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Xena: Warrior Princess Mafia

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Just remembering that starting this DL means I probably won't be alive tomorrow, so I'm going to show my hand. 


Here's some talk from Day 1, caprice and I were sniffing around "washing blood clean"  -


"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?"






Drogo, if you're thinking we can find something in Macbeth, I believe it was LADY Macbeth who was having trouble cleaning blood from her hands.


And now...


We've got another Macbeth reference in the most recent story, by way of the title "Something Wicked This Way Comes." 




I'd say either Lady Calypso or Machiabelly is the recipient of this MacBeth clueage and should be next on the Heroes' agenda. 

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It seems to be that Alti's power allowed for one life. There is a chance that they may be protected, but I doubt they'd get the benefit for two nights in a row.


7 to DL The Crazed Spruce (Drogo, yeswedo, HM, Jesse, saoirse, egavasc Athena), 2 to fly close to the Sun.

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Mod Note:


Day has ended and Twilight has begun. You now have 12 hours to submit your Twilight actions. You may continue any game discussion(s) until the Night story is posted.

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By the way, regarding the MacBeth clues, I can see how they look bad, but I am a hero. An other option is a bit more round about...the Scottish Play could point to Dougal as a Scottish name. Although Lady Calypso is also a thought. As is, I have to admit, me.

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By the way, regarding the MacBeth clues, I can see how they look bad, but I am a hero. An other option is a bit more round about...the Scottish Play could point to Dougal as a Scottish name. Although Lady Calypso is also a thought. As is, I have to admit, me.

I looked up Macbeth and the name "Dougal" doesn't appear.

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Spruce seems pretty confident, like he knows he can't get killed.

Maybe it takes a Day kill and a Night kill, like Glory/Ben. If so, hopefully we have a Hero or Vigilante out there with Night kills.

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Aw, man. I have midterms and assignments due this week so I've been preoccupied with those. Damn, this is the second time I've missed a DL, and I also wish to defend myself. I can also see how the clues may point to me, but I am a Hero. A pretty useless one, but I am one. 

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Yeah, the Macbeth -> Scottish-> Dougal connection could potentially be a clue, except that I'm a hero. I may have shown up just by accident, but I'm on the side of justice and delicious campsite meals.

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Mod Note:


The 12 hr deadline for submitting Twilight actions has now passed. However, the Twilight period will continue until the Night story is posted. Therefore, feel free to continue any game discussion(s) until that happens.

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Here's my pre-mortem take on our remaining players, before Twilight runs down.



  • Possible clue target of "crabbily" (D1) and "fishing" (D2)
  • Spruce came in to defend her against the "fishing" clue when he was also under fire, and we all know what he turned out to be
  • D2 during Spruce DL attempted to point finger toward egavasc by mentioning Siberian grouse and egavasc's fur hat avatar
  • Rating:  Very suspicious



  • D1 Vote: No DL
  • Possible clue target of Macbeth references "washing hands clean" and "something wicked this way comes" (D1and D3)
  • D2 claimed he couldn't vote for Spruce, 10 minutes later SVNBob (villain) said he agreed due to Anonymous vote, could have been in cahoots to throw Heroes off the Spruce vote
  • Rating:  Suspicious



  • D2 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Rating:  Probably harmless, possibly asleep?



  • D1 Vote: No DL
  • D2 Vote to DL Spruce
  • D3 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Rating:  Most likely good.  There's something about Athena that I trust.  A hunch based on something she said . 



  • D2 - wanted to shrug off grouse clue and fishing clue (Spruce and Aquarian)
  • D3 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Rating:  A little suspicious


Hanged Man

  • D2 - pointed out Spruce grouse clue
  • D2 Vote to DL Spruce
  • D3 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Rating:  Most likely good



  • D2 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Cast some dispersion against fish/grouse clues, but not a lot
  • Rating:  Probably harmless, but maybe not



  • D2 - stepped in to point Biz's clue away from Athena and toward Spruce
  • Rating: More than likely good



  • Someone should probably file a missing person's report.


The Crazed Spruce

  • Someone with Night kill power will want to try and finish this one off if our DL doesn't succeed and I die.  If not, stop trying to DL TCS until the other Villains are dead.
  • Rating:  Villain



  • D1 Vote: No DL
  • Quiet player, but aquarian tried to point at her when Spruce was under fire so she's probably not a Villain if they are
  • D3 Vote to DL Spruce, but asked for other clues/ides, which I thought was odd since we knew at that point Spruce was a Villain
  • Rating:  Maybe a little suspicious


Lady Calypso

  • D1 Vote: No DL
  • Possible clue target of Macbeth references "washing hands clean" and "something wicked this way comes" (D1and D3)
  • Arrived "10 minutes late" for Spruce DL
  • Rating:  Very suspicious



  • D2 Vote to DL Spruce
  • D3 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Rating:  Hard to say, but she was onboard with the Spruce DL pretty early so let's say good for now



  • D3 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Rating:  As Adele would say, "...........Hello?" Not much to go on.



  • D2 - jumped on HM's Spruce grouse indictment almost immediately
  • D2 Vote to DL Spruce
  • D3 Vote to DL Spruce
  • Rating: Most likely good
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Drogo! Great list although I resent being considered suspicious. I just wanted people who thought they saw something to be sure to speak up because I can never find anything, a sentiment expressed by others on your list who are not suspected of a malicious nature by you. I am most assuredly good and full of Love.

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Well, I like that list, Drogo, even if I am highly suspicious. But now I trust you, Drogo. I wasn't sure but now I'm pretty sure that you're a hero, like I am (I swear!). In regards to the first DL, I actually was waiting to hear more from Spruce, but then when I decided to come on here and check to see why I had, like, 10 notifications, I saw that the DL had JUST finished.


I wish I could defend myself more, but obviously I can't. Mostly because I haven't seen Xena and I don't really know my character at all. 


Who knew that I would be most active during the Twilight stage? Yet here I am, hoping that I can bring some further clarity in as subtle of a way as I possibly can.

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I disagree entirely, HM.  The vote that needed to happen happened.  (Also, I didn't have time to compile all this info SB Sunday or yesterDay.)


Regardless of my hypotheses about some others, we know Spruce is a Villain- so we needed to attempt another DL on him.  

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Overall, I like the list...

... Except for me, of course.  I am a hero.  I might be a little annoying to some (at least I was to me), but I am a hero none-the-less.

I don't know how "crabbiy" and "fish" are me, for one.  Aquarius is the water bearer, it has nothing to do with fishing or the ocean. Cancer is the crab.

I'm also not sure how running with the grouse clue makes me suspicious when others using it did not make them suspicious.  I didn't even know who wore a fur hat. I was just riffing on the clue.


And now I'm scared to brainstorm other ideas for fear it will make me more suspicious.  


I am looking forward to the night story.  Like I said, I feel good about the DL.  It'll be interesting to see what happens next.

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  • Someone should probably file a missing person's report.

My apologies - teaching a new class has me busy. Plus I'm powerless this game, so don't have much to contribute. At least my character finally showed up!


I will endeavor to be more helpful in the future. But I think we made a good choice this Day, heroic types :)

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Hmm nobody admitted to being a villain.

How are we supposed to lynch you if we don't know who you are?


(*Dibs on Mrs. Peacock.)

I think I would have gone with Lesley Ann Warren as Ms. Scarlett, or Madeline Kahn as Ms White, though really Colleen Camp as the maid is the best to pick dibs on.

Oh... you didn't mean that kind of dibs.

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HM, Madeline Kahn, in the Study, with the Candlestick.  She was adorable. 

Colonel Mustard approves:




Hmm nobody admitted to being a villain.


I'm also shocked at the high Hero-to-Villain turnout we've seen. 


Also, I F'ing love Twilight. 

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Night 3


Hatched, Matched and Dispatched


The ceremony for Argo passed in silence. Aphrodite had arrived earlier to collect the body of her brother, Ares and she’d commiserated with Xena over the loss of her beloved steed before disappearing back to Mount Olympus. “I’m sorry it came to this” Xena had told her.

“I’m going to head back into town to find a messenger to send for Eve and Eli” Gabrielle told Xena.
Xena opened her mouth to reply, but Gabrielle cut her off, “Don’t tell me not to, we’ve already lost Autolycus and Argo. We need backup” she said as she thumped the ground with her staff for emphasis.
“I was just about to say that it was a good idea” Xena agreed.
“Oh. Okay then. Good” Gabrielle replied. “I’ll head off now, no time like the present!”
“While you do that, Joxer, Minya and I, will go look for Callisto’s camp. Ares said it wasn’t far and I’d like to see what we’re up against” Xena informed her.
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll meet you back here later on” Gabrielle waved her goodbye.

Arriving back in town, Gabrielle decided the best place to try was the marketplace and went in that direction.
It was fairly busy but not overcrowded and she managed to avoid having to push past anyone. She was passing a stall when a cloaked woman stepped backwards and trod on her foot accidentally, “Hey, watch where you’re going will you!” screeched an irked Gabrielle as she hopped on one foot. The woman turned, “Oh I’m so sorry I never saw you there” she apologised.
“Maybe if you were looking where you’re-” Gabrielle caught sight of the woman’s face, “Meg! What are you doing here?” she asked in surprise.
Meg looked up, “Oh my, Gabrielle! Is it really you?” she replied in equal surprise. The two women hugged. “It’s been such a long time, how are you?” Gabrielle asked.
“I’m just fine like always. How about you?” Meg answered.
“Well you’re looking just great, why the cloak though?” Gabrielle gave a puzzled look.
“It’s just easier when I’m in a busy place. With my hood up I rarely get mistaken for Xena. You know how it is” Meg shrugged.
“I guess you still get people thinking you’re Xena then” Gabrielle sympathised.
“Yeah and normally it isn’t a problem” she winked, “But lately some people seem pretty angry with her” Meg grinned and revealed a very sharp looking knife. “Mr Cutty here seems to give them second thoughts, heh” she chuckled, “But using the hood tends to avoid it”.
“Good plan. So what brings you to town anyway?” asked Gabrielle.
“I live here! I came into a bit of good fortune not long ago and now I run a little establishment not far from here. I’m out doing a little shopping” Meg explained.
“Oh wow, that’s great news. Good for you” Gabrielle smiled and enquired, “Maybe you can help me then. I’m looking for a messenger; I need to get word to Eve and Eli as soon as possible. Do you know of any around here?”
“You betcha I do! I know most people in town, my establishment is pretty popular, heh” she gave a wry grin.
“Fantastic, can you tell me where to find him?” Gabrielle replied relieved.
“I can do better than that, come with me” Meg took her by the arm. As they walked out of the market together Gabrielle began explaining the events of the last few days.


Scouts, Shouts And Bouts


Xena headed east in search of Callisto’s camp. Joxer and Minya trailed behind her. “So what’s the plan when we find Callisto’s camp?” Minya asked.
“I want you two to stay back as lookouts, I’ll scout the perimeter and assess the situation” Xena ordered in a tone that brooked no argument.
Not unusually, Joxer was oblivious, “But Xena we can help, I’m ready for a fight. Joxer The Mighty will crush his foes!” and he began to croon his song.
“Joxer, can it!” Xena threw him a look of stern disapproval and he immediately clamped his mouth shut mid warble.
The sky had grown dark by the time they spotted the tell tale signs of smoke in the distance. The surrounding area was forest, which made for excellent cover as they approached.
“Stay out of sight and be quiet, but keep your eyes open. There may be patrols around” Xena instructed them as she headed toward the camp.
“Ow!” Joxer exclaimed loudly after Xena disappeared.
“Shhhh, Xena said we need to stay quiet!” Minya harshly whispered.
“Something bit me” he pouted.
“I think you’ll live” Minya replied testily.
Twenty minutes later nothing had happened and Joxer was bored, “I’m gonna have a look around” he stated as he stood up.
“Xena told us to stay here!” Minya said scandalised.
“Don’t worry, I won’t go far. If you need any help just holler and Joxer The Mighty will return to save the day!” he whispered and puffed out his chest then thumped it, which slightly winded him and he coughed.
“Just don’t go getting yourself caught” Minya sighed.
He hadn’t gone far before a movement caught his eye. “Alti” Joxer whispered to himself. He watched as she performed a ritual involving some object that he couldn’t quite make out from his hidden vantage point. ‘I need to tell Xena’ he thought and ran back to where he’d left Minya.
Out of breath, he reached Minya, “I j-just saw Alti!” he whispered loudly to her.
“What? Where?” Minya asked, suddenly on full alert as she rose.
“Back there in the forest, she was doing some ritual or something” Joxer gasped.
“We need to tell Xena” Minya looked around.
“My thought exactly” Joxer replied as he regained his breath.
Together they set off, following the same direction Xena had taken. Within five minutes they met her, as she returned from her reconnaissance. “Xena! Quick!” they both hurriedly whispered.
“I thought I told you two to stay put” Xena berated them.
“It’s Alti, she’s alone in the forest” Joxer explained hastily.
“Alone. Where? Show me” Xena demanded as her jaw clenched.
The trio soon arrived to see Alti still in the midst of her dark rite. Xena skirted the area to check whether any guards were lurking out of sight, but found nobody. She approached from behind as she crept close to where Alti stood. Alti’s arms flailed wildly as she was lost in her sinister practice. Xena noticed the object which seemed to be Alti’s focal point; the Amazon relic. She recognised it from the description Ephany had given her and Gabrielle. She sprung from the trees, sword in hand and shouted her battle cry, “Ayiayiayiayiayiayi!” as she shot at Alti like a loosed arrow. Alti, taken by surprise, turned and with a tenth of a second to spare, fired a bolt of dark magic at Xena. It hit her, throwing her backwards toward a tree, but she corrected at the last moment and hit the trunk with her feet, ran up and flipped over to land on the ground in a defensive stance. “You’re finally going to pay Alti” Xena grinned, as she twirled her sword.
“Xena, have you learned nothing? I’m perfectly capable of protecting myself against the likes of you” Alti hissed.
Xena feinted right but backflipped left and circled her prey as she spoke, “Autolycus was a good friend of mine and you killed him”.
“As I recall, you were very helpful in that matter. I wonder if he even realised why you betrayed him” Alti goaded as she turned to keep her eyes on Xena.
“Get her Xena!” Minya shouted from the trees.
“It seems you brought your little fan club with you. Callisto will be pleased when I present her with some new playthings” Alti laughed.
Xena rushed at her and dodged her magic shots. She got within two feet of her when Alti, using her magic, raised her off the ground and held her there as her legs dangled in mid air.
“Finally, Xena, it ends” Alti rasped malevolently.
Alti’s back was to him as Joxer burst from the trees, he ran with his sword raised above his head. He was not going to let Xena die without a fight. Minya ran behind, intent on helping her idol anyway she could. Joxer reached Alti but she simply knocked him back with a negligent wave of her hand. She refocused on Xena, as her magical grip around Xena’s throat tightened, slowly squeezing the life from her. But Joxer hadn’t hit the ground; instead he’d rebounded off Minya and his helmet had fallen over his eyes. Both of these things caused him to stumble forwards at speed. He fell into Alti by accident, which sent her reeling, her magical grip on Xena broken. Xena landed on the ground and instantly rallied, she saw an opportunity and took it; she retrieved her breast dagger and threw it at Alti. It embedded itself in her shoulder, which, in itself, wasn’t fatal. However, Xena had counted on Alti, who was already staggering forward with involuntary momentum due to Joxer, being put just enough off balance to fall forwards. She fell to the ground but her journey didn’t stop there, instead, she dropped through a false layer of leaves and branches and directly onto the wooden stakes at the bottom of a hidden pit-trap, that Xena had spotted during her time in the air.
Xena marched over and picked up the Amazon relic. She then strode to the pit and looked in. Half a dozen lethal stakes had impaled Alti as blood seeped from her wounds. Xena snarled, “For Autolycus”.


Tribute to Alti



Twilight has drawn to a close and Night has officially fallen, please cease and desist from gameplay conversation and head over to the bar until Day begins. You have 24 hrs to submit your Night actions, please be sure not to miss this deadline.


There are 0 clues in this story.


Living players: Still in the hands of The Fates

• Drogo
• aquarian1
• Machiabelly
• Lisin
• Athena
• Jesse
• Hanged Man
• MarkHB
• caprice
• TJtrack99
• egavasc
• Lady Calypso
• stacey
• yeswedo
• Dougal


Dead players: Gone to The Underworld


Oinky Boinky - Autolycus - The King of Thieves
You are Autolycus the self-proclaimed "King of Thieves".  A master thief, a skilled fighter and a great escape artist, capable of escaping 200 chain locks in less than a night. You are often described as having 'a heart of gold'. You are good friends with Xena and Gabrielle, often accompanying them in their travels and aiding them in their endeavours, although they don't always fully trust you because of your devious nature.


BizBuzz - Argo – Loyal Warhorse and Trusted Steed
You are Argo,  Xena’s palamino horse, a trusted steed of many years. You are extremely well trained and intelligent, always responding to Xena's whistled commands and clearly understanding everything she asks of you. You can sense danger, use martial arts, and issue instructions to other horses. You rarely allow anyone else to mount and ride on your strong back; this includes Gabrielle 99% of the time.


SVNBob - Ares - God of War
You are Ares god of war. You are a fickle god and can be easily swayed from bad to good and back again. You are disliked by most of the Olympian gods. Despite the malevolent front you display, you can be surprisingly sympathetic and caring at times when it suits you. You have a love-hate relationship with Xena; your unrequited love for her is the driving force between you both. Since her redemption Xena's love for you is platonic at best which makes you crazy at times.


The Crazed Spruce - Alti  - A Powerful Shamaness
You are Alti, an ex-amazon turned powerful but vindictive, shamaness and enemy of Xena. You’re able to use visions of past and present lives to inflict pain on your victims. You often kill people using this technique; by making them experience their pre-determined deaths well before they should have happened.

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So, this weekend / early next week I'm going to a conference called AAAI. It's usually pronounced "triple-ey eye", but in my head, I'm now going to pronounce it like the start of Xena's war cry.

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