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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Nick just said something to Kat about the possibility of Christie using her veto.  Kat said something like, "Do you really think she would use it?"  She knows exactly what Christie plans to do.

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21 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kat's up in HOH with Cliff.  So far no mention of Christie's plan to use her power to get Bella on the block.

She's also talking to Nick and didn't mention the plan to him either. She said she thinks Christie will keep the power for herself.

Honestly I still think Christie might keep the power too.

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Christie fucked up her own game by basically telling EVERYONE about her power.  Her alliance is seeing her power as theirs, and are strategizing according to how they want her to use it.  Having everyone know about it limits her ability to hang on to it for when she needs to save her own ass, without pissing people off. 

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So.... last night H8ful  was chilling in Have Not Room.  

The others still do not know about the Alliance?  😂

So, Jack was making fun of Cliff....and, tons of ageist jokes.  Along with how he is ready to show off his comp beast mode 🤮)....blah!

Then Cliff walks in....sits down.  Never leaves.  Shut Jack, right up!

Jack looks so dorky without his facial hair.  His  lips are shaped funny. Like...totally....not kissable! 

Analyse, experienced secondhand embarrassment for him.

Edited by Dance4Life
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Can we talk votes for a minute? Why/how are the Six so sure they decide who goes home? I assume the answer is, because they're fucking stupid, but am open to new information if y'all have any. 

You need six VTE this week. Even if Jack or Son gets traded out for a non-Six player, they still only have give votes. And Cliff is pretty damn unlikely to break a tie in their favor. Who are they counting on for the sixth vote? Or, worse, who are they counting on for fifth AND sixth, if it remains Jack and Son? 

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14 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Christie fucked up her own game by basically telling EVERYONE about her power.  Her alliance is seeing her power as theirs, and are strategizing according to how they want her to use it.  Having everyone know about it limits her ability to hang on to it for when she needs to save her own ass, without pissing people off. 

Christy is willing to use it to get what she wants.  Keep herself and Jack off the block and safe.

She is scared to use it and then a *nobody* gets put up....they go home.  She wasted her power.

Like if Bella won Veto, etc.

She was also worried about Kat.  Asked Kat about her gameplay if she won Veto.

Kat told her to only use power on herself.  This is what Kat would do.

I also, got the feeling that Kat was low key telling her.....do not put me in that position.

Because, didn’t Kat also say....her pick of the 2 Jacks was to save Jackson?

Anyhoo....then Gr8ful.....just asked Christy to throw the comp to one of the Jacks.

Seems like a better choice for Kat...anyways.  Just stay out of it!  

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7 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

You need six VTE this week. Even if Jack or Son gets traded out for a non-Six player, they still only have five votes. And Cliff is pretty damn unlikely to break a tie in their favor. Who are they counting on for the sixth vote? Or, worse, who are they counting on for fifth AND sixth, if it remains Jack and Son? 

I imagine that they believe (and are probably correct) that Kat is voting with them. 

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8 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Who are they counting on for the sixth vote? Or, worse, who are they counting on for fifth AND sixth, if it remains Jack and Son? 

Ahem. Here’s my Christie impression.

Can I be honest with you? Nicole literally owes us her LIFE in this game.  So that’s literally one. Kat will literally do whatever we tell her to do. That’s two. Jess is all about female powah, so I’ll literally tawlk to her. That’s three. We’re literally golden. Literally. [proceeds to talk nonstop for at least another 3 hours.]

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1 minute ago, CringeWatcher said:

Ahem. Here’s my Christie impression.

Can I be honest with you? Nicole literally owes us her LIFE in this game.  So that’s literally one. Kat will literally do whatever we tell her to do. That’s two. Jess is all about female powah, so I’ll literally tawlk to her. That’s three. We’re literally golden. Literally. [proceeds to talk nonstop for at least another 3 hours.]

That sounds about right. Kmn. 

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Kat is playing in the veto, as is Sam.  Kat just asked Christie if she should throw it.

Kat told Christie that when she talked to Cliff earlier he said he wasn't really sure if he was going to try for it.  Christie is very excited by this news.  She said, "Full speed ahead!"

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Jack used the power and Sam is playing?


I'm not for sure, but I think that was what Jack was in a huff about when he was talking to Christie right after the feeds came back.  He was saying something to her about how when he redrew that "his" chip was of course on top or something like that.  He seemed very annoyed.

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Jackson says that he threw Cliff an olive branch and he didn't take it.  Now Jackson is saying that if he wins HOH, he's putting up Cliff on the block next to Nick or Bella.  He says Cliff's "work with Jackson and Holly" ship has sailed.

Jackson thinks Sam might throw the veto.

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So, Analyse, Kat, Sam, Cliff, Jack, and Jackson are playing in the veto.

I do feel like the power could get used this week. I'd love for Sam or Cliff to win. Kat would use the veto on Jackson, I think. Analyse would use it on Jack. But it will all depend on Christie wasting her power. She might if she thinks Cliff will Brussels Sprout her.

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Jackson says that if Cliff is smart, he won't try to win either.

Jackson says Jessica is annoying as hell and she's socially ignorant in the house.  He doesn't like that he talks shit about her behind his back.  Uh, he does the same exact thing.

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It sounds like Sam, Jess and Holly were originally picked to play veto.  So Sam got picked both times!  It sounds like The Universe wants him to play.

Awww.  Jackson says not eating has made him significantly colder.  He says he doesn't have energy running through his body.

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11 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Kat, Sam, and Jess were picked. That's not a bad draw. 

Sam won't use it. Kat might very well, but she's a wildcard at best. Cliff will work her. And Nick and Sam, so who knows.  I can actually see Jess trying to throw it to Cliff .

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He says his stomach is torn up from the slop.  Ha ha!  Shouldn't have volunteered!  Holly says that if Cliff knew he was going to nominate Jackson, he shouldn't have picked Jackson to be on slop since there were plenty of other hands raised.  Holly says it pissed her off.

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

It sounds like Sam, Jess and Holly were originally picked to play veto.  So Sam got picked both times!  It sounds like The Universe wants him to play.

Awww.  Jackson says not eating has made him significantly colder.  He says he doesn't have energy running through his body.

Someone tell Jackson...Slop is Food!  He ate like an entire pot of it, too!

2 minutes ago, zorak said:

He says his stomach is torn up from the slop.  Ha ha!  Shouldn't have volunteered!  Holly says that if Cliff knew he was going to nominate Jackson, he shouldn't have picked Jackson to be on slop since there were plenty of other hands raised.  Holly says it pissed her off.

Wouldn’t  Holly like Jackson to have cold showers, though?

Are cold showers good for cooling off sex drive?

Edited by Dance4Life
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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Sam won't use it. Kat might very well, but she's a wildcard at best. Cliff will work her. And Nick and Sam, so who knows.  I can actually see Jess trying to throw it to Cliff .

Jess isn't playing.  Analyse is.  It sounds like Jess got picked before the redraw.  The fact that she and Sam were both picked initially is why Jack used the power.  He had said before that if there were at least 2 non 6 shooter members, he would use it.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Jess isn't playing.  Analyse is.  It sounds like Jess got picked before the redraw.  The fact that she and Sam were both picked initially is why Jack used the power.  He had said before that if there were at least 2 non 6 shooter members, he would use it.

Oh Ok.  Thanks. 🙂

I think Analyse is basically a non-factor, so in that sense it probably is good for the Jacks.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jess isn't playing.  Analyse is.  It sounds like Jess got picked before the redraw.  The fact that she and Sam were both picked initially is why Jack used the power.  He had said before that if there were at least 2 non 6 shooter members, he would use it.

So, if I’m understanding all this right, in effect he traded holly for analice. 

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Oh Ok.  Thanks. 🙂

I think Analyse is basically a non-factor, so in that sense it probably is good for the Jacks.

Analyse using Veto on Jack.

Holly was going to use it on Jackson.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jack and Tommy are discussing how winning the veto is not something Sam would want.  They say it will expose his game and he knows it.

As far as I know, Sam does want it. I heard him talking to Nick about it.

Edited by vb68
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7 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Sam won't use it. Kat might very well, but she's a wildcard at best. Cliff will work her. And Nick and Sam, so who knows.  I can actually see Jess trying to throw it to Cliff .

Kat would most likely use it on Jackson, and Christie would probably give her the DPOV so she can put up Bella (so a win). Sam wouldn't use it (win). AnalySis would use it on Jack and put up Bella (win). Jack or Jackson winning would take themselves off the block and would put up Nick, maybe (win). Cliff wouldn't use it (win).

I don't see a bad scenario here, especially with Tommy not playing (he would probably try to convince his alliance to let him put up Sam).

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jack wants what?  The veto?  

Oops, I meant Sam.  I corrected the original post.  Apologies.

Edited by vb68
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Just now, vb68 said:

Yeah, I know. I meant I don't see her winning, though.

I wouldn't count her out quite yet. I won't say that she will win for sure (I don't think she's done very well in any of the comps so far but I haven't paid any attention to her) but....it depends what the comp is.

Jackson's on slop and I don't know whether his foot still hurts, so he may be at a disadvantage. So really, it comes down to Jack winning himself, and he has a good chance to do so.

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Just now, RockYou said:

Good lord.....nobody wants the veto! Then what if they all try to lose 😂😂🥴

Jack and Jackson most definitely want the veto.  Analyse would be stupid to not want it either.  Everyone knows where her allegiance lies so it would be no surprise if she used it to take Jack down.

Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Jackson's on slop and I don't know whether his foot still hurts, so he may be at a disadvantage. 

His foot definitely still hurts.  But he was telling someone earlier this morning how it will not be a factor if the veto comp is physical because he will just push through the pain knowing what is at stake.

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I hope it's the technotronics veto just to see what Analyse would try to spell. "Analyse you have spelled "thedog", unfortunately that's not a word, you have been eliminated."

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This in spite of the fact that Jessica says that Jackson promised all of the people running for Camp Director that he wouldn't banish them if he won.

Huh? Nobody knew about the banishment until after the competition had been won. How could Jackson have promised something he didn't even know about yet? Maybe she meant after he won.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So really, it comes down to Jack winning himself, and he has a good chance to do so.

We will see. Sam and Cliff both are solid competition.

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Just now, vb68 said:

We will see. Sam and Cliff both are solid competition.

Oh, definitely, but Jack being up on the block is probably going to light a fire under his ass, and some people do better under pressure (see: Cliff).

I hope Jack doesn't win, as I need to see him miserable for a few more days (if not until his eviction this week) but I'm preparing myself for this worst case scenario. 

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Jess has been ranting to Kat about Bella.  She says she can't wait to see Bella gone.  

Now Kat is telling Jack that she wants to win the veto so Bella can go on the block.  She says that Bella tried to drive a wedge between her and Jess.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Jess has been ranting to Kat about Bella.  She says she can't wait to see Bella gone.  

Now Kat is telling Jack that she wants to win the veto so Bella can go on the block.  She says that Bella tried to drive a wedge between her and Jess.

See? No surprise that Kat will get Christie to use the DPOV to get Bella out this week. I can't see it working out any other way.

And, once again, no loss if Bella goes up and out. I can't tolerate either Jack or Bella so either one leaving is a win for me.

But I'd rather Jack or Jackson went so we can get rid of a Six Shooter. I'm not sure which guy is the better one to get out, though.

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