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5 hours ago, ketose said:

I remember I used to watch Cheers all the time, but I didn't think Frasier was a show for me. I didn't start watching it until the series had ended. It probably wasn't for me at the time, since I was a teenager when Frasier started.

I remember thinking the same thing when Cheers ended and I heard of the Frasier spin off. Yeah, I loved him on Cheers but that was along with the entire cast.  I really thought a TV show starring him would be too much. Plus, there was no Lilith.  I was really surprised by how much I ended up loving the show. 

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I was never a big Cheers fan, so for some reason I never gave this show a chance. It's a huge mistake that I'm currently making up for! Every year at around this time, I seem to discover a couple of shows that I overlooked at the time and proceed to fall madly in love with, and this year Frasier is that show!

What were people's favorite seasons, episodes, characters and relationships?!

 I'm only a few seasons in and already love Niles/Daphne way more than I want to :) I'm obsessed with the relationship between Niles and Frasier and their relationships with their father. I adore Daphne and how genuinely (as opposed to obnoxiously!) quirky/different, spirited and independent she is. Some episodes are funnier than others, but I can't say there are any I've disliked, which is rare for me :) I do like that Frasier and Martin's relationship is already a little less contentious now than it was in S1. I think what I love best about the show is that its moments of sweetness and poignancy feels so earned and natural rather than tacked on and saccharine. There's so much wit, warmth and charm, and Frasier's role as a therapist allows for some surprisingly sharp, resonant psychological insight. Mostly it just makes me feel good, which is what I need these days and is a quality that a lot of current shows seem to be lacking!   

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What were people's favorite seasons, episodes, characters and relationships?!

There is an absolutely brilliant, hilarious stretch of 6 episodes in Season 3 that begins with "Moon Dance" and ends with "Chess Pains." I mean, each one is pure genius. My favorite of the 6 is "Look Before You Leap," with Frasier's famous take on "Buttons and Bows" (which had me in tears the first time I saw it, from laughing so hard).  

If you haven't yet gotten to this stretch of episodes, amensisterfriend, I envy you for getting to discover these gems for the first time.

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You guys, I seriously have a problem. I've done literally nothing but mainline this show. I'm already at the end of S4 and would be even further along if I hadn't had to (yes, HAD to!) rewatch some of my favorite scenes at least a few times before moving on to the next episode. I'm not even that huge a sitcom fan in general, but this is already one of my very favorite shows. I love literally every character and their relationships with one another---and naturally I'm including Eddie here :) Roz took a little while to grow on me, but now I adore her and think she's actually a really layered, vibrant character. I love the dialogue, the therapy that's both hilarious and insightful, the subtle but powerful warmth and heart, and even find the plotting really strong. I knew a few things going in (like that Roz gets pregnant at some point and that my beloved Niles and Daphne do eventually get together, though I don't know when or how), but this is the kind of show you can enjoy even after you already know what happens---it's the how, not the what, that's so addictive and endlessly entertaining :)   

I'm confessing this here because people here are more likely to understand or at least less likely to judge: I just bought the ENTIRE series on DVD! This is despite 1) being sadly broke and 2) knowing full well that I can keep watching the entire series for free on Amazon Prime. I just 'needed' the DVDs somehow ;) I've always been one of those old fogies who far prefers to watch shows on my TV than on my computer. Plus, my mom is having major surgery in a couple of weeks, and I have to stay with her for the next month or so while she recovers, so suffice it to say that we will BOTH need the mood boost that this show so perfectly provides! 

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I'm confessing this here because people here are more likely to understand or at least less likely to judge: I just bought the ENTIRE series on DVD! This is despite 1) being sadly broke and 2) knowing full well that I can keep watching the entire series for free on Amazon Prime. I just 'needed' the DVDs somehow ;) I've always been one of those old fogies who far prefers to watch shows on my TV than on my computer. Plus, my mom is having major surgery in a couple of weeks, and I have to stay with her for the next month or so while she recovers, so suffice it to say that we will BOTH need the mood boost that this show so perfectly provides!

I'm seriously considering doing this for my parents. I think they'd love it, as they don't get Cozy TV. Maybe the first three seasons (thanks rubaco!) and see how it goes.

I too prefer watching on my TV, it's more comfy to lounge on the sofa, drink in hand, than slumped over my laptop in a hard chair or propped in bed where I get a sore neck!

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It's lovely to see someone discovering the joys of this show for the first time. :) Frasier remains my favourite sitcom. It's not just the brilliant humour, but the warmth of it. I feel that the core characters really love each other. The background characters tend to be excellent as well. Everything just slotted together on this show.

I watched Frasier during its original run, and loving Niles and Daphne you can imagine that one episode per week for all those years... ;)

Happy continued viewing. :)

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you can imagine that one episode per week for all those years... ;)

Seriously, you guys have my admiration. I can barely break away from the series for an hour or two to work (how DARE my job imply it should take precedence over my Frasier binge-a-thon?!), let alone wait a week in between installments. Like I said, I can be patient (by my standards, lol) regarding Daphne and Niles because I know they get together at some point. (Though it's actually kind of fun not knowing exactly when or how!) But the show is just so insanely engaging and addictive that I can't stop at even just a few a day, let alone one per week like you intrepid souls had to do when it first aired! 

I'm actually interested in how the show was perceived back then. Are there characters/storylines that people initially disliked that they grew to love? Did a lot of fans want Niles/Daphne and/or Frasier/Roz to get together? I feel like our notions of humor change so much that even some shows more recent than Frasier feel a little dated, but for some reason Frasier's sharp (yet never cruel) wit feels kind of timeless to me. I'm guessing that if it first aired today some might have issues with a few of the jokes about sexual orientation and what could be perceived as "slut shaming" of Roz, but I'm not offended at all---there's such a warm good nature and genuinely kind spirit to this show even when they're trading barbs. And it's actually FUNNY to me, which, for some odd reason, the majority of sitcoms aren't :) 

I'm noticing that nearly every season has a Christmas/winter holiday episode...? Do you seasoned fans rewatch those around this time of year? I'm already sensing that will become a new annual tradition for me :) 

I even changed my picture on here, as you guys can see...um, not that I'm obsessed or anything ;)

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40 minutes ago, amensisterfriend said:

I'm actually interested in how the show was perceived back then. Are there characters/storylines that people initially disliked that they grew to love? Did a lot of fans want Niles/Daphne and/or Frasier/Roz to get together?

It was Niles and Daphne for most people I knew, I don't recall my friends or family really feeling quite the same way about a Frasier/Roz pairing, and neither did I, much though I love both of them. As you watch more seasons, I'll be interested in your thoughts because the show definitely changes, as you'd expect, once Niles and Daphne get together.



I feel like our notions of humor change so much that even some shows more recent than Frasier feel a little dated, but for some reason Frasier's sharp (yet never cruel) wit feels kind of timeless to me.

Definitely. I find that today's humour on TV appeals less to me, which is why I go back to my favourite sitcoms from decades gone by.



I'm noticing that nearly every season has a Christmas/winter holiday episode...? Do you seasoned fans rewatch those around this time of year? I'm already sensing that will become a new annual tradition for me :) 

Yes. :) Christmas TV viewing for me revolves around Christmas specials/episodes of my favourite sitcoms from both sides of the Atlantic. Do you notice the different animations on the title cards? The Christmas and Halloween episodes in particular. :) And speaking of the Halloween episode in season 5, do let me know what you think of that one! It's one of my favourites. Farce is something Frasier pulled off very well, I think. 



I even changed my picture on here, as you guys can see...um, not that I'm obsessed or anything ;)

Such a lovely episode, which Kelsey directed. You can tell Jane Leeves knew what she was doing when it came to dancing. There is more exquisite N/D goodness in S5. :)

Oh, and your thoughts on Maris? ;)

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Oh, and your thoughts on Maris? ;)

Ha! Well, obviously, she's absolutely stunning---I just LOVE looking at her. ;) Seriously, I can see why some would think that never seeing this character is too much of a gimmick, but I think it really works here and love piecing together little things about her just from the way she's described by others. (Like I'm gathering she is painfully thin and never, ever smiles and seems to routinely wear outfits that cost twice as much as my first car!) The show paints a very vivid picture of her personality despite the fact that we never (I'm assuming never...?!) meet her. And while obviously her relationship with Niles is a train wreck, there's something oddly sweet about how dearly Niles still wants to make things work despite her being so indifferent to him and the fact that she's so...Maris-y :)  


And speaking of the Halloween episode in season 5, do let me know what you think of that one!

The one where everyone goes as literary characters and my beloved Niles drunkenly tries to propose to Daphne and ending with OMG ROZ IS PREGNANT?! I really loved that one. I'm tempted to say it's one of my all time favorites but, let's be honest, I could make that claim about at least 30 or so episodes so far and I'm only up to Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do.

Once I'm done with this first of what I already know will be many viewings, it will be interesting to see which episodes emerge as the most rewatchable favorites for me. I would love to know which seasons/episodes you all consider favorites and least favorites!

I think so far S2 and S3 are my favorite seasons overall, but I really do love them all and still can't claim there are any episodes I dislike. I was wrong, however, in claiming that I loved literally every character---I'm not a big Sherry fan. I definitely preferred Maureen. It's not like Sherry takes anything away from my love for the show, but let's just say I don't miss her when she's not around :) 


It was Niles and Daphne for most people I knew, I don't recall my friends or family really feeling quite the same way about a Frasier/Roz pairing, and neither did I, much though I love both of them

I'm torn on Roz/Frasier---at times I really, really like the idea of them together, at times I mildly dislike it, and mostly I'm somewhere in between :) Mostly I like their dynamic a lot as is, and if it eventually becomes more, I'm sure I'll be on board with that. I'm not the least bit torn on Daphne/Niles, though---I already want them together more than almost any TV couple ever. I'm not usually a huge fan of couples who seem to have so little in common, but these two just WORK somehow, each balancing the other out and just seeming more happy and alive around each other even though they're still just friends.


 because the show definitely changes, as you'd expect, once Niles and Daphne get together.

 Um, yeah, so exactly when does that happen again?! (Just kidding---I kind of like not knowing! It's always in the back of my head that the next episode I watch could be the one where my beloved Niles and also beloved Daphne finally become a couple...though I must admit I'll be pretty disappointed if it doesn't happen until the end of the 11th and final season!) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Maris remains my favourite character that I've never seen. ;) She's part of the Frasier family and I enjoyed a lot of laughs at her expense. 

I still find it very difficult to say which season is my favourite. I think I've rewatched S1-5 the most? My favourite S1 ep is My Coffee With Niles. 

Season 2 - my favourites are probably An Affair To Forget and The Innkeepers. :) I find it a bit harder to narrow the episodes down in S3/4 but I'll try. ;) I have an unpopular opinion among those I know in that I enjoyed S6 quite a bit, and I loved S7.

I admit I liked Sherry. She was, to quote Frasier himself, 'colourful', but very warmhearted and I liked what she brought out in Martin. 



I'm not usually a huge fan of couples who seem to have so little in common, but these two just WORK somehow, each balancing the other out and just seeming more happy and alive around each other even though they're still just friends.



Opinion was rather more divided once they got together, so I'm interested in seeing how you feel about them as a couple. There were some external factors for a while. The original showrunners departed after getting N/D together, leaving the remaining writing team to establish the romance. Jane Leeves also became pregnant with her first child, and as they weren't going to give Daphne a baby then, they opted to do something else, and I'll be honest, I wished they hadn't. The story they ended up telling had a psychological basis, but it made me cringe. I think it took Niles and Daphne a while to find their feet as a couple but I didn't mind that, given how different they were, and that friends though they were she had also been an employee of his family. The original showrunners returned for the final season and I feel it shows. 

I could have done without so much of Daphne's family in the later seasons, though. They don't do any favours for those of us who are English. ;) Oh, and the Cheers reunion eps were probably among my least favourite over the years. I just didn't feel the same way about that show or its characters, the exception being Lilith. Speaking of, I'm sure the episode Room Service will provide an opinion!

Edited by Altair Aquila
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Opinion was rather more divided once they got together, so I'm interested in seeing how you feel about them as a couple. 

Sadly, I'm very used to really rooting for two people to become a couple only to feel really disappointed in how they're written once they finally get together, so I'll keep my expectations moderate :)


Speaking of, I'm sure the episode Room Service will provide an opinion!

 Ha---that's an understatement!!! I'm so torn. If I'd just heard about this without watching the episode, it would have seemed like a borderline jump-the-shark moment for me, but as always, the show pulled this off better than I would have expected :) So on one hand, this was a really sharply, smartly written episode in many ways. Daphne and Martin's manic anxiety over Lillith's imminent arrival was perfectly done, and I loved the scene in the hotel room where Frasier, Lillith and Niles attempt to psychoanalyze why Niles and Lillith slept together---interesting, funny and with some valid points on all sides. And god bless that poor room service guy!

But on the other and currently more dominant hand...I just don't love that the show went there. I love Niles to the point where he's already an all-time favorite fictional character and have even come to love Lillith far more than I thought I could, but even just seeing them in that bed together..*shudder* I think my cringing will be eternal :) Mostly I'm just hoping this doesn't crop up repeatedly as a source of tension between Niles and Frasier. I love the brothers' relationship so much, and while I get that it has to have some conflict, finding Niles in bed with Lillith feels too soapy for this show.

Also...there's some tiny, shameful part of me that wanted Frasier and Lillith back together. There's just something about them that I love---and that makes me feel as if they still could/do love each other. Clearly I hate myself ;)

Romance is a part of this show like nearly every other show, but despite my gushing over Niles/Daphne, it's actually fairly low on the long list of things I love about this show: I'm in it for the humor, the smart observations, the warmth, the charm, the family relationships, the occasional insights into psychology...and, of course, Eddie!

 I'm loving S5 despite a few questionable choices and am almost reluctant to move on to S6 because so very, very few shows stay good past five seasons, and I've warned that the second half of this series is markedly inferior to the first.  Then again, even sub-par Frasier will probably be better than almost anything else on TV to me, because I'm just that in love with this show. 


I have an unpopular opinion among those I know in that I enjoyed S6 quite a bit, and I loved S7.

I hope to find myself right there with you! 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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I keep forgetting to mention how much I love the title of this thread. Just thinking of Frasier's smooth, perfect-for-radio voice assuring Seattle that he's listening makes me smile. 

So now I'm done with S5 (on the second episode of S6, in fact---have I mentioned that I have no non-Frasier life at the moment and am totally fine with that?!) Since I'm almost halfway through, I wanted to challenge myself to evaluate the series so far. 

Favorite season: If I had to pick just ONE, I think I'd go with S3. 

Five favorite episodes so far: Since I've finished five seasons it felt appropriate to pick five favorite episodes...until I realized that it's hard to narrow down my list to fewer than about 30-35! For now, though, I'd say that the ones I could see myself rewatching most often are (in chronological order): The Matchmaker, The Candidate (maybe because parts of this one feel so timely?!), Frasier Grinch (I LOVE the way this show does holiday episodes---and I'm not usually a huge holiday episode fan in general!) Moon Dance, A Lilith Thanksgiving (as I've said, I just adore this show's holiday episodes...and, for that matter, adore Lilith!) 

But I could very, very easily have gone with several more. 

Five favorite characters: Niles, Frasier, Daphne, Martin, Lilith (apologies to Roz, Eddie and even Maris---I love you all!) 

Biggest surprise so far: Niles sleeping with Lilith. I'm still not over that and may never be :) Runner up: Roz being pregnant---and how I actually LIKE that she's pregnant, as that's normally not a favorite plot of mine :)

Most odd/unpopular opinion so far: That I really kind of love Lilith and am holding out faint hope for a Frasier/Lilith reunion :)  

I promise not to keep hijacking this thread---I'm just so excited to find people still up for discussing this amazing show that I was decades late in discovering! 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Daphne Returns was well done, I agree. I just didn't like what preceded it.

I, too, love Lilith, although I can't remember ever wanting her to be with Frasier again. But then, I wasn't really invested in Frasier's love life. He just made things worse for himself so often on that score that I stopped caring. I was happy for him at the end but without any strong feelings either way.

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On 12/9/2016 at 3:20 PM, amensisterfriend said:

Five favorite episodes so far: Since I've finished five seasons it felt appropriate to pick five favorite episodes...until I realized that it's hard to narrow down my list to fewer than about 30-35! For now, though, I'd say that the ones I could see myself rewatching most often are (in chronological order): The Matchmaker, The Candidate (maybe because parts of this one feel so timely?!), Frasier Grinch (I LOVE the way this show does holiday episodes---and I'm not usually a huge holiday episode fan in general!) Moon Dance, A Lilith Thanksgiving (as I've said, I just adore this show's holiday episodes...and, for that matter, adore Lilith!) 

My 5 favorites:

Seat of Power ..."You have the big Mercedes?" will never not be funny

Martin Does it His Way ...She's such a groovy lady (enough said!)

The Two Mrs. Cranes...I don't think I can pick out my favorite part of this, it's all awesome

The Perfect Guy...I have a "Dr. Clint Webber" at work & I practically turn into a babbling idiot around him, much like Roz!

The Matchmaker...Like The Two Mrs. Cranes I think the whole episode is great, but Daphne tossing her uncomfortable strapless bra is a riot

Honorable Mention goes to Ham Radio!

@amensisterfriend, I always counted on Netflix & Amazon to stream Everybody Loves Raymond, and now, not :(  Buying the DVDs was probably a good move, you never know!

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On 12/11/2016 at 0:29 PM, peacheslatour said:

I remember when they were casting the Addams Family movie and I was screaming bloody murder that they should cast Bebe as Morticia. Of course, they cast Angelica Huston instead, who I thought was too masculine. Bebe finally got to play her on Broadway, but I think the moment had passed.

The Addams Family movie came out several years before Frasier started. They cast her in the sequel, though - but not as Morticia, obviously.

You guys, I've finished the series! It's a bittersweet feeling. In my pitiful world, finishing the whole series counts as an accomplishment :) 

This is one of my all-time favorite shows for life. It's one of the few sitcoms ever that I actually find funny. I'm insanely attached to the characters--most notably the Cranes themselves. And it's actually well-plotted, insightful and even thought-provoking sometimes. 

That said, I have to say that I'm in the category of people who felt Niles/Daphne were a little disappointing as a couple once they finally got together. Maybe some of that letdown is inevitable? The storyline about Daphne suddenly being fat might have been the show's most cringe-worthy for me, by the way! And Daphne just seemed to really change as a character those later seasons---and not, IMO, for the better. She seemed a lot more subdued, somber, and even genuinely bitter. The borderline insufferable storylines with her family members didn't help!  And while I LOVE frasier himself, some of the endless issues with his love life felt kind of stale and repetitive after awhile, but that may be a product of devouring the series in such a short period of time rather than spreading out my viewing across months and years like the show's original viewers did. 

Beyond that, though, I have only praise and love for ths show! Frasier and Niles are easily two of my favorite TV characters of all time---and I've watched A LOT of TV :) Their relationship with each other and Martin are priceless. 

Overall, I would say S2-S5 are the peak of the series for me, but every season had episodes that I loved and surprisingly few that I would skip when rewatching...and we all know I'll be rewatching A LOT, though probably not in order :) As rambled about in an earlier post, the Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes tend to be among my very favorites. I'm also hugely fond of those rare episodes where we get to see Lilith, which leads to my most shameful unpopular opinion about the series: I really, really would have loved to see Frasier and Lilith reunite. I have ridiculous taste :) 

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I'm glad to hear that some of the later series missteps didn't dampen your overall enthusiasm for the show. And I don't think there's anything ridiculous about loving Frasier and Lilith together. To this day, I don't know who I would have put Frasier with, if anyone, though I will say that of all his girlfriends, the one I would have wanted to meet the most was Claire. She was so lovely. In Frasier's place, I wouldn't have looked twice at Lana. 

I rewatched the S6 finale today, and I remember when it first aired, as Roz is revealing to Frasier that she'd had a shameful one night stand, I wondered briefly if it had been Niles. We had seen them having coffee together in commiseration and I did just pause for a moment. Probably an obvious red herring. But I still got a shock when it was revealed to be Bulldog. ;) 

I loved the ending they gave Roz. 

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Claire was pretty great, and it helped that I'm a big fan of Patricia Clarkson. I would have preferred that they make her a season long girlfriend, like Martin had a couple of times, rather than jumping right into "Frasier can't be happy" all of a sudden.

The arc of the series isn't actually all that smart or complicated, but that's okay. Frasier is a consistently sharp, funny and sometimes hilarious sitcom. Create a situation and let Frasier loose on it and you get great comedy.

 For me the plotting was often a lot better than I expect from most sitcoms, but this is also one of the only shows ever where I could literally just watch the main characters have a rambling conversation over coffee for the full 22 minutes and enjoy every second of it. (And that does come close to describing the "plot" of a couple of episodes!) I just love them---particularly Niles and Frasier---so much that I just enjoy being in their company. They even make me wish I had done more with my psychology degree ;) 

What would people name as their very favorite episodes of the series?! Are there any episodes you dislike or are just a lot less likely to ever rewatch? I love that other people still care enough about this show to talk about it. I'm listening :) 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:

 For me the plotting was often a lot better than I expect from most sitcoms, but this is also one of the only shows ever where I could literally just watch the main characters have a rambling conversation over coffee for the full 22 minutes and enjoy every second of it. (And that does come close to describing the "plot" of a couple of episodes!) I just love them---particularly Niles and Frasier---so much that I just enjoy being in their company. They even make me wish I had done more with my psychology degree ;) 

What would people name as their very favorite episodes of the series?! Are there any episodes you dislike or are just a lot less likely to ever rewatch? I love that other people still care enough about this show to talk about it. I'm listening :) 

Oh, I can't remember the name of the episode, but the gang were all sitting around Frasier's living room bemoaning their lives. It got to the point where they were all practically in tears. I don't know why, but I just loved that scene. But my favorite has to be  Niles trying to iron his pants, he notices a loose thread goes to get the scissors, cuts himself and keeps fainting at the sight of blood. He ends up setting the couch on fire. Eddie is watching the whole thing go down with the perfect expression of puzzlement on his face.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:

What would people name as their very favorite episodes of the series?! Are there any episodes you dislike or are just a lot less likely to ever rewatch? I love that other people still care enough about this show to talk about it. I'm listening :) 

I'll do this season by season, it's easier.

From S1, my favourite is My Coffee With Niles. Like you say, it's easy to enjoy a more intimate setting where the characters just talk. We can see a shift in the brothers' relationship now, compared to the awkwardness in the excellent pilot. And we get a nice family moment to make up for Frasier and Niles forgetting Martin's birthday. Frasier finally getting the coffee he wants was a nice bit of ongoing amusement, too. One thing, though. I don't know why they had Daphne call an umbrella a 'bumbershoot'. I've never heard anyone from England call it that before. I'll have to look up that word. It sounds old.

My least favourite of S1 is Dinner at Eight. The brothers' behaviour at the restaurant is horribly rude and, like Martin, I was ashamed of them. They hurt their father in this one. I'm never eager to rewatch that.

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It's a Seattle thing. We even have an annual festival, from wiki:

 Bumbershoot is an annual international music and arts festival held in Seattle, Washington. One of North America's largest such festivals, it takes place every Labor Day weekend at the 74-acre (299,000 m²) Seattle Center, which was built for the 1962 World's Fair. Seattle Center includes both indoor theaters and outdoor stages

Thanks for the explanation. I was confused, particularly since they had Martin 'correct' Daphne and told her to speak English.

On S1, I think if it weren't for the unpleasantness in Dinner At Eight, the episode which would top my least rewatched list would be Can't Buy Me Love. I just wasn't keen on anyone's story in that episode.

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Oh, I can't remember the name of the episode, but the gang were all sitting around Frasier's living room bemoaning their lives. It got to the point where they were all practically in tears. I don't know why, but I just loved that scene. But my favorite has to be  Niles trying to iron his pants, he notices a loose thread goes to get the scissors, cuts himself and keeps fainting at the sight of blood. He ends up setting the couch on fire. Eddie is watching the whole thing go down with the perfect expression of puzzlement on his face.

I saw it last night! It was called Death and the Dog. Martin was worried about an increasingly depressed Eddie so they took him to a doggie shrink. Turned out he was missing his favorite toy. In the end Daphne made "buscuits' and they all, cheered up and had cookies, milk and ice cream.

As for least favorite, anything with Sherry in it, the ones where Cheers alumni (excluding Lilith) are on. Oh, and I love the ones with Mercedes Ruel. But then, I think she should be on all the TV shows.

Edited by peacheslatour
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What would people name as their very favorite episodes of the series?! Are there any episodes you dislike or are just a lot less likely to ever rewatch?

Favorite episode (it's a 3-way tie): "Look Before You Leap," "Ham Radio" and "Frasier's Imaginary Friend."

The episode I despise and can't watch (this is a 2-way tie): "Enemy at the Gate" and "Caught in the Act."

Although those 2 despised episodes are from the last 2 seasons, I am still grateful for all 11 seasons. The awful episodes are few, and meanwhile there was still brilliant stuff like "Fathers and Sons" and "The Doctor Is Out." 

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