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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Nicole asked who he would put up if Christie doesn't use her power.  He said he told her Analyse and Holly but that he offered to let her decide who to put up.  Nicole asked if Christie had spoken to him about her dream team.  Cliff said yes.  This whole convo really is making me lean towards what I initially thought when Cliff was making Christie his offer, which is that Cliff really would backdoor Bella.  He basically just told Nicole that he could backdoor Bella and something about getting safety for a few weeks. 

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18 hours ago, zorak said:

Christie is telling Nicole that whatever Nicole says to her will stay confidential.  Fat chance!

Again Christie uses that word. I do not think it means what Christie thinks it means.

13 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Oh man, people in MENSA do nothing BUT brag about being in MENSA. It's pretty much the defining characteristic of being a member of MENSA.

Depends upon the Mensan, in my experience; some blast it to the cosmos, while some keep it personal.

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Christie PMS update:  She just told Sam she's 7 days late.  

Aw hell... Christie done got knocked up by not-Jack.  😄

20 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Oh dear god he is going to put up Bella without even flushing Crusty's power.

I don’t think that’s an option.  Christie decides prior to the PoV ceremony whether of not to execute her DPoV power - so...

  • If Christie DOES executes it, then Cliff ends up not doing anything in the PoV ceremony; an announcement will be made that the PoV has been upgraded to DPoV, Jackson will take himself off AND name his replacement, and Cliff will nom nobody.
  • If Christie DOESN’T put her DPoV into play, then Cliff will (a) immediately know she didn’t and (b) perform exactly as any other HoH.  Jackson will (almost certainly) take himself off, so Cliff will then have the responsibility of naming the replacement nom - and there’s nothing stopping him from naming Anal, Christie, or anybody else.

In either case, the DPoV will be flushed - or not - well before Cliff even has the opportunity to expose his plans.

Edited by Nashville
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1 minute ago, Nashville said:

I don’t think that’s an option.  Christie decides prior to the PoV ceremony whether of not to execute her DPoV power - so...

  • If Christie DOES executes it, then Cliff ends up not doing anything in the PoV ceremony; an announcement will be made that the PoV has been upgraded to DPoV, Jackson will take himself off AND name his replacement, and Cliff will nom nobody.
  • If Christie DOESN’T executes it, then Cliff will (a) know she didn’t and (b) perform exactly as any other HoH.  Jackson will (almost certainly) take himself off, then Cliff will have the responsibility of naming the replacement nom - and there’s nothing stopping him from naming Anal, Christie, or anybody else.

I think the thought of Bella going up as a backdoor at the hands of Cliff and Christie keeps her power intact comes from that fact that Cliff didn't indicate to Nicole at all this morning that he would go against what Christie wants if Christie doesn't use her power.  He told Nicole that putting Bella up as a replacement nom was an option and could maybe buy him a few extra weeks by appeasing Christie.  So as much speculation as there was last night that Cliff might have something up his sleeve to not do what Christie wants if she doesn't use her power, it seems like he was being truthful to Christie based on what was said to Nicole. 

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

I think the thought of Bella going up as a backdoor at the hands of Cliff and Christie keeps her power intact comes from that fact that Cliff didn't indicate to Nicole at all this morning that he would go against what Christie wants if Christie doesn't use her power.  He told Nicole that putting Bella up as a replacement nom was an option and could maybe buy him a few extra weeks by appeasing Christie.  So as much speculation as there was last night that Cliff might have something up his sleeve to not do what Christie wants if she doesn't use her power, it seems like he was being truthful to Christie based on what was said to Nicole. 

So, his options are..

1.Let Christie use the power, Bella goes up and goes home, Cliff is enemy #1.

2. Take the "deal", hope the people who lied to him before are truthful about safety, Bella goes up and home and Christie still has a power.

3. Pretend to take the deal, put up Holly or Anal, maybe Jack goes, maybe not...Cliff is Enemy #1 and Christie still has the power.  Oh...wait...except evil Bella is still there...isn't she enemy #1?

All seem like sucky options and I can see why #2 seems most appealing in the short term but I think, personally, I would roll the dice with #3 just because I wouldn't want to give the same people a chance to screw me over twice.

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12 minutes ago, zorak said:

I think the thought of Bella going up as a backdoor at the hands of Cliff and Christie keeps her power intact comes from that fact that Cliff didn't indicate to Nicole at all this morning that he would go against what Christie wants if Christie doesn't use her power.  He told Nicole that putting Bella up as a replacement nom was an option and could maybe buy him a few extra weeks by appeasing Christie.  So as much speculation as there was last night that Cliff might have something up his sleeve to not do what Christie wants if she doesn't use her power, it seems like he was being truthful to Christie based on what was said to Nicole. 

No argument there; my “not an option” reply was addressing solely the perception I got from the previous post - that Cliff’s actions could even be a determinant factor in whether or not Christie’s DPoV power was “flushed”.

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5 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Can we hope that cliff isn’t being completely honest to Nicole and doesn’t want her to know the plan? 

Wishful thinking? 

Anything is possible, but I really think he wouldn't have told Nicole as much as he did without hinting at the possibility of there being another option if he wasn't planning on honoring his word to Christie.  Watch, she'll probably end up using the power and then we'll never know if Cliff was going to screw her over or not.

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I understand Cliff wanting to stay true to his word - and that’s a laudable desire IRL - but it’s a distinct liability in BB.  And unless Cliff does pull a good bloody backstabby move and put either Anal or Christie OTB as a replacement nom, I don’t see how anybody outside the Sick Shitters has a chance in hell of making it to F4.

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25 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jackson says he has no intention of putting Cliff up.

Jackson (or any other member of 6S) doesn’t have to.  6S  just has to focus on removal of any other non-alliance members, because each such elimination increases 6S’s stranglehold on the eviction vote outcomes.  At present, the only way I see 6S’s juggernaut roll to the Finale interrupted is if (a) Cliff manages to eliminate one of 6S in this HoH reign, and (b) a non-6Ser manages to win HoH and take out at least one more of 6S on the very next HoH reign.

Edited by Nashville
Missing word
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Cliff is talking to Nicole and said that he thinks Christie is going to use the power.

He says he needs to reevaluate what he's going to do to protect some people.

He says that if he backdoors Bella it could buy all of them some protection for the next few weeks.  What the hell?  He never made deals for even keeping Nicole safe as part of the deal.

Nicole says if Christie does use the power, it will at least flush it out.

Cliff says he's been trying to figure out a way since veto comp to try to protect himself and Nicole.  Again, at no point did he include Nicole's safety as part of this potential deal.  He says he thinks if he presents this deal to them, that they will keep them safe.  

Nicole says that if Christie doesn't use it, there will still be a firestorm created by Cliff having to put up another nom.  Maybe, but at least Jack would most likely be gone.

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Just now, zorak said:

Again, at no point did he include Nicole's safety as part of this potential deal.  He says he thinks if he presents this deal to them, that they will keep them safe.  

It appears that Cliff has no idea how to make an actual deal where he gets something solid in return. Just giving the other side what they want isn't a deal.

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31 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jackson says that if Cliff backdoors Bella and leaves Christie's power intact, they can call it even and say they're square.  Jackson says he has no intention of putting Cliff up.

Exsqueeze me? You banished him, Christie nommed him, the six of you VOTED HIM OUT, and he in return put Jack/son on the block. So now he just has to do your bidding to get back to square with Satan's 6?

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Kat says she sees Christie and Tommy as floaters.  She says she probably trusts Christie the most in this house.  She thinks that Christie could join them if they get Bella out.

Kat says she thinks that Holly is very caught up in Jackson and she thinks that he sees Holly as disposable.  She says she doesn't think that the 6 are indestructible as they think.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Kat says she sees Christie and Tommy as floaters.  She says she probably trusts Christie the most in this house.  She thinks that Christie could join them if they get Bella out.

These idiots...

Christie is willing to waste her power to PROTECT JACK! She is NOT a floater no matter what she tells you!

Cliff...take a look at everyone who thinks Christie in on their side, a look at everyone who talks about forming a group. Christie is a part of EVERY discussion.  She has her tentacles in them all. You are toast. Just blow it all up as much as possible on the way out.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cliff just told her that he's thinking of cutting a deal with Christie that would keep them safe.  What the hell, Cliff?  You can't keep everyone safe even if you cut a deal and they honor it.  Someone has to go on the block so you can't work everyone's safety into the deal.

Right? Let's get that straight. Vote out Bella this week. Ok, but what about next week? He wants to protect himself, Kat, Nicole, Sam. Does he want to protect Nick too? So who's left? Jess? He loves Jess... Maybe they need to just ask production for a break.

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