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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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At this point, Kemi may be the only HG whp would outright put up Jack. And she would need to put him up with Jackson but I think she may be thinking Kat.  You need to out Jackson and Jack up together. Get one out.

I wish they would have one anonymous nomination. Almost like OVI's power. Call each HG into DR and make them nominate two people on the spot. Make the show really the UNEXPECTED.

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4 minutes ago, missyb said:

At this point, Kemi may be the only HG whp would outright put up Jack. And she would need to put him up with Jackson but I think she may be thinking Kat.  You need to out Jackson and Jack up together. Get one out.

 I wish they would have one anonymous nomination. Almost like OVI's power. Call each HG into DR and make them nominate two people on the spot. Make the show really the UNEXPECTED.

Yeah, exactly. Put up both Jacks and then one is guaranteed to go home (unless Kemi is dumb and puts up someone that's an ally for her). But I think, if Jack is on the block on eviction night, he's a goner against ANYONE. Everyone in that house seems to really not like him. 

And to think, if Christie had just put up Jack, he definitely would be gone on Wednesday. Although, with the likelihood of a Battleback, or at least the evicted houseguests having an impact on the game, it's not a bad idea to leave him week 1. Unless he really sucks at comps, he could easily come back in. Not that the houseguests know this, so it would have been better for Christie to not be a coward and have just thrown up Jack outright. However, Jack still thinks that Christie is on his side so it'll make it even more glorious when Jack finds out how much Christie has been shit talking him. 

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10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I guess there's an all girls alliance with Kemi, Nicole, Jess, and Bella called the Black Widows. Cue Bella informing Nick/Sam in 3...2...1...

I'm actually amazed Bella didn't go tell every man in there the minute after it was formed. I wanna like Bella but she ends up ruining it because she's so closely aligned with all the men I hate.


I'm trying to decide who I want to win HOH. It's likely to be a crapshoot (they need to have it air on Wednesday's eviction episode since the Sunday's episode has to be dedicated to the Whackadoodle Competition), so anyone could win. 

I legit loled at "Whackadoodle Competition." I vote that's what we refer to is as from now on.

9 hours ago, missyb said:

At this point, Kemi may be the only HG whp would outright put up Jack. And she would need to put him up with Jackson but I think she may be thinking Kat.  You need to out Jackson and Jack up together. Get one out.

I don't trust anyone on this show anymore so I feel certain that if Kemi won HOH she would be an idiot and not nom Jack and Jackson together. That being said, I am gonna prayer circle hard for her to get it because I do believe she's probably the only one who wouldn't chicken out of going through with nomming Jack.

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Was there even a mention of Pride yesterday or last night? Didn’t Tommy at least mention it. There should have been rainbow shit going down in that house.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I'm actually amazed Belle didn't go tell every man in there the minute after it was formed. I wanna like Bella but she ends up ruining it because she's so closely aligned with all the men I hate.

Heh. Yeah, Nick's pretty bad. I do like Sam, though. He just needs to yell less....way less...

But yeah, Bella has been extremely disappointing.

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't trust anyone on this show anymore so I feel certain that if Kemi won HOH she would be an idiot and not nom Jack and Jackson together. That being said, I am gonna prayer circle hard for her to get it because I do believe she's probably the only one who wouldn't chicken out of going through with nomming Jack.

So true. Nicole may nom Jack/Jackson outright as well. Nicole's proven herself to be a much better player than I thought she'd be...at least as of right now. That could very well change at any point, but she impresses me the most. I have some hope that she'd nominate Jack and Jackson.

1 minute ago, TimWil said:

Was there even a mention of Pride yesterday or last night? Didn’t Tommy at least mention it. There should have been rainbow shit going down in that house.

I know Cliff was wearing a rainbow hat last night. I don't know if anyone else was talking about Pride in the house, though. I know Tommy and Christie were talking about their sexualities a few nights ago. 

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Cliff says he's not sure who he wants to go home in Ovi vs. Kat.  He says he knew that Ovi being put up would put him in a tough position and he's not sure what he wants to happen.

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Cliff says he's still not sure why Christie put up Ovi instead of Kemi.  He doesn't know if it's a gender balance thing.  He says there would be 8 girls vs. 6 guys.  It's really bothering him that he doesn't know Christie's motive for doing it.  He can't decide if it was a logical decision or an emotional decision.

Now Cliff is talking about how he told Ovi he would let him know beforehand if Ovi is getting sent packing.  He said it might not be but 15 minutes before.  Cliff also says that he's told a few people that he would give Ovi a heads up.

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He thinks that if Ovi stays, Ovi will want a final 2 with him.  But he doesn't want Ovi's game to drag him down even though he really likes Ovi.  I think Cliff realizes that Ovi has a terrible read on things.  He mentioned how Ovi told him he thought that Ovi's convo with Sam went really well.  But then Cliff heard Sam talking about that convo, in which Sam said he didn't really promise Ovi anything.  Cliff says Ovi came away from that same convo thinking that he had Sam's support.  He says he feels bad about it but he can't clue Ovi in on it.  He keeps saying that Ovi thinks his position in the house is a lot more secure than it really is.

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Does Cliff always do these chats with his eyes closed?

Cliff talking about how everyone, including himself, doesn't wanna go against the house. GAH!

Who does Cliff think is 'that side' and who does he think is 'the other side?'

Cliff thinks he has more influence than he actually does imo.

Cliff, 'Kat deserves to be here less than Ovi.' Miss me with that bullshit.

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Cliff was talking about how if Kat stays he thinks he'll be in good position with the popular kid side of the house but that it would mean he's on opposite sides of the house from Nicole.  Then he said something about that would make a final 2 with Nicole harder.

He says Kat is unreliable and that Ovi deserves to be there more than her.  But he says if he wants to be in with that group, he has to work with Kat.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Cliff thinks he has more influence than he actually does imo.

I completely agree.  He just named Nicole, Ovi, and Nick as being the 3 he's close to or something like that.  He said he wants to work with Nick but I know I've heard Nick and Sam talking about how Cliff can be a dangerous player.

LOL.  Cliff said he was going to pray to God and then immediately said he wasn't going to do that because God has bigger things in this universe to worry about.  God is in the tub shoutout!

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Cliff keeps talking about landing on the right side.  Does he not realize that he would be at the bottom of the "right side's" group since there's already a major "side" formed?

Edited by zorak
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10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Sam has a hemorrhoid from falling in a comp. Bella, who once dated someone who worked in an ER was quick to tell him, "They have creams for that!"

I'm not sure I want the answer to this question, but how is that possible? What did he land on??!

9 hours ago, vb68 said:

Jackson to Kat: You're a pawn. Deal with it. Not everybody can be a Bishop or a Rook.

The Jacks are such sweethearts.

Super sweet, and also wildly optimistic to think that she'd understand that reference.

7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Oh and there's a change.org petition to eject Jack from the house. I don't know which is making me cringe harder: the HGs or the fans. The feeds haven't been on for a week yet. Welcome back to Big Brother, everyone! I give it four days before Twitter is calling people's workplaces.

Evel Dick is laughing his "didn't get the boot for BURNING A HOUSEGUEST WITH A LIT F'ING CIGARETTE" ass off. I know that was an eternity ago, and before social media mob mentality was a thing, but still.

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Cliff doesn't think Ovi has the power but says he really thought Ovi had it.  But with Ovi's back against the wall right now, he would have thought that Ovi would have told him.  

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Cliff is shouting out to George Straitt (or whatever) now. It's super embarrasing.

He said to listen to the George Straitt song "Troubadour" to understand his game play.

He's mentioned the Troubadour song more than once to the live feeders.  I just googled the lyrics.  In case anyone cares, here they are:

I still feel 25
Most of the time
I still raise a little Cain with the boys
Honky Tonks and pretty women
But Lord I'm still right there with'em
Singing above the crowd and the noise

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still trying to make a name
Knowing nothing's gonna change
What I am
I was a young troubador
When I wrote in on a song
And I'll be an old troubador
When I'm gone

Well the truth about a mirror
Is that a damn old mirror
Don't really tell the whole truth
It don't show what's deep inside
Or read between the lines
And it's really no reflection of my youth

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still trying to make a name
Knowing nothing's gonna change
What I am
I was a young troubador
When I wrote in on a song
And I'll be an old troubador
When I'm gone

I was a young troubador
When I wrote in on a song
And I'll be an old troubador
When I'm gone
I'll be an old troubador
When I'm gone

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Cliff says if he's going up on the block, put him up against Kat every single time.  Be careful what you wish for, Cliff!  These people want to keep her around to be a pawn every week.

Cliff just said he's sorry our choice is to watch 14 people sleeping or 1 person rambling on. LOL  He also wants us to send him telepathic messages.

Edited by zorak
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Haha here is the reasoning behind the "Expel Jack from the house petition...

Jack Matthews has said numerous racist things and has been very aggressive towards the only black woman in the Big Brother house, including saying he wants to “stomp a mud hole through her chest.” He needs to be expelled for Kemi’s safety and to show that it’s not okay to be racist in 2019, especially on tv. 

Wasn't it Sam who said stomp a mudhole last year?  

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I legit loled at "Whackadoodle Competition." I vote that's what we refer to is as from now on.

I simply just can’t hang with the whole “WHACKtivity Comp” thing, for - of all things - local reasons.  

Back in the 70s-80s Nashville had a major theme park called Opryland USA which was (among other things) one of the area’s biggest employers of the Middle TN teenage labor market in the summer months - a labor pool which occasionally comes with its own unique peculiarities. One such example surfaced one year, when a young (15-16yo) male was caught masturbating on the park grounds during his shift.  Management chose not to terminate him, but instead to make an example of him - and if I were him I would’ve quit, but I guess he was too scared of the notion of explaining to his parents WHY he’d lost his job to do so.

In any case, his sole duty for the rest of the summer was to monitor one of the games in the Doo Wah Ditty City section of the park.

You guessed it.


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Ya so my long weekend plans kinda took a hard 90' turn...reading my new favourite forum.. ahem..for hours! 😨 (btw Happy Canada Day everyone!)

First off thanks to the live feed viewers for your time! Had I not caught myself up with all 17 pages here, I seriously would not have a way better overall picture.

Some surprises and random thoughts...

1. Cliff is impressing more than I expected.

2. I was sad to read about the mean girls, bleh...OTOH I look forward to seeing them get their comeuppance. (How oldtimey did that sound!?! lol)

*Are the snark police trolling? Cause I'm about to launch some doozies. 😈

Kat - dumb blond. Please, I hope she goes... and that she only gets 3 IG followers. Mwahaha!

Bella - I like her... but she talks like a valley girl, and she may or may not be a bit hyperactive. 😁 Also lost points for hooking up (or whatever) with Nick. That lip reading gif  = 😵

Jessica - where has she been? I'm hoping the rumours of a girl alliance are true.. and her, Nicole, and Bella are just watching the "crazy" and not engaging.  Right now, I'd be down with them as f3. Not gonna happen but I can dream... 😋

The cool clique people are seriously so horrid, like over the top loathsome. I get that reality shows need hateful contestants for ratings and it'd be boring without them but SO many???!!!!

I agree with the poster above...that gross comp went on too long, omg. Otherwise that hour went by pretty fast for me with very little happening really. I mean compared to what I'm reading here from the live feeds! Thanks again you guys! 😎

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5 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Oh forgot to mention something that really shocked me to learn about this franchise - did I read correctly that someone got pregnant on this show? Maybe that explains the period time-table record-keeping? 😁

Yes, it was Bayleigh from last season.  She ended up miscarrying while in the Jury House if I remember correctly.

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17 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Okay, you're making me think twice about this now because I swore she self-identified as a POC somewhere at some point and now I'm doubting myself. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. 

But my point still remains. The preferred boot list was Kemi -> Ovi/Jessica/Bella -> Whichever two were left of that three -> Whichever one was left after that two -> Kat. But again Jackson wants us 100% to know that it's totally not a race thing, guys. Because they talked about it as a group before the feeds came on and they all decided that it wasn't a race thing so that makes it totally cool. Two thumbs up, America, now you can't hate us. 

Again, I don't think they're purposely doing it. But when you start contorting yourself to make sure everyone knows it's not a race thing... it's usually because it's a race thing. 


It just isn't.

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14 minutes ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Oh forgot to mention something that really shocked me to learn about this franchise - did I read correctly that someone got pregnant on this show? Maybe that explains the period time-table record-keeping? 😁

Yes! Bayleigh got pregnant in the BB house.  Miscarried in the Jury House. Then got engaged on the show’s Finale.

Someone was really doing the most last season!

 But, still not as bad as.....Tangela!  WTF???? They got their own Etsy shoppe now, too! 

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2 hours ago, xKHANx said:

Haha here is the reasoning behind the "Expel Jack from the house petition...

Jack Matthews has said numerous racist things and has been very aggressive towards the only black woman in the Big Brother house, including saying he wants to “stomp a mud hole through her chest.” He needs to be expelled for Kemi’s safety and to show that it’s not okay to be racist in 2019, especially on tv.

Serious moment here.  Honestly I wish the human race would progress to a point that Grodner can't get away with her super gross villains she turns into "sweethearts" and rewards their behavior.  Because there really is a difference between even trashy entertainment and tearing the country apart further.

But the way to put pressure on her isn't petitions to BB.  It is to the sponsors threatening a boycott of their product.  That has been the ONLY thing that has worked so far to stop racist or homophobic or misogynistic things from continuing in specific cases. 

Corporations don't care about what is right or the country in general.  But they do faithfully worship their god, Greed, and it's unholy bottom line and will do anything to protect same even if they have to do something "right" for a change.

1 hour ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Oh forgot to mention something that really shocked me

Someone answered this already.  Just wanted to welcome you to being "one of us" "one of us" "one of us".  You have now gone down the rabbit hole and there is no way out, heh.

Edited by green
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Bella and Kemi are talking while putting up the awnings.  Kemi was saying something about Nicole.  Kemi says it's not that she doesn't trust Nicole but...  So already it seems this alleged girls alliance is not the strongest.  Bella said that Kemi and Bella will have to be the brains of the operation.

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Now the HOH crew (Jackson, Christie, Tommy, Analyse, Jack, and Holly) is talking about how Nick was bitching about Jack and Analyse.  They all think that Nick needs to chill out.  Everyone in the room is telling Analyse and Jack that they aren't doing anything wrong.

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1 hour ago, xKHANx said:

Haha here is the reasoning behind the "Expel Jack from the house petition...

Jack Matthews has said numerous racist things and has been very aggressive towards the only black woman in the Big Brother house, including saying he wants to “stomp a mud hole through her chest.” He needs to be expelled for Kemi’s safety and to show that it’s not okay to be racist in 2019, especially on tv. 

Wasn't it Sam who said stomp a mudhole last year?  

Yes, and she also referenced curb-stomping and breaking teeth in the process. We speculated she was referencing American History X, but she never confirmed it wasn't from her real life, so...

25 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nick says that Analyse and Jack are like Brett and Winston and that she won't start playing until Jack goes.

What? In what way are AJ anything like BW?? Pretty sure that's LittleNick talking.

10 minutes ago, zorak said:

Bella and Kemi are talking while putting up the awnings.  Kemi was saying something about Nicole.  Kemi says it's not that she doesn't trust Nicole but...  So already it seems this alleged girls alliance is not the strongest.  Bella said that Kemi and Bella will have to be the brains of the operation.

She's got great reason not to trust Nicole, given the Camp Director debacle.

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The fish in the tank have apparently been replaced since the fish funeral was held.  Tommy wants to know what happened with the original fish.  He asks if they all caught a disease.  

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They were joking about having t shirts made with Sam's favorite "Full send!" phrase.  I think it was Holly who said that Swaggy is probably already on it.  She said something about him having his bedazzling gun out.  LOL

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

Tommy says that the first thing he wants to do when he gets out of there is to order a velour tracksuit.  

Also known as Staten Island formal wear....

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Just now, Nashville said:

Also known as Staten Island formal wear....

The funny thing is right before he said it, Christie was talking about some guy who frequents the dog park she takes her dog to.  She said he's a retired guy who is there every day practically morning, noon, and night.  Then she said, "He's like a goombah."  And then Tommy made his tracksuit comment.  Goals I guess.

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56 minutes ago, green said:

Just wanted to welcome you to being "one of us" "one of us" "one of us".  You have now gone down the rabbit hole and there is no way out, heh. 

Thanks for the welcome. I can't believe how addictive this all is! I wonder what my yard and garden are going to look like in a few weeks! 😛

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24 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam's secret weapon against pimples is lavender oil.

Here's the thing; lavender oil actually IS good for stuff like that. I just find it funny that he knows that.

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Now the HOH crew (Jackson, Christie, Tommy, Analyse, Jack, and Holly) is talking about how Nick was bitching about Jack and Analyse.  They all think that Nick needs to chill out.  Everyone in the room is telling Analyse and Jack that they aren't doing anything wrong.

LOL, if only Jack knew that half of the people in that room are bitching about him in general.

1 hour ago, Dance4Life said:

 But, still not as bad as.....Tangela!  WTF???? They got their own Etsy shoppe now, too! 

Nah, Swaggy and Bayleigh are still the worst. I'd take an Etsy shop over scamming money out of a cancer survivor any day.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Here's the thing; lavender oil actually IS good for stuff like that. I just find it funny that he knows that.

After he said it I had to look it up to see if it was true.  I don't think I've ever heard that.  But you're right about it being funny that he knows that.  Maybe it's his wife's influence.

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Add red dye and he totally looks like that red-headed Survivor girl that kept her hair braided all of last season.

Edited by green
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Christie and Bella were talking in the boat room.  Bella was telling her about some game they were playing last night about if they were going on a picnic what they would bring.  She said Jess gave a long but really good answer.  And apparently 3 different times Jack yelled at Jess and said, "You bitch!".  Christie said it's not like Jack really has that kind of relationship with Jess that he could say that in a kidding way to her.  I guess Jess confided in Bella later that it really bothered her that he did that to her.  So add that to the Jack is a fucking asshole tally.

Now Nick is in there with them and they're talking about Jack.  Of course the talk turned to Jack and Analyse.  Christie says she would hate for Analyse to tank her game because of Jack.  Nick said that Jack is going home next week and then it cut to the fish cam so I'm not sure what else was said.

Nick just said that if he wins he might try to backdoor Jack.  Of course earlier this morning Nick had told Sam that he didn't want to win the next HOH.  

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Here's the thing; lavender oil actually IS good for stuff like that. I just find it funny that he knows that.

LOL, if only Jack knew that half of the people in that room are bitching about him in general.

Nah, Swaggy and Bayleigh are still the worst. I'd take an Etsy shop over scamming money out of a cancer survivor any day.

What????? What happened? I don’t like those 2, either.   (Put it in the spoiler box) 

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