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Outlander In The Media


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Paste magazine give their ranking of the season 1 episodes.  Personally I disagree about "Rent" -- I think it definitely belongs in the top 8.



If I were grading this article as a book report, I would give it a solid B.  The writer just misses some important details, and misstates others.  It's annoying (e.g., BJR's inability to "perform" with women; the "tearing my guts out" line).  Please, bloggers and reviewers, I beg you: watch and rewatch a show before you try to review or recap it.  Dig a little deeper; notice details.  They're important.  

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I am not a fan of this interviewer ("Emmy Hangout at GoldDerby") and I don't quite understand what his affiliation is with the Emmys (possibly none?) but he does seem to get excellent access to the cast and Sam, as usual, manages to work with some poorly worded questions to come off as charming and entertaining and humble and sincere.  So if you are in the mood to look at clean-shaven, long haired Sam Heughan and listen to his mellifluous voice for half an hour, hear you go.



I am not a fan of this interviewer ("Emmy Hangout at GoldDerby") and I don't quite understand what his affiliation is with the Emmys (possibly none?) but he does seem to get excellent access to the cast and Sam, as usual, manages to work with some poorly worded questions to come off as charming and entertaining and humble and sincere.  So if you are in the mood to look at clean-shaven, long haired Sam Heughan and listen to his mellifluous voice for half an hour, hear you go.



Interviewer: "It's not in the books, is it?"

SH: "Actually it IS in the books . . ."

Fifteen seconds in, I was too embarrassed for the interviewer to watch any more. SH is a very gracious man.

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Interestingly there is a bit of a brew-ha-ha erupting on line this morning.  Diana posted the link above on her Facebook page and people are reacting strongly to the dumb question quoted above but they aren't making themselves clear about why that question is annoying. At least one asked "Hasn't he read the books?" and Diana responded saying it's not reasonable to expect reporters to have read the book.   I agree with Diana but if they haven't read the books it is poor judgement to begin the interview by asserting that one of the key scenes (Jamie's "surrender" / betrayal of Claire moment) is not in the book.  Poor prep by the interviewer in my opinion.  Archery (above) had a similar reaction.


Terry is now weighing in on Twitter asking if we book-reading fans expect reporters to read the book.  We don't (or at least *I* don't) but I do expect them to do a reasonable amount of prep before the interview.


Point of context:  this is the same interviewer who, in a prior interview with Sam, asked if the show was filmed in Ireland.   Words.  Fail.  Me. 

Edited by WatchrTina
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I've seen that link like three times this morning, but every time I click it it says that video is private. Does anyone know a new link, or is it just me?

It's not just you.  The interview has vanished from the GoldDerby channel on YouTube, though older interviews with Cait and Ron are still there.  To quote Black Jack Randall:  That's interesting.  I wonder if all the complaining about that badly phrased first question annoyed the interviewer so much he took the interview down?  Well if so, that's a shame.  Because Sam, as usual, was off-the-charts charming and gracious.  Maybe he took it down so that he can put it up again closer to the nominations?  Or maybe he took it down to edit out the bad question and also about 5 minutes of the internet not behaving well (he and Sam can't hear each other for a bit.)  I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Here's a link to the channel if anyone is interested.




Hmmmm.  The audio-only interview that they did with Tobias two days earlier is also not working.  The plot thickens.

Edited by WatchrTina

There's nothing all that new in this article from June 6. It does talk a little about season 2, so those who want to avoid that should take note. The one bit of news, I thought, was the following thing Sam says about how far along they are:


What can you tell us about next season? I know you guys are in the middle of shooting at the moment.

Yeah, we’ve already shot a lot, almost three episodes now! There are a lot of new characters and it feels almost like a new world....



‘Outlander’s’ Male Rape Survivor: Sam Heughan on Jamie’s Controversial Scene and Season 2


Edited by Nidratime

Interview with Gabaldon in Variety. There's some spoilers from the latter books but they do give you a warning before she answers that question. She also talks about possibly writing an episode of the show.


‘Outlander’ Author Diana Gabaldon on the Joy of Rediscovering Her Book in a New Medium


Interview with Gabaldon in Variety. There's some spoilers from the latter books but they do give you a warning before she answers that question. She also talks about possibly writing an episode of the show.


‘Outlander’ Author Diana Gabaldon on the Joy of Rediscovering Her Book in a New Medium


Oh please God, no. Leave the adaptation to the adaptors.

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Yes he was annoying in the beginning but did bring up some different topics later on that I haven't already heard Sam talk about a billion times. Plus he gave us 40 minutes!! He said in the comments that "Truth is, I didn't know there were any books. I approach these interviews - all 1250+ of them - without doing very intensive research. I am interested in the person I am talking to and the story they tell/told. Sometimes I know more just because I happen to know more. But when interviewing a young actor on a new show, I'm not trying to be an expert going in. Sorry if you'd prefer a more in-depth, specific kind of interview here. Completely get it and respect that."


Plus - I snagged this from it. Wow. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f51/msgrizzle/sam%20vid_zpssedht8qn.jpg

That interview with Diana was interesting. I'd like to see if she could handle a script but I also hope the producers and writers would not hesitate to either collaborate/edit as necessary or outright reject it if it's not up to snuff for the show.  She does seem to support that the show is an adaptation, not a mirror of the book(s) at least.

Just watched the whole DP/30 interview while sipping Sam's favorite whisky.  Sigh.


I'm gonna MISS this show.


Then again, there will be the inevitable flurry of activity when the show is nominated for many many Emmys in July.  And then there will be the San Diego Comic Con panels, also in July, right?  And there there will be the Emmy awards themselves (and the Golden Globes).  That'll get me through Summer and early Autumn.  But eventually I'm gonna MISS this show.

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I don't think this "ZapIt" article was linked here yet, even though it's dated June 1. There are some spoilers in here for non book readers as well as some possible new things for book readers ... some of which we've talked about in other threads ... so, I will put it all under spoiler tags.


The only thing I'll highlight is this:


"Outlander" Season 2 still doesn't have a set premiere date beyond the vague 2016, and fans are speculating it could coincide with the 270th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden on April 16 (a Saturday). While that's certainly a sound theory, Moore says he hasn't even considered it.


"I hadn't even thought about," he admits. "I wouldn't be surprised if Starz is way ahead of me. It has intricate plans, but I haven't thought about it at all."



'Outlander' Season 2: Shooting Paris, Tobias Menzies returning and honoring Culloden


Just watched the whole DP/30 interview while sipping Sam's favorite whisky.  Sigh.


I'm gonna MISS this show.


Then again, there will be the inevitable flurry of activity when the show is nominated for many many Emmys in July.  And then there will be the San Diego Comic Con panels, also in July, right?  And there there will be the Emmy awards themselves (and the Golden Globes).  That'll get me through Summer and early Autumn.  But eventually I'm gonna MISS this show.

I'm trying to figure out if you're being facetious. I'll be surprised if any of the actors receive nominations. I think it's possible, though not likely, that there will be a nod to the costumes or score. I really hope I'm wrong because I certainly think the cast is deserving and the nominations would attract more viewers. The members of the academy are conservative and tend to nominate the same shows over and over. They have a penchant for shows such as Mad Men and the Newsroom that are viewed as reality based. Movie stars who are "slumming" it in a TV show are irresistible to Emmy voters. The Tony awards do this, too. An actor might have devoted her/himself to the stage, but if that's the year Scarlet Johansson or Catherine Zeta-Jones decides to show that she can tread the boards, someone who is just as or more talented but unknown to the general public is going to have to give up her seat.


Game of Thrones has recently broken in, but it's a rare instance of a show based on a fantasy novel and it took a while. Occasionally a BBC drama will be acknowledged so that the Academy can show they have high-brow tastes, but it's also relatively rare unless it has Maggie Smith.


Outlander has several strikes against it: it's based on a series of novels that are viewed as romance fiction by a significant number of people; in spite of its popularity among a huge number of genre fiction readers, I venture to guess it's not well-known among the people who do the nominating; all of the actors are relative unknowns; Starz series have not generally been considered to be high quality; I am in love with it, which my experience has shown is the kiss of death for a TV show; and Ron Moore is associated with science fiction, a genre that is almost never recognized. I think its strong presence at Comic-Con will be a strike against it -- rightly or wrongly, Comic-Con is considered to be an assemblage of nerds and fans with very specific and questionable tastes. If you want a cheap laugh on a sitcom or a shorthand for a character's nerdiness and unpopularity among the opposite sex, all you have to do is have them mention that they go to Comic-Con.


I think Outlander's chances at the Golden Globes are slightly better, though still slim, as they are more likely to recognize international productions.


I can't stress how much I hope I'm wrong, as I think the actors and everyone else associated with Outlander are outstanding. But there are only a few slots per category and there's some stiff competition out there. I've been watching television for a few decades, and I really do think we're in a golden age.

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I'm mildly hopeful that the show will get some love from Emmy voters, mostly because of the massive and positive buzz it got during the last two episodes.  I was on the SAG nominating committee for film last year and, assuming the Emmy nominating committee is run the same way, you get inundated with so much material to view that you can't possibly see everything in the relatively short time frame before the vote.  So, in my case, I relied on buzz, synopses and reviews to prioritize what I needed to see and what I could put lower on the list.  


Outlander got so much positive press at seasons end that directly compared it to Game of Thrones.  Additonally, it was praised for handling the rape storyline in a sensitve and responsible manner, and has started a dialogue in the major newspapers about the way rape is handled on TV.  So it's possible that in the minds of Emmy nomm voters, who will likely put the material from GOT at the top of their must-see list, that our show will stick in their minds as well by association and because of the media buzz after the last 2 epis.  The corresponding story in Emmy Magazine that came out at the same time was also well planned.


So, I'm hopeful.

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I'm trying to figure out if you're being facetious. I'll be surprised if any of the actors receive nominations.

Little bit facetious but mostly cock-eyed optimist. And after reading chocolatetruffle's post I'm feeling even more optimistic. But I also think what AD55 wrote is true -- the odds are very long for this show getting Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. There is just too much out there competing against it and the genre labels of "romance" and "fantasy" definitely work against it. But award shows are unpredictable. Did anyone here expect "The Affair" from Showtime to get a Golden Globe nomination last year as best drama? It won. I'd never even heard of it. Was there ANY buzz for that show? Where did THAT come from? So a small cable show can win. But then, of course, there is the habit of award shows nominating the same actors and shows over and over again, which crowds out anyone new. So yeah, the odds are long for this show.

Is there an Emmy category for best casting? Because if there is, that's the one I think this show should win. Is there a weak spot in the entire cast -- a cast made up almost entirely of hard-working but virtually unknown actors? I can't think of one. If there is such a category I hope Outlander wins it -- or at least gets nominated -- because it would reflect glory across a huge group of people involved in the show -- those who were chosen as well as those who did the choosing. It would also reflect glory on those who directed the cast, dressed them, wrote the words they spoke and created the sets in which they worked.

I do think costume dramas get a fair amount of attention when it comes to the nominations for things like costumes, cinematography, art direction, etc. So I'm hoping there might be some love given to the show in those areas as well. Bear McCreary should get a nomination for the music but he's basically competing against himself (how many shows is he scoring these days?)

Do I really think Sam, Cait and Tobias will be nominated for best actor, best actress and best supporting actor in a drama series? Do I really think the show will be nominated for best drama? No. I don't. But I girl can dream can't she?

Edited by WatchrTina
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Since it is yet ANOTHER gloomy morning her in LA I decided to do some research.  Regarding casting:  yes there are casting director categories for the Emmys. I assume they are given out during the Creative Emmy Awards ceremony. They are: 




For a series body of work during the current eligibility year
For a series body of work during the current eligibility year
For a complete limited series, movie or special


There are also the Artios Awards given out by the Casting Society of America.  Those happened in January, so Outlander won't be eligible for those until 2016.


In the performer categories there isn't a Best Cast or Best Ensemble award, unfortunately, so we would have to wait for the SAGs to get any attention in those categories.  In the Best Lead Actor category, Breaking Bad and True Detective (3 noms between them) are not qualified for this year, so that's 3 openings for new blood right there.  In Lead Actress, the usual suspects are still around, so that one's going to be a lot tighter to break into.  There's a shot (although I think it's remote) at a Best Drama nom because again, no Breaking Bad this year.  


So I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed - hmmm, maybe I could do a "summoning" a la Geillis D. for some nominations to roll our way.  Anyone care to join me?? Summer solstice is right around the corner?

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As much as it pains me to say this, I too, think they might be a longshot for the Emmy's for the same reasons.  And I fear that all the interviewers may not be helping by mentioning the Emmy's to Sam in every interview, Kristin Dos Santos I'm looking at you.  I get it that they are trying to create the buzz but I don't believe critics and news people have anything to do with the actual voting.  And Sam seems really into the hype as he retweets/reposts anything that mentions him or the show for an Emmy, I would hate for him to be disappointed if he's not nominated.  

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I don't remember seeing this here.


The interview with Sam from the 10th.


Aside from getting the time period wrong, it's 18th century, not 17th, and that Sam goofed on the episode number--it was episode 9, not 10, it's a nice interview.


And that picture of Sam? Oh my goodness. It's my favorite look of Jamie. Love the short hair.

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Saw this on twitter and it seems my local Barnes and Noble is holding this event:


M&M ‏@M_another_M 2h2 hours ago

Outlander Event planned for Barnes & Noble stores July 5,check your local store!  Please re-tweet :)  @BNBuzz  @Writer_DG



This is what it says under events for my local B&N:

Get Pop-Cultured: Outlander
Special Event
Fans of Outlander are invited to be transported to the intriguing world of bestselling author Diana Gabaldon with trivia, giveaways and more.
Sunday July 05, 2015 2:00 PM

I quite enjoyed the first season of Outlander, but as a whole it didn’t really strike me as major Emmy caliber. It seemed to have too much, yet not enough, going for it at the same time. By that I mean nothing ever stood out so clearly among the rest that made it noteworthy.


On the other hand, Bear McCreary needs to win an Emmy yesterday.  

I quite enjoyed the first season of Outlander, but as a whole it didn’t really strike me as major Emmy caliber. It seemed to have too much, yet not enough, going for it at the same time. By that I mean nothing ever stood out so clearly among the rest that made it noteworthy.



When I think about all the shows and actors over the years that have received Emmys -- multiple Emmys over many years -- I can't agree that Outlander is not Emmy caliber because I don't think it's necessarily based on caliber. Often it's based on popularity, familiarity, commercial success, who is owed, who is popular with Academy voters, etc.

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When I think about all the shows and actors over the years that have received Emmys -- multiple Emmys over many years -- I can't agree that Outlander is not Emmy caliber because I don't think it's necessarily based on caliber. Often it's based on popularity, familiarity, commercial success, who is owed, who is popular with Academy voters, etc.

I suppose I should say I don't think it is Emmy caliber yet. If those traits you mention are what gets an Emmy nod, then isn't that exactly what Emmy caliber is? Outlander is still gaining momentum, establishing a fan base, the biggest name is a HITG. Without a knockout, heads and shoulders above the rest performance, it currently misses the mark a bit. 


I'm not arguing whether or not it is a good show, or has good performances. I quite enjoy it, and have recommended it to multiple people. I just don't think it's a contender this year.

I suppose I should say I don't think it is Emmy caliber yet. If those traits you mention are what gets an Emmy nod, then isn't that exactly what Emmy caliber is?



What I'm saying is that being a caliber show -- meaning a well made, artistic endeavor, i.e., what Emmys *should* be about -- does not always matter, and many people and shows receive awards for other reasons. So ... in my opinion, Outlander, and its actors, are a caliber show in comparison to some shows that have received awards and some shows it might be up against currently which may get nominated in its place and win awards. Factors other than "caliber-ness" cause shows/actors to get nominated and win. So, the relative artistic merit is sometimes utterly beside the point.

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