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13 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

No! Why?? 

He said that he and Brent didn't agree with some stuff Brent did in social media. Basically he kicked him out of RHAP because he had said Angela cheated on tyler and Rob is strict with matters that have to do with respecting others via social media and his podcast. You can hear the reason in his draft podcast at the start if you want. Aman took his place.

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Angela cheated on Tyler? What? 😁😁😁

I'm laughing because I'm learning so much, not because I want there to be cheating. 

I enjoyed Brent in small doses. I liked the energy he brought to the podcasts. 

RHAP was almost a daily listen for me preCovid but I stopped after BBCan shut down. There's no way the last year hasn't hit RHAP hard. 

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Wow, your post really took me down the rabbit hole, himela! I forgot all these people existed. Day sounds like she's lost her mind a little bit. Or is revealing herself to have Paranoid Personality Disorder. 

As BBCan starts, I know what to expect. At first I won't like anyone or care about them. Then I'll discover some favourites and gradually become slightly obsessed with the game, watching, listening to Taran's daily podcasts. Then it will all be over and I'll forget they ever existed. 

It's weird how we choose to spend our time 😁😁

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I started watching the meet-the-cast videos, but for some reason several of them were not playing. Anyway, Beth is wearing the ugliest top I've ever seen in my life. She's actually shown in my neighborhood in the video, at an apartment complex I lived in thirty-five years ago. It's a minute away from the gym where I work, and just down street from where Mark from two seasons ago lived before he moved to another province. Small world, huh?

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Wow, well, that's... busy. I wouldn't want to go into the playroom with a headache. Or without one. 

Usually I really enjoyed the BBCan house, but I'm not sure about this one. It might look better on the show. 

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In case you are interested, Brent will do a podcast with former LFC Alex Kidwell on a podcast of Johnny Fairplay (ew I hate this guy :P) called RealityNSFW. You can find it on youtube and on podcast apps. They start tonight after the first BB Can episode. 🙂

Edited by himela
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Yay! Let another season of Hideously Trashy Tattoos and Godawful Facial Piercings begin!

That house décor looks hideous. I hated the comic book bedrooms last year because they were an assault on the eyes, although I did like the rainbow-coloured pencils everywhere. My favourite BBCAN house was the Grand in Season 4, I liked the gold stars in the DR.

Can't wait for the histrionic reactions from the houseguests who find out someone somewhere was talking about them. What do these idiots think is going to happen? That they will never be talked about for any reason? So ridiculous.

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I really enjoyed it. I actually preferred having no audience. Usually things are so insanely hyped up. And this has to be one of the most diverse casts to date. 

Do BB and BBCan specially coach their contestants to be as obnoxious and annoying as possible in their intro videos? Somehow, once in the house most of them become bearable, occasionally likeable. But I uniformly hate them in their videos. 

After the episode I started watching Taran's recap on RHAP. It felt like old times. 😊

My favourite part was the captains watching everyone enter and one of them asking, "Are they all models?" While being a captain could be a handicap, it may be the thing that helps these two make it to the second week. They both seem funny and likeable, but I feel like they don't have a lot in common with the "models". This way people have time to get to know them. 

That said, I expect the two "older" women to be out early, only because that always happens. Maybe I'll be proved wrong. 

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I really didn't like the obnoxious woman, the one that won the strength challenge in the end, she was soooo over the top and screamy.

Other than that, I really started to enjoy the show once the captains had to pick the teams.  

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8 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I really didn't like the obnoxious woman, the one that won the strength challenge in the end, she was soooo over the top and screamy

I found a lot of them obnoxious, but she definitely was the most screamy. 😁 (When someone describes themselves as "high energy" on this show, watch out!) 

You'd swear from the intros that the majority of these people have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Of course, it seems like this every season. Time will tell! 


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I've never watched BBCAN but I was too stoned to change the channel after the news. The house apparently doubles as an airplane hanger in its off season? There's some dude who probably prays at the altar of the Holy Kurts (Cobain and Vonnegut)? And pinnies! The things that smell like 20 years of B.O., mildew, and broken dodgeball dreams. They had them! 'Scuse me while I deal with my lingering gym class PTSD.

I don't know if I'll continue to watch but it was definitely a good after dinner smoke-and-chill show.

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Loved (I'm paraphrasing) "I can barely fit in my clothes, how am I supposed to fit in with them?" as Defender's champion faced the monitor filled with models.

Edited by ashleylm
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I enjoyed the show being back on.  I would have appreciated it more if I had been able to tell which team was which during the challenge.  Everyone was in black and we don't know the HGs yet.  So it was hard to tell which team was winning or had which players on it.  

The female with pink hair might have won the challenge for her team.  But she really annoyed me.  

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The first shot was of Vancouver, and I could see my high-rise.

That décor is hideous, who the hell thought all that moss was a good idea visually? Yeah, let's remind viewers of marshy swamp lands, why? I get what their intentions were, but still.

One thing I do like about the intro videos is that they're all shot at these peoples' homes, thereby giving us a somewhat better glimpse into who they are. There's no flashy intros shot on a soundstage like seasons past, and certainly no horrid "I just found my key in this book!" approach that BBUS does. Kiefer not being able to keep his camera upright was funny, I have the same issue.

Our first Hideously Trashy Tattoos of the season. So by the metric of being tattoo-free, Kyle is now the sexiest guy in the house. (And the furry chest isn't bad either.)

THANK YOU Arisa, for mentioning our traditional lands; I wish more people would mention that North America would not be the land that it is today without us. I like that Latoya is not here for a showmance. Beth gets the first DR of the season, let's hope that she's more memorable. I hope Breydon doesn't overdo the mean petty bit he mentioned in his intro, I'd rather like him than find him irritating. Rohan looks damn good in a suit.

Love how Julie's hair and make-up was flawless throughout the challenge. I know it will never happen on any version of this show, but I would love to see two guys who look like Jedson and Tychon end up in a showmance, or at least a flirtmance. (God I hate those words.) It would be very refreshing to see something romantic develop over time on a show like this, and there are gay men out there who look like that, so it wouldn't be totally out of the realm of possibility.

Interested to see how the teams play out. No one really stands out as memorable or hiss-worthy...yet. In fact, the most annoying thing so far is Victoria's screaminess, but I did like her bubbliness.

Apologies for the long post, I was typing as I watched. We're back, baby!

Edited by HeShallBMySquishy
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5 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

In fact, the most annoying thing so far is Victoria's screaminess, but I did like her bubbliness.

Sorry, I just love this quote. So accurate. 

We just finished the second episode. My thoughts :

1. In all these shows, people always use so many excuses, but in the end they usually vote out the person who they feel is the least like them, no matter how much they appear to like them. In this case, Julie. 

2.That said, maybe they also sensed that Julie wasn't as charming as she seemed. I'm basing this on how easily Julie threw Josh under the bus, after apparently bonding with him. I think she was a lot more cutthroat than she initially appeared, and maybe people sensed this. 

I'm losing track of BB time. By the vote, how many nights had they spent in the house? 

3. It's so funny to me how giant personalities like Victoria can just blend into the background of the BB house. I can't even imagine what it takes to hold your own in that place! 

To sum up : I'm definitely not bored yet!! 


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They got in the house on Saturday so yesterday afternoon that the eviction happened they were there for 5-6 days.

I'm happy with the editing, I think I have a good sense of people and the dynamics in the house.

I don't know why people insist on keeping the strong guys in the house. I get that they are a shield etc, but if they leave everyone has a better chance to win comps.

Anyway, Austin is the new HoH but the teams are still in place so the same people are still in danger. I think we are looking at a boring week of Josh being voted out. 😞

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I suspected Julie was being evicted by the editing.  She got a lot of screen time.  Plus they made sure to include her backstory.  She blabbed too much and nobody trusted her to keep quiet.  

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I'm only interested in eliminating contestants who assault my eyes with their wardrobe choices. Tychon's ripped jeans moved him up to the top of my list. They were even uglier than the green, floral Henley top that Beth wore in her promo video. Josh's prison-issue sweats also have him on my radar, even though I should be angrier at his haircut.

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I wonder what Tychus' grandmothers will think of him when they see him scratching his testicles in front of other people and mostly in front of the whole country. I mean, just go to the bathroom and do that man. 😠

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26 minutes ago, dolphincorn said:

I'm only interested in eliminating contestants who assault my eyes with their wardrobe choices.

What did you think of LaToya's outfit? The romper with the gigantic fasteners in front? I thought it was hilarious. I sort of loved it, but also hated it. I had mixed feelings about it, let's say. 

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28 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

What did you think of LaToya's outfit? The romper with the gigantic fasteners in front? I thought it was hilarious. I sort of loved it, but also hated it. I had mixed feelings about it, let's say. 

I forgot about it. I thought it was a winter coat when she was sitting on the couch. I couldn't really figure it out. That being said, mixed feelings are better than those feelings that make your stomach turn. I got those from Beth's top. 

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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

For a minute I thought you meant Victoria, who is also loud and annoying. I have to keep my annoying houseguests straight. 

Is Victoria the one who won the comp? The one with pink hair? Yes, she is loud and annoying too but just something about Beth's screetchy high pitched voice hurts my ears. And she's always screaming in excitement. Even the way she said, hi Arisa! (!x1000 to properly portray how squeal-ish she was) when she was casting her vote irritated the heck out of me.

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I'd love for the term "some type of way" to die in a fire. Joined by "It's lit!" They sound like stupid children.

One of the 9828 reasons I could not be in this house (well, beside the 16 strangers 1 toilet thing): watching other people eat. I can't do it. It's really alarming the number of grown adults who chew with their mouths open, or talk with their mouths full. I was thinking of that during the extended bit with various houseguests shovelling slop down their gullets, or bursting into laughter with globs of said slop in their mouths, Kiefer.

The Dolls were obnoxious from conception, and the first time Other Girl said it, I flashed to Valley of the Dolls. I'm going to continue my Jedson/Tychon bromance in my head. That Victoria-"oops"es-out-of-the-shower segment was interminable. I want those 16 minutes of squealing back. That scene with Kiefer and his Haida language was beautiful; I wish I was connected to my culture the way he is,

8 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

Is Victoria the one who won the comp? The one with pink hair? Yes, she is loud and annoying too but just something about Beth's screetchy high pitched voice hurts my ears. And she's always screaming in excitement. Even the way she said, hi Arisa! (!x1000 to properly portray how squeal-ish she was) when she was casting her vote irritated the heck out of me.

YES! Just went to check something at the eviction, and she just said it. She can screech out of here anytime. Julie (and so many other women on this show) needs to stop with the constant hair-petting, stroking, flipping, it's fucking annoying. "I sadly vote to evict" can also join the hellfire club, especially when said with a big grin, Tera.

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4 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

l'd love for the term "some type of way" to die in a fire. Joined by "It's lit!" They sound like stupid children.

For some reason, "some type of way" always cracks me up. It's such a vague, meaningless expression that I always wonder if they're saying it to be funny. (Then I conclude they're not.) 

On 3/4/2021 at 4:12 PM, HeShallBMySquishy said:

Our first Hideously Trashy Tattoos of the season. So by the metric of being tattoo-free, Kyle is now the sexiest guy in the house

I think it was BBCan 7 where almost every HG was covered with random scribbles. It hurt my eyes. I cringe to see a beautifully toned arm or chest (male or female) covered in cartoons. Forever.

I'm certain that soon having a tattoo-free body will be considered an edgy fashion statement. It can't come soon enough. (Apologies to people reading this who are tattooed. We all have our pet peeves.) 

5 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

That Victoria-"oops"es-out-of-the-shower segment was interminable.

I  didn't get this scene, although I sort of enjoyed it. I just couldn't figure out what Victoria was doing. Did she accidentally flash the camera? 

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On 3/6/2021 at 4:32 AM, Melina22 said:

For some reason, "some type of way" always cracks me up. It's such a vague, meaningless expression that I always wonder if they're saying it to be funny. (Then I conclude they're not.) 

I think it was BBCan 7 where almost every HG was covered with random scribbles. It hurt my eyes. I cringe to see a beautifully toned arm or chest (male or female) covered in cartoons. Forever.

I'm certain that soon having a tattoo-free body will be considered an edgy fashion statement. It can't come soon enough. (Apologies to people reading this who are tattooed. We all have our pet peeves.) 

I  didn't get this scene, although I sort of enjoyed it. I just couldn't figure out what Victoria was doing. Did she accidentally flash the camera? 

I think my irritation with "some type of way" comes courtesy of Cody Calafiore primarily. To me, Some Type of Way just sounds like Most Unique or Most Smartest or Too Silent.

I have nothing against tattooed people personally either, but like you said, it's more the assault on my eyes, especially when so many people jumped on the "LOOK AT ME" tattoo bandwagon, seemingly overnight. And then all those people went on TV! LOL But I agree, I long for the days to see toned forearms (and necks, shoulders, biceps, hands, thighs, etc., very attractive body parts) not covered in ink. That's why seeing someone, especially someone younger like Kyle here, who doesn't have massive (or any) tattoos is like finding a unicorn.

I just wonder why so many people jumped on such a permanent bandwagon, especially when they end up looking like Everyone Else. That's an enormous commitment to cover so much of your body with that much ink; there's no take-backsies. But as long as they're happy being buried like that, great. I just wish they weren't all on TV.

ETA: Also it has been especially noticeable if you've been watching TV so much due to Covid: compare the number of heavily-tattooed people on any program on any channel with an airdate of, say, 2014 or earlier. Compare that to any program dated 2017 or later, on any channel, and the number of heavily-tattooed people increases sharply.

Edited by HeShallBMySquishy
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It's driving me crazy how much Austin reminds me of someone. A Kardashian? Jennifer Garner? 

I really, really wish people were wearing buffs like on Survivor, or necklaces or something. I have zero clue who's on which team. 

I find Beth sooooo annoying. And yet I'm finding Victoria, who I thought would be unbearable, a lot of fun. 

Josh is... unique. 


Edited by Melina22
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My ears were bleeding listening to Beth host that pov.

If anyone remembers my little game from previous seasons, I started it again this episode. What I do is, whenever the show edits it to seem like an hoh will make a big move and blindside the house I say to myself, well if that actually happens I'll go out tomorrow and buy myself a new top! Because we ALL know it's not going to happen. Well show, making it seem like Austin was truly considering nominating someone besides Rohan was a trick I don't think anyone fell for.

@Melina22 I agree about Victoria. She's loud and over the top but I don't find her annoying. 


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It's weird because I can't actually pinpoint why I find Beth so annoying. 

In other news, I'm mesmerized by LaToyas fashion choices. Last week, the weird romper. This week, low cut denim vest, black bra, orange knit beanie, khaki... cargo pants and work boots? I don't know the words. This isn't a criticism, I just find her clothing choices..a bit stupifying. But not necessarily in a bad way 

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I honestly don't understand the whole keep the huge threats in the house thing. One season I'd love for a skinny geeky houseguest to win first hoh by pure luck, put two big jock guys up for eviction and then week after week slowly weed out the usual threats and "big players" then we have a house of older people, scrawny people and over weight people fighting it out. Just imagine, an endurance comp would last 10 min max 😂

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Is this the screechiest bunch of houseguests so far or is it just me?  Good gravy!  The HOH reveal was ear piercing.

I find Austin as irratingly loud as Beth & Victoria, they seem like they sing their sentences, annoying as hell.  God, I'm old..

Edited by wintrygal
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11 minutes ago, wintrygal said:

Is this the screechiest bunch of houseguests so far or is it just me?  Good gravy!  The HOH reveal was ear piercing.

It has to be. This is a loud, screamy bunch. 

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I thought I would find Victoria annoying - and don't get me wrong, I do...I mean how many times did she point out her PINK! HAIR! in the first episode? - but her backstory ameliorates that a bit for me. A lot of foster/adopted kids end up being a bit "on". It comes from constantly worrying that if you're not cute/smart/entertaining, they might give you away.

In real life, Josh would probably drive me nuts too, but people barely hiding their disinterest in what he had to say and the active cheering against him during the POV comp was hard to watch.

I kind of love that Austin is curvy and isn't afraid to show her little muffin top but those mom jeans! Awful.

So far, this show is making me v happy. I'm definitely into it!  


Edited by Scofflaw
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36 minutes ago, Scofflaw said:

. A lot of foster/adopted kids end up being a bit "on". It comes from constantly worrying that if you're not cute/smart/entertaining, they might give you away.

Very true. Her story was tragic. Foster care starting at 3? It's hard to understand why she appears to have a fair amount of confidence. She certainly didn't tell her story in a self-pitying way. 

She's growing on me despite how insanely loud she is 

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I like Victoria but I want her to go take a hot shower she always looks like she needs a bath, those huge fishnets on her legs with her toes being strangled...jeez put on something comfortable..ugh! 

Austins mom jeans are horrible 

Not a Keifer fan at all he bugs the shit out of me...he can go home the sooner the better




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