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That is so true..Kayla has always been feisty and did not have a problem going head to head with Victor, Harper Devereaux and the retcon ex wife of Steve..She was always a force to be reckon with....That is why Steve fell in love with her, in spite of his valiant effort to keep her away from him...As far as Eric and Sami being named after monsters, the show has never addressed that...Surprisingly, Kim and Eric were very close, when he came to town in the 90's...She never looked at him differently..Marlena probably never told Sami about her sister Samantha because  it was so painful and Samantha was a tragic character in her own right....


Stefanie and Theresa should be contemporaries, while Andrew should be with Eric and Sami..I remember them all playing as kids..On another site, someone had  posted a video of all the Brady cousins playing as kids. It had Sami, Eric, Andrew, Jeannie/Theresa, Stefanie, Shawn-Douglas. It was nice to see that....In my mind, Theresa, Stefanie and Andrew grew up as siblings in LA, when their mothers lived out there after Steve's "death" and Kim's divorce from Shane...

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I think it was an error and since they do not get to do retakes anymore, they left it in.


I've seen it mentioned before that they don't do retakes, so I thought it was interesting when I read on Jen Lilley's Twitter that they had to do a retake of the Theresa/Caroline scenes because she (Jen) was crying too hard.


None of the veterans are staying.  So they'd better step up the writing. 


None of the veterans are staying?  If that is true, then they really better make the new characters likable, since so many of the current cast has left or is leaving.

Edited by buffynut

I know I'm taking a shot in the dark with this, but watching old S/K clips with the various Jacks (Blonde Haired first Jack, who I never liked because he was too touchy and possessive of Kayla even though she clearly wasn't interested in him, although this worked with what we know happens later, Brown Haired second Jack and then the awesome third and definitive Jack, MA), made me think of the quick replacements of the first two Jacks. I remember there being behind the scenes rumors that one if the first two Jacks was let go because he did or said something inappropriate to MBE and SN and DH confronted him about what he did. I just can't remember which Jack it was.

I think it was the first Jack, he was hastily recast with a bad actor  and Mathew came in and blew everybody away...I am pissed and bitter that the show killed off Benji...I loved his relationship with Steve and Kayla...I always wanted Benji and Stefanie to fall in love...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Apprentice79 I wanted Benji and Stefanie to become a couple as well, I thought it would have been a nice non-incestuous romance that could have brought Stefano into Stev and Kayla's orbit in a better way than pretending that Stefano was behind Steve's "death" and disappearance when viewers knew full well that Lawrence Alamain did that. But those Dimwitted show runners went and killed Benji for no good reason. But then again, these were the same people who not only had Max and Stephanie get involved (despite having no chemistry) , they had them not know who the other was, which given the fact that Frankie and Max were both Brady's long before Stephanie was born makes no sense. It made even less sense given that Kayla's reintroduction to the show had Frankie be the person who visited her in CA several times a year.

Don't forget that Max held baby Stefanie when she was a baby, it was very icky to see them in a romance..I will always mourn the coupling that Stefanie and Benjy could have been...A Benjy/Stefanie/ Philip triangle would have been compelling...Stefanie loving a Dimera, while being drawn to Philip a Kiriakis. Both familes that have caused tremedous pain to the Brady family. I have always wondered would Benji had succumbed to his Dimera side like all of his other siblings...We will never know now...I hated that the show made every bad thing that has ever happened connected to the Dimeras, they became too omnipotent to be believable..We have had great villains throughout the show that was not a Dimera..Emma comes to mind , she was crazy and vicious....She really tried to destroy Kim because of Shane..

Edited by Apprentice79
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.I hated that the show made every bad thing that has ever happened connected to the Dimeras, they became too omnipotent to be believable..We have had great villains throughout the show that was not a Dimera..Emma comes to mind , she was crazy and vicious....She really tried to destroy Kim because of Shane..

I fondly remember the days when there was a multitude of villains and "gray" characters so there was an actual mystery element to the show. Not everything plotted back to the Dimeras. Emma was a great villain. The actress played her well. Somewhere in the mid to late '80s we also had Harper Deveraux--deranged senator supreme; Dr. Hopkins--Alice Horton's looney ex love; Larry Welch--crooked DA; Philip & Serena Colville; Victor; Gillian Forester--Shane's ISA partner gone Fatal Attraction; Orpheus--revenge never looked so sexy ;-)   There was so much more variety back then. 

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When did Hope start calling Bo "Brady" instead of "Bo". She still refers to him as Bo when talking about him, but when did she start calling him "Brady" when talking to him. It seems confusing to me, especially since there is Brady Black, who everyone calls Brady, not Black.

I'm sure someone can provide a more precise and accurate answer. While I remember Bo and Hope initially meeting, I think her calling him Brady was sort of a snarky thing, as they spent many of his early days arguing with each other. So what started out as an insult turned into a term of endearment. Hope gave Bo this nickname way before RomaJohn was even brought on as The Pawn and before Brady was ever thought up by the writers.

Brady is named Brady because after RomaJohn was revealed not to be Roman, he and the Brady's remained close knit family as he was when he was thought to be a member of the family (not that you'd know that now based on his lack of interaction with his surrogate family). John named his son as a means of showing this. If Brady couldn't be the child's last name, it would be his first name.

So while convoluted on the surface, it's not confusing once you know the backstory. No one but Hope calls Bo "Brady" it's like him calling her "Fancy Face" and Brady's name is Brady.

I always found the fact that the Johnson family has three Jacksons (Jack; Justin and Adrienne's son Jackson, better known as Sonny; and JJ) far more interesting. They also have three Jos (Steve, Jack and Adrienne's mother Jo, Justin and Adrienne's son Joseph and Steve and Kayla's son Joey). In the case of the Jacksons, I guess they are all called different things. As for the Jos, I guess the cousins would be differentiated by their legal names Justin and Adrienne's son is Joseph and Steve and Kayla's son is Jo and called Joey. Based on the way things are going, we will most likely never have the three Jo issue on screen with either boy insisting being called Jo at the same time their grandmother is called Jo. I remember Kayla bringing this up when they were naming the baby.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Don't forget that Abigail is also a Jo like her cousins..Her middle name is Johanna after her grandmother Jo... lt makes sense to me since Jo and Jack bonded before he found out that he was Billy Johnson...I have always loved that part of the tradition of the show, legacy children are named after beloved family members...It gives a sense of continuity and hope for the future..

Edited by Apprentice79
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Don't forget that Abigail is also a Jo like her cousins..Her middle name is Johanna after her grandmother Jo... lt makes sense to me since Jo and Jack bonded before he found out that he was Billy Johnson...I have always loved that part of the tradition of the show, legacy children are named after beloved family members...It gives a sense of continuity and hope for the future..

Adrienne's middle name is also Jo. Steve and Jack share the middle name Earl after their father. I guess when those Johnson's find a name they like, they stick to it. I remember Steve trying to convince Kayla to name Stephanie after her. She suggested Stephanie and even though the idea of his little girl being named after him thrilled Steve, he refused to agree to it unless her middle name was Kayla. Kayla got him to agree to Kay, and Stephanie Kay Johnson was so introduced to the world.

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I remember he was so overjoyed about his little girl being named after him..I wish that Jo was on the show, she needs to be there...It is sad that the original actress passed away..She was wonderful..I wish the show would bring her back played by a veteran soap actress. Perhaps, Erika Slezak can play her, it would be a departure from playing the regal Victoria Buchanan, but I think that she would be great..

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I remember he was so overjoyed about his little girl being named after him..I wish that Jo was on the show, she needs to be there...It is sad that the original actress passed away..She was wonderful..I wish the show would bring her back played by a veteran soap actress. Perhaps, Erika Slezak can play her, it would be a departure from playing the regal Victoria Buchanan, but I think that she would be great..

This is so funny. I was just watching some Steve and Jack and Jack and Jo scenes lamenting the passing of Joy Garret and fuming over Corday's refusal to bring MA back and I thought about Joy being recast with an actress with the ability to convey angst like Joy did. I never thought her replacement had that and as such, Steve's return from the dead scenes with her never packed the punch that they should have.

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Exactly, it took me out of the scenes when she reunited with Both Steve and Jack, when Jack brought him back in 2006..The show fucked it up  and I am still pissed about it..The fact that Adrienne did not return to see Steve pissed me off..She adored her brothers....

I know. It was as if they called her and said, "Adrienne, you know your long thought dead big brother Steve, the one you left home to search for once you were old enough and had saved up some money, the one who helped you and your mother get away from your abusive father, the brother who was willing to go to jail for you when you murdered your abusive rapist father, among the many, many things that made you super close, and your other big brother, Jack, who you became so close to, you know the brothers you loved so much you named your son after, well, Steve whose been dead for sixteen years, and Jack whose been dead for close to a year? Well, they're both alive and semi-well right here in Salem;" and Adrienne was like, "Look, the new season of Grey's Anatomy just started, the price of airfare is super expensive and I have a hair appointment, call me when they're both dead again and I'll come to the funeral, if I have nothing better to do." It was so sad because I could visualize Adrienne running up to Steve and throwing herself into his arms like she always did. She loved him so.

Edited by Happytobehere
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I have several questions that I would like some help with please :)


1) Where does Marlena live now? We've seen her bedroom and today her living room (for what I think was the first time). This clearly isn't the penthouse from the '90s, but I don't know if this is an old set being brought back or a new one create after years of her living in limbo.


2) Before Kristin first came to town "cured" were John and Marlena a couple? Married? Divorced but friendly? I know John wants to remarry her now but I'm not sure where things stood right before I started watching again...


3) How did Andre die? In truth I remember very little about Andre/Tony and only know Tony was married to Kristin briefly. Any crash course on them would be awesome and bonus points if you can explain how they were last written off the show.


4) What is John's lineage? I know he first appeared as "Roman" and then was written into another character, and at some point was revealed to be a DiMerra or something but I just don't know...



Edited by DisneyBoy
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What is John's lineage? I know he first appeared as "Roman" and then was written into another character, and at some point was revealed to be a DiMerra or something but I just don't know...


He was retconned not to be the son of Stefano's father and Shawn Brady's aunt, just so Show could hook Theresa and Brady up, otherwise there would have been incest.  So as of right now, we don't know his lineage, and neither does he.

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1) Where does Marlena live now? We've seen her bedroom and today her living room (for what I think was the first time). This clearly isn't the penthouse from the '90s, but I don't know if this is an old set being brought back or a new one create after years of her living in limbo.

I'm pretty sure I've seen this set before. I think it's where she lived during the time Will was coming out and seeking her out for advice frequently. I remember him stopping there a lot. So a recent address for her but not sure when she left the penthouse. Perhaps this is where she moved into when she returned to town in 2011???

She left the penthouse to Sami which is where she took Grace then Sydney home after she got out of witness protection. That's where Will and Mia bonded and we began to understand he didn't want to get physical with her. I don't care enough about Jarlena to remember where they went at that point.  When they came back they got that apartment.  Yes, that's where Will came out on Mar's sofa.  When Jawn was being a dick and left town after the Kritter scheme blew up I always thought she just stayed there.  Not sure where Jawn was living until now, I thought when he came back they reconciled and I wish they had.  They had half the freaking show today.  Well, them and Haiden sucking face over and over with all the other good stuff going on.

Edited by QuelleC

He was retconned not to be the son of Stefano's father and Shawn Brady's aunt, just so Show could hook Theresa and Brady up, otherwise there would have been incest. So as of right now, we don't know his lineage, and neither does he.

It was supposed to be Shawn's sister, not aunt.

I really want to know where Steve is staying! And I secretly (okay not so secretly) want them to concoct some contrived reason why he has to live with Kayla. Have we ever seen her place?

I hadn't thought about that. Perhaps he is staying in a hotel. We know still living in the house of her ex-husband's uncle, even though said uncle can't stand her, Adrienne, can't be putting himup as we saw Steve drop in to pay a visit, besides, Victor really hates Steve. Realizing that Adrienne lives in Victor's house, makes the continued lack of scenes between the siblings even stranger.

I think Kayla is supposed to be staying with her ailing mother at the Brady home over the pub, formerly fish market.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Kayla is still living at the pub.  That's why she didn't want Joey to make a scene in the pub before the interview he botched.  I guess he's going to public school.  Good for him.


I liked how organically Eve and Justin had been put together until the slobbering that happened today.  Man, her walking down the hallway like that...  I'm no KdP fan but it was working and I wanted to smack Rafe for standing outside the door. 

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Whatever happened to Rafe's dumb, evil double? 


Update:  Never mind.  Finally got around to checking the wiki. I see he was killed in jail before making it into witness protection...  (Was just hoping that there was a chance of  a twist, in case they made Rafe the serial killer.)

Edited by tessaray
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I have several questions that I would like some help with please :)


1) Where does Marlena live now? We've seen her bedroom and today her living room (for what I think was the first time). This clearly isn't the penthouse from the '90s, but I don't know if this is an old set being brought back or a new one create after years of her living in limbo.


2) Before Kristin first came to town "cured" were John and Marlena a couple? Married? Divorced but friendly? I know John wants to remarry her now but I'm not sure where things stood right before I started watching again...


3) How did Andre die? In truth I remember very little about Andre/Tony and only know Tony was married to Kristin briefly. Any crash course on them would be awesome and bonus points if you can explain how they were last written off the show.


4) What is John's lineage? I know he first appeared as "Roman" and then was written into another character, and at some point was revealed to be a DiMerra or something but I just don't know...



Marlena's place: I think this is still the apartment that John and Marlena moved into when they returned to Salem back in 2011.  We got to see mostly the living room when Will and Marlena were spending a lot of time together during his coming out story.  I actually think this is the old set for Sami and Rafe's place before they moved into the loft.


When Marlena left originally she left the penthouse to Sami and the kids to move in.  The pipes burst I believe and they subsequently ended up staying at the Dimera mansion I believe.  We haven't seen the penthouse set since then.


When Kristen returned a couple of years ago John and Marlena were married.  When John came up with his scheme to sleep with Kristen in order to expose her Marlena divorced him over it.  As of now they are divorced.


I don't remember how the last Andre saga ended.  I do know he was around a few years ago and ended up killing Benjy which resulted in Steve losing it and taking Stefano hostage.


As far as John's lineage, it is back to being a question mark.  They retconned him being Santo Dimera and Colleen Brady's son just so they can have Brady and Theresa marry as another poster mentioned.  Before the Colleen and Santo storyline they finally settled on John's backstory with him being Daphne Dimera's son from an affair she had when she cheated on Stefano.  Daphne Dimera and Philomena Alamain were sisters which explained how Philomena and Leopold (Vivian's brother) adopted John as a baby and named him Forest and he grew up with them until Lawrence repeatedly tried to kill him when they were kids forcing Philomena and Leopold to send John away.  The only part of John's history that hasn't changed is that he is an Alamain, and related to Vivian and Nicky.


My hope is that they go back to John being Daphne's son. When Drake returned after the Kristen fiasco he mentioned in the press that John lineage was going to come back up and that they were going to be exploring an interesting new storyline.  A lot of us on the board speculated that we would meet John's father who would possibly be a rival for Stefano somehow, unfortunately that storyline got dropped and John got inserted into the Brady/Theresa mess.

  • Love 1

As far as John's lineage, it is back to being a question mark.  They retconned him being Santo Dimera and Colleen Brady's son just so they can have Brady and Theresa marry as another poster mentioned.  Before the Colleen and Santo storyline they finally settled on John's backstory with him being Daphne Dimera's son from an affair she had when she cheated on Stefano.  Daphne Dimera and Philomena Alamain were sisters which explained how Philomena and Leopold (Vivian's brother) adopted John as a baby and named him Forest and he grew up with them until Lawrence repeatedly tried to kill him when they were kids forcing Philomena and Leopold to send John away.  The only part of John's history that hasn't changed is that he is an Alamain, and related to Vivian and Nicky.


Why did Lawrence try to kill John? Where did Philomena and Leopold send John and how did he end up being brainwashed by Stefano? If Daphne didn't give birth to John how did the Alamains end up with him? Has any of this ever been revealed? It seems like the multiple retcons of his parentage has completely messed his background.


How did Steve end up as one of Victor's goons? 

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When John came up with his scheme to sleep with Kristen in order to expose her Marlena divorced him over it.  As of now they are divorced.



...really? I totally don't remember papers being signed or filed. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that, cause I was all over that storyline. I remembered them just fighting and John leaving town...leading me to think they were just "together" without any legal marriage.


Thanks for all that history JBC! Only this may not be true anymore:


The only part of John's history that hasn't changed is that he is an Alamain, and related to Vivian and Nicky.



Today John mentioned he isn't an Alamain to Marlena and Brady. So at some point that got retconned. Were these the Alamain's featured on another soap...or am I thinking of Quartermains? Yeeesh...these family names!


I'd love to see Vivian return for this heritage storyline with John...


When Drake returned after the Kristen fiasco he mentioned in the press that John lineage was going to come back up and that they were going to be exploring an interesting new storyline.  A lot of us on the board speculated that we would meet John's father who would possibly be a rival for Stefano somehow...



Wow...I didn't hear about that. Wonder if Kristin was going to be involved in that storyline...I thought the whole point of the coma storyline was that Drake didn't want to have to do much, so they got him into the hospital and kept him there for a long time...


Yes, that's where Will came out on Mar's sofa.



Never saw that - will look it up!

Leftphalange,Steve was hired by Victor to spy on the Brady family via Kayla...Steve was happy to do it because he had a vendetta against Bo, who poked out his eye over their rivalry over Britta..That is a storyline that is too long for me to write on here..When Steve tried to get out of working for Victor, victor had Steve beaten up...


The multiple retcons of John's background fucked it up, but I felt that John being an Alamain was the best storyline and it made sense why Stefano hated John so much...

Edited by Apprentice79
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...really? I totally don't remember papers being signed or filed. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that, cause I was all over that storyline. I remembered them just fighting and John leaving town...leading me to think they were just "together" without any legal marriage.


Thanks for all that history JBC! Only this may not be true anymore:



Today John mentioned he isn't an Alamain to Marlena and Brady. So at some point that got retconned. Were these the Alamain's featured on another soap...or am I thinking of Quartermains? Yeeesh...these family names!


I'd love to see Vivian return for this heritage storyline with John...



Wow...I didn't hear about that. Wonder if Kristin was going to be involved in that storyline...I thought the whole point of the coma storyline was that Drake didn't want to have to do much, so they got him into the hospital and kept him there for a long time...



Never saw that - will look it up!

When John came back to town after the Brady and Kristen storyline he ran into Marlena and they discussed that there wasn't more to say to each other and that the divorce would be finalized in a couple of weeks.  So the implication was that Marlena sent John the divorce papers after he left town and he signed them.  By the time John came back again and was in a coma he and Marlena were already divorced.  The issue actually came up because Marlena was holding vigile by John's bedside and she was conflicted because they were recently divorced.  When John awoke he spoke about them thinking about getting back together.


Wait!!! What???  I haven't been watching Days regularly but how did John explain that he now isn't an Alamain?  John was adopted by the Alamain's as a baby/young child.  That has always been apart of his story.  What has always been retconned/questioned is John's biological parents not his adopted ones.  For god's sake the writers are now messing with the only constant piece of information about John's past that has been allowed to be canon.  So now John isn't Vivian's nephew and Nicky's uncle?

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Wasn't Steve also hired by Emma to run Kayla out of Cleveland?  I thought he worked for Vic before Kayla came back to town but I'll admit I'm a little fuzzy on this at the moment. Was Steve tied with Victor and the whole Savannah Wilder bit? 

I don't remember it was so long ago....I did not even know that Emma had targeted Kayla..Emma loved to torture Kim over Shane...

Why did Lawrence try to kill John? Where did Philomena and Leopold send John and how did he end up being brainwashed by Stefano? If Daphne didn't give birth to John how did the Alamains end up with him? Has any of this ever been revealed? It seems like the multiple retcons of his parentage has completely messed his background.


How did Steve end up as one of Victor's goons? 

My understanding is that Lawrence was a psycho even as a child and was extremely jealous of Forest (John).  He didn't like the competition or sharing his parents attention with a new baby brother.  I honestly don't know what happened in John's history after that. 


My understanding with the Daphne storyline is that she along with Philomena and Leopold set it up so that she would give John away at the orphanage after birth and they would swoop in and adopt him which is what I presumed they did.


When they retconned the Colleen and Santo storyline they had John tell Hope that he uncovered information from the orphanage that proves Colleen wasn't his mother. But retconning Colleen and Santo being John's parents doesn't interfere with him being adopted by the Alamain's so I am at a loss for words what TPTB are doing.  Or are they somehow implying that because Daphne is no longer John's mother that somehow cancels him being adopted by the Alamains which still makes no sense.

  • Love 2

I don't remember it was so long ago....I did not even know that Emma had targeted Kayla..Emma loved to torture Kim over Shane...

I remember when Kayla first came back she was working for a doctor in Ohio who had something in the adoption of Andrew but Kayla didn't know it. This was when Emma kidnapped baby Andrew from the hospital. So I think Emma hired Steve to go to Kayla's apartment and scare her out of town before she found her own nephew. So it was tied to one of Emma's schemes to torture Kim/keep her and Shane apart.  I don't think Steve knew Emma's reasons though either. Again he was just a hired thug. 


But I also have this vague recollection of Steve working w/some scheme or criminal activity of Savannah's but I can't place the rest of it. 

Wasn't Steve also hired by Emma to run Kayla out of Cleveland?  I thought he worked for Vic before Kayla came back to town but I'll admit I'm a little fuzzy on this at the moment. Was Steve tied with Victor and the whole Savannah Wilder bit? 


YES! I totally know this because of my playlist watching!


The first interactions we get of Steve and Kayla are him breaking into her apartment in Cleveland to get her number then calling her to be all stalkery at her and then breaking in again to trash the place and scare her out of town... which worked, by the way. She headed right to Salem.


And that was all on Emma's say so. The only thing I don't know is WHY Emma wanted Kayla gone. I suppose it had something to with the fact that the doctor who sold Andrew on the black market was the one Kayla worked for in Cleveland and I guess having Kayla around when her nephew arrived wouldn't be such a great thing... even though at one point Kayla went back to Cleveland to basically tie her loose ends up there and wound up on the same flight as Emma and Stolen!Andrew.


What's more, Steve found out Kayla was headed back to Cleveland, went to tell Emma but she was with the newly stolen baby so she brushed him off. Steve then went to Victor and told him her plans and Victor told Steve to follow her and keep him updated. Kayla was a little creeped out when Steve showed up at her door asking to use her phone... in Cleveland.


Ah, soaps.

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It's funny because from vid one of that list I was all 'Who's this bitch?' when it came to Emma and, man, she's horrid. It's only recently -- as in just the other day -- that I was doing some research into the whole storyline and realized that Emma was married (?) to Shane or in love with him or something and hated Kim because Shane loved her now. It strikes me that Shane has a lot of baggage that focuses their feminine ire on Kim.

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Since it was bugging me, I had to look this up so here's the scoop on Steve, Victor, and Savannah.  Now the funny thing that strikes me about it all has nothing to do with them but the one night stand with Chris Kosnitchek, of course played by the none other than current-Roman.  For those not familiar with Savannah, she was played by a real life Playboy playmate. Can you just picture Roman with Miss November? LOL



Savannah Wilder

Portrayers:Shannon Tweed 1985-86
Date of Birth: Unknown
Parents: Unknown
Entrance onto Show: 1985 Unknown
Marriages: none
Romances: Tod Chandler, One night stand with Chris Kosnitchek
Children: none
Occupation: Worked for Victor and was a crime boss
Crimes/Incarcerations: Ran a Drug and Porno ring
Other Interesting Facts: none
Date of Death: Still Alive
Savannah Wilder came to Salem in 1985 and was part of a crime syndicate finnanced by Victor Kiriakis. Savannah employed many people in her drug and porno ring, including Tod Chandler and the police chief Richard Cates.

At the end of the year when Shane Donovan brought down Victor Kiriakis Savannah was arrested along with Victor and Steve Johnson, but all were freed when Victor blackmailed Larry welch to take the fall for everything.

It's funny because from vid one of that list I was all 'Who's this bitch?' when it came to Emma and, man, she's horrid. It's only recently -- as in just the other day -- that I was doing some research into the whole storyline and realized that Emma was married (?) to Shane or in love with him or something and hated Kim because Shane loved her now. It strikes me that Shane has a lot of baggage that focuses their feminine ire on Kim.

Oh and Emma is just the start of it! Hell hath no fury for Kimberly like the women scorned for Shane. LOL  

Savannah was played by Shannon Tweed who has been with Gene Simmons for ages -- bore him kids, did the whole reality show with him and stuff. What's more, she was also on an episode of Fraiser playing 'Dr. Honey Snow' who wrote books entitled 'Find Your Rainbow' and such.


My sister got bombarded with some of my playlist viewing at home and we got to a part where Steve and Savannah were chatting... Steve kept calling Savannah 'my love bunny' while she poked him about having the hots for 'Carla' and we had just seen the Frasier episode so we both went 'Hey!! It's Shannon Tweed!"


Savannah seemed interested in a doctor that Kayla was working with at the EC for about a week or so. She quickly disappeared from helping out there from what I've seen and then started focusing on Chris-now-Roman (still. fucking. weird.) and I actually haven't seen her for some time on that playlist.


Speaking of which, I need to update my viewing on that soon.

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