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Futurama Mafia

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Night 12


          On a bright and sunny day, Bender headed off to work. With the turmoil at Planet Express, he had picked up some shifts as a scab at Curvetti Bros. Bending Plant (their employees were on strike yet again). There he could do what he did best: bend things. Little did he know that his greatest enemy was already working at the plant. That’s right, Flexo was also there bending things into right angles. Bending robots always be bending.
         Things went okay for awhile, Bender and Flexo could stand in their separate location and bend their girders. They didn’t have to interact, which was in everyone’s best interest. While they may have competed to see who could bend the girders the best (the fastest, the most correct angle, whatever you could compare they did), the two robots were identical and so were their bends.
         Then one day, an accident happened as they are wont to do. The Curvetti Bros. were far too invested in the bottom line to care about what may happen to their robot employees. Much of the factory building was in disrepair, some of it being held together by duct tape and prayers. So when a large girder fell from the ceiling, the surprise wasn’t that it fell but that the rest of the building didn’t cave in with it. As luck (or misfortune) would have it, the girder fell right on top of Flexo, crushing down his 40% titanium frame. But Flexo was still alive.
          “Flexo! Oh my Flexo! No! How could this have happened?” Cried Angle-ine, his ex-wife, current lover, and fellow worker at the plant. “Someone! Anyone! Please help! Help us please!” Angle-ine, a fembot bending unit, did not come equipped with the strength to bend anything larger than a clothes hanger. She could never save Flexo from the girder on his head.
          “Oh bite my shiny metal ass.” Bender said, the only other robot in the building. “I’m bending here.” He was unwilling to save his mortal enemy, his evil twin. But Angle-ine sure was pretty and maybe his heroism would steal her away from that bastard Flexo. “Alright alright, I’m coming.”
         Bender surveyed the scene. The girder that fell onto Flexo was not just any girder, but an unbendable girder. If he attempted at all to bend it, the strength needed might kill him. If he was able to bend it, the bending of it may further crush Flexo into the ground in the process most certainly killing him. He explained all of this to Angle-ine, who was in tears at the thought of losing Flexo. She eventually understood the risks and told Bender to go for it. If he could bend the girder just at the right point, Flexo could go free. He’d forever be crushed but he’d at least be alive. Bender went for it, gripping the girder with all his might and bending for all he was worth. Unfortunately, his angle was just a tad off and the bend (the miraculous bend of the unbendable girder) crushed Flexo completely.
         “Welp, he’s boned. So, you free for drinks tonight?”


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • CuriousParker
  • Machiabelly
  • SVNBob
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • Jesse
  • TJTrack99
  • aquarian1
  • OinkyBoinky


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.
  • Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-Trades
    You are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful!
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - Vanilla
    You are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game.
  • Spiro Agnew - NPC
  • BizBuzz - President Nixon - 2 kill
    You are President Nixon, President of Earth. The head of the 37th US President kept alive in a jar, you are carried around by the headless body of Vice President Spiro Agnew. You won the election for President of Earth by one vote and proceeded to enlist the people of Earth into pointless wars. Typically you can be found playing poker with the Robot Devil. Any attack against you will first kill the headless body of Agnew.
  • Athena - Zoidberg - Doctor (weak)
    You are Doctor John Zoidberg, alien from the planet Decapod 10. The only member of the original crew of Planet Express, you are the staff doctor. Your medical knowledge is suspect; for some reason they allow you to treat humans with absolutely no understanding of their anatomy. As such, you are incredibly poor and despised generally by the rest of the crew. Your skills may allow you to heal one person per night, provided the odds be in their favor. Heads, they’re safe. Tails, well, you snipped them in the wrong kerjigger.
  • The Onion Knight - Professor Farnsworth - 2 kill
    You are Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth! A misdirected genius, your inventions always take a odd bent. Like the Smell-O-Scope, because smelling space is clearly more useful than seeing it. Owner and CEO of Planet Express, you often send your crew on suicide missions due to your lack of a gooey moral center. That may also explain your collection of doomsday devices. Although you are practically decrepit, ancient, and falling apart, you are protected by the gargoyle Pazuzu who owes you a great debt. As such, it will take two attempts on your life for death to give you that sweet relief.
  • Firearcher - Calculon - vanilla
    You are Antonio Calculon, famous star of long running robot soap opera All My Circuits. You are known for your magnificent elocution and melodramatic nature on and off screen. While it’s rumored that you received your talents from the Robot Devil himself, you always seek to prove yourself. One day the Academy will recognize you for the talent you are. ONE DAY!
  • MarkHB - Emperor Lrrr - villain protector
    You are Emperor Lrrr, RULER OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8. Lover of Earth sitcoms, violence, conquering planets, and eating just about everything, you have a minor protective streak for things you’ve deemed worthy.  While obsessed with Earth pop culture, the nature of humans perplexes you as you do not understand why they often do not resort to violence. For example, why Ross, the largest Friend, does not simply eat the other five. Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps. Each night you may protect one member of your team, but you may not protect the same person twice. That person will be safe through to the next night.
  • caprice - Fry - Vanilla
    You are Philip J. Fry! Cryogenically frozen in the year 1999, your life is significantly better in the 30th century. While still a delivery boy, you now travel via spaceship and deliver strange and alien packages instead of pizza. Your lack of intelligence may be due to genetic inbreeding as you are your own grandfather. As such, you have no additional powers in this game.
  • Lady Calypso - Amy Wong - Lover
    You are Amy Wong, daughter to wealthy industrialists Leo and Inez Wong. Intern with the Planet Express crew and assistant to the Professor, you earned your doctorate in Applied Physics. Despite your advanced degree, academics are rarely on your mind. Too busy partying and having fun, your party board never gets dusty. Although you would hate to get tied down, you’re currently dating Kif Kroker (and was his Fonfon Ru). You and Kif may communicate outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one is killed.
  • saoirse - Kif - Lover
    You are Kif Kroker, long suffering assistant to Captain Zapp Brannigan and boyfriend to Amy Wong. You are invaluable to Zapp, who believes you to be his best friend and greatest admirer which frustrates you to no end. You are an Amphibiosan, very self conscious, and very dedicated to the love of your life, your Fonfon Ru Amy Wong. You may communicate with Amy outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one of you is killed.
  • Silverstormm - Flexo - goon
    You are Flexo, a bending unit nearly identical to Bender B. Rodriguez except for a stylish metal goatee. Not only are you visually identical to Bender, your voice is the same and you have a remarkably similar sense of humor. However you are noticably nicer than Bender, complimenting others shortly after you insult them. You are fed up with being considered to be Bender’s evil twin when clearly the opposite is true. Your resemblance to Bender will give any investigation into you an unknown response.


There are no clues in this story. Please get your night actions in ASAP. Night will end at approx. noon Sunday EDT. 

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Tray of Fireball shots please...  thanks.


*walks over to the Villains table with the tray*


Wanted to say thanks for the fun the last couple of Days.  It got intense at times, but never too out of hand.  And it was all part of the game.  Good play from you guys.  Y'all were doing what you needed to do to win, so it's all good.


*sets tray down, takes one shot and raises it in toast to the table*


No hard feelings no matter what happens, of course.  Gonna be partnered with some you in one way or another in future games after all.

  • Love 5

Tray of Fireball shots please...  thanks.


*walks over to the Villains table with the tray*


Wanted to say thanks for the fun the last couple of Days.  It got intense at times, but never too out of hand.  And it was all part of the game.  Good play from you guys.  Y'all were doing what you needed to do to win, so it's all good.


*sets tray down, takes one shot and raises it in toast to the table*


No hard feelings no matter what happens, of course.  Gonna be partnered with some you in one way or another in future games after all.


Cheers and well said.

  • Love 1

Day 13

          “Enough is enough.” Mom said to Professor Wernstrom, angry at this latest mishap. “The bending robot has to go. He’s caused enough trouble for us.”
          “That should be simple enough, we installed a fail safe into every MomCorp robot to ensure complete control over every bot in case of emergency. With one press of this button, I can have all robots follow whatever command you might wish.”
          “I only need the one robot. Bring me the bending unit known as Bender B. Rodriguez.” Mom ordered. She could no longer tolerate this behavior from one of her own creations. The robot would pay.


         In the Planet Express offices, Bender’s antenna started to blink.
         “Aw nuts. Gotta go to MomCorp. It’s time for an upgrade.” Bender spoke in nearly a monotone. His personality had been stripped as the programming override took sway. Ignoring the beer he had been drinking, Bender marched out of the office and down the street to the Momcorp headquarters. Straight to his doom.


          Once at MomCorp, Bender was ushered in to see Professor Wernstrom, whose office was fully equipped to destroy any robot.
         “I am Bender. I am here for an upgrade.” A completely docile Bender said in his monotonous robot voice.
          Wernstrom strapped the robot to his table, surrounded by threatening tools and saws. But instead of cutting the bot into many tiny pieces, Wernstrom merely unscrewed his head, removed his memory card and inserted a blank replacement. He then removed the personality chip. Once these vital parts were removed, Bender would no longer be himself. Wernstrom screwed the bot head back onto the body and restarted the bot.
          “I am Bending Unit 22, serial number 2716057. I am here to bend things. Please hand me a girder.” The robot formerly known as Bender said.
          “Perfect!” Mom said gleefully. “Now ship him off to some island where he will never be seen or heard from again. That’s one fewer nuisance to have to deal with. Only three more to go.


         Zapp Brannigan headed out on his first solo mission in a very long time. He had been conducting interviews for Kif’s replacement, but had thus far been unsuccessful and the DOOP needed him out in the field. The field of space that is. So out he was, to ensure order amongst the planets, all by himself. Of course, without Kif, he had gotten tremendously lost. Zapp wouldn’t know how to read a map if it had put on lipstick and did a dance for him. Finally he saw a planet and opted to land there, wherever it was, to try to figure out how to get back on track. Surely he could commandeer one of the planet’s citizens to be his new Kif. It worked with Kif!
          He had bounced to an able crash landing on the Planet Amazonia, his ship having mostly survived the repeated smacks to the Earth’s surface. Zapp wandered around, looking for anything remotely resembling intelligent life. Intelligent life found him. The Amazonians were stealthy trackers; when they heard Zapp lumbering through their jungles they followed him trying to figure out the severity of the threat. Discovering that he was mostly harmless and incompetent, the Amazonian women made their presence known.
          “What’s that?! Who’s there?!?!” Zapp said, startled at the sudden noises around them. “Well hello ladies,” he replied when he saw the Amazonians. They towered over him, in minimal clothing. Bras and loincloths made of animal skins, he was simultaneously afraid and aroused. This was, of course, Zapp Brannigan’s favorite pairing of emotions.
          “You man. You no belong here. We take you back to village for trial. The great Femputer will know what to do.” Kug, the lead Amazonian said as she tied Zapp’s hands together.
          “Ah, you like a little bondage? I can work with that…Hey! That hurts!”
          “Quiet prisoner. Men should be seen and not heard!”


         Back at the village, the Femputer was called upon to deliver sentencing on Zapp for the crime of being male. You see, Planet Amazonia was comprised of all females. The last of the men had died out years ago. Zapp was the first male intruder to the planet in some time. The Femputer processed all of the information then her lights blinked rapidly as she prepared to announce her ruling.
         “The male intruder to this planet shall be sentenced to death. Death, by Snu-snu!” The great Femputer cried.
          “Death by Snu-snu! Death by Snu-snu!” The Amazonian women chanted as Kug lead Zapp into a nearby hut.
          “First, he will Snu-snu the large women, then the petite women, then the large women again. And so on and so forth until death comes.” The Femputer decreed.
          “What is Snu-snu?” Zapp asked with great fear and the Amazonian carried him off. From within the hut, his voice could be heard “Oh, Oh… OH! This is Snu-snu. Well, if a man has to go…”


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • Machiabelly
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • Jesse
  • TJTrack99
  • aquarian1
  • OinkyBoinky


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.
  • Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-Trades
    You are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful!
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - Vanilla
    You are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game.
  • Spiro Agnew - NPC
  • BizBuzz - President Nixon - 2 kill
    You are President Nixon, President of Earth. The head of the 37th US President kept alive in a jar, you are carried around by the headless body of Vice President Spiro Agnew. You won the election for President of Earth by one vote and proceeded to enlist the people of Earth into pointless wars. Typically you can be found playing poker with the Robot Devil. Any attack against you will first kill the headless body of Agnew.
  • Athena - Zoidberg - Doctor (weak)
    You are Doctor John Zoidberg, alien from the planet Decapod 10. The only member of the original crew of Planet Express, you are the staff doctor. Your medical knowledge is suspect; for some reason they allow you to treat humans with absolutely no understanding of their anatomy. As such, you are incredibly poor and despised generally by the rest of the crew. Your skills may allow you to heal one person per night, provided the odds be in their favor. Heads, they’re safe. Tails, well, you snipped them in the wrong kerjigger.
  • The Onion Knight - Professor Farnsworth - 2 kill
    You are Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth! A misdirected genius, your inventions always take a odd bent. Like the Smell-O-Scope, because smelling space is clearly more useful than seeing it. Owner and CEO of Planet Express, you often send your crew on suicide missions due to your lack of a gooey moral center. That may also explain your collection of doomsday devices. Although you are practically decrepit, ancient, and falling apart, you are protected by the gargoyle Pazuzu who owes you a great debt. As such, it will take two attempts on your life for death to give you that sweet relief.
  • Firearcher - Calculon - vanilla
    You are Antonio Calculon, famous star of long running robot soap opera All My Circuits. You are known for your magnificent elocution and melodramatic nature on and off screen. While it’s rumored that you received your talents from the Robot Devil himself, you always seek to prove yourself. One day the Academy will recognize you for the talent you are. ONE DAY!
  • MarkHB - Emperor Lrrr - villain protector
    You are Emperor Lrrr, RULER OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8. Lover of Earth sitcoms, violence, conquering planets, and eating just about everything, you have a minor protective streak for things you’ve deemed worthy.  While obsessed with Earth pop culture, the nature of humans perplexes you as you do not understand why they often do not resort to violence. For example, why Ross, the largest Friend, does not simply eat the other five. Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps. Each night you may protect one member of your team, but you may not protect the same person twice. That person will be safe through to the next night.
  • caprice - Fry - Vanilla
    You are Philip J. Fry! Cryogenically frozen in the year 1999, your life is significantly better in the 30th century. While still a delivery boy, you now travel via spaceship and deliver strange and alien packages instead of pizza. Your lack of intelligence may be due to genetic inbreeding as you are your own grandfather. As such, you have no additional powers in this game.
  • Lady Calypso - Amy Wong - Lover
    You are Amy Wong, daughter to wealthy industrialists Leo and Inez Wong. Intern with the Planet Express crew and assistant to the Professor, you earned your doctorate in Applied Physics. Despite your advanced degree, academics are rarely on your mind. Too busy partying and having fun, your party board never gets dusty. Although you would hate to get tied down, you’re currently dating Kif Kroker (and was his Fonfon Ru). You and Kif may communicate outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one is killed.
  • saoirse - Kif - Lover
    You are Kif Kroker, long suffering assistant to Captain Zapp Brannigan and boyfriend to Amy Wong. You are invaluable to Zapp, who believes you to be his best friend and greatest admirer which frustrates you to no end. You are an Amphibiosan, very self conscious, and very dedicated to the love of your life, your Fonfon Ru Amy Wong. You may communicate with Amy outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one of you is killed.
  • Silverstormm - Flexo - goon
    You are Flexo, a bending unit nearly identical to Bender B. Rodriguez except for a stylish metal goatee. Not only are you visually identical to Bender, your voice is the same and you have a remarkably similar sense of humor. However you are noticably nicer than Bender, complimenting others shortly after you insult them. You are fed up with being considered to be Bender’s evil twin when clearly the opposite is true. Your resemblance to Bender will give any investigation into you an unknown response.
  • SVNBob - Bender - bookie
    Bite your shiny metal ass! You are Bender B. Rodriguez (the B stands for Bending!). Best described as an alcoholic, whore-mongering, chain-smoking gambler, you are a Bending Unit employed at Planet Express with your best friend Fry. You know that you are great at everything (despite evidence to the contrary. You may have actually killed people with your cooking). Your degenerate ways afford you some strange powers. During Twilight you may place a bet on who will be killed that night and who will be lynched the next day. If you wager correctly, you have the power to bring back a person from the brinks of death OR to investigate someone still alive. Be warned! Flexo is out there and you could easily be mistaken for him!
  • CuriousParker - Zapp Branigan - bodyguard (weak)
    You are Zapp Brannigan, Earth’s Greatest Hero. While you are incredibly vain and boastful of your military success and sexual prowess, in actuality you are a coward, incompetent, and have slept with impossibly few women. Your military strategy is typically to send in many troops as kamikazes hoping to tire out the enemy. Each night you may attempt to protect a person of your choosing. However, if the danger is great you may opt to run away. Heads, they will be safe. Tails, Zapp Brannigan lives to command another day.


There are no clues in this story. Day will last for 48 hours (or until the Forums go down). If a vote has not been reached by then, we will add additional time once the forums are back up. 

  • Love 1

Okay, no Bob now, and we know who CP was (RIP, fellow Heroes).


Now if I've got everything counted right, then we have to go for Dougal right now, Spruce and Machia after. Not sure if there is any reason for any particular order between those two, other than Spruce appears as a Hero while Machia does not.


And if there is any version of any kind of protection out there, I probably need it.


Does that summarize everything correctly?

Tray of Fireball shots please... thanks.

*walks over to the Villains table with the tray*

Wanted to say thanks for the fun the last couple of Days. It got intense at times, but never too out of hand. And it was all part of the game. Good play from you guys. Y'all were doing what you needed to do to win, so it's all good.

*sets tray down, takes one shot and raises it in toast to the table*

No hard feelings no matter what happens, of course. Gonna be partnered with some you in one way or another in future games after all.

Floats in

This is why Bob's the Champion.

He's the best of us.

Floats out

  • Love 1

My dearies, why fight it? It's just a matter of time before we take control. Now be good little boys and girls, and submit to dear, loving Mom.

But you, aquarian, I'm disappointed in. A vicious killer like you, siding with these silly moralistic fools. Come join us in solidarity, and we'll take care of you. We have all the sardines you can eat. :)

But who shall we vote for? Hmmmmm..... *rolls dice* Oh, I know....

1 to DL TJ (Spruce) 3 to decimate with motherly love

Alrighty then! It is now Twilight. For those still living, a poll: 


IF I can post the night story by 6am EDT Monday morning, can you get your night actions in sometime Monday before the forum update on Tuesday. Please feel free to PM me your response. 


IF everyone can get their Night actions in, I will post the Night story bright and early tomorrow morning. If not, we'll exist in the Twilight Zone until the forum update is complete. I don't want to risk someone not being able to get their night action in. 


Thanks all!  

  • Love 1

A1 I hope that if this is true that if you take out TJ or another hero for them, their best chance to win is to kill you tonight. Then there is only 2 hero's vs two of them. They still have to get you dead to win and they can't get that done during the day.

I promise you. If you are putting in a death order on a hero they are putting one in on you same time.

That would leave two heroes, two villain and we couldn't get a DL so they win, you lose

That is absolutely not what we're doing, and moreover, it doesn't even make sense.

As we said, we're targeting TJ, so hopefully our comrade-in-murder will be targeting a non-TJ hero (you're all the same at this point). If we were going to betray her, that would leave it at two heroes and two villains – but the heroes would still have an extra vote, and they'd DL one of us tomorrow. If we were going to do that, we'd have her target TJ. But, as honorable villains, we're not doing that. We recognize that a1 could cost us the game at this point, and out of respect for her not doing that, will happily play for a draw with her.

After all, some of us have respect for contracts, verbal or otherwise.


Dougal - do you realize you just lied or does it kick in automatically and you aren't aware?


And also respect? I don't think that is what is motivating you. You are scrambiing for the win and dirty, double dealing is the key.  


If the heroes can't win, I would rather the SK win. 

I promise the SK, if you are killing a hero for them they are putting in a kill order for you. 


Think about it. 

Night 13

Dougal is the Robot Devil and the Robot Devil dies. The Robot Devil is a Villain.

Now it is night and no one can talk game. Enjoy the bar, the proper night story will go up later this evening when I'm not trying to work. We have maybe a week left in this game people. Please hold it together for just a little while longer. Then everyone can discuss to their hearts content. Or not discuss at all.

- your loving mod.

  • Love 7
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