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LuAnn de Lesseps: No Longer a Countess, Still Never a Princess

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4 hours ago, BBHN said:

Even from the earlier seasons, watching Ramona and Avery I always got a Eddy/Saffy vibe from Ab Fab. Not as extreme as those two, of course, but still.

Astute observation  ;)

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5 hours ago, BBHN said:

Even from the earlier seasons, watching Ramona and Avery I always got a Eddy/Saffy vibe from Ab Fab.


Another fitting parent/kid dynamic:


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An interesting note at the end of the NYT article, "An earlier version of this article misstated one of Andy Cohen’s professional roles. He is an executive producer of the “Real Housewives” franchise, not a Bravo executive"

I find it difficult to discern how his role has changed.

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

find it difficult to discern how his role has changed.

He only has some say with the HW shows because he is an exec producer (one of many) he has nothing to do with any other Bravo content or scheduling even of the HW shows. 

He then is paid like any other talk show host for WWHL and paid for the reunions for the other non HW shows like any other host would be which does make one wonder why they dont get better hosts but I guess they like using him to tie the brand together.

Edited by biakbiak
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5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

He only has some say with the HW shows because he is an exec producer (one of many) he has nothing to do with any other Bravo content or scheduling even of the HW shows. 

He then is paid like any other talk show host for WWHL and paid for the reunions for the other non HW shows like any other host would be whoch does make ome womder why they dont get better hosts but I guess they like using him to tie the brand together.

Wasn't he a titled employee at one time though?  Like a VP of something-or-other?

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9 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Wasn't he a titled employee at one time though?  Like a VP of something-or-other?

Yes, that is why they had to clarify. He used to be EVP of Original Programming & Development but stepped down in 2013 so he could create shows for other networks in addition to Bravo and concentrate on WWHL; however, since he has such a prominent role onscreen people still assume he has that role even though its been 5 years.

Edited by biakbiak
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17 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Yes, that is why they had to clarify. He used to be EVP of Original Programming & Development but stepped down in 2013 so he could create shows for other networks in addition to Bravo and concentrate on WWHL; however, since he has such a prominent role onscreen people still assume he has that role even though its been 5 years.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Wow, AA and she's quit smoking. Good for Lu.

10 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I find it difficult to discern how his role has changed.

Whatever his job may be, to me Andy Cohen will always be the Bravo/Real Housewives head honcho I blame for everything. It's just easier that way!

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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Wow, AA and she's quit smoking. Good for Lu.

Whatever his job may be, to me Andy Cohen will always be the Bravo/Real Housewives head honcho I blame for everything. It's just easier that way!

Valid because he helped create it all! 

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2 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Usually they advise to wait a bit on the smoking if you can. Too many things taken away can cause a slip up.

Yes. My loved one is one year clean and tried quitting the cigs. They felt it was still too soon and starting to trigger them so they're giving it a little more time. Of course I would be thrilled if they quit, but not at the cost of using again. I have respect for people who really try hard to stay clean. I'm really rooting for Lu!!!

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6 hours ago, Normades said:

Yes. My loved one is one year clean and tried quitting the cigs. They felt it was still too soon and starting to trigger them so they're giving it a little more time. Of course I would be thrilled if they quit, but not at the cost of using again. I have respect for people who really try hard to stay clean. I'm really rooting for Lu!!!


Edited by film noire
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6 hours ago, film noire said:


Thank you @film noire!!  I'm very proud.  It's a lot of work and I have to watch someone I love struggle, but miracles do happen.  It's easy to judge people who have substance issues, but I encourage people to take the harder road of understanding and support.  

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The more progressive substance abuse facilities advocate quitting smoking along with one’s drug of choice because more addicts die from cigarette smoking than their drug of choice. That’s because they quit their drug and not smoking, which eventually kills them. It’s also easier to quit when you apply relapse prevention concepts to both your drug of choice and cigarettes at the same time.

On 1/30/2018 at 3:07 PM, film noire said:

Ha! (Maybe she's had those up for years, Sweetie  - just hides them when the camera comes calling :)

Luann is hiring a  new team:  


Here's what she's looking for as an optimum hire:  "She also said she would love a gay man who has a clean record.”  (WTF?)

One applicant said he declined, because Luann was unprofessional (“She was just ridiculous...she would have her other assistant contact me to let me know that Luann would be calling us shortly. But she would never call.") WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS, COUNTESS?   And everybody has to be sober (“She is telling all applicants in the first interview that drinking and substance abuse of any kind will not be tolerated, especially when on the clock.") 

Please -- you'd have to be drunk to get through a day working for that woman :)

What she’s trying to apply would be the best thing for her recovery. Drinking in our culture has become so normalized that it sounds super rigid to be otherwise...but it’s not. For people who don’t rely on alcohol as a social lubricant, it’s easy to not drink and not a big deal.

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The only part I find obnoxious is the requirement that her assistant be sober when *off the clock*. I totally respect Luann's requirement that an assistant be sober while working and not indulge if say they're at a party or social gathering where alcohol is served. But if I am off the clock and not in your prescence, I'm free to do as I like. 

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5 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

The only part I find obnoxious is the requirement that her assistant be sober when *off the clock*. I totally respect Luann's requirement that an assistant be sober while working and not indulge if say they're at a party or social gathering where alcohol is served. But if I am off the clock and not in your prescence, I'm free to do as I like. 

It's fairly standard for an assistant/sober companion. It's not just about not drinking/using when working which is fairly standard it's being commited to a sober lifestyle to help support her with that.

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The article says she is hiring an assistant, not a sober companion. 

If she is genuinely hiring a sober companion and NOT a personal assistant, then she is being straight up insulting and rude in telling her potential sober companions that they have to be sober for her... Because that's pretty much the point of the title "sober companion". If I was a sober companion and the person hiring me to help them started with a lecture about how *I* better not be using or drinking, I'd have to question taking that client on


The article above from radaronline pretty clearly states she is hiring a personal assistant, and that is not the same thing as a sober companion. Luann has a completely reasonable criteria of "you can't drink or use when you're on the clock" but if she's hiring a personal assistant, she doesn't have the right to insist they not drink when they are off the clock. (Using illegal drugs is a problem whther on the clock or not).

If Luann wants to hire a personal assistant and not have them drink around her, thats fine. If she wants to hire a sober companion - there's no actual evidence of that - thats also fine, but if she's hiring a personal assistant and expecting them to function as a sober companion... she needs to rethink things. Personal assistants aren't sober companions, and its unreasonable of Luann to expect to control her employees's off time where she's not paying them.

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I am aware of the differemce between the two, also I know from people who are newly sober have found it helpful to surround themselves, including personal assistants, with people who actively practice a sober lifestyle. Hell I know people who only want personal assistants who are vegan or vegetarian even though they aren't going to be cooking but they know things to look for and in the case of someone trying to stay sober some triggers that might not be noticed by others who aren't living a sober lifestyle. Its about maximizing her environment to help her succeed.

Edited by biakbiak
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And I concur that she has every right to expect a personal assistant to not be drunk or drinking in front of her or while on the clock. Thats completely reasonable. But if her personal assistant goes home and has a glass of wine after work (a perfectly legal thing to do) - that action has no impact on Luann's sobriety and isn't something Luann as an employer has the right or ability to control. 

Heck, if the employer is vegan, I think it's a perfectly reasonable expectation for the employee to not bring meat based lunches or wear a lovely fur stole to work. But if they want to kill a deer and wear it's head as a hat when they are home, thats their business. 

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If a job requirement, especially a personal assistant, has a requirement that one not drink or smoke, if one does not like the restrictions don't apply.  That is the thing about a personal services type position.  Why apply for a job and be miserable?  Or be looking for a way around the restrictions.

On to happier things-Luann and Bethenny were surprise guests on WWHL for Jennifer Lawrence.  Luann looked great and Jennifer was very excited.  Luann talked about her cabaret show, Bethenny just kept talking and talking.  http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live-with-andy-cohen/season-15/episode-38/videos/luann-bethenny-surprise-jennifer  

Edited by zoeysmom
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7 hours ago, Rap541 said:

The only part I find obnoxious is the requirement that her assistant be sober when *off the clock*. I totally respect Luann's requirement that an assistant be sober while working and not indulge if say they're at a party or social gathering where alcohol is served. But if I am off the clock and not in your prescence, I'm free to do as I like. 

Yeah, no. You are free to do as you like but Luanne doesn't have to hire you either. 

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Higgins, I am thinking more about Luann's ability to enforce such a standard. Let's say she hires her preferred candidate - a gay male with a clean record (which says a whole lot of interesting things about the job). Say this gay man leaves work and goes out, on his own time, and has a drink at the Regency. Does Luann really have the right to control her employee's behavior turning a time she is not expressly paying him to work?

If Luann wants a sober companion, she should hire one, instead of expecting her assistants to function that way along with their other duties. And frankly, if Luann is really this dedicated to her sobriety, and not just making a show of it, she needs reconsider the reality of working on RHONY as I am certain she isn't allowed to insist that the booze stop flowing. I would consider participating in the alcohol soaked adventures of Ramona, Bethenny, Sonja, Carol, etc to be a much bigger temptation and funny how she's not backing away from the show for the sake of her sobriety.

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41 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Higgins, I am thinking more about Luann's ability to enforce such a standard. Let's say she hires her preferred candidate - a gay male with a clean record (which says a whole lot of interesting things about the job). Say this gay man leaves work and goes out, on his own time, and has a drink at the Regency. Does Luann really have the right to control her employee's behavior turning a time she is not expressly paying him to work?

If Luann wants a sober companion, she should hire one, instead of expecting her assistants to function that way along with their other duties. And frankly, if Luann is really this dedicated to her sobriety, and not just making a show of it, she needs reconsider the reality of working on RHONY as I m certain she isn't allowed to insist that the booze stop flowing. I would consider participating in the alcohol soaked adventures of Ramona, Bethenny, Sonja, Carol, etc to be a much bigger temptation and funny how she's not backing away from the show for the sake of her sobriety.

I believe the point is Luann doesn't want to enforce terms and conditions.  If you apply for a job knowing there are certain requirements why waste your time or Luann's trying to void the terms.  She doesn't have the right to control his behavior but as an employer and a condition of employment, she does have the right to honesty.  

Luann does not have control, nor does she pay or hire the cast and crew of RHONY.  Not every workplace can have all alcohol free, sober people working. By now Luann has heard this a time or two:  God, grant me the Serenity, to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.  Luann can express her preferences for a personal assistant not her work environment.

I noticed last night on WWHL, as part of the set there were four what appeared to be wine glasses on the table where Luann, Bethenny, Jennifer Lawrence and cardboard Scott Dissick were sitting.  Nobody drank from the glasses but there was one in Luann's hand.  So she will be placed in situations connected with her work where there is alcohol served.

Most people don't quit their jobs, especially successful ones, when they choose sobriety. It is kind of part of the process.  They also don't give up their families, their friends,  their homes.  It is about dealing with life without alcohol and when it a situation where alcohol is involved learning how to exist.   For purposes of this season, most of the season had been filmed by the time Luann went into rehab so there may not be the alcohol fueled events when she returns.  I don't see anyone on this cast changing their drinking habits because Luann chose sobriety.  I would hope Luann's new story line going forward is not all about her sobriety.   

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"Luann does not have control, nor does she pay or hire the cast and crew of RHONY." My point is that there are other workplaces where her coworkers won't be encouraged to drink in front of her. I personally work at a place where if I showed up drunk or had a glass of wine in a meeting, it would be my last day. Luann is currently hiring an assistant to where Luann is so concerned about her sobriety, the assistant has to agree to not drink even when not around Luann because the very idea of the personal assistant drinking will destroy Luann's sobriety.... but Luann's sobriety *can* handle being around Sonja and Ramona? Or Dorinda, who seems to be set to permentaly alcohol slurred speech. As I said, I think its completely reasonable to expect a personal assistant to not drink at work and not come to work drunk. It's not reasonable for Luann to insist on controlling the behavior of an employee who is not at work.

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Luann’s not controlling anyone. It’s not like she hired a person who drinks and threatened to fire them if they keep drinking. She’s just saying, “Hey, if you drink ever, don’t bother applying”. She’s being discerning, not controlling.

Edited by Silo
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God, grant me the Serenity, to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change the things I can

Except she can things. Much as someone who drinks can choose not to apply to be Luann's assistant or whatever. Luann can make the choice not to be on the show.


Most people don't quit their jobs, especially successful ones, when they choose sobriety. It is kind of part of the process.  They also don't give up their families, their friends,  their homes.  It is about dealing with life without alcohol and when it a situation where alcohol is involved learning how to exist. 

A good chunk of them do adjust their lives to fit the new reality. Especially if certain aspects - work, friends, etc - are not conducive to their maintaining their sobriety.


Luann looked great and Jennifer was very excited.  Luann talked about her cabaret show, Bethenny just kept talking and talking.

Bethenny spoke as much as Luann did. And pretty much all of it was in response to things Jennifer was discussing with her.

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2 hours ago, Silo said:

She’s being discerning, not controlling.

About an assistant, but not so much about how she earns a living.  Cabaret acts typically take place in venues where liquor is served, and all here know the volume of alcohol that flows at any and all RHO events/filming opportunities.  Just seems like an odd battle to pick.  Just my opinion.

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I think it's up to LuAnn to determine what she feels might be an issue for her.  Maybe she feels that since she's on camera, it will help her stay accountable, but if she has an assistant traveling with her and ordering drinks at a restaurant, it might be more difficult.  The little I know about the job description of a personal assistant is that they can have lots of exposure to your personal life or little exposure, it just depends on the job/person.  I can understand why Lu would not want to give up an excellent job and would try to make it work.  It's not like she's a barmaid in a small restaurant where she could opt to change her job to working in another restaurant that doesn't serve liquor without a real change in her salary.  It's a very specified job.  I don't think it's fair for every decision she makes to be met with "but hey, X, Y, and Z drink so you can't do that!"  She deserves a chance to find her own way.  

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23 minutes ago, Normades said:

if she has an assistant traveling with her and ordering drinks at a restaurant, it might be more difficult.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I didn't think anyone really questioned how an assistant would/should behave while "on the clock".  I don't know too many people, whether assistants of reforming drunks or not, that can consume alcohol at will, while working.  We're talking about a stipulation that an assistant remain a teetotaler 24/7.  At least I thought we were.  

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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I don't think it's fair for every decision she makes to be met with "but hey, X, Y, and Z drink so you can't do that!"

But she's literally telling her potential assistants that they can't do something in front of her or in their private lives when she is not around because she is an alcoholic. 

So, she's indicating very publically she can not be around alcohol.

But she can buck up and bear it for a nicely paying job - when she's getting 50k per episode or whatever, she has control of her addiction and can face it without immediately grabbing the bottle and chugging it down.

But the idea that her personal assistant might keep a six pack in the personal assistant's home is too upsetting and she won't hire someone who isn't an absolute teetototaller....

I've dealt with way too many addicts who play this game to not be annoyed with it, where there's a great big show about how everyone has to dance attendance on their whims in order to support them and keep them sober, but when it comes to significant change that might suck.... then excuses are made. From the standpoint of temptation, I'd genuinely think the various RHONY trips and dinners would be much more of a temptation than whether a personal assistant drinks in their off time. 

To me what it amounts to is Luann is now allowed to insist on unreasonable requirements because she can't control herself around alcohol but has the right to choose for herself whether she continues working in a work place that is a wine soaked hell hole. 


Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I didn't think anyone really questioned how an assistant would/should behave while "on the clock".  I don't know too many people, whether assistants of reforming drunks or not, that can consume alcohol at will, while working.  We're talking about a stipulation that an assistant remain a teetotaler 24/7.  At least I thought we were.  No matter - not my circus...

You are correct - I think it's perfectly reasonable to insist on people showing up for work sober and not drinking at work, even if work is chasing over Luann at a party with wine and champagne everywhere. My objection is that Luann isn't paying for a 24/7 sober living companion, she's hiring a personal assistant who goes home at the end of the day and is insisting that the person she hires obeys her rules when not at work, and when not earning a wage. 

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12 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

But she's literally telling her potential assistants that they can't do something in front of her or in their private lives when she is not around because she is an alcoholic. 

So, she's indicating very publically she can not be around alcohol.

But she can buck up and bear it for a nicely paying job - when she's getting 50k per episode or whatever, she has control of her addiction and can face it without immediately grabbing the bottle and chugging it down.

But the idea that her personal assistant might keep a six pack in the personal assistant's home is too upsetting and she won't hire someone who isn't an absolute teetototaller....

I've dealt with way too many addicts who play this game to not be annoyed with it, where there's a great big show about how everyone has to dance attendance on their whims in order to support them and keep them sober, but when it comes to significant change that might suck.... then excuses are made. From the standpoint of temptation, I'd genuinely think the various RHONY trips and dinners would be much more of a temptation than whether a personal assistant drinks in their off time. 

To me what it amounts to is Luann is now allowed to insist on unreasonable requirements because she can't control herself around alcohol but has the right to choose for herself whether she continues working in a work place that is a wine soaked hell hole. 

You are correct - I think it's perfectly reasonable to insist on people showing up for work sober and not drinking at work, even if work is chasing over Luann at a party with wine and champagne everywhere. My objection is that Luann isn't paying for a 24/7 sober living companion, she's hiring a personal assistant who goes home at the end of the day and is insisting that the person she hires obeys her rules when not at work, and when not earning a wage. 


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46 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I didn't think anyone really questioned how an assistant would/should behave while "on the clock".  I don't know too many people, whether assistants of reforming drunks or not, that can consume alcohol at will, while working.  We're talking about a stipulation that an assistant remain a teetotaler 24/7.  At least I thought we were.  

I think it may just be easier due to the crazy hours these women work. It's not like any of their assistants work normal business hours and the assistant would be around alcohol when Luann films. So, having a teetotaler would be easier in the long run, she wouldn't have to worry about them drinking late at night when they are needed early the next morning and then having them show up hung over.

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6 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I think it may just be easier due to the crazy hours these women work. It's not like any of their assistants work normal business hours and the assistant would be around alcohol when Luann films. So, having a teetotaler would be easier in the long run, she wouldn't have to worry about them drinking late at night when they are needed early the next morning and then having them show up hung over.

That would indicate a level of forethought that she has never shown, and I doubt 28 days in "rehab" could provide.  But maybe.

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3 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

That would indicate a level of forethought that she has never shown, and I doubt 28 days in "rehab" could provide.  But maybe.

It is possible that someone from the rehab center or her sponsor recommended it to her and if that is true, good for her on following through with their good advice.

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

It is possible that someone from the rehab center or her sponsor recommended it to her and if that is true, good for her on following through with their good advice.

Two folks that have obviously never watched the show.

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I don't think that is even legal.  If she tested the PA for alcohol in her system and it was positive, I don't think she could fire her even if it was in a "contract."  There are jobs where ones off-hours activities can impact their jobs like doctors and nurses- even if it's legal.  It can be a big issue for doctors and nurses who are in real pain and the only relief is found in opioid meds.   She should just hire a teetotaler as a PA.  Done. 

Edited by crgirl412
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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Thats what she is attempting to do, I don't remember the articke mentioning testing anybody.

Oh, I know.  I was couching it that way to show that in the PA job, it wouldn't matter if she did test the PA and it was positive even though the PA was stone sober versus if a doctor or nurse tested positive for legal substances that are often abused.  It can really turn into a mess.    

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1 minute ago, Maharincess said:

Why does a single woman with adult children and no job even need an assistant for in the first place?!   These people can't wipe their own asses. 

Luann is now doing cabaret with Sonja no less and has commitments associated with her products. personal appearances and RHNYC.  Sadly she is talking of returning to the recording studio.  

Luann has a toilet that has an automated ass wiping function.  The assistant would be spared that scenario.

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