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S15.E17: And Dream of Sheep

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15 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I can't be the only one who thinks Linc is creepy. There's just something inherently sinister looking about him. I keep expecting him to turn out to be a serial killer or something. His looks are more suited to playing a villain.

I had a hard time believing him as a nice guy on Nashville because he will always be Luke aka "welcome to the OC, BITCH!" but after several seasons of watching play arguably one of the only nice people on Nashville, I was finally able to accept him as someone who isn't mean/creepy. Now that he has some of that niceness banked up, I'm okay with him as Linc but I can see why he comes off as potentially shady.

12 hours ago, lorbeer said:

I believe Bailey also has an OCD disorder which is a mental illness. I agree that it appears as less harmless than others but it's not nothing. And it can be harmless too. After all it 'takes over' a person and they don't behave normally.

I agree. It's not as flashy or visible as other things, but it's still an illness and it caused her some serious problems before. Didn't she freeze during a surgery because of it? I think oftentimes people don't think it's as debilitating because unless it results in visible obsessive behavior like your hands bleeding from washing them 300 times a day, it's not something people see because a lot of it is internal (which is kind of ironic since a lot of other diseases like cancer often don't manifest themselves in ways that are visible to the naked eye).

10 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

Can’t two colleagues just go to a seminar and decide to do research for a common goal without falling into bed?  I know this is Grey’s, but it would be nice to see some medicine occasionally. 

Ha, I feel like when we do see medicine on this show, it's usually what NOT to do (like hey, kids, DO NOT cut someone's LVAD wires!). I know this is a night soap so romantic relationships and their ensuing drama are required but I miss having more platonic supportive friendships.

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4 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

And what a waste of Lindsey Wagner! She just sat there and knitted and had about 5 lines of dialog. Unless something juicy is going to happen on the trip back.

No it won't. That trip home happens off screen like most things connected to Alex (remember when his brother was diagnosed with the same mental illness like his mother and Alex drove to Iowa to take care of things and we never saw a second of that on screen? - Speakkng of his brother, how is he?? You'd think the dire circumstances when he was last mentioned 8!!! seasons ago, would be worth it to give us an update on him. But he's Alex's brother and TPTB don't give a crap about Alex's story and it shows.)

Anyways, Lindsay Wagner won't be in next week's episode. So we can officially say that story (if you can even call it that) was a complete waste.

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4 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

No it won't. That trip home happens off screen like most things connected to Alex (remember when his brother was diagnosed with the same mental illness like his mother and Alex drove to Iowa to take care of things and we never saw a second of that on screen? - Speakkng of his brother, how is he?? You'd think the dire circumstances when he was last mentioned 8!!! seasons ago, would be worth it to give us an update on him. But he's Alex's brother and TPTB don't give a crap about Alex's story and it shows.)

Anyways, Lindsay Wagner won't be in next week's episode. So we can officially say that story (if you can even call it that) was a complete waste.

Similar to how Thatcher brought up Meredith's other sister, Molly. Who we haven't heard of or seen in forever. Who has two children of her own, basically cousins that Mer's kids have never met. Yet, the excuse is: "You two were never close." 

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10 hours ago, Joana said:

OK, I seriously don't get it. A mentally ill woman who desperately needs routine and stability in her daily life in order to be functional suddenly takes a very long trip, apparently on a whim as the show never bothered the give an explanation as to why actually did it and shows up completely unannounced, and all of that is somehow supposed to mean that she's fine? HOW? This must be the most random storyline on this show over the last few seasons, and God knows we've had tons of those.

Speaking of random, Papa DeLuca. Again, what was the point? I still hope it all somehow leads to Andrew eventually returning to Italy, for whatever reason.

The shows portrayal of surgeons as actual celebrities is seriously laughable. You'd think it was revealed that Kate Winslet was the love child of Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson. IRL, no one would care that some surgeon, no matter how accomplished, had an affair and gave birth decades ago. Please make it stop. 

I did like Jackson remembering that GSMH is a teaching hospital and being shown as a good mentor. I think this was bugs me about Maggie the most. She's so unlike her predecessors on the show. We saw Cristina's development under the tutelage of Burke and Teddy, and in turn we knew how good they were since they passed their knowledge onto her and shaped her into the brilliant surgeon she'd eventually become. We get literally none of that with Maggie - we're just told she's oh so amazing and we're supposed to believe it.

That's because it isn't a storyline, its just scenes.  Alex hasn't had a storyline in years, unless you count beating DeLuca or him being Chief, which mainly consists of him furrowing his brow and staring down at an ipad while everyone around him doubts his abilities and gives him shit. The only people currently with a real, multi-episode storyline are Owen/Amelia and Meredith/DeLuca.  Everybody else just sort of exists to interact with a patient and to resolve everything in their life offscreen or in a cutesy scene at the end of each episode, never to be referred to again.  I have no idea why Alex's mom was there other than to give Lindsay Wagner something to do because we learned nothing new (except that Alex's never seen sister apparently has kids WTF and Alex had a big head as a baby.) 

I have never been a huge fan of Owen, but he is utterly ruined now and the fact that he sucks up so much screentime just to reinforce what a selfish, neanderthal dick he is boggles my mind.   And Amelia truly goes from storyline to storyline to storyline while other characters just gather dust in the background.  This has continually been a problem on Grey's but it is just so blatant now that I wish they would just give her a spinoff.

Edited by Deanie87
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6 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

And Amelia truly goes from storyline to storyline to storyline while other characters just gather dust in the background.  This has continually been a problem on Grey's but it is just so blatant now that I wish they would just give her a spinoff.

And don't forget that there's an Amelia-centric episode coming up!

I've warmed up to her quite a lot over time, but somehow I was never really able to get into her addiction stuff (possibly because I didn't watch PP) and there's been too much of it lately. And they've just (hopefully!!!) ended her clusterfuck of a relationship with Owen, about 3 seasons too late, and they're already pairing her off with someone else? Come on.

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1 hour ago, Joana said:

And don't forget that there's an Amelia-centric episode coming up!

I've warmed up to her quite a lot over time, but somehow I was never really able to get into her addiction stuff (possibly because I didn't watch PP) and there's been too much of it lately. And they've just (hopefully!!!) ended her clusterfuck of a relationship with Owen, about 3 seasons too late, and they're already pairing her off with someone else? Come on.

I watched Private Practice so I always liked the character--especially when St. Derek gave her shit. (Not a Derek fan here.)  I also like her new haircut and I wanted Link to say "nice new 'do" or something. People on TV don't say shit like that, I guess. I imagined she tossed her head a little more to get him to  notice, but nope. Nothing.

I too thought Linc was sinister at first because he was introduced via Jo, and Jo had all kinds of shady past so it made sense. Now I agree with what someone upthread said: it's the sideburns and the generally shady hair. But he has Deep Thoughts and a Dark Secret Past with the childhood cancer and killing a patient (I'm overstating!) so I approve.

I'm not thrilled they tumbled into bed immediately but I will be thrilled at Owen's reaction to their imminent PDAs. Because I despise Owen with the fire of 1,000 of Owen's red hairs. 

Teddy was getting interesting to me only because of Koracic, so if they go back down the Owen/Teddy road, those two head off to Germany tout de suite. (Was she rubbing her back and stomach a lot? Just me? No foreshadowing? Okey dokey.)

Then Koracic can be with Meredith and all will be well. The End!

Edited by WendyM
words and making sense
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18 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I had a hard time believing him as a nice guy on Nashville because he will always be Luke aka "welcome to the OC, BITCH!" but after several seasons of watching play arguably one of the only nice people on Nashville, I was finally able to accept him as someone who isn't mean/creepy. Now that he has some of that niceness banked up, I'm okay with him as Linc but I can see why he comes off as potentially shady.

I've only ever seen the actor on Nashville, and I don't get any negative vibe from him.  I did have to make a mental switch from gay to straight, though. 

  • Love 3

Ugh, why am I still watching this show? 

Obvious foreshadowing with how much Teddy was touching her stomach.

I would have been ok with a slow buildup of Amelia and Linc getting together, but no, they had to just jump right into hopping into bed.

I wish Alex would get a real storyline.  If they had actually given him one with his mom, that could have been good.

Count me in as one who doesn't care for Amelia's new hair cut.

Poor Koracick.  I hate that they went there, but I hope he ends up with Meredith in the long run-I think they work well together.

Really don't care about Jo's past.

Maggie can just go away any time now.

I agree with others that if you're going to have people speaking a different language, at least give us subtitles so we know what's going on.

  • Love 6

I, too, kept waiting for something (good or bad) to happen with Alex's mom, but all she was was a gateway/vehicle to Jo's impending story line about finding her birth mother.  Which is about as interesting to me as a bag of hair.  We've already been shown one gigantic bombshell from Jo's past - her abusive husband. Now what?

Linc looks way too much like Tom Brady to me (QB of the New England Patriots, and someone I detest with the heat of a thousand suns/nuns), so I have issues with him just from that. Although, I do think he's basically an OK guy. He did a nice job being around Meredith's children and seemed to truly enjoy that, so - I think he's as OK as a soap character could be. Amelia doesn't want their romp to be anything serious, so I suspect he'll develop deeper feelings for her, which she'll rebuff (although maybe a bit grudgingly?), and we'll have yet another story line of non-communication/crossed wires leading to disastrous results.

I've never, EVER liked Carina, but I have to admit, I did truly feel bad for her when Teddy gave her that big dressing-down. I get where Teddy was coming from, but wow, she really laid it on thick. Speaking of that story line, I was thinking that Teddy should've backed off the pregnant lady and let another doctor handle the situation - it was probably even MORE painful for that poor woman to have a pregnant doctor - a literal reminder of what she has now lost. I'm sure that never even crossed Teddy's mind. All she could think of was showing Owen that she was capable mentally and physically of handling that patient's situation. It didn't seem to occur to her to see things from the patient's point of view. And yes, it does seem that Teddy's constant cradling of her own belly and rubbing the small of her back would be the most un-subtle foreshadowing of complications to come. 

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I forgot to say earlier that something I really liked was Richard and the fish fry. We didn't have much money when I was young and that part of me was horrified at just throwing all that fish out.  Don't waste!

It would have been even better if Richard had invited the homeless around the hospital to join in.

On 3/15/2019 at 11:20 PM, Joana said:

OK, I seriously don't get it. A mentally ill woman who desperately needs routine and stability in her daily life in order to be functional suddenly takes a very long trip, apparently on a whim as the show never bothered the give an explanation as to why actually did it and shows up completely unannounced, and all of that is somehow supposed to mean that she's fine? HOW? This must be the most random storyline on this show over the last few seasons, and God knows we've had tons of those.

Agreed that it was a random storyline. But I don't see why Alexi's mother shouldn't have gone on a trip as long as she was stabilized and functioning on her meds. Having a mental illness like schizophrenia doesn't mean helpless.

On 3/16/2019 at 3:48 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I agree. It's not as flashy or visible as other things, but it's still an illness and it caused her some serious problems before. Didn't she freeze during a surgery because of it? I think oftentimes people don't think it's as debilitating because unless it results in visible obsessive behavior like your hands bleeding from washing them 300 times a day, it's not something people see because a lot of it is internal (which is kind of ironic since a lot of other diseases like cancer often don't manifest themselves in ways that are visible to the naked eye).

I live with someone who has OCD and it's something we deal with as a family and household every single day. I always forget Bailey has OCD because she doesn't behave like someone who has OCD. She's more impulsive than anything else. Did she spend even one minute worrying that Alex is doing a better job than she did as Chief and this she's not going to get the job back? How often does she obsess after a surgery that she made an error?  How often is she completely frozen because she cannot make a decision for fear of making the wrong one? I mean more than anyone else, because it happens here multiple times a day.

Bailey's OCD is something they conveniently pull up out of nowhere when it fits the plot rather than being something part of the character like Richard's addiction or how Jo and Alex are affected by their childhoods.

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I just watched this episode from a few weeks ago. I can’t stand Maggie and her self-centered personality. She and Jackson have ZERO chemistry. Nothing. Never have. Never will. 

I don’t care about Jo’s “real” family but, had she been living under a rock without Internet access? When the intern was saying sure, just go onto Facebook & Instagram to look up your cousin and Jo’s like “that’s creepy.”

Girl, I’ll tell you what: I see someone at the grocery store who looks vaguely familiar and after 10 minutes online, I know where she went to elementary school and that her Aunt Barbara makes delicious cheesecake. That’s just the world we live in now. 

Edited by hookedontv
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