Guest June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 8 minutes ago, Drogo said: I want this too! Link to comment
Drogo June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 Now all we need is a train... Link to comment
caprice June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 19 minutes ago, Drogo said: Now all we need is a train... The Crazy Train doesn't count? Lightning rounds are going to happen. It would be nice, when they do happen, if they are preceded by logic and common sense, neither of which were apparent in this DL. It amuses me that most of MMCS's not-trusted list is made up of people who were questioning where the DL's logic was coming from. Unrelated frustration: I've been having the most ridiculous tech issues with my computer, iPad and this site over the last several days. I can't consistently use the quote function here and my router keeps farting out on me, making it really difficult to skip around and read everything. Not even my personal IT Guy has been able to help. Link to comment
Meredith Quill June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 Quite the contrary, I believe logic and common sense were indeed applied. As I said before, IF @MuuMuuChainsmoker's info proves false, she surely knows that she will be next in the line of fire. Ergo, it logically follows that she must have some solid info (without wanting to reveal her ability, which I respect btw) to accuse @Dougal so boldly, or risk being DL'd next. I think that is a safe assumption and based MY vote on it. There have been numerous instances of people starting successful DL's using the reason 'because reasons' in past games, I don't see any difference here? Again, if Dougal does die and is revealed to be a wrong 'un, we need to look after MMCS toNight heroes! Here's your train @CuriousParker 2 Link to comment
Lisin June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 ITA with what @SilverStormm says above. I had no problem following the MMCS info since it would be unwise to throw a hero on the chopping block that early with no actual info just to take one out... We'd know pretty damn quick and then be able to DL MMCS the next Day. That's not at all what I was saying. Anywah, @BizBuzz you keep saying someone is claiming your role, but you're giving us absolutely no info beyond that. I haven't even seen much role claiming at all so it's really confusing me! I have actual time today so I'm going to go back through everything and make a List (yay!) provided I can get it done before Twilight ends. Link to comment
Lisin June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 Additionally, I'm complete shite at math, so I never have any clue regarding the hero to villain ratio... I'm guessing we have about what, 5 villains? Link to comment
caprice June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 Two things. From last Night, does anyone notice something about Jagov's description of Archer, "subtly audacious, openly idiotic, royally stupid, egotistical...." Let's remember how clues were presented in the GoT round. Also, we should remember that Silver, who seems to be a voice of reason in a round with no clear such voices among the characters, had originally started a DL on BizBuzz. I believe there was good reason for it. Link to comment
Meredith Quill June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 @Lisin It's usually 1/3rd villains to 2/3rds heroes. So in a game of 16 players approx 5 or 6 will be villains I'd guess. @caprice I liked (and still like) the Honeypot 'clue' for @BizBuzz and even though it was argued that honeypot is a legit Archer thing, there's nothing to say that it isn't a clue 'hiding in plain sight' so to speak. In fact, that would be an especially clever kind of clue imo; one that seems soooo obvious it's easily dismissed/disregarded. Link to comment
caprice June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 To add to your thought, @SilverStormm, back in Day 1, there was reference to the ISIS drones Link to comment
Lisin June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 @SilverStormm Sweet. Thanks! I'll be back in a bit with more info! Link to comment
Lisin June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 3 hours ago, caprice said: It amuses me that most of MMCS's not-trusted list is made up of people who were questioning where the DL's logic was coming from. I don't think that's the case at all... 12 hours ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: Saoirse, Jesse, Caprice and Machiabelly @saoirse closed out the vote, @Jesse voted in it, @Machiabelly hasn't posted since Sunday... you're the only one who questioned where the logic was coming from. I'm not saying that means anything, simply pointing out that @MuuMuuChainsmoker isn't basing that list off of people who questioned the logic. In other news gang, I'm really having trouble with @BizBuzz's continued assertion that someone is claiming her role. I just went over everything again and I see a couple of light hints at roles, (one of which is causing me some major side eye btw, but for another reason which I'll get to in a second) as for hints go... I've only seen 3 (ish). @CuriousParker says "I am a clever girl" which might be a hint, might just be the truth (CP is clever y'all). But if it's a hint I can't figure it out (other than it makes me think of Jurassic Park) @Deadpool says "in fact I'm a vanilla hero but my er, tastes are anything but vanilla if you know what I mean (wink)" which could be hinting at Cheryl or Krieger and finally... the one giving me side eye... @Ser Jorah Mormont says "And if we are going to lynch someone, shall I fetch a rug?" hinting at Woodhouse... who at the time was an unknown, but of course now we know Woodhouse was @Oinky Boinky so... let that be something our investigators think about maybe. Loads of people have said "Phrasing" and @Jesse specifically said she wasn't Archer so some of these soft claims are a bit confusing because we all keep also just quoting the show... but the above are the ones that looked to me most like actual soft claims and not just people saying "phrasing" because everyone did that. As for a list, here are the Archer characters I came up with who have (I think) all been mentioned in at least one Story. Italicized characters are presumed (by me) baddies. Archer Characters: Archer Lana Pam Cheryl Cyril Malory Doctor Krieger Ray Ron Cadillac Woodhouse Barry Dylan Major Nikolai Jakov Boris Katya Kazanova Len Trexler Lucas Troy Link to comment
caprice June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 2 hours ago, caprice said: Two things. From last Night, does anyone notice something about Jagov's description of Archer, "subtly audacious, openly idiotic, royally stupid, egotistical...." Let's remember how clues were presented in the GoT round. @Lisin, if this turns out to be a clue to saoirse, her closing the DL might not be a good thing. 1 Link to comment
JonSnow June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 1 hour ago, Lisin said: @Ser Jorah Mormont says "And if we are going to lynch someone, shall I fetch a rug?" hinting at Woodhouse... who at the time was an unknown, but of course now we know Woodhouse was @Oinky Boinky so... let that be something our investigators think about maybe. I thought we were all having fun quoting different Archer characters my intention was not to try to claim someone so sorry if that caused confusion Link to comment
BizBuzz June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 "Phrasing" is where I was going ... however, I do see that now there are bunches of people using that, so my thought process bit the dust. I chalk that up to not being familiar enough with this show to do a proper character assessment. So now, I am as confused as ever. Which is nothing new for me. I see now I have a username similar to TCS ... all kinds of things can be pointed to me ... drones, honey, whatever ... what can I say but quinkydinks. Incidentally, I don't see my character in that list that Lisin posted. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 I can understand issues about completion of DLs and the timeliness of them. Because of RL, I do have huge stretches of time that I cannot get on and participate as much as I have in the past. But I understand if I'm not able to vote in the future, hopefully someone else will! That said, I'm feeling a tiny bit picked on at the moment, and a little sad. I know in my heart that I'm a Hero, and hopefully that can be proven here soon! In the meantime... Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 @caprice has some very interesting ideas which I would like to discuss in more detail during the next Day time discussion. 1 Link to comment
Jesse June 8, 2016 Share June 8, 2016 5 hours ago, Lisin said: @saoirse closed out the vote, @Jesse voted in it, @Machiabelly hasn't posted since Sunday... you're the only one who questioned where the logic was coming from. I'm not saying that means anything, simply pointing out that @MuuMuuChainsmoker isn't basing that list off of people who questioned the logic. Thanks, Lisin. I have no idea where MMCS is getting her lists, because I am definitely a hero! Which I guess shouldn't actually go without saying.... Link to comment
caprice June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 2 hours ago, Jesse said: Thanks, Lisin. I have no idea where MMCS is getting her lists, because I am definitely a hero! Which I guess shouldn't actually go without saying.... I do get @Lisin's point and see that I was the only one really pushing for an explanation from @MuuMuuChainsmoker. I'd still like that explanation, and have some things to explain as well, if my heroic ass makes it through the night. 1 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Just now, caprice said: I do get @Lisin's point and see that I was the only one really pushing for an explanation from @MuuMuuChainsmoker. I'd still like that explanation, and have some things to explain as well, if my heroic ass makes it through the night. And assuming I make it to tomorrow, I am happy to provide that explanation. If I don't make, you'll all at least see that I am a hero and hopefully will see that I had some value for the heroes team. If that happens, I'm hoping the heroes will carry on the work we have started. 1 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Just now, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: And assuming I make it to tomorrow, I am happy to provide that explanation. If I don't make, you'll all at least see that I am a hero and hopefully will see that I had some value for the heroes team. If that happens, I'm hoping the heroes will carry on the work we have started. Also (with the highest respect for our hard working mods), do we have a rough ETA as to when the next story is going up? Asking for a friend. :P 1 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 5 hours ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: @caprice has some very interesting ideas which I would like to discuss in more detail during the next Day time discussion. Her ideas kinda dovetail into some suspicious gameplay I spotted, so I'm right there with you. Link to comment
egavasc June 9, 2016 Author Share June 9, 2016 7 hours ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said: Also (with the highest respect for our hard working mods), do we have a rough ETA as to when the next story is going up? Asking for a friend. :P Today (hopefully in a few hours). My apologies for the delay, life stuff interrupted writing time. 1 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 20 minutes ago, egavasc said: Today (hopefully in a few hours). My apologies for the delay, life stuff interrupted writing time. Woo! My "friend" sends thanks and appreciation for your hard work. 1 Link to comment
Drogo June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Night 2 At ISIS HQ It hadn’t taken long before Malory Archer figured out where her son ran off to. Once again he had flown off the handle, racing into dangerous situations without an inkling of what might happen to him. Cyril hadn’t taken long to break, thank God they rarely had to send him into the field. Lord knows what he would end up telling an enemy operative. "Sure, let me just write down names, dates, locations"- he was more useless than a Little League outfielder. Malory reacted to the news of Sterling’s whereabouts in her usual fashion: wavering back and forth between hysterical concern and irate anger. Pam and Cheryl were trying to console her. Well Pam was trying to console her. And Cheryl couldn’t care less about Malory's feelings, given their exchange in the elevator that morning: “What on earth am I going to do? Sterling is gone! Once Nikolai knows he’s in Russia, he’ll never be safe! The KGB will never return him to me. Of course, if that clown of son had bothered to tell me what he was up to, well. I could have sent him in prepared. And then we wouldn’t be in this predicament now would we. Oh Sterling, what am I to do?!?!?!” she wailed. “We have other agents don’t we?” Asked Pam gently. “Couldn’t we send someone in to be back up for Mr. Archer? If so, he wouldn’t be on his own in dangerous territory.” “LANA!” Malory yelled, loud enough for anyone in the main office to hear her. “Get your ass in her. Right this minute!” “What?” Lana replied, her tone a combination of frustration and resentment. “What is it now Malory?” Since Malory's voice had a quota of twelve scoldings a day, Lana's tolerance for them was at eleven. “You take that tone with me Missy and you just see how much longer you have a voice with which to take a tone. Now I need you to go deep undercover into the KGB and be there for Sterling when he inevitably needs back up. Easy peasy.” “Me. Undercover. In Russia. As what exactly, the KGB’s only black agent?” “Well who else is supposed to go? Cyril’s still in the fetal position after the light interrogation I put him through this morning and Ms. Gillette is still completely useless. You’re the only one who can go.” “I could go!” Chimed in Pam, a half-eaten burrito and her dreams of being a field agent right in front of her. “You?” Malory and Lana said together, both taken aback at the idea of the head of Human Resources in the field. “Yeah! I took the IFAAB and everything! I’m totally ready and no one would ever suspect me. Please Ms. Archer, please please!” “Well, I guess. Since there isn’t anyone else who can go. Lana, do what you can to train her today and tomorrow she gets on a plane to Moscow.” “Yay!” Pam cheered. She hadn't been this proud of her accomplishments since she was named Most Valuable Tight End by the Santo Domingo High football team. In Moscow Archer was in stealth mode, on the roof of the Committee for State Security building offices of the KGB. His plan was to sneak in through the air vents at night in order to examine the files and figure out why someone at the KGB was trying to set him up. At this point, all he needed to do was wait until the sun finally set. Soon, soon he would be able to solve this puzzle. He took another swig of his flask thinking to himself “God, why was there no decent vodka in this hellhole of a country? Isn’t that what they were known for?” Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t hear the footsteps behind him. To his credit, not many would have heard those very light footsteps. “Boo!” A voice said, startling the ISIS agent. “Whaaaa! God, Barry. It’s you. What are you doing here?” “Oh, I’m just here to kill you.” Barry said matter of factly. “What? Barry. C’mon. I know I slept with your girlfriend, but…” “Fiancé. She was my fiancé when you slept with her!” “But obviously I was doing you a favor. The girl would have slept with anyone. She even slept with Cyril. Cyril!” “That’s beyond the point, Sterling Archer, it’s time to die.” The two spies were well matched, exchanging blows in hand to hand combat. Back and forth they came dangerously close to the edge of the roof over and over, precarious tackling and lunging right up to the edge. Archer continued to taunt his foe, never knowing when to shut up rather than try to be quippy. It was one of his few weaknesses. But eventually Barry had him right where he wanted him, back to the roof’s edge, nowhere to go but down. “Barry, c’mon man. You don’t really want to kill me. You got your punches in. We’re even. Now just let me get back to what I was doing.” “Searching for your father? Good luck with that when you’re dead!” Barry said, closing in on his greatest enemy. He swung his arm up, hoping to land a swift uppercut to Archer’s chiseled jaw, knocking him firmly off the roof. But Archer caught his movement out of the corner of his eye and dodged the blow at the last minute, the momentum sending Barry over the edge. As he fell, he yelled out, “AAARRRRCCCHHHEERRRR!!!!!” His final word, a plea for any kind of help before the devastating impact. “Man, he nearly ruined my turtleneck. Now what was that he was saying about my father?” Living In The Danger Zone: Lisin CP Jesse saoirse caprice BizBuzz SilverStormm Deadpool The Crazed Spruce aquarian1 MMCS Machiabelly The Hanged Man Ser Jorah Mormont No Longer Rampaging: Oinky Boinky - Woodhouse / Team ISIS - You are Woodhouse, manservant to Sterling Archer. Despite your own storied military career, you’ve been in service to the Archers since Malory Archer gave birth in your Tangiers bar. You are one of the few consistent things in Archer’s life, having raised him since he was a baby and always being there while his mother was off on spy missions. The heroin helps you overlook the fact that he treats you as subhuman. Good thing you know how to cover your tracks when you need to: knock him out, splash scotch and women’s underwear about, and tell him he slipped chasing an Asian prostitute. He’ll never be the wiser. You have no additional powers in this game. Dougal - Barry Dylan/Team ODIN - You are Barry Dylan, ODIN agent and biggest rival to one Sterling Malory Archer. Beyond the mere fact of working at rival spy organizations, Archer has been the cause of much physical and emotional distress. First he dropped you from a balcony for ruining his suit. You fell on a car and broke your leg, needing steel rods and screws. Then he slept with your fiancée (the Pele of anal!). You will have your revenge on Archer if it’s the last thing you do! You are a Villain Investigator. Important stuff: Twilight has ended; no gametalk until the next Day story is posted. There are 2 clues in the Night 2 story. Those with Night actions have 24 hours (until 10am Eastern on Friday) to submit them. Bar's open! 2 Link to comment
Meredith Quill June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Nailed it. 3 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Night time is party time! 1 Link to comment
Deadpool June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 1 Link to comment
caprice June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Yay, heroes! My apologies to you, MMCS. May I get your first drink? Link to comment
Lisin June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Drinky drinky drink drink. I've got this whore of a headache. Link to comment
Jesse June 9, 2016 Share June 9, 2016 Everyone grab a straw! Link to comment
Oinky Boinky June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 Feeling unloved. Really wanted to play this game. You guys are awesome (except for the ones who killed me of course) @Machiabelly where are you in PEI and do you ever play golf? 1 Link to comment
caprice June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 *sips a coke* When compared to the characters of Archer, we are clearly amateurs at drinking. I've got tickets to the ballgame tomorrow night, but I'm questioning whether or not I'll go. I had a nasty migraine today and it is going to be humid. Link to comment
Oinky Boinky June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 coke is great for migraine but for me only to stop one when the aura starts. Who is playing? I love baseball 1 Link to comment
caprice June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 I'm the same. I took my Medes this morning and am now just trying to keep it away. No alcohol for me tonight.... The game tomorrow is Red Sox at Twins. 2 Link to comment
Lisin June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 12 hours ago, caprice said: *sips a coke* When compared to the characters of Archer, we are clearly amateurs at drinking. I don't know what you're talking about, I am a professional! Link to comment
Machiabelly June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 Currently in the ER since 9am. I have been admitted and will be in here for a few days with no Internet. Sorry folks. I will see you in a few days. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 Wow... I hope you feel better, @Machiabelly ! 3 Link to comment
Drogo June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 Take care, Mach! Link to comment
Guest June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 MB, sorry you're sick. Get better soon and hurry home to us. Link to comment
Meredith Quill June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 Sorry to hear that @Machiabelly take care of yourself. 1 Link to comment
Jesse June 10, 2016 Share June 10, 2016 Oh no, Machia! I hope they take good care of you and you are home soon. 1 Link to comment
caprice June 11, 2016 Share June 11, 2016 I hope it's nothing serious and that you'll be on your feet soon. Feel better, @Machiabelly! 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz June 11, 2016 Share June 11, 2016 Get better soon machiabelly! 1 Link to comment
egavasc June 11, 2016 Author Share June 11, 2016 Hope everything gets better for you Machiabelly! For everyone else, the Day story should go up sometime either tomorrow afternoon or Monday morning at the latest. Until then, for the Archer/Mad Men fans amongst us may I introduce you to Sterling Archer Draper Pryce 4 Link to comment
caprice June 12, 2016 Share June 12, 2016 I made it to last night's game and what did they do afterward? A fireworks show, of course! Not only that, but it featured music of the '80s! What do you suppose the first song was? What else could it have been but "Danger Zone?" I laughed and gave all my fellow Mafia players (even those not in this round) a mental hug. 1 Link to comment
Jesse June 12, 2016 Share June 12, 2016 2 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 12, 2016 Share June 12, 2016 @SVNBob, @Dougal, @The Crazed Spruce, @Athena Please check in on the Doctor Who board before we miss the Day deadline. Link to comment
Drogo June 13, 2016 Share June 13, 2016 Mafiosos - Before we get started toDay, I just want to give credit where it's due: the lovely and talented @egavasc has been writing all of these delicious stories and I am just helping with JPG-ing/GIF-ing and of course moral support. Also, I really enjoy and appreciate every one of you just as you are. That is all. Day 3 In Moscow Archer was frustrated. The fight with Barry had blown his plans; the roof was no longer an unexpected entrance. The KGB had men patrolling twenty-four seven. He was holed up in what supposedly was considered a four star hotel trying to figure out his next move, but the mini-bar was especially cheap with the vodka and all of the hotel's available pornos were subtitled. He needed better accommodations to be better-thinking: he needed to get into the office for those files and now every entrance was guarded. This was supposed to be easy. Then there was a knock on the door. Never one to be suspicious, even when he should be, Archer went to answer. He gazed through the peephole just to be surprised at a familiar face. “Pam!” He exclaimed as he opened the door. “What are you doing here? How did you find me? And what the hell are you wearing?” “Duh! You always use a Burt Reynolds movie for your hotel reservations. Stroker Ace, Lewis Medlock, David Dilbeck. I’m the head of HR, I see your expense reports. Did you really think I wouldn’t recognize Paul 'Wrecking' Crewe?” “But how did you know I was in Moscow in the first place? And seriously, why are you dressed like a nun?” “Did you really expect Cyril to keep a secret? It took Ms. Archer twenty minutes to get him to tell her where you went. And I’m here because Ray’s still paralyzed and Lana didn’t think she’d be able to go undercover in Russia. With the whole, you know, Russia being a Very White Place thing.” “Stupid Cyril. I’m going to destroy him when I get back.” “Aw, don’t hurt Cyril. You know he’s not good at the whole secrets thing. Or the whole torture thing. And Ms. Archer is scary!” “Yeah, Mother can be pretty intense. Pam. The nun thing. What’s going on?” “How better to go undercover in Russia? They’re super religious.” “First, Pam, no. They’re a communist country. There’s no religion. Second. If there was any religion, it would be Russian Orthodox, not Catholicism. You should know this. It’s basic Russian society.” “Goddamnit.” In KGB Headquarters Pam and Archer had infiltrated the KGB. Honestly, it was easier than expected. Archer knocked out two KGB thugs who were headed in for patrol and stole their uniforms. Once Pam was out of her ridiculous nun outfit, she looked slightly more like a capable field agent. Slightly. Dressed as KGB agents, it was easy to break into the main offices. They just walked right in. After some time they found the records room and were looking for anything that would give a reason for the Russians to be stealing money from Archer’s expense account. Lost in the paperwork, Archer was grateful that he had someone else searching (not that he’d ever admit that). This was super boring. What was the fun of being a spy if you didn’t get to fight anyone? The thugs had gone out easily, his skills were being wasted in this frigid tundra. Then a sultry voice startled the both of them, “Sterling Archer, we haf been expecting you.” Archer turned to the doorway, hand instinctively moving to his gun. There stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, clearly an enemy KGB agent. “Well hello there. You look cold, I could warm you up.” “Do not sweet talk me Sterling Archer. I haf now trapped you. Dere is no vay out.” “Oh, there’s always a way. Sterling Archer always makes a way. Pam! Now!” He signaled, in the most obvious fashion. Pam knocked over a series of file cabinets causing a very large CRASH! Katya had been focused on Archer and had not seen the second person in the room. This drew her focus enough for Archer to tackle her. “Oh hello, are you, how you say, happy to see me?” She asked. “I, what, yes. No!” Archer struggled as he debated between kissing and killing. Unable to decide between the two, he wrestled around until he was behind Katya and could get her securely in a chokehold. He held her there just long enough to knock her out. He and Pam raced out of the building, eager to make it out of Russia. At Ron Cadillac’s Cadillac dealership It was a typical day for Ron Cadillac. He was checking in on one of his six dealerships. Not that he needed to, they did just fine on their own. That’s what happened when you hired good people, something his wife could learn from. Oh, he was impressed with his wife’s company; they did important work. But she couldn’t ever leave. The inmates ran that asylum if she left. His dealerships made money when he wasn’t around, her agency destroyed world peace. But he couldn’t tell her any of this. No way. He valued his marriage too much. No, Ron Cadillac would just keep his nose in his own books and make sure he could support his wife on his own. He was just about the head out for a Starbucks run when a man in a nice suit walked up to the dealership. Ron thought he might take the sale; it’d been awhile since he stepped foot on the sales floor so to speak. Maybe he could still show those whippersnappers how it was done. “Good afternoon sir! How can I help you today? Looking to find yourself in a brand new automobile?” He asked as he held the door open for his newest client, that car salesman smile plastered on his face. “Are you Ron Cadillac?” The man asked, despite knowing quite clearly that this was his target. Len Trexler had done his homework. Like a boy scout, an ODIN man was always prepared. “Why yes I am. You’re a lucky guy, getting the owner as your salesman. I’m prepared to offer you a great deal.” Without another word, Len Trexler quickly pulled out his knife. Before any of this could register with Ron, the weapon was stabbed multiple times into his stomach. The cuts were well placed and rapid, death would be agonizing. Trexler whispered to his kill, “Give my love to Malory,” as he exited the building. The other employees were too in shock to stop him. Ron Cadillac bled out on the floor. Living In The Danger Zone: Lisin CP Jesse saoirse caprice BizBuzz Deadpool The Crazed Spruce aquarian1 MMCS Machiabelly The Hanged Man Ser Jorah Mormont No Longer Rampaging: Oinky Boinky - Woodhouse / Team ISIS - You are Woodhouse, manservant to Sterling Archer. Despite your own storied military career, you’ve been in service to the Archers since Malory Archer gave birth in your Tangiers bar. You are one of the few consistent things in Archer’s life, having raised him since he was a baby and always being there while his mother was off on spy missions. The heroin helps you overlook the fact that he treats you as subhuman. Good thing you know how to cover your tracks when you need to: knock him out, splash scotch and women’s underwear about, and tell him he slipped chasing an Asian prostitute. He’ll never be the wiser. You have no additional powers in this game. Dougal - Barry Dylan / Team ODIN - You are Barry Dylan, ODIN agent and biggest rival to one Sterling Malory Archer. Beyond the mere fact of working at rival spy organizations, Archer has been the cause of much physical and emotional distress. First he dropped you from a balcony for ruining his suit. You fell on a car and broke your leg, needing steel rods and screws. Then he slept with your fiancée (the Pele of anal!). You will have your revenge on Archer if it’s the last thing you do! You are a Villain Investigator. Silverstormm - Ron Cadillac / Team ISIS - You are Ron Cadillac, husband to Malory Archer and the largest Cadillac dealer in the tri-state area. In your earlier days you were a car thief, but you have long since gone straight. You used your ill-gotten gains to start your car dealership and share your profits with the families of your former crew. You are a nice gentleman, although sometimes a little uncouth; you carry around saltines in your tux at the opera in case you might get hungry. This drives your wife crazy, but you’re the one who won her over and you’re the one who gets to keep her. You are a Mason with your wife, Malory Archer. Important stuff: There is 1 clue in the Day 3 story. 7 votes are needed for a DL. There will be 36 hours for Day. Morning (12 hours of discussion without voting) will end around 8pm Eastern then there can be up to 24 hours of discussion with voting. Day will end when a majority vote has been reached or the time limit is up. 3 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker June 13, 2016 Share June 13, 2016 Ok, really bummed to lose Silver, but at least we are off to a good villain killing start. I'd like to recommend that we discuss Jesse, saoirse and Curious Parker for toDay's lynch. @caprice already highlighted the clue pointing to @saoirse in the story. There is a similar clue pointing to @Jesse is in the last paragraph of the first story. (I'm also reasonably sure that the reference to the Santo Domingo High football team is a reference to Parker Lewis Can't Lose = Curious Parker.) I was holding off on pointing out the clues explicitly to see what kind of intel we could get from the discussion and to avoid giving the villains too much help deciding who to protect toDay. Sorry for being annoyingly cryptic about it before, but I think that particular clue well has run dry enough to discuss it openly now. I suspect our villain friends will have protected @saoirse toDay, but I'm interested to see what everyone else thinks (or whether we have any new intel to share). Link to comment
caprice June 13, 2016 Share June 13, 2016 I understand your thinking, @MuuMuuChainsmoker. Keeping quiet on the clues might hold the villains off for a while. My problem with that is that I'm normally bad at finding clues. The only reason I give myself anything this time is that I remember how our beloved mod wrote her clues in the GoT round. As far as Jesse, saoirse, and CP, I'd add BizBuzz to the list. We may not have seen the same type of clue to her, but there was too much going on in Day One to ignore with all the honey, flowers and drones. I've also noticed a lot of double-z words, which is something I used toward her in my Mad Men round. Link to comment
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