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S15.E17: And Dream of Sheep

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Hated hated hated Owen treating Teddy like she couldn’t do anything because of her pregnancy and hated Koranick walking in on Owen comforting Teddy and misunderstanding....because I felt bad for K   

So daddy DeLuca’s story line wanover quick.   Mer wasn’t a very supportive girlfriend when DeLuca felt so crappy.   

Mama Karev’s Storyline ended pretty abruptly too. 

And, seriously, Maggie went on tv to talk about her family history?

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

And, seriously, Maggie went on tv to talk about her family history?

A very slow news day.

And a very slow episode.

The only thing I was even mildly interested in was whether they were going to use the bad on the baby even though it wasn't authorized for human trial. When they didn't do it (come on, this is Gray's, they've done more ridiculous storylines), I lost interest in the whole thing.

Teddy-Owen and Amelia-Linc .... yawn. The latter is inorganic and seems like written because they are the only unattached people on the show. The former is long past it's Best Before date.

I know Bailey gets anxious but I wouldn't call it anywhere near a major mental disorder.  Mama Karev's schizophrenia and Papa Deluca's are much more debilitating. What was the point of that subplot? To show Bailey being sympathetic again?

  • Love 5

Whoever the writers are suck at putting ppl together. No one has chemistry. Now Linc and Amelia? Ugh annoying and already doesn’t work for me.

The Delucas suck. They are boring and annoying. Enough with the Italian. 

Maggie and Jackson are another dud pairing. They are just so bad together it’s hard to watch. And Maggie isn’t famous and neither are her parents. Why would she go on tv to talk about her family. Who the hell would watch that. I FF most of that crap tho anyways.

Owen needed to fuck off the whole episode.

  • Love 10

GTFO, Owen. Now he's trying to switch patients with Teddy because he doesn't want her working on a pregnant woman? I don't understand that at all. She might identify with her patient too much? I guess that means Owen can't treat any male patients now, right? Gawd.

Papa Deluca can fuck right off too. I'm sorry, but you CANNOT do procedures on humans if you don't have approval. That's exactly why institutional protocols for human subjects exist. Even if your funding is from a different country, if you are doing research in the United States, you have to follow the regulations in the United States and that means going through the proper channels in order to get approval. That's not cowardice or laziness (as Papa Deluca accused Alex, Andrew, and Carina). That's being responsible and making sure you don't lose your medical license and get the hospital sued.

I'd like to hear Amelia's alternative to giving Jason opioids. As Linc said, no amount of ibuprofin was going to help with the pain Jason was in. If she's so against addictive prescription drugs, what does she suggest they give to patients who are in extreme pain? What does she prescribe to her patients after surgery? You can't know who is going to become an addict, so it's not like withholding opioids from ALL patients because they MIGHT become addicts is the answer.

  • Love 14
38 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'd like to hear Amelia's alternative to giving Jason opioids. As Linc said, no amount of ibuprofin was going to help with the pain Jason was in. If she's so against addictive prescription drugs, what does she suggest they give to patients who are in extreme pain? What does she prescribe to her patients after surgery? You can't know who is going to become an addict, so it's not like withholding opioids from ALL patients because they MIGHT become addicts is the answer.

I think that she was mad about what he said- that he would do it again.  When Linc explained to her, everything and repeat what he said at the lecture (from which she left), Amelia admitted that he is right. In my opinion she felt ashamed that she left from lecture before the end. 

This was fun and accurate:

Teddy: Where have you been? I paged you like 15 minutes ago.
Owen: I think you meant to say, "Thank you for covering me when me and my boyfriend went away for four days." 
Teddy: I meant to say, "You're late."

I hate Owen. Good for Teddy. 

  • Love 11

This episode was a bucket full of ehhhh

Teddy do not fall back into Owen’s web.  First he treats you like a toddler because you’re pregnant.  The only reason he’s interested in you is because Amelia left him and as Soon as he finds out Amelia slept with Linc he will want her back. Seriously move ON 

What is going on with Maggie? She been so annoying the last 10 episodes.  Also I cringe when I see her and Jackson together. 

Miranda...Alex was right to be suspicious literally every episode you’re like when are you leaving as chief...How can you trust somebody to give you good advice who is jealous all the time

I don’t care about Jo’s family.

I don’t care about the Delucca’s.  But seriously Alex it’s not prejudice to keep an eye on someone who has a history of mental illness to make sure they don’t need assistance.

Amelia has made so many mistakes is she seriously judging Linc???? Please don’t tell me she will be the “Owen” in this relationship 

Meredith is not supportive or loyal period to anyone but Christina or Alex.  I remember when Amelia called her out on this.  She legit has loyalty to two people and everybody else can jump off the pier.  Even now at her best, she’s selectively supportive and/or loyal to Maggie and Amelia and that took FOREVER.  Just three episodes ago she was asking Maggie if it was okay to date Deluca after she made out with him.  I mean if your asking probably should happen before you hook up with the person.  So if Deluca wants a supportive girl friend he should be prepared to wait FOREVER...like everyone else.  Then she will be selectively supportive to him because he’s not Alex or Christina. 

Edited by dmc
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, dmc said:

Meredith is not supportive or loyal period to anyone but Christina or Alex.  I remember when Amelia called her out on this.  She legit has loyalty to two people and everybody else can jump off the pier.  Even now at her best, she’s selectively supportive and/or loyal to Maggie and Amelia and that took FOREVER.  Just three episodes ago she was asking Maggie if it was okay to date Deluca after she made out with him.  I mean if you asking probably should happen before you hook up with the person.  So if Deluca wants a supportive girl friend he should be prepared to wait FOREVER...like everyone else.  Then she will be selectively supportive to him because he’s not Alex or Christina. 

Nailed it.

This makes it even more annoying when every man and some women want to be with Meredith.

  • Love 5

So that was it for Alex's story with his mother? What a giant joke. They didn't have a single talk about something important (Aaron, Amber, maybe their father, how they feel about the fact they missed so much of each other's live etc...). It was basically - she came, she was there, she went. Apparently the only purpose the writers had intended for that story was for Helen to nudge Jo and Alex to start making babies. Great. And this was her last episode and she shared her only scene with Bailey? Alex and his mom didn't even have one line of dialogue and their only conversation happened off-screen?? Are you freaking kidding me? My expectations weren't very high, but the writers still managed to disappoint me. It's almost fascinating.

Enough already with Amelia and Owen! Now they're separated, but the writers still shove them down our throats. The blatant favourism is so infuriating. And I don't even understanding what they see in Owen anymore. They've ruined him with their own writing. I can't stand him anymore.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
  • Love 19

I'm disappointed with how little Alex's mother actually got. I thought he'd get a legit arc surrounding his mother. It turns out the show cares more about Owen's drama and focusing on Bailey than Alex himself. I shouldn't be as surprised as I am, but there you have it. 

Same with the Deluca stuff, which could have probably lasted more than two episodes, and it seems like they gave up before they even started. They have so many more episodes to go and it feels like Andrew and Carina's father just got some depth before they seem to have shuffled him off to Italy. Maybe he'll reappear. On the plus side, this arc got me to like Carina a lot, and I was marginally interested in Andrew again. 

Yawn to Owen/Teddy. As much as I'd like to buy that Owen is really there for Teddy and the baby in a platonic way, they've officially made it a love triangle with Koracick showing up and misreading the situation. A typical TV cliche which will likely play out exactly as it has on other TV shows, ending with Teddy/Owen getting together. But maybe I can hope that it leads to both of them leaving Seattle by the end of the season. Hey, I could see it happening! 

Amelia/Link is alright. It definitely feels shoehorned in due to this being the Season of Love, or whatever, but I didn't hate it.

Yes! Casey, my favourite intern, gets some more to do! I'm so happy that he asked if he could help Jo. I don't even mind that he went ahead and found her birth mother anyway. 

Again, somehow, Jackson ended up being the best mentor to these interns and it's kind of nice. I like his mentorship with Qadri, in particular. It beats boring Jaggie, which....really needs to die, but it likely never will, no matter how many people scream for it to die.

 I have issues with Bailey's takedown of Alex. Sure, she has a mental illness and can relate to Alex's mother in that sense. It doesn't mean that she also can't be prejudice against other types of mental illness. She has OCD, which is different than Alex's mother's schizophrenia or Andrew's father's bipolar. But Alex was also wrong in not asking those questions earlier and being too hesitant due to his connection with mental illness.  

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, preeya said:

So now the focus will be on Vicki Rudin. The first thought that hit me was this Rudin person will somehow be related to the Karevs.

Just now wondering if Rudin might be in the Evans family tree?

It looks like Michelle Forbes is playing Vicki Rudin, and she’s awesome, so maybe it won’t be awful? Eh, never mind. It will be.

  • Love 5

I know it's a tiny quibble but when the same actor is showing up simultaneously in similarly-themed procedurals (even in a one-off part in this case) it throws me off for a minute ... the actor who plays the unnamed baby daddy (MR. Hall on Wiki, "Sir Hall" on IMDB so maybe his name is "Sir"?) has a running guest-star arc on "The Resident" as Micah/Mycah, Okafor's boyfriend (one of my favorite characters) so when he showed up at the hospital all bruised and injured, my reaction was "MICAH!!! SQUEEEE!!!"

That said, at this point, I'm not sure there's a union actor anywhere in Hollywood that has NOT appeared on "Grey's" at one point or another.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Why does Bailey need to "take back the chiefship" temporarily just so Alex can take two days and take his mom home? Does the chief never get a day off (or a vacation) without appointing someone to the job? 

Stop with the yelling-Italian conversations!

agree on both points. It was like have we flashed back to stagecoach days? Alex will be gone so he must appoint a successor? so weird.

The Italian thing is worn out.

  • Love 5

also agree with others on the weird Maggie tv interview. It's just silly. No one would want to watch that. Seattle doesn't track doctors like rock stars. I don't know why we had to have the outcome of her stupid reaction to her hated med school classmate's story be this.

Richard reacting to the fish was funny. Bailey cracked me up going off on Alex with I Am a Person with Mental Illness. I'm not sure I have anything else positive.

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

agree on both points. It was like have we flashed back to stagecoach days? Alex will be gone so he must appoint a successor? so weird.

The Italian thing is worn out.

Right, though I did enjoy Alex laying it down on all 3 of them. Papa Deluca is dangerous and how he hasn't lost his license on anything by now is just stupid. The sister needs to get out and take her: "I'm a sex consultant who doesn't know when to talk, yet I'm damaged because my father is sciz and I had to keep him sane, because I'm his daughter. To Deluca himself just being dumb about everything when he DOES know better and knows who and what his father is. 

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

So that was it for Alex's story with his mother? What a giant joke. They didn't have a single talk about something important (Aaron, Amber, maybe their father, how they feel about the fact they missed so much of each other's live etc...). It was basically - she came, she was there, she went.

This episode highlighted how random so much of this show is these days. So many stories seem pointless, like Alex's mom showing up and then nothing important happens.  DeLuca's dad shows up and the next thing we know, he's taking off again.  I don't understand how he keeps the baby lambs alive when he's traveling?  I would really rather see more concentration on characters who have been on the show a long time. 

The Amelia and Linc pairing was so out of nowhere that I had a hard time believing it, although it makes sense that she'd want some comfort through physical closeness, and Linc probably hasn't been getting any in a while.  

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, Layne said:

Except in Meredith's case where they're still obsessed with her until the day they die (literally). 

As it SHOULD be!

I am loving the way the Mere/Deluca relationship is playing out -- he obviously likes her way more than she likes him-- it showed in the whole "chase" scenario. Ha! and then when he didn't come out and use his words and ask her to stay at the end (I guess she was supposed to know he wanted her to stay?) the disappointed look on his face made me LOL! seriously! The whole thing is gonna end in a fizzle! So no worries about "end game" cuz they were never meant to be more than a fling!

Amelia and Linc? maybe?

Jackson and Mere's scene was cute-- I wish they put those two together more. They play well off one another.

Don't care about Jo-- at all. Or Maggie. Or Owen and Teddy (GOD! make it end!) 

I was interested in the sheep in a bag -- and that whole story was OK. Though I am glad Poppy Deluca went back to Italy.

  • Love 2

Please don't tell me it's going to turn out that Jo and Alex are related.


The Amelia and Linc pairing was so out of nowhere that I had a hard time believing it, although it makes sense that she'd want some comfort through physical closeness, and Linc probably hasn't been getting any in a while.  

I can't be the only one who thinks Linc is creepy. There's just something inherently sinister looking about him. I keep expecting him to turn out to be a serial killer or something. His looks are more suited to playing a villain.

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Please don't tell me it's going to turn out that Jo and Alex are related.

I can't be the only one who thinks Linc is creepy. There's just something inherently sinister looking about him. I keep expecting him to turn out to be a serial killer or something. His looks are more suited to playing a villain.

*raises hand!****

That's why I didn't/don't want Mere anywhere near him- he has a skeeve factor-- something is off putting about him.

Edited by taanja
  • Love 7
On 3/14/2019 at 4:53 AM, statsgirl said:

I know Bailey gets anxious but I wouldn't call it anywhere near a major mental disorder.  Mama Karev's schizophrenia and Papa Deluca's are much more debilitating. What was the point of that subplot? To show Bailey being sympathetic again?

I believe Bailey also has an OCD disorder which is a mental illness. I agree that it appears as less harmless than others but it's not nothing. And it can be harmfull too. After all it 'takes over' a person and they don't behave normally. 

I think in todays episode Bailey acted kind of like an 'old' Bailey which is nice. 🙂

Edited by lorbeer
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Shellie said:

The Amelia and Linc pairing was so out of nowhere that I had a hard time believing it, although it makes sense that she'd want some comfort through physical closeness, and Linc probably hasn't been getting any in a while.  

Presumably he hasn't been getting any, because apparently everyone at Grey/Sloan is only allowed to hook up with other people there. I can't decide how I feel about him. He seems too...slick or something. Definitely not my type...

  • Love 5

I deleted the episode before I went back to check this, but can anyone give me the text of the conversation between Richard, Jackson and the female intern (I can't remember any of their names) when they were working on the guy with the fish skin?  Something about there being first creating a baby in a bag (?), then a fish man, and then what would be next?  The woman said something that I didn't catch and then the robots would rise up and take over (?).  Anyone catch the whole thing?

21 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

I deleted the episode before I went back to check this, but can anyone give me the text of the conversation between Richard, Jackson and the female intern (I can't remember any of their names) when they were working on the guy with the fish skin?  Something about there being first creating a baby in a bag (?), then a fish man, and then what would be next?  The woman said something that I didn't catch and then the robots would rise up and take over (?).  Anyone catch the whole thing?

It smells like high tide.

Patients are complaining, and I do not enjoy breathing through my mouth.


It's part of my spray-on skin research.

He made us skin the fish.

Well, what do you do with the other parts of the fish?

Oh, that's medical waste.

Well, that's a crime.

What... What is it? Uh.

Oh, that looks like tilapia.

Yeah, that's good fish.

Lambs in a bag, fish skin on people.

I mean, what's next here?

Next is the machines come to life and take over the world.

Never mind.

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, preeya said:

It smells like high tide.

Patients are complaining, and I do not enjoy breathing through my mouth.


It's part of my spray-on skin research.

He made us skin the fish.

Well, what do you do with the other parts of the fish?

Oh, that's medical waste.

Well, that's a crime.

What... What is it? Uh.

Oh, that looks like tilapia.

Yeah, that's good fish.

Lambs in a bag, fish skin on people.

I mean, what's next here?

Next is the machines come to life and take over the world.

Never mind.

Krista's husband wrote that last part. 

OK, I seriously don't get it. A mentally ill woman who desperately needs routine and stability in her daily life in order to be functional suddenly takes a very long trip, apparently on a whim as the show never bothered the give an explanation as to why actually did it and shows up completely unannounced, and all of that is somehow supposed to mean that she's fine? HOW? This must be the most random storyline on this show over the last few seasons, and God knows we've had tons of those.

Speaking of random, Papa DeLuca. Again, what was the point? I still hope it all somehow leads to Andrew eventually returning to Italy, for whatever reason.

The shows portrayal of surgeons as actual celebrities is seriously laughable. You'd think it was revealed that Kate Winslet was the love child of Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson. IRL, no one would care that some surgeon, no matter how accomplished, had an affair and gave birth decades ago. Please make it stop. 

I did like Jackson remembering that GSMH is a teaching hospital and being shown as a good mentor. I think this was bugs me about Maggie the most. She's so unlike her predecessors on the show. We saw Cristina's development under the tutelage of Burke and Teddy, and in turn we knew how good they were since they passed their knowledge onto her and shaped her into the brilliant surgeon she'd eventually become. We get literally none of that with Maggie - we're just told she's oh so amazing and we're supposed to believe it.

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, Joana said:

OK, I seriously don't get it. A mentally ill woman who desperately needs routine and stability in her daily life in order to be functional suddenly takes a very long trip, apparently on a whim as the show never bothered the give an explanation as to why actually did it and shows up completely unannounced, and all of that is somehow supposed to mean that she's fine? HOW? This must be the most random storyline on this show over the last few seasons, and God knows we've had tons of those.

And what a waste of Lindsey Wagner! She just sat there and knitted and had about 5 lines of dialog. Unless something juicy is going to happen on the trip back.

Edited by chitowngirl
  • Love 6

Ugh, I hate that the show went there with Amelia and Linc. I hated her self righteous screaming lecture at Linc. I wish the show had let Linc and Mere date. 

Maggie, stop barging in on Jackson when he's working to blab about your personal life. 

I know Teddy isn't a favorite here but I like her. Also, stay away from Owen. Owen go be alone and find yourself or something. 

Mere and Jackson had more chemistry in that 60 seconds than they do with either of their partners. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I deleted the episode before I went back to check this, but can anyone give me the text of the conversation between Richard, Jackson and the female intern (I can't remember any of their names) when they were working on the guy with the fish skin?  Something about there being first creating a baby in a bag (?), then a fish man, and then what would be next?  The woman said something that I didn't catch and then the robots would rise up and take over (?).  Anyone catch the whole thing?

FYI - I posted this in the quotes thread the other night. 

  • Love 1

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