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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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26 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Jackson's Tour d'Food

Interesting that he eats like he has a tapeworm, 'cause isn't this the same asshole who judged Nicole when she wanted another piece of chocolate?  He was talking to her about 'self-control'.


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I don’t have the feeds but it bugs me that Ovi hasn’t mentioned to David that he heard Nick talk about an 8-person alliance. Ovi didn’t get it, but I feel like if he mentioned it to David, David would get it because David has been focusing on figuring out who is working together. Come on Ovi, that is key information. Just start telling people.

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Did they have shower sex again last night?

Unknown - she did cave and go get in bed with him. The only screencap of that I saw, included her grinning like a demented clown at the nearest camera, while he looked to be already asleep. I think most of the internets is so appalled by the pairing, they're taking a voluntary vow of silence on the details at this point.

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14 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

The problem IMO with all female alliances is that lots of women don’t support other women, especially if the other woman has something the other doesn’t have (e.g., looks, brains, general likeability). I am not young and have had many male and female bosses and generally as a female I have had better luck with male bosses.

I do consulting work and I subcontract with a larger consulting company on large project. This latest one I told my husband, my boss is male and he said “thank God”....

I think women tend to have more passive/aggressive relationships with what they consider their “competition” or women who threaten them in some way. Men just seem to get it out and over with.

In my experience it’s more of a same-sex thing than just a female thing; get two people of the same sex working together, and eventually there appears to be an almost-automatic gravitation towards considering the other person as competition.  I’m also in my mid-50s, and in my work career I’ve had a pretty-much-even split between male and female supervisors - and while I’ve had at least half the male supervisors accuse me at one time or another of gunning for their jobs, I’ve never gotten a similar accusation from a female supervisor.  

The flip side to that being if a male is working harmoniously with a female boss - or the reverse - then of course y’all have to be sleeping together....  😛

10 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I think casting knew about Christine and Tommy beforehand, mainly because they hyped it on the first episode.  

Or, Production found out about it shortly after Christie and Tommy did - shortly after they entered the House (a word dropped by one or both in the DR, maybe, or staffers simply overhearing Christie and Tommy’s “Let’s keep this between us” conversation) - and TPTB decided it would be a better idea to present the relationship as a “mini-twist” vs. a “Casting fuckup”.  They had a week between Move-In Day and the premiere to decide how to spin it, after all....

27 minutes ago, lids said:

I don’t have the feeds but it bugs me that Ovi hasn’t mentioned to David that he heard Nick talk about an 8-person alliance. Ovi didn’t get it, but I feel like if he mentioned it to David, David would get it because David has been focusing on figuring out who is working together. Come on Ovi, that is key information. Just start telling people.

Yes, that is key information - which is exactly why Ovi shouldn’t be telling David, or any other Camp ComeBack entrant.  David and Ovi may be chumming it up all Kumbaya-style in the CCB Room right now, but that’s most likely because they’re stuck in a holding pattern for the next two weeks - when the next two evictees show up, and they all do their version of a Battle Back.  

The delay doesn’t change the fact that at this point in the game Ovi and David are each other’s most direct competition, though, because only one of them can make it back in the House - so how does it serve Ovi’s game to give David valuable insider information?

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3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yes, that is key information - which is exactly why Ovi shouldn’t be telling David, or any other Camp ComeBack entrant.  David and Ovi may be chumming it up all Kumbaya-style in the CCB Room right now, but that’s most likely because they’re stuck in a holding pattern for the next two weeks - when the next two evictees show up, and they all do their version of a Battle Back.  

The delay doesn’t change the fact that at this point in the game Ovi and David are each other’s most direct competition, though, because only one of them can make it back in the House - so how does it serve Ovi’s game to give David valuable insider information?

Agree 100%. Was also gobsmacked to read the other day, they declared they were in an alliance. ??????? Pretty sure that's not how that works, kids.

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13 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Just read on Jokers that Sis isn't on birth control. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Sigh.

That was my reaction precisely. "Sigh." 

8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Or, Production found out about it shortly after Christie and Tommy did - shortly after they entered the House (a word dropped by one or both in the DR, maybe, or staffers simply overhearing Christie and Tommy’s “Let’s keep this between us” conversation) - and TPTB decided it would be a better idea to present the relationship as a “mini-twist” vs. a “Casting fuckup”.  They had a week between Move-In Day and the premiere to decide how to spin it, after all....

Yeah, the lack of REAL hype over it makes me think that they just legitimately fucked up. They've never passed up a chance to hype up an outside-the-house connection before, right? I think they just missed it. Just like they had no idea that Jackson and Holly follow each other on Instagram. 

3 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Isn't Analyse the one that's tart in the lady parts department?  Or were they mentioning something else?

According to Jack, yep. Thanks for that vital information, Jack!

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10 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Did they have shower sex again last night?

I'm asexual so I have no idea what sexual attraction feels like. So people having sex in the BB house so soon blows my mind.... That said, to each their own. You do you.... BUT!!! You're on TV 24/7  Your Grandma who is super internet savvy may stumbling on a clip of you having sex!! 

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15 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Agree 100%. Was also gobsmacked to read the other day, they declared they were in an alliance. ??????? Pretty sure that's not how that works, kids.

Not past Final 13, anyway.

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12 minutes ago, missyb said:

What's fascinating is that even with that very nice post, I think it could still go both ways. Bella brought them together and talked about how she was more loyal to the women than the men, but Jessica is still the first person to say that they should form a female alliance. That said, since Bella brought them together for the discussion, it is perfectly reasonable for Nicole to think that it was Bella who formed the group.

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35 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yes, that is key information - which is exactly why Ovi shouldn’t be telling David, or any other Camp ComeBack entrant.  David and Ovi may be chumming it up all Kumbaya-style in the CCB Room right now, but that’s most likely because they’re stuck in a holding pattern for the next two weeks - when the next two evictees show up, and they all do their version of a Battle Back.  

The delay doesn’t change the fact that at this point in the game Ovi and David are each other’s most direct competition, though, because only one of them can make it back in the House - so how does it serve Ovi’s game to give David valuable insider information?

To me, the people in Camp Comeback should be trying to put together as much information as possible so they have a running start when they get back in the house.

The only way this could hinder either David or Ovi is if the other outcast they are talking game with runs to the houseguests and makes them suspicious as the opponent re-enters the game by telling that houseguests that their rival comebacker was talking about them. But they’re gonna gun for the person coming back anyway. For example, let’s say David admits to the houseguests that Ovi told him he heard rumblings of an 8-person alliance. That would really only put a bigger target on David and Grateful would try even harder to keep him out. 

The comeback competitions are usually physical and I guess it could have some memory questions based on the comps they’re watching. Ovi sharing intel about potential alliances would in no way help David get back in instead of him. It just helps both of them once they get back in the game to be as informed as possible about their houseguests.

Edited by lids
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33 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Isn't Analyse the one that's tart in the lady parts department?  Or were they mentioning something else?

"Tart in the lady parts" is GOLD. Dying.

19 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Did Sis f*ck Jack AND Nick last night or just Nick?

Jack only - she seems to lean on Nick for friendship / emotional stuff (much as Jack does with Christie), but Jacktime is for her tart parts. Lol. Nick is WAY into her, but banging Bella as a consolation prize. Bleh.

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40 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Or, Production found out about it shortly after Christie and Tommy did - shortly after they entered the House (a word dropped by one or both in the DR, maybe, or staffers simply overhearing Christie and Tommy’s “Let’s keep this between us” conversation) - and TPTB decided it would be a better idea to present the relationship as a “mini-twist” vs. a “Casting fuckup”.

Let's be honest here: this is the most likely scenario. When dealing with BB, if you're unsure about something, always assume the answer is the dopiest one.

36 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Isn't Analyse the one that's tart in the lady parts department?  Or were they mentioning something else?

This is like adult Dr. Seuss and I love it.

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Just now, Alice Mudgarden said:

Let's be honest here: this is the most likely scenario. When dealing with BB, if you're unsure about something, always assume the answer is the dopiest one.

One of my go-to phrases in life is "Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence" (it really helps to not look at the world as such an adversarial process) and that could be adapted to Big Brother easily by just noting that any time there is something where there are multiple possible options for something occurring and one of the options is "BB is just being incompetent," that's probably the correct one. 

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Quote - "....are super fucking paranoid because at some point tonight David said "Finger guns are cool!" and did his best finger guns and "pew pews". "

Reading this made me happy. (evil cackle)

I'd like to see David (and anyone in the comeback crew) amping up the f*ckery for maximum freakout effect. 😛

I don't know what to make of Ovi...I understand trying to stay in everyone's good graces so that if he makes it back in, he reduces the risk of being booted right back out again...but I think the show will have to put some type of protection in place in order for that not to happen...otherwise why even have camp comeback. I don't know why exactly but I sometimes feel "ick" watching Ovi's obsequious toadying. Bleh.

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On 7/3/2019 at 9:59 PM, Callaphera said:

Jack's house meeting: https://streamable.com/0nh75

I suggest a full decontamination after you watch. You don't want that douche to spread.

I'm completely behind (I only read this thread after the fact) but how awesome is it that Cliff called out Jack's turning into Devin right in front of his face??

"'I have a five-year-old daughter! I don't want to jeopardize my integrity!'"

I think Cliff literally just became my favorite HG just for this. 

(Christie can go fuck herself for trying to intimidate Ovi and David with her "the house might be voting on who returns" bullshit, though.)

Edited by Halting Hex
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2 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said:

I don't know what to make of Ovi...I understand trying to stay in everyone's good graces so that if he makes it back in, he reduces the risk of being booted right back out again...but I think the show will have to put some type of protection in place in order for that not to happen...otherwise why even have camp comeback. I don't know why exactly but I sometimes feel "ick" watching Ovi's obsequious toadying. Bleh.

They clearly don't care about fairness or anything like that, they just want something to extend the season by an extra week, so Camp Comeback achieves that purpose. If the winner goes right back out the door, it's fine by BB, because their goal has been achieved. If the winner goes on to somehow win, then yeah, THEN they will hype the shit out of the Camp Comeback connection, but otherwise they'll forget about it like every other time-killing stunt they've pulled over the years.

For instance, by the time BB11 ended, the "cliques" gimmick had been long-forgotten. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Christie has her ear to the door as Cliff's giving his morning talk.   He just said he's in an alliance with Ovi and Nicole.  

Christie door.png

I wondered how long it would take for someone to be up early enough to bust him on this.

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Christie ran off to tell Tommy, she doesn't have her mic on so i'm sure she'll get called out soon. They just woke up whoever else is in that target room.  Tommy is putting on his mic.

Now Christie gets her mic. 

Christie says to Jackson "just a heads up, he is not working with you. He's with Ovi and Nicole. He's after the couples"

Nice knowing you Cliff! 

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Oh man, Cliff! You gotta do your Cliff Notes WAYYYYYY earlier, man! 

This is what happens when he sleeps in. He makes mistakes like this.

Still, I can't blame Christie for running with this information....although the smarter move would be to keep it to herself for a little while.

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And now she's telling everyone in the room (Tommy, Holly, and Jackson) what she heard Cliff say.  She says it's really lame but that he's with Ovi and Nicole.  She said he was after the couples.

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She says that Cliff also thinks that she and Tommy are a 4th couple.  Cliff said he planned on getting Ovi back in the house.  Says that they all think Cliff is a floater but he's not.

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Holly is telling them that Nicole told her yesterday that Nick was asking Nicole who she would put on the block.  Nicole was flustered and didn't really answer.  Then Nick said something to her about how she would probably put up Holly.  Nicole told Holly that he said this because she didn't want Holly to hear it from someone else.  Holly is pissed at Nick.

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12 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie has her ear to the door as Cliff's giving his morning talk.   He just said he's in an alliance with Ovi and Nicole.  

Christie door.png

Oh, Cliff, you fucking moron. 

Good for Christie. I think that this is the right play. There's no benefit to her for sitting on this. This really helps Jessica, by the way, as Cliff has to be a bigger target now.

This is some Shakespearean shit right here with Cliff done in by his own vanity. 

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Jackson is outside with Jack filling Jack in on all of the morning's details, including Nick cornering Nicole about who she would put up.

Jackson:  "Pops (Cliff) has to go."

Jack:  "Nick and Bella have to go before Pops."

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David is now up but he's all confused because mostly everyone is up but they haven't played the music yet. 

2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jackson is outside with Jack filling Jack in on all of the morning's details, including Nick cornering Nicole about who she would put up.

Jackson:  "Pops (Cliff) has to go."

Jack:  "Nick and Bella have to go before Pops."

ohhhh that's an interesting tidbit. Arent they in the gr8tful alliance?

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jack says that if Nick and Bella can't be trusted, then neither can Sam.

Great, so Jack is going to get out Nick, Bella, Sam, Cliff, Nicole, and Jess in the same week, I guess? Because he keeps naming non-alliance members that have to go and it's pretty much a "well...duh?" situation.

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Jackson is telling Jack that they might need to lock in Kat.  Jack seems reluctant.  Jackson says he'll do whatever it takes to bring in Kat.  Jack says this game has been turned upside down and curses Nick.  I'm not sure what else Jackson told him about Bella and Nick but whatever it was, it seems to put Nick and Bella back in the outs with the alliance.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Great, so Jack is going to get out Nick, Bella, Sam, Cliff, Nicole, Jessica, and Kathryn in the same week, I guess? Because he keeps naming non-alliance members that have to go and it's pretty much a "well...duh?" situation.

Their anti-Nick/Bella position is so odd. They should obviously want them out eventually, of course, but now seems waaay too soon. They'll have the numbers on Nick/Bella later. They really shouldn't be a priority. And for Nick saying to Nicole, "I bet you would put up Holly." For serious? Cliff actively telling the audience that he's working against the couples isn't enough, but Nick saying that Nicole would put up Holly is the straw that breaks the camel's back? For serious?

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jackson is telling Jack that they might need to lock in Kat.  Jack seems reluctant.  Jackson says he'll do whatever it takes to bring in Kat.  Jack says this game has been turned upside down and curses Nick.  I'm not sure what else Jackson told him about Bella and Nick but whatever it was, it seems to put Nick and Bella back in the outs with the alliance.

Brown chicken, brown cow...

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Their anti-Nick/Bella position is so odd. They should obviously want them out eventually, of course, but now seems waaay too soon. They'll have the numbers on Nick/Bella later. They really shouldn't be a priority. And for Nick saying to Nicole, "I bet you would put up Holly." For serious? Cliff actively telling the audience that he's working against the couples isn't enough, but Nick saying that Nicole would put up Holly is the straw that breaks the camel's back? For serious?

I mean, I definitely think that Nick/Bella aren't a problem that they need to deal with, like, next week, but I can see why they're on the radar sooner rather than later. 

Nick/Bella are just idiots who spill too much. I think separating them is good but you know the remaining member is going to make it a few more weeks because other targets will pop up.

At least this is kind of fun drama...although I don't really know who the target is for next week. Maybe Bella? 

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, I definitely think that Nick/Bella aren't a problem that they need to deal with, like, next week, but I can see why they're on the radar sooner rather than later. 

Nick/Bella are just idiots who spill too much. I think separating them is good but you know the remaining member is going to make it a few more weeks because other targets will pop up.

At least this is kind of fun drama...although I don't really know who the target is for next week. Maybe Bella? 

Oh yeah, they should be the low people on the totem pole for sure, but I never get people who want to blow up their alliance this early. Nick and Bella talk way too much, but they also clearly aren't working AGAINST the larger group. They just have their own additional agenda. That's enough to want them out ahead of the others, but not this early. 

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