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Golden Girls Alphabet Game

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I'd say if you want to jump to another round, you can.  Or someone can burn off the rest of the alphabet with some non-sense ones.  This is just a fun thing, it's doesn't need to be strict about the theme or rules.  :)

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I'm a feminist, a civil rights attorney with a focus on women's rights, and one whose undergrad degree consisted of a minor in gender studies, so this category is right up my alley.  I've just been pretty sporadic in checking the GG forum since I haven't been watching the show lately.

S is for Shula Firestone, whom none of the Girls would likely have been aware of at the time, although Dorothy - being in NY - might have heard mentions of Redstockings.

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T is for Take Your Daughters to Work Day (later called Take Your Children to Work Day) which was a groundbreaking event for its day. The Girls all had daughters that would have learned about art, teaching and milking cows.

Edited by Miss Chevious
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U is for unity among women (they promised to take care of each other), v is for feminist play The Vagina Monologues (but Blanche is not likely to have slept with the producer), W is for Wicca (they could cast spells) X is for newfound sexual liberation such as losing your virginity in 7 different places. 

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Y is for why why why did it take forever to do this category and Z is for the snoozefest it became. (Sorry don't mean to offend anyone).

For a new topic - since it's summertime, the Girls are going on vacation. Let's name some places/tourist sites they would NOT want to go to.

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It's a pity that Secretary Clinton's historic nomination to the Presidency couldn't have somehow been included in this particular game.  You just know that Dorothy would be cheering, if not doing actual cartwheels over it!

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C is for Chattanooga where the girls probably won't be visiting soon due to all of Blanche's former arrests. Sure, she sheriff still writes but there are surely female members of the police force now who would not be lenient on Blanche.

D is for Denmark where something rotten is--their cheese! Rose would never agree to go.

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On 7/25/2016 at 9:27 PM, Maherjunkie said:

M is for Minnesota, only because their children would never go there  college wise  and there are only farmers to date

Have you forgotten that that's Rose's home state?  Of course SHE'D want to visit there!

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Oh geez, I've been scrolling through the old ones for days.  Forgive me.

V is for Veracruz, Mexico, because "It's beauty is found in it's grit rather than it's grandiosity."  

W is for West Texas, where I am, because there is nothing here but red dirt.  

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Y is for a trip to Yankee Stadium.  Sophia would still be loyal to Sal's Dodgers, Dorothy would be leery of having to sit next to a fat, shirtless man, Rose would still be confused about the Big Potato, and Blanche would have an aversion to anything with "yankee" in the title.

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Z is for Zahedan, Iran.  No way Dorothy would let Sophia go there.  With her mouth, she'd be arrested before they left the airport.  Blanche probably couldn't deal with the dress code.  

Hmmm...how about for the next one:  Items the girls would love or hate that exist now but didn't exist (in the same form) in the 80's.  

A....airport security as it currently is.  Again, Sophia would go to jail.  

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B is for Binge watching. I think the ladies would dig watching episodes of things like I Love Lucy back-to-back but with the added convenience of being able to pick up where you left off instead of missing the whole marathon when your friend's daughter shows up at the house in marital distress.

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C is for cell phones. The girls would be frustrated with them at first, until they figured out how to use them correctly. Rose would probably be the most frustrated, while Sophia would probably chuck hers out the window even if she did figure it out.

Edited by AndySmith
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D is for Dating Apps. Blanche would be all over it, she'd be on every dating website from eHarmony to MeetMe, Tinder and beyond. And be in her element doing it.

 Rose would be reluctant at first, but then her competitive nature would kick in. She'd also remember the disastrous results she had with the personal columns in the newspaper.

Dorothy, too, would be lukewarm at first but then she'd say what the hell and go for it. Anything's got to be better than figuring out how many drachmas are in eight dollars, right?

Sophia would be the lone holdout. She'd say she wouldn't want to put matchmakers like Mrs. Contini out of business, plus she can meet all the geezers she wants at the senior center. 

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I is for Instagram.  I don't know if Dorothy would get into it, but I can imagine Sophia posting pictures of the dishes she cooks or unflattering shots of Dorothy, and Rose posting flowers or puppies.  Blanche's pictures would be inappropriate.

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2 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

I is for Instagram.  I don't know if Dorothy would get into it, but I can imagine Sophia posting pictures of the dishes she cooks or unflattering shots of Dorothy, and Rose posting flowers or puppies.  Blanche's pictures would be inappropriate.

Blanche's pictures would get her banned from half the Internet.

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K is for the Kardashians.  Sophia and Dorothy would both have no use for them, Rose wouldn't understand them (kind of like me!), and Blanche would try to become their best friends.

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L is for Low Cost Carriers. Their reactions would be mixed; they'd love the cheaper prices, but find the service and soft product wanting as they all remember how better things were "back in the good old days" of flying. But. Cheaper prices on fixed incomes means more traveling. But...etc, etc.

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