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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Nick is telling Cliff that if he wins HOH next week, he's putting up Holly and Jackson.  Clearly he doesn't know how many times today Cliff told Jackson and Holly that he wants to work with them.  That could've been bullshit, but I think he might have been telling the truth.

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I came in on a convo with Kat, Jackson, and Holly.  I'm not sure what Kat had said but it had something to do with Jessica.  Kat seemed annoyed with Jessica.  Jackson said that Jessica needs to go play in traffic and that she is insignificant.  He's such a great guy.

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And now Christie is telling Jessica the "story" again of how it came to be that she chose Ovi as a replacement nom that first week.

Edited by zorak
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Jessica is telling Christie and Tommy that Jackson is not a target for her.  This in spite of the fact that Jessica says that Jackson promised all of the people running for Camp Director that he wouldn't banish them if he won.

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I wish I could feel sorry for Tommy being stuck in a room with Jessica and Christie having a conversation but I'm like Jackson: I came into watching this feed with no emotion, I'll leave it feeling no emotion. And because Tommy kinda deserves it for all of his "last minute decision but I still love you!" schtick last night.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jessica is telling Christie and Tommy that Jackson is not a target for her.  This in spite of the fact that Jessica says that Jackson promised all of the people running for Camp Director that he wouldn't banish them if he won.

Yeah, but he was working out before he said that, I bet. After they work out, you can't expect anything from men. 

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I wish I could feel sorry for Tommy being stuck in a room with Jessica and Christie having a conversation but I'm like Jackson: I came into watching this feed with no emotion, I'll leave it feeling no emotion. And because Tommy kinda deserves it for all of his "last minute decision but I still love you!" schtick last night.

Maybe his tears are like, "But wait, am I not so wuvvable that Cliff would do what I told him to even though I blindsided and evicted him? Whoopsy daisy!"

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Yeah, but he was working out before he said that, I bet. After they work out, you can't expect anything from men. 

I thought her argument was that you can excuse their bad behavior when they haven't been working out.

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Just now, zorak said:

I thought her argument was that you can excuse their bad behavior when they haven't been working out.

Oh shit, you're right! Well, oddly enough, they actually had not been working out when they did the camp counseling vote. 😉

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just checked in on the other feed and Sam looks like he wants to crawl into a hole rather than listen to Bella lol.

Bella: My boss hates me, but I make so much money she can't yell at me.

This is exactly why I need Nick to go first before Bella. Sam wouldn't last a day with Bella alone. He'd split right then and there.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Bella: My boss hates me, but I make so much money she can't yell at me.

Hey, Jackson, here's a winning bet for you in Vegas: $20 on Bella not having a job when she gets home.

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I just switched to the Jessica convo.  I think she might have been talking about something Bella did and she said something like, "Why would you do that?  Like what's your endgame?"  I want someone to aske Jess what her endgame is.  Didn't she tell Nicole and Kemi the other day that she has no game plan?

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Yaas! Just reading that the Jacks are on the block. BB could turn this season around if they give us a fun veto this week. Some kind of punishment comp where someone has to wear a unitard or make pies while kicking soccer balls. I want maximum humiliation.

C’mon BB you owe us a break since we sat through 4 weeks of that depressing Camp Brownies.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Nick and Sam think that Analyse will work with them because she never told Jack that Nick is a therapist and because she's kept Sam's secrets, too.

I... okay?

I think that has more to do with probably not understanding anything either of you said, but sure, guys.

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On 7/16/2019 at 5:59 PM, Nashville said:

Isn’t normal SOP for thawing frozen meat to put it in the refrigerator about 24 hours before use?

I have a metal "thawing tray" that significantly accelerates the process, without the meat coming into contact with any other surface.  A great timesaver.

It looks somewhat like this:


(It may even be that, honestly.  IIRC, I won it as a prize in an office competition.)

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Jackson:  "That food smells so good."  And to make it even better Jackson just realized he and Holly can't have sex in the HOH shower since he's a Have Not.  He had basically said to Holly, "Fuck Cliff.  We're going to use it." and she told him they can't because he can't.  Ha ha!

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Nick to Sam: "I only trust you and Bella right now."
Sam: "Be careful with Bella."
Nick: "Huh?"
Sam: "Be careful with Bella."


You remember, Bella, Nick. Black Widow alliance? Boom! Blown up by Bella. The Fellowship of the Zing!? Blown up by Bella. She’s running out of alliances to blow up, so you might be an appealing target for her lying liar self. 

1 hour ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

I wish nick and Bella would have been out BEFORE jack and Jackson 😟😕🙁

I don’t. Jackson has shown a strong ability to schmooze people into thinking he’s agreed with them when he doesn’t really. He doesn’t lie, but he skirts the truth. Jack has some of that ability, too, although his arrogance gets in the way. If one of those guys goes home, I think Nick and Bella will spin their wheels.  

53 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Nick: "We need to put all our chips in the basket with Kat, Cliff, and Jess."
Sam: "Eggs."
Nick: "Eggs."

Do you think Sam sits there sometimes, wondering why he's stuck with these two brain trusts?

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I'm glued to the Jackson/Holly feed only because I want to see how long it's going to take BB to call out Jackson for trying to sleep in a non-HN bed. 


I just heard the announcement and he was all, "I'm not sleeping!".  And then there was the excuse that it's just that his head is throbbing and he only got 3 hours of sleep last night and he's just thinking, boo hoo hoo cakes.

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18 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

"We voted you out and blindsided you and never expected you to come back or win HoH but you can totally trust us!" Sure, Tommy. That's totally how Big Brother works. 

This is such narc behavior.


You're reacting to how I treated you yesterday?  WHAAAA?  I don't understand.  I told you I love you!

Source:  I have a lot of asshole narcs in my life.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

I just heard the announcement and he was all, "I'm not sleeping!".  And then there was the excuse that it's just that his head is throbbing and he only got 3 hours of sleep last night and he's just thinking, boo hoo hoo cakes.

The sad crying reaction was for all the tears that Robot Jackson cannot cry because he has no feelings. 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Nick: "We need to put all our chips in the basket with Kat, Cliff, and Jess."
Sam: "Eggs."
Nick: "Eggs."

Do you think Sam sits there sometimes, wondering why he's stuck with these two brain trusts?

::Jackson quickly manifests into the room, having heard the word, “Eggs!”::

59 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jessica: uses 10k words, says nothing

Jessica uses 10k words, says nothing, asks man. Or any male mammal

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10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Oh wait, I spoke too soon.

Christie, "Big Brother hates us because we are SO positive"

Well, she's half right!

That fake ass culture vulture bitch needs to choke on her OM necklace!

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I'm having BB flashbacks.  Who was it from a recent previous season that I remember putting a cereal box on their head like this?  Was it Aunt Sam?

cereal box 2.png

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Just now, zorak said:

I'm having BB flashbacks.  Who was it from a recent previous season that I remember putting a cereal box on their head like this?  Was it Aunt Sam?

Auntie Sam's Krafting Korner!

I... really didn't have to re-live that, Cliff, but thanks.

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Who all knows that Jack has the 2nd power?  I know that Tommy and Christie know but does anyone else?  Holly was just speculating about who has it to Jackson.

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Analyse came into the room where Jackson and Holly are.  He said if he had known that he was going to be on the block against Jack, he wouldn't have volunteered for Have Nots.

Analyse: "So the plan didn't work?" 

Jackson: "Me and Jack are on the block, Sis.  What do you mean it didn't work?  Nick and Bella are supposed to be up sitting next to me."

Analyse: "Riiight"

And then I swear it was like you could see the wheels in her head struggle to turn.

Analyse idiot.png

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1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder if Cliff is making an astronaut costume.

I'm pretty sure he is! At least a space helmet.

And on the other feed, Analyse is still trying to make a single thought happen. Bless her. 

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So... they are finally turning on each other. It looks like sweet Nicole may be safe for a while. Nicole and Jess just might make it longer than expected. 

astronaut hat.png

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Could Tommy have feelings for Jack? I don't really understand what his deal is.

I GUESS it could be that he really thought the 8, or 9, or 6, or whatever were going to coast unimpeded until they got rid of everyone else. But he needs to pull himself together.

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12 minutes ago, zorak said:

Analyse came into the room where Jackson and Holly are.  He said if he had known that he was going to be on the block against Jack, he wouldn't have volunteered for Have Nots.

Analyse: "So the plan didn't work?" 

Jackson: "Me and Jack are on the block, Sis.  What do you mean it didn't work?  Nick and Bella are supposed to be up sitting next to me."

Analyse: "Riiight"

And then I swear it was like you could see the wheels in her head struggle to turn.

Analyse idiot.png

I am kinda liking this Analyse.  Stay stupid!  Don’t try to make sense of anything! Win Veto!

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C'mon, BB, keep on Jackson's ass about covering his eyes and laying down in a regular bed. 

Seriously, I'm watching a dude try to sleep just because I want to see him get called the fuck out because he gets so pissy about it and it hasn't even been 12 hours of Have Not status.

ETA: Boo, he got up. 

Edited by Callaphera
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