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3 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

   AArgh! I got kicked out of the forum! 

PYREX! I need the red mixing bowl from the yellow green red blue set. I also want a set of pink casserole dishes. At one point, I had 26 vintage sewing machines and tons of vintage sewing equipment, but I pared it down when my life imploded. I now have around 8 including my modern (2000-2010) machines that I use for most projects. 

I have a yellow green red blue set! My SIL gave it to me because she knew I coveted my mother's. Full sets in good condition are going for over $100 at flea markets, can't believe it. I love bakeware and prep/mixing bowls. And I've been finding lots of Revereware and Farberware pans for next to nothing. 

Eight sewing machines? Girl. I am bowing down right now.

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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

A former co-worker's wife had a great business buying PYREX (not Pyrex) and vintage Corning dishes, and selling them on consignment at antique stores.   She bought a lot at flea markets, estate sales, and garage sales.   

Oh yeah, PYREX. I find tons at Savers. 

@Eldemarge, enjoy your trip and keep your eyes open for PYREX! 

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I have a yellow green red blue set! My SIL gave it to me because she knew I coveted my mother's. Full sets in good condition are going for over $100 at flea markets

They were $2.99 when my mother got hers for her wedding in 1955. :) Of course, mom made 95 cents an hour working at Warners sewing bras, so I guess it balances out. 

1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Eight sewing machines? Girl. I am bowing down right now.

Eight is all that I have left. I'm kicking myself for giving away the 1980 Bernette Serger. It was the best one I have ever had. I had a treadle Singer, a red eye, a hand crank, and 3 of the little toy battery operated ones that they used to give away in the 60s when a new Touch and Sew ("Torch n Throw", they are awful!!) was sold to some unsuspecting sewer.

We're sewers, dammit, not sewists or crafters. Sewers, or seamstresses, with the ess, meaning 'girl'. 

4 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

People…you yelled at him and threw his stuff out before…look where that got you.

He's got so much buried pain...I actually hate seeing him losing his stuff. 

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D. is right, Elesia is doing nothing, and criticizing everyone who is working.  Digna and D. should leave, and not look back.  D. isn't being nice, but she's telling the truth.    Tolin just does anything to keep filming going. 

Jim choses his lazy mooching daughter, and D. and Digna should just move on.   Digna would be a fool to come back.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
4 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Yea she needs to take several seats.  She has known him how long?

Six months or less.

I disliked them enormously. D was itching for a fight and was disappointed she didn't get to take out her earrings and cut a bitch. 

I feel for Alisha. I think that she has depression and maybe some other stuff going on. There was no shortage of people doing heavy lifting. I did think that Digna and D were picking on her and I don't think it's the first time at all.

Jim's semi-maniacal laughter is driving me nuts.

God rest Dr. Tolan (isn't he the one who passed earlier this year)? He has the patience of a saint (with the clients, the families and with wanna0-be therapist, Dorothy) and the ability to be uncomfortable in the midst of huge conflict. I couldn't do it. 

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1 minute ago, Elizzikra said:


God rest Dr. Tolan (isn't he the one who passed earlier this year)? He has the patience of a saint (with the clients, the families and with wanna0-be therapist, Dorothy) and the ability to be uncomfortable in the midst of huge conflict. I couldn't do it. 

No, Dr. Mark Pfeffer died in January of 2022.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Every time I watch these shows I wonder how the significant others end up in relationships with people who are struggling enough to be level 5 hoarders, especially the ones that hook up post hoard. Now I know, it's because Jim is almost a pillar of mental stability compared to D and Digna. Whoo boy. 

PS. Not that I think Alicia shouldn't get a little more pep in her step but that was way over the top. 

I hereby revoke my "don't push the poor lady, Dorothy" sympathy card. 

Edited by satrunrose
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3 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

No, Dr. Mark Pfeffer died in January of 2022.  

Ah - right. He was a good one too. May he Rest In Peace.


Every time I watch these shows I wonder how the significant others end up in relationships with people who are struggling enough to be level 5 hoarders, especially the ones that hook up post hoard. 

In this case, they hadn't been together very long and Jim had managed to keep Digna away from his house - or at least the inside. Though the wife prior to Digna evidently lived in the hoard, so I guess there really is a lid for every pot (and all of them are in hoarded kitchens)...

Edited by Elizzikra
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I'm wondering if cleaning up the yard is all Jim wants to allow?   The hoard inside probably isn't the reason code enforcement did the lien to pay for the forced clean up.    However, after this show airs, I suspect the fire department will be having a word with Jim and Elesha.  

I can't forgive them for having that poor cat trapped in that hoard. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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True Story:  I was in the middle of a Hoarder marathon on Hulu one day and the hoarder looked so familiar to me at certain angles and I couldn't place her.  

And then I thought, "Wait, she could probably pass for my cousin or something."

And then I realized, "NO, SHE LOOKS LIKE ME."  Lol, at certain angles, this woman legit looked like my doppelganger.  I took a screenshot and posted it to Instagram and my friends freaked out.

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The problem with therapy is that you have to want it, and try to change.  I don't think Jim will do that. 

House looks good, but how many boxes did they move back into the house?  They filled six dumpsters with trash. 

Elesha will never leave that house, will she?   She's been there since 2019, so she's permanent. 

Update: Jim is going to therapy, Elesha is encouraging decluttering, but Jim won't.   Jim has rehoarded his bedroom, and is again sleeping on a sliver of the bed, with the other room still stuffed with his junk.   

The young neighbor who hauled away the excess tools and other metal, and Jim said if he needed tools he would just borrow them.   I bet the day after filming ended, Jim went to the neighbor's and demanded everything back. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Wow, that came out better than I'd hoped. 

Till next week, folks.

45 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Six months or less.

I disliked them enormously. D was itching for a fight and was disappointed she didn't get to take out her earrings and cut a bitch. 

I feel for Alisha. I think that she has depression and maybe some other stuff going on. There was no shortage of people doing heavy lifting. I did think that Digna and D were picking on her and I don't think it's the first time at all.

Jim's semi-maniacal laughter is driving me nuts.

God rest Dr. Tolan (isn't he the one who passed earlier this year)? He has the patience of a saint (with the clients, the families and with wanna0-be therapist, Dorothy) and the ability to be uncomfortable in the midst of huge conflict. I couldn't do it. 

Dr Tolin is still with us!

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D and Dinga were horrible! Glad the dr corrected Jim who said they were combative. Dr said they were vicious and nasty,  not combative. 

Alicia seemed depressed like she had given up with her dad.. both his hoarding and lack of emotion towards her. That's why I think she hasn't moved out. Plus lack of $. 

Dorothy was amazing! As usual. Boring outside metal crap and tools. What's inside? 

My vet contractor brother's house is somewhat hoarded...crowded with tools and building materials on the big porch that have never been moved,  despite 2 garages also full, but room enough for 2 motorcycles and 2 cars.  He seems to have every pair of jeans and piece of clothing he ever had in his bedroom,  packed into closet and dresser, but bed is clear with aisles on both sides.  I would love to clean his house cuz it's old with great wood molding, not mold that I cd see. Lol. No bugs. But the house looks like a wreck on the outside. Kitchen and bathroom on first floor are antiquated. Yard is big and clear.  He has 1 son who will get it all ... my brother is 71... altho son will probably sell it for teardown  for the $ great location near a gigantic medical center. My brother has been approached by several realtors for location. 

That said I have my too many books, fabric, pillows, clothes, decor items. Trying to keep what I love/like cuz don't want to burden my one son with it when I pass. I did tell him to have my books boxed up and offer them free to folks who attend my "celebration of life" services. I have all designated organizations and faimly members where the other stuff goes. But until then, thrift stores are relaxing and raise my endorphins.  Plus I like the music they play.  ;)

Glad they introduced Jim to other vets for socializing vs. Meeting other vampires like Dinga... yes I am misspelling her name on purpose. 

Jim's manic laughter made him seem affable at first,  but dang it was clearly inappropriate and a weird response when describing traumatic horrible  stuff. 

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5 minutes ago, Mollywolly555 said:

Jim's manic laughter made him seem affable at first,  but dang it was clearly inappropriate and a weird response when describing traumatic horrible  stuff. 

This man, so damaged, so sad.  I know other Vietnam vets and what they went through is just unthinkable.  War sucks.  That parade was a little sad but a very nice gesture, and it would be nice to know that Jim at least finds himself able to enjoy other vets' company at the VFW.  Sadly, he's a hoarder, always has been, always will be.  I wonder if the show will ever do an episode where they come back and de-hoard a second time?  I know they have done follow-up episodes, but really, we all know it's only a matter of (short) time before the city/township orders him to clean out once again.

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1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

This man, so damaged, so sad.  I know other Vietnam vets and what they went through is just unthinkable.  War sucks.  That parade was a little sad but a very nice gesture, and it would be nice to know that Jim at least finds himself able to enjoy other vets' company at the VFW.  Sadly, he's a hoarder, always has been, always will be.  I wonder if the show will ever do an episode where they come back and de-hoard a second time?  I know they have done follow-up episodes, but really, we all know it's only a matter of (short) time before the city/township orders him to clean out once again.

I know that they have gone back and done “where are they now” but I don’t know if they have re-cleaned. I think Jim will hoard the rest of his life. If he and Elesha are lucky, she can keep him in check to keep the county away and give her at least a bedroom and kitchen/bath access. But I don’t think he will ever be better.

I do hope he is going to the VFW and at least socializing. His experience in Vietnam must have been harrowing. I can’t even imagine…

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I suspect the junk in Elesha's room was hers, and not her father's stuff.   I think she's a hoarder too.  

I'm glad for Dijna and D. that they realized the real situation and walked away.  Too many people stay with hoarders thinking things will get better, but they don't.   

I suspect Jim and his big house was Dijna's retirement plan.   I'm guessing Dee thought her mother would be living in the house, and would have a nice retirement.  I think Dijna thought the junk was only outside.  Then, when she saw the inside of the house, realized she would not only never live there, or become an owner, but the house was full of junk.   

 Reality bit them both in the butt.   Elesha certainly will never move out, and won't be welcoming anyone for her dad either. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Wrt Jim. Men of his time that went to Vietnam were not encouraged to talk about their experiences. When they came home, they were called "baby killers" and spit on. That didn't help. Mental health services in and out of the military didn't exist as they do today. So the only choice for these men was to suck it up, and push the memories down with alcohol or drugs. Just some historical perspective. 

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I kind of felt sorry for Jim, it was obvious that he was suffering from PTSD. I don't know everyones ages here, but I was around for that stupid useless war and I have to say a lot of the guys that went there were very young, not really "adults". The horrors they faced were really never addressed and as has been posted above, they were not treated kindly when they were sent home. I bartended for a while and the Vietnam vets I knew were either not willing to talk about what they saw/did/had to do or were serious drunks. As a personal note, I would not send Jim to a VA facility-they are understaffed, overworked, and the guys I knew that went to one hated it because the care was very poor. Now, back to the shit show. I agree that Jim will never stop hoarding-he has done it since he was a kid. His laughing is a defense mechanism but he was agreeable on most things. What was up with the girlfriend and her daughter? They were happy to help, but they were mean and hateful to Jim's daughter. Not good and I don't blame him for sending them away. Maybe he will join the local post and make friends who can help keep him on track. Both he and his daughter could use some therapy and I hope they at least try to stay on track.

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On 6/13/2023 at 4:08 PM, Tango64 said:

I’ve seen a lot of episodes, but this might be the worst case of someone with a fundamental, serious mental issue that is catered to, as if cleaning her house will fix everything. She needs so much more.

I am circling back to Darlene, she is exhausting. I do wonder how much money she has given to her various healing groups or circles.  Also, I noticed her neighbor's houses, and they look very very nice and probably the location is a premium. I wonder how her neighbors felt or if they have complained. The front yard wasn't littered with junk other than weeds, but that backyard and back deck were awful. 

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On 6/19/2023 at 7:23 PM, Elizzikra said:

Six months or less.

I disliked them enormously. D was itching for a fight and was disappointed she didn't get to take out her earrings and cut a bitch. 

I feel for Alisha. I think that she has depression and maybe some other stuff going on. There was no shortage of people doing heavy lifting. I did think that Digna and D were picking on her and I don't think it's the first time at all.

Jim's semi-maniacal laughter is driving me nuts.

God rest Dr. Tolan (isn't he the one who passed earlier this year)? He has the patience of a saint (with the clients, the families and with wanna0-be therapist, Dorothy) and the ability to be uncomfortable in the midst of huge conflict. I couldn't do it. 

The daughter was coming between Digna and D eventually getting the dads house.  THAT is what I thought they were up to.  Trash people.

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I started a serious watch of this series this afternoon. Claustrophobia hit me, but I kept watching.  Hated the hoarder for her not caring about her family at all. So I focused on Dr. Robin, who really seems to believe that her one size fits all approach is the only approach that works.  She talked at Lia and it was so obvious that Lia had tuned out the world around her.  

Mr. Ecats came in with about fifteen minutes left and began to complain that the house was cluttered.  I tried to get through to him that those were the after shots.  Then they showed before and after and there just was so much stuff before that the walls and room shapes didn't register.

If that had been Dr. Robin's audition tape, I don't think she'd have gotten the job.

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7 hours ago, enoughcats said:

started a serious watch of this series this afternoon.

I think I've watched every one of these and the "Buried Alive" ones and, taken all together, it does start to feel like a fairly hopeless condition in all but a few cases.  

The first season, I thought people were being fixed and, once their house was clean, they would probably turn over a new leaf and keep it that way.  Then a "where are they now" episode showed us the re-hoarding and I think only a very few had maintained.  I don't think the show is even trying to find enough positive stories to make return episodes anymore.

Then I started looking for the stuffed rooms and walls of boxes left behind during the final reveal, and realized they weren't even starting fresh in most cases.

It's been a long time since I've felt like we were leaving behind a clean, restored home for the family to go forward in, and it's really no one's fault, the hoarders are sick and will never feel safe and comfortable if they aren't surrounded by stuff, and the therapists are probably running right out of patience with the condition and ready to switch careers.

I could use an episode where the subject  was simply overwhelmed due to a broken leg or something and needed a fresh start.  After the haul away, they could bring in cleaners, painters, and a decorator and really show us a striking before and after. Just once, Show?

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Sometimes they not only do the after junking clean up, but supply some furniture, and paint.  One woman (I don't know if it was this show or Hoarding Buried Alive) walked into her cleaned up, and painted kitchen and was angry about the color the walls were painted.   I watched some of the follow up shows, from the first few seasons.  The only hoarders who kept a fairly clean home were the ones where the authorities inspected, and visited the home regularly. 

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I could use an episode where the subject  was simply overwhelmed due to a broken leg or something and needed a fresh start.  After the haul away, they could bring in cleaners, painters, and a decorator and really show us a striking before and after. Just once, Show?

They wouldn't really be hoarders though - they would just be people who got a little behind on housework. Not that it wouldn't be a good and satisfying show but it's more a Extreme Makeover Home Edition than it is Hoarders.

There was one woman in Florida on one of the Hoarding shows. She had a completely hoarded out house and had moved to a condo that she seemed to be keeping very clean and tidy. Her pregnant daughter and fiancee wanted to move into the hoarded house which is why they were trying to clean it out. I don't think they had a lot of success and I think they ultimately determined that repairing the house would cost more than they could afford. But I always wondered if the woman stayed in her condo and if she was able to keep it clean. In addition to the house, she had storage units too. 

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14 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

They wouldn't really be hoarders though - they would just be people who got a little behind on housework. Not that it wouldn't be a good and satisfying show but it's more a Extreme Makeover Home Edition than it is Hoarders.

There was one woman in Florida on one of the Hoarding shows. She had a completely hoarded out house and had moved to a condo that she seemed to be keeping very clean and tidy. Her pregnant daughter and fiancee wanted to move into the hoarded house which is why they were trying to clean it out. I don't think they had a lot of success and I think they ultimately determined that repairing the house would cost more than they could afford. But I always wondered if the woman stayed in her condo and if she was able to keep it clean. In addition to the house, she had storage units too. 

I don't remember if it was on this show, or the other hoarders series.   I remember that one, her daughter's name was Tracy I think.   The house was clean in the kitchen, one bathroom, and maybe another room.  However, the fiance of the daughter refused to consider moving in.   There were infestations of roaches, and rats, and the fiance said he wasn't going to live in that dump full of vermin, and endanger his fiance and their baby.  He actually said that torching the place was the only solution, after they found a fireplace lighter in the pile of trash.    The mother was keeping her condo clean though.  

Of course, the mother might have had a bunch of storage units or something like that too.   It's been so long since I saw the beginning of that episode, I remember seeing the kitchen, but did they film the rest of the condo?   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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