they bought it!)


ETA: Here is a picture of my uncle who does Santa with one of my nieces from three years ago. Yes. That is his real beard.



Edited by stacey
  • Love 7

It's actually crazy easy: (recipe in link, my adaptations below)


Lisin, our definition of easy is vastly different.  hee.



ETA: Here is a picture of my uncle who does Santa with one of my nieces from three years ago. Yes. That is his real beard.




I was, at first, afraid you were saying that Santa is not real.  But then I saw the picture, SANTA IS REAL Y'ALL!

We have some Miracle on 34th Street ish happening here.  That is totally Santa Claus. 


BTW, I would be first in line to buy a Lisin cookbook: 


  • Ingredients: Apples, pie crust, brown sugar, cinnamon, butter (FYI, these are all totally optional! Use whatever's in the cabinet!)
  • Directions:  Bake the apples 30 minutes at 350 degrees, or don't- whatever you want!  Take them out of the oven- or leave them in there, no big deal either way!  Add ice cream and serve, or just go to the bakery and buy a pie already made!  Everything is going to be okay and you did a great job, Drogo!
  • Love 5

Lisin, our definition of easy is vastly different.  hee.



I was, at first, afraid you were saying that Santa is not real.  But then I saw the picture, SANTA IS REAL Y'ALL!




We have some Miracle on 34th Street ish happening here.  That is totally Santa Claus. 


BTW, I would be first in line to buy a Lisin cookbook: 


  • Ingredients: Apples, pie crust, brown sugar, cinnamon, butter (FYI, these are all totally optional! Use whatever's in the cabinet!)
  • Directions:  Bake the apples 30 minutes at 350 degrees, or don't- whatever you want!  Take them out of the oven- or leave them in there, no big deal either way!  Add ice cream and serve, or just go to the bakery and buy a pie already made!  Everything is going to be okay and you did a great job, Drogo!



HAAAA! That's totally what my cookbook would be Drogo!


CP my friends and husband yell at me about calling things easy all the time too. I guess what I mean is they may be, lots of steps but none of the steps are hard? Or maybe being raised by a gourmet chef on one side and a southern baker on the other has really screwed up my definition of easy. I'm like "It's just apples! Not Beef Wellington with homemade puff pastry because for some reason store bought is evil!" Do y'all know how hard it is to make homemade puff pastry?! And that's not even THAT hard... it just takes up a lot of counter space. 

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Do y'all know how hard it is to make homemade puff pastry?! And that's not even THAT hard... it just takes up a lot of counter space.

My issue is cleaning up AFTER someone has made puff pastry and left EVERYTHING on the counter. When I bake, I put things away when I'm done with them and clean up between steps.

Of course, I was raised by Mary Poppins....

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I've been tinkering with the idea of trying to run a game based on the One Night Ultimate Werewolf mechanics.  It''d be different in that it'd have no story like our usual games, but it could work.  If anyone wants to try it, I could put together a sample game in a PM conversation, which would mean a max of 9 volunteers.


I volunteer as tribute! Or whatever! I'm always down to help is what I'm saying. 

In interest of full disclosure, photo fox got me the Day 3 story last week, right when I was in the middle of taking care of my Mom after a bad fall.  Family first and all that, so I was offline except for important stuff.  Not to say Mafia isn't important.


We are out of the woods, I just took care of my end of things, and I would imagine photo fox will be taking care of hers sometime very soon.


My apologies!

  • Love 3

Night 3


A somber party gathered at 221B Baker Street. Dressed in mourners’ black, they had just paid their final respects at Mrs. Hudson’s graveside.

“I can’t believe she’s gone,” Molly remarked to no one in particular, then lapsed into silence as she sank into the corner of the couch.

“It was a beautiful service. She had so many lovely flowers,” said Mary, desperately trying and failing to fill the void.

“It was definitely better than Anderson’s,” interjected Lestrade bitterly. “Me, Donovan, and a few of his conspiracy nutters.”

“She was always so nice to me,” shared a teary-eyed Wiggins. “I’ve been bringing her ‘soothers’, and she was so grateful. Said I reminded her of her husband, but in a good way.” He sniffled into his shirt sleeve.

“John,” uttered Mycroft quietly, leaning close to the doctor. “How worried do we need to be about Sherlock?”

“Very, I’d say,” John replied. “He’s saying she didn’t matter to him, but he once nearly killed a man who dared to touch her. He wouldn’t go today, and he’s been shut in his room since we got back from the cemetery. Greg and I took a look around the flat for drugs and came up empty, but you know…”

“Yes, I know.” They looked at each other, their faces mirroring each other’s’ concern.

John broke eye contact and turned away, catching a glimpse of Mary as she slid her phone back into her purse. “Mary? Are you alright? You look pale.”

Wanly, she met his worried gaze and smiled. “I just got some bad news about an old friend. Nothing to be concerned about today. Do you think we should try to get Sherlock to come out?”

John looked back at Mycroft, who merely shrugged. He sighed. “Okay, I’ll go talk to him.”

Squaring his shoulders, he walked quickly down the hall to Sherlock’s door and rapped on the frame. “Sherlock? We’re back from the cemetery. Are you coming out?”

“Come in and close the door, John,” replied the detective.

John entered, grimacing at the sight and smell of his usually fastidious friend. It appeared Sherlock had not bathed or even changed clothes since returning from the scene of Mrs. Hudson’s murder. “Everyone’s here, and they’re worried about you.”

“Ah, yes,” drawled Sherlock, “I heard you and the inspector sneaking about.” He rolled to his feet. “I’ll join your fun little party, but you must promise me one thing.”

“Of course,” John replied, with a frown in his eyes. “What?”

“No matter what happens today, I need you to go along with it. Get me out of this flat, and I’ll explain later.” He strode from the room, his coat swirling behind him.

“Well, you could have showered, but okay,” muttered John, following in his odorous wake.

“Sherlock!” cried Mary, relieved to see him. “Here, I’ll be mother.”

She poured him a cup of tea as he dropped into his chair, quickly vacated by Wiggins. “There’s a few of Mrs. H’s favorite biscuits as well,” she sobbed, turning and stumbling into the kitchen.

Sherlock sipped the tea, staring into the empty fireplace, while his friends tried to look anywhere else but at him.

Molly sniffed. “I can’t believe she’s gone,” she whispered, as two giant tears rolled down her face. Greg grabbed a box of tissues and sat beside her, reaching out to clasp her hand.

The sad group quietened once more, remembering the woman who had welcomed them all into her home.

The silence was rent by a choking gasp.

Molly screamed in horror as Sherlock tumbled forward out of his chair, still clutching his teacup. He was gasping, his eyes rolled up in his head, his body shuddering. John dropped to his side, yelling for Mary to assist him, while Lestrade frantically phoned for an ambulance.

John quickly loosened Sherlock’s scarf, then attempted to roll him onto his side to clear his airway. But the taller man was too strong, flinging himself onto his back with one last tortured gasp.

“Oh, my god”, whispered Mary. “Is he? Is he… dead?”

Blinking back tears, John reached for Sherlock’s wrist, then stopped himself. “You won’t fool me this time,” he muttered hoarsely, feeling for a pulse in Sherlock’s throat. Finding none, he collapsed crying across his friend’s body.

Greg touched his shoulder. “John, the medical team is here. You need to let them have him.”

John sat back, a look of utter despair on his face, and the emergency crew loaded Sherlock onto a stretcher, shaking their heads as they searched in vain for signs of life. “I’m going with him,” he said quietly. “It’s the least I can do.”

Nearly catatonic, he stumbled through the door and down the steps, following his friend’s body into the ambulance. He stared blindly ahead, his hand resting on Sherlock’s chest, as the crew made their last preparations and pulled into the street.

Two blocks from St. Bart’s, they came to a halt. “Why are you stopping?” demanded John. Then he let out a terrified gasp as the chest under his palm shuddered back to life and he heard a familiar dry chuckle.

Sherlock sat up and eyed him ruefully. “You’re always complaining that I didn’t let you in on my little secret last time. Are you happy now?”

He jumped down to the street as the driver opened the ambulance doors. “Now, let’s go ask your wife why she just tried to kill me.”

Still on the Battlefield (in alphabetical order):

  • aquarian1
  • caprice
  • Drogo
  • Hanged Man
  • Jesse
  • Lady Calypso
  • MarkHB
  • Oinky Boinky
  • SilverStormm
  • stacey
  • SVNBob
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • TJtrack99



On a slab at St. Bart's:
egavasc – The Hound, Villain
Well, you're an animal. You're scary as hell, but you have no special abilities.
Machiabelly - Mike Stamford, Hero and Weak Doctor
Each Night PM the name of a player to protect. Since your role is Weak, if you target a villain with your protection, you will also die that Night, along with any hero the villains have successfully targeted.
CuriousParker - Philip Anderson, Hero
You used to be a good detective, but your penchant for conspiracy theories has discredited you and gotten you kicked off the force. Therefore you have no special abilities.
Lisin - Mrs. Hudson, Hero and Hider
Each Night PM the name of one player to hide behind that night. If you hide behind a hero, you will be untargetable for all other roles. However, that does not mean you are entirely safe: should the person you hide behind get killed, you will be killed as well. This is a Weak role and as such you will die if you try to hide behind a villain.

There is one clue in the story.
You have 48 hours to get your night actions in. (Giving extra time so hopefully everyone will stop in here and get the game rebooted.) :-)

Good luck!

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