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S05.E09: I Want to Meet Your (Transphobic) Mom

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4 hours ago, gingerella said:

I just dont see her being able to live on her own to be honest. She's... unmotivated, a slacker who lives under a blanket in the supine position for like 22 hours a day... How is someone like that going to manage their own apartment? ...Her room was disgusting ... her personal habits, grooming included, appear gross.


Crazy Bird Lady comment:  All of these can be (and often are) symptoms of depression --which Jazz has battled for years. She has often asserted (-and I think she actually believed-) that if only her body matched the person she is inside, she could be happy. .....................The question I have about Jazz is this:  Will her depression (and all of its symptoms) just go away, now that she has a vagina and a boyfriend?? 

[Personally, I very much doubt that it will.] 

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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Her IG post today was about how meditation helps her. She  addressed taking antidepressants and therapy but claims that getting in touch with herself via meditation has been most effective for her. 

Maybe it's easier for her now that she's several months post-op?

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On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 10:37 PM, Quilty said:

Hmmm...Does anyone else think that Amir has already been kicked out of mom's house and Jazz being transgender is a convenient excuse?

He reminds me of one of those 90 day fiancé guys, trying to find a woman to live off of so he doesn't have to work, SNS

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On 2/27/2019 at 12:32 AM, TomGirl said:

Re: the discussion about Jazz moving out, how refreshing to see both Greg and Jeanette finally stand up to her and give her some straight talk.  About time!

I totally agree. Let's be real, her parents have spent an obscene amount of money on Jazz (way more than her siblings) and she doesn't seem to appreciate it one bit. I assume she has her own money as well, but based on her dad saying he wasn't going to pay her phone bill and other items, it seems Jazz is living a nice, cushy life without having to dip into money she's earned. Living on your own gets expensive quickly and even if Ahmir moved to be with her, he has no job or means to contribute to a household.

I think Jazz wants to be able to have Ahmir visit so they can do whatever without her parents insisting she keep the door open.

Edited by trimthatfat
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On 2/27/2019 at 5:14 AM, Visaman666 said:

I am more than certain that Jazz is getting paid a pretty penny for the show with her name in the title. There are  estimates of a net worth of $200,000 for Jazz alone. The family as a whole are between 5 and 10 million dollars.

I had no idea the family has that much money.  How did they accumulate such wealth? 

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Am skeptical that the family has that amount of money. I say let Jazz move out. Make her pay for her phone, car, car insurance, medical expenses, everything. She may have a decent amount of cash on hand,  especially for a child, but will blow through it like water. Usually this show seems very scripted,  but this seemed more real to me.

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5 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Am skeptical that the family has that amount of money. I say let Jazz move out. Make her pay for her phone, car, car insurance, medical expenses, everything. She may have a decent amount of cash on hand,  especially for a child, but will blow through it like water. Usually this show seems very scripted,  but this seemed more real to me.

That sounds like a fine theory however in normal circumstances one would hope that the parents would have insisted that the earnigns be placed in some sort of trust that the child(ren) can only touch after they graduate college, so they have a nest egg to start their future and maybe buy their own apartment, that sort of thing. If Greg & Jeanette do what you’re proposing, it’s more than likely that Jazz will blow through her funds in a year or two and be expecting them to take her back in and live off them ad infinitum. And judging by Jeanette’s reaction to home schooling Jazz, I think she really does want to have her freedom again in future...

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On 2/27/2019 at 1:27 PM, gingerella said:

<snip> Sad truth is that if she'd listened to the advice of the many MDs she consulted about her surgery, some of whom I think said she should unblock for a short time to get better growth and better options for surgery, she might have been able to create sperm that she could have set aside for her own bio kid. <snip>

On 3/1/2019 at 9:04 AM, brilliantbreakfast said:

And see, if they had waited till Jazz hit puberty to suppress, she could have banked sperm and had a biological child -- with a surrogate other than Ari, of course.

I think it was in the "A Place For Questions and Educational Links" topic I posted about this. 

Going through puberty results in many more obvious skeletal changes - many that cannot be later altered by surgery - for children assigned male at birth than those assigned female.

A lot of those typically masculine changes occur with the face; jawline, nose, forehead. The neck: Adam's apple. 

Non-skeletal changes include facial hair and skin texture.

For the rest of the body, the shoulders broaden, and the hands and feet grow lengthwise and broaden.

For Jazz to go through even partial puberty would have most likely meant she would then need many more surgeries than just "bottom" surgery; surgeries to feminize her face in order to pass as female.

The ability to pass successfully is a safety issue for those who are transgender; not just an issue of vanity.

The physical changes to the rest of the body - such as shoulders, hands, and feet - cannot be changed. 

Have you ever been in public and seen someone you thought might be a trans woman? The first thing many people look at is their hands, because the hands are often the giveaway.

Looking at the cost of multiple surgeries, and the risk - and the fact the results would never equal what she's been able to achieve by not going through male puberty at all - using donor sperm and a surrogate seems like a more logical choice to me. 

It may very well be Jazz and/or Jeanette assuming without question Ari will be the surrogate is production-driven to create drama/controversy, as opposed to how the family actually feels about the issue.

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I was thinking the secret Ahmir 's mom was eluding to during the phone conversation with Jazz is that he is a father.  He did tell the twins that he has had a lot of girlfriends or has gone out with a lot of girls.  I don't see him the type to worry or care about birth control thus somewhere along the line he became a dad.

This is only a guess on my part but it would be a great story line.  Jazz could become a stepmother to his child(ren). But I'm not so sure if Jeanette or Greg are ready to become step-grandparents esp Greg. 

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On 3/3/2019 at 10:45 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

For Jazz to go through even partial puberty would have most likely meant she would then need many more surgeries than just "bottom" surgery; surgeries to feminize her face in order to pass as female.

 The ability to pass successfully is a safety issue for those who are transgender; not just an issue of vanity.

Yes- given the rate of violence trans women face just LIVING I certainly understand why passing as a cis gender woman would be of utmost importance. 

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On 2/27/2019 at 7:53 AM, maggiegil said:

I think its unfair for Ahmir's Mom to be brought into this and painted as a transphobe when we have no idea if she consented for her life to be on camera. Those are damaging words to peoples reputations and could cause someone to lose their job etc.

Why do Jazz and Jeanette always think they can browbeat someone into accepting Jazz as she wants to be seen?

I thought the whole point of Jazz having the surgery pre-18 was so Jeanette could help her with aftercare for the year before she goes to college, how does that work if Jazz moves out? Its a bit late for Greg and Jeanette to suddenly try and insist on boundaries when every other time they've done that Jazz has worn them down i.e surgery, tattoo, home school etc

So glad Ari stood up to Jazz about moving out, someone her age who has lived independently would have to be crazy to voluntarily live with an immature 17 year old. Remember Jazz's drawers filled with rubbish, the crockpot in her room etc, IMHO she would not be a conscientious roommate at this point in life.

But she does her dishes while eating off of them! 😃

On 2/27/2019 at 2:40 PM, Dobian said:

Jobless Jazz wants a $2,500 a month beachfront apartment with her sister.  Translation: TLC cash.

On 2/27/2019 at 4:47 PM, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Exactly. But I don't think TLC pays enough for Jazz to afford to live on her own for very long --let alone support a dead-weight (non-working) new boyfriend that she barely even knows!

She’s going to blow through that money like a lottery winner!

On 3/2/2019 at 8:37 AM, trimthatfat said:

I totally agree. Let's be real, her parents have spent an obscene amount of money on Jazz (way more than her siblings) and she doesn't seem to appreciate it one bit. I assume she has her own money as well, but based on her dad saying he wasn't going to pay her phone bill and other items, it seems Jazz is living a nice, cushy life without having to dip into money she's earned. Living on your own gets expensive quickly and even if Ahmir moved to be with her, he has no job or means to contribute to a household.

At least not until he becomes president 😈

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1 minute ago, suev3333 said:

Why does Jazz's mom have to be in the examination room with her??  jeesh...and jazz needs to do stuff on her own...🙄

What stood out to me was where the chairs were in relation to the exam table.  I'm sure Jeanette had to move for the doctor to examine Jazz.  Otherwise she was going to get quite the up close and personal view.  I can see the doctor asking Jeanette to get her head out of the way so she could she Jazz's genitals. 

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On 2/28/2019 at 10:22 AM, Anlogle said:

As I remember it Ari offered it. Jazz didn't demand it.

I think she offered to be a surrogate, not use her own eggs for Jazz, which would make it Ari's bio child. Huge difference. 

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On 3/5/2019 at 6:30 PM, suev3333 said:

Why does Jazz's mom have to be in the examination room with her??  jeesh...and jazz needs to do stuff on her own...🙄

It drives me nuts, her mom needs to back off and let her have a little privacy.

The problem is Jeanette never met a camera she didn't love and backing off would mean less cam time for her...

No way will she agree to that. 🙄

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Omg I hate that woman!!!!! She's such an attention seeker!! I thought it was so pathetic how she just HAD to go to the convention in Philly despite the doctors and Greg very clearly telling her not to being Jazz. Dr. Ting said something along the lines of, "You need to have a backup plan as of now." Jeannette replied, "well, there isn't a backup plan." Way to put your daughter in danger for the sake of fame, Jeannette.

Edited by K1210
Wrong ep
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