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S01.E07: Out Of Scythe

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CLARITY —  After some unusual seismic activity, Harry (Rupert Evans) informs the sisters that Hilltowne is a portal to hell.  With that said, the sisters must band together to fight off a shadowy demon that is trying to obtain a collection of powerful magical artifacts.   Meanwhile, Macy (Madeleine Mantock) is given an exciting opportunity at work which comes with unexpected complications.  Lastly, Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) has a conflict of conscience over her relationship with Parker (Nick Hargrove).  Melonie Diaz also stars. Jamie Travis directed the episode written by Sarah Goldfinger (#107).  Original airdate 11/25/2018.

And my dislike of Galvin continues. I really cannot find one redeeming quality for the character. This has nothing to do with the actor. Unfortunately for him, he's playing such a dickbag of a character that I really wish Macy found it easy to fire him. Macy's new boss is right. This is simply business and not personal. Sometimes, this stuff happens. I remember a few months ago, I had to pack up two desks for people who I was friends with. It sucks, but it does happen. I mean...great that Macy fought for Galvin but I wish that he was either let go so I don't have to suffer through his character...or, if we're stuck with him, if he can get a major personality transplant. 

The sisters and Harry scenes are getting stronger and stronger. As much as I'd like to actually see Harry leave for a while in order to see the sisters work together without him (despite my complaints when I thought it happened last episode), the rest of the show is just so bad that I'm not sure I could stand it for more than an episode. 

Yawn to Parker/Maggie. Look at how convenient it's been for Maggie to be interested in a sorority sister's boyfriend, sorority sister finds out, gets pissy for an episode, and then gets a new boyfriend, leaving Maggie to date said ex boyfriend....all within about four episodes. So, apologies for me not giving a shit. Also, Maggie judging Parker for doing drugs? That was...a leap. But no, Parker "has" some autoimmune disorder that'll kill him in 20 years. Also, Maggie, maybe he didn't tell you because you two just met a month ago. Also, the actor is so bland. His voice inflections are so....bland. 

No matter if the showrunner was thinking that this show might not last past a season and wanted to get these stories out before a possible cancellation....these stories need to be EARNED. I don't feel a connection to 90% of these characters. They're finally developing Harry more, which is why I like him. I like Maggie enough because she's gotten some development, especially in this episode. Macy is getting more to do which means I'm starting to like her. And Mel has surprisingly grown on me the most because they're trying to spend time on her (outside of Niko now that she's gone). Mel's more interesting now because she's not saddled with a love interest right off the bat anymore. 

All other supporting and outside main characters bore me to tears. I dislike Galvin, I don't like Parker, Niko was a come and go character who was barely developed to begin with (and who I assume will reappear sooner rather than later), and there aren't really any other characters, besides recurring Higher Level Demon, who only appears in a scene every other episode. 

It's odd, though, how there's been some instances where the sisters and/or Harry stop to have an emotional beat in the middle of the episode, rather than the end, after they vanquish a demon. 

Also....are there really colleges that make freshmans (or all students?) choose their classes for the next semester so late into the first semester? I was so confused that I thought that maybe the timeline was wrong and it was still summer somehow. But no, apparently Maggie only chose classes for the first semester.

Also, to the end....NO FUCKING SHIT PARKER'S A FUCKING DEMON. When you have Parker wear all black all the time and reminiscent of original series Cole, it's kind of obvious. I think every single person called it from his very first scene.

  • Love 5

It was a step up from the last episode.

Premintions would've really been useful in this episode, have the sisters come to the ones in need instead of the other way around. But I'm glad TCO are finally getting to help their first innocent that isnt connected to them in a personal way. And the guy is a Sater...who is a god? Tartarus is a hell for magical beings, I like that mythology. But having all of these sentinels who protect the shards....these gods are REALLY easy to attack. Are they powerless? Do they not have a spidey sense? Why give the chards to the underworld to beings that cant protect themselves? And of course the last shard is housed in the Vera-Manor...people who can actually defend it so that was good though Mama V. was not only mother of the Charmed Ones, she was also a high ranking Elder, womens professor, and a Sentinel! How many occupations did this woman hold down?

The whole Parker thing could be seen from a mile away, I thought he was the son of the sexy demon guy as soon as he had a "dark secret" and they tried to trick us with him being sick while we were supposed to think he was a junkie. Does this guy only give birth to some kind of elemental figures? First son is a sand demon, 2nd son is a shadow demon, water demon next? But are they like demon demons or are they warlocks and this is their special power? But lord already jumping in with their tween version of Cole, the show loves to press fastfoward on these storylines.

If Harry can still pop in in the morning to cook them breakfast why cant he just live with them permanently? He already spends majority of his time there. As much as I have come to like him, I still desperately want the sisters to do all this work on their own instead of having to wait for Harry to come tell them what the 411 is and dish out responsibilities. 

The sisters arent going full throttle trying to find lightning girl who stole the key to Tartarus though that was just...annoying. They just go on their normal day as if nothing happened, as if the key to hell isnt in a possible clutches of a demon. 

I know that this episode was obviously used to promote that new cellphone but it was ridiculously laughable that Mel, Maggie, AND Galvin all had the same.exact.phone. It wasnt even a phone that you could question if it was the same model and brand. Its a big phone that is half white, either work it in with 1 sister or at least ask the phone company if they can come out with more then 1 color. 

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If Harry can still pop in in the morning to cook them breakfast why cant he just live with them permanently? He already spends majority of his time there. As much as I have come to like him, I still desperately want the sisters to do all this work on their own instead of having to wait for Harry to come tell them what the 411 is and dish out responsibilities. 

Especially when Harry already made a quip in this episode that was along the lines of needing protection after the Sater guy showed up and revealed that people knew about the Charmed Ones and where they live. Like...we JUST had Harry supposedly move out because the girls didn't need extra protection. Don't have a line about upping the protection in the very next episode.

  • Love 1

Well, Parker Demon wasn`t a big surprise. I hope this line will be better than Cole/Phoebe. 

Harry is adorable! His hangover and phobia of bees were funny)) And I still ship him and Macy. Showrunners didn`t show us high chemical moments like they had done in last episode, but is is good. We have no room to hurry. And we often see Harry and Macy together in shot (he stands behind or near her, seats near her)..... I do know, that shipper talks inside me. And how gently Harry put his hand on Macy`s shoulder.

And I really like Macy in the end. She became more hard and selfconfident. Like a big boss. It`s cool. The theme with her darkness is still mysterry, but I like how Harry said, that her actions define who she is, not her origin. Only he could console Macy.

And Maggie is so lovely! She has a great development. And it seems like she can partly see the future (moment with Parker in simulation). Maybe the providence will be her second power  someday.

Also I guess Mel will be the coolest  witch in our Charmed trio. She spends a lot of time with Book and gives all her attention to witchcraft.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Harry is adorable! His hangover and phobia of bees were funny)) And I still ship him and Macy. Showrunners didn`t show us high chemical moments like they had done in last episode, but is is good. We have no room to hurry. And we often see Harry and Macy together in shot (he stands behind or near her, seats near her)..... I do know, that shipper talks inside me.

I was going to say how shockingly devoid of anything romantic this week after hinting strongly last week with those two.  This show is so uneven. 

I think this show is about to get the ghosted treatment from me. It is stunningly awful and I can't find much to really interest me.  I can't stand Maggie's boyfriend plot in general but to make it worse by a him being a demon seems so lame. Again shockingly non feminist to have a main female character "romanced" into danger -- especially when she can read minds. 

I suppose lab lady is some sort of baddy meant to bring out Macy's dark side but, I don't care. 

I can't believe they kept Galvin around. They actor must be someone's kid on the staff. Actually with the way people die at that lab Macy might have been doing him a favor to fire him

It really bothers me how Harry does everything for them like a parent. He made their breakfast -- again -- and he isn't living with them. What is this show doing with the character. It is like he is the butler / father / white lighter / comic relief. 

It also bothers me how spectacularly they failed with the demon. Not really much of a threat to anything are they? 

7 hours ago, BooBear said:
10 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Showrunners didn`t show us high chemical moments like they had done in last episode, but is is good. We have no room to hurry. And we often see Harry and Macy together in shot (he stands behind or near her, seats near her)..... I do know, that shipper talks inside me. And how gently Harry put his hand on Macy`s shoulder.

I was going to say how shockingly devoid of anything romantic this week after hinting strongly last week with those two.  This show is so uneven. 


Honestly, I found this so frustrating. I was a big fan of Piper/Leo (for the most of it) so I was really excited to see some hints of Harry/Macy and I was let down. Compared to the fast-forwarding the show's done to set up Maggie/Cole 2.0 especially after she felt so guilty about kissing her sorority sister's boyfriend, the slow burn seems even more unnecessary. 


7 hours ago, BooBear said:

It really bothers me how Harry does everything for them like a parent. He made their breakfast -- again -- and he isn't living with them. What is this show doing with the character. It is like he is the butler / father / white lighter / comic relief. 


They use him too much. There were so many scenes in their fight that I felt could have worked just as well without him. For all its "wokeness" this show is extraordinarily backward with the way they keep finding ways to shoehorn and centre the lone white male in the cast. Original!Charmed did not insert Leo so much. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, BooBear said:

It also bothers me how spectacularly they failed with the demon. Not really much of a threat to anything are they? 

I don't mind that they failed with the demon but...they all were so nonchalant about it. Oh whoops, they lost the scythe! But hey, Maggie connected to the shadow demon so....win?

7 hours ago, BooBear said:

It really bothers me how Harry does everything for them like a parent. He made their breakfast -- again -- and he isn't living with them. What is this show doing with the character. It is like he is the butler / father / white lighter / comic relief. 

Yeah, for someone who had to move out last episode, it doesn't feel like anything actually changed. He's basically over 24/7 anyway. Which is on par with this show so far. They move through one plot to the next and it's only episode 7. At least ten different plots have happened so far, so it's an overall "meh" feeling with most of the characters.

But yeah, Harry is around too much doing too much for them, when they should be able to function without him. As of right now, they can't. Sure, it makes sense since they're new witches, but he's needed to tell them exactly what to do every time.

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, ursula said:

Honestly, I found this so frustrating. I was a big fan of Piper/Leo (for the most of it) so I was really excited to see some hints of Harry/Macy and I was let down. Compared to the fast-forwarding the show's done to set up Maggie/Cole 2.0 especially after she felt so guilty about kissing her sorority sister's boyfriend, the slow burn seems even more unnecessary

I do undrestand you) But Harry and Macy are not Maggie and Parker. Macy is so slow in romantic way, Harry is not a seducer. So romance development in their case must be slow :((( And they will deny everything and tell "we are friends and nothing more". Maybe Harry will admit his feelings, but he won`t do first step. He understands, that he can`t be with her in romantic way not because of rules, but because of his immortality. So I expect  long way in their love story, if creators really plan to make a couple from them

Edited by GreyWolf
  • Love 3

Premontions would've really been useful in this episode

You know - I said this before, but I used to think Phoebe had the lamest power of all on the original show and now this reboot is kind of proving how important that power actually was, because without it these girls look pretty stupid. 

I actually was surprised that Parker turned out to be paint can guy's son, but maybe I'm just not paying that much attention so it's easier to surprise me. 

But I was really hoping this show would steer clear of the "Magical Community" that really dragged the original show down. Witches, whitelighters and demons are enough - don't go throwing in Satyrs and Goddesses too, please. 

There's just way too much going on way too early.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

You know - I said this before, but I used to think Phoebe had the lamest power of all on the original show and now this reboot is kind of proving how important that power actually was, because without it these girls look pretty stupid. 

I agree, although it looks like Maggie's power is going to be developed further into more than just mind-reading. It seems like she's an empath at her core, and she seems to be able to tap into other mental-based powers that kind of go hand in hand with her current power. For example, she had that dream with Parker and although I believe they said she conjured it up with that ball, it was foreshadowing her conversation with Parker the next day, so it seems to manifest into a less obvious form of precognition. Which, by the way, is pretty cool. Phoebe's three powers were never really connected and seemed random. Here, they're developing Maggie's growth in power down the line. As of this moment, though, her power is pretty useless, so she has to rely on her other strengths. It's clear that the showrunners thought mind-reading would be an awesome power but when they realized it does jack shit with the demons of the week, they had to tap into other powers for her to be useful.

7 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I actually was surprised that Parker turned out to be paint can guy's son, but maybe I'm just not paying that much attention so it's easier to surprise me. 

I wasn't expecting the reveal but I also wasn't surprised. Of course the suspiciously evil love interest is the son of the ONLY set up equally suspicious Big Bad of the season.

GreyWolf - it's Thanksgiving weekend here in the states so not as many people watching regular TV. That said, it wouldn't surprise me to see the ratings fall anyway. There are undoubtedly fans of the original show who gave this a try and started to abandon it as it went along. I'm still sticking with it, for now, but it really isn't shaping up very well.

Edited by iMonrey

And now, we have the new Cole! Except, without any of his acting chops, because this guy is really, noticeably bad. Most of the actors on this show range from good to basically competent so far, but his line deliveries are so freaking bland and off, it really stands out. And if they want him to have a dramatic arc struggling with his demon/human sides and his inevitable love for Maggie, they really need to give this guy some acting lessons. 

I did actually like a lot of aspects of this episode, and the start of some halfway decent world building. I liked seeing some other magical creatures around, and I thought they were fun enough (Satyr guy runs a wine bar, fertility goddess owns a fertility clinic) and I wouldn't mind seeing more of them from time to time. Actually, I thought Maggie had a bit of a spark with the Satyr guy, and he was cute, even with the whole goat thing. Dating a muggle is hard, maybe looking for love with another supernatural person isnt a bad idea! And the actor could at least land a line or two, unlike Cole 2.0. 

I like Harry a lot, but I do wish the sisters did more without him. He seems to be everything for them, to the point where they dont seem capable of just figuring things out on their own. Also, I am still totally on the Macy/Harry bandwagon. I mean, they might go for more of a father/older brother thing with him, but I get a vibe between them. Yeah, he is a few decades older than her, but she is still in her mid/late 20s, and when you date around the supernatural community, age gaps are probably just a thing that people get used to. 

This show is super committed to Galvin I guess. No idea why.  

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

And now, we have the new Cole! Except, without any of his acting chops, because this guy is really, noticeably bad. Most of the actors on this show range from good to basically competent so far, but his line deliveries are so freaking bland and off, it really stands out. And if they want him to have a dramatic arc struggling with his demon/human sides and his inevitable love for Maggie, they really need to give this guy some acting lessons. 

It also doesn't help that we've seen him a grand total of...eight minutes in the season so far. I'm pretty sure he hasn't had many scenes to begin with. 

4 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I like Harry a lot, but I do wish the sisters did more without him. He seems to be everything for them, to the point where they dont seem capable of just figuring things out on their own. Also, I am still totally on the Macy/Harry bandwagon. I mean, they might go for more of a father/older brother thing with him, but I get a vibe between them. Yeah, he is a few decades older than her, but she is still in her mid/late 20s, and when you date around the supernatural community, age gaps are probably just a thing that people get used to. 

Macy's 29 and Harry died....I presume in his mid-thirties? I don't think they said on the show specifically how old he was. It could work and I'd be...marginally ok with it. I'd rather he was just a really close friend, but if they must go that route, then Harry beats Galvin any day of the week.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

But yeah, Harry is around too much doing too much for them, when they should be able to function without him. As of right now, they can't. Sure, it makes sense since they're new witches, but he's needed to tell them exactly what to do every time.

I feel like them being new witches makes it slightly worse since they arent doing that much to further their training. Harry shows up, gives them their mission, tells them how to complete said mission, they go back to their everyday lives as if nothing happened. 


4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I agree, although it looks like Maggie's power is going to be developed further into more than just mind-reading. It seems like she's an empath at her core, and she seems to be able to tap into other mental-based powers that kind of go hand in hand with her current power. For example, she had that dream with Parker and although I believe they said she conjured it up with that ball, it was foreshadowing her conversation with Parker the next day, so it seems to manifest into a less obvious form of precognition. Which, by the way, is pretty cool. Phoebe's three powers were never really connected and seemed random. Here, they're developing Maggie's growth in power down the line. As of this moment, though, her power is pretty useless, so she has to rely on her other strengths. It's clear that the showrunners thought mind-reading would be an awesome power but when they realized it does jack shit with the demons of the week, they had to tap into other powers for her to be useful.

I do like that her power is developing but LAWD! does it kill me that it is so nonchalant. 


3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

And now, we have the new Cole! Except, without any of his acting chops, because this guy is really, noticeably bad. Most of the actors on this show range from good to basically competent so far, but his line deliveries are so freaking bland and off, it really stands out. And if they want him to have a dramatic arc struggling with his demon/human sides and his inevitable love for Maggie, they really need to give this guy some acting lessons. 

New Cole without any of his looks, acting chops, or charisma lol. And already doubting his evil side. Phoebe/Cole in S3-first half of S4 had that IT factor in every way possible, these two...Maggie/Parker seem like a knock off brand.


4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

But I was really hoping this show would steer clear of the "Magical Community" that really dragged the original show down. Witches, whitelighters and demons are enough - don't go throwing in Satyrs and Goddesses too, please. 

I didnt mind bringing in those aspects. Where the OG show failed is that once they brought in more of the magical community they were just ripping off Disney so it felt very cheap. My only problem here is that you bring in a Satyr and a Goddess...why are they so damn weak? Not even enhanced strength? I want to know what exactly puts them in a good position to be bearers of such important artifacts? 

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I feel like them being new witches makes it slightly worse since they arent doing that much to further their training. Harry shows up, gives them their mission, tells them how to complete said mission, they go back to their everyday lives as if nothing happened. 

LOL but it isn't just their witches training. He makes them their breakfast. He gets Mel jobs and reminds her about her thesis. He goes on dates with Macy to make Galvin jealous (sure he was there to check out the mark) it is insane. And he always has all the answers.  I also don't quite see any relationship between Macy and him but at the same time I don't know what their plans are for the character. Like Cole 2.0 the male white lighter has to be with a charmed one and -- if not, the show has to give me some reason. So far they haven't. To me Galvin seems like a character they purposefully don't want us to love. Like a romantic interest red shirt. And it just makes the most sense that if anyone is going to get together from the insular group it would be Macy and Harry as they are about the same age and Macy seems demonstrably more mature than her sisters. A really good twist might have been for Harry to turn out to be the big bad's kid. He could report how wrapped around his fingers he has them. 

This show just isn't giving me anything. 

I was actually surprised they aired a new episode over the Thanksgiving weekend. Typically they don't expend their good stock during the holiday but perhaps for November ratings they wanted to give it a shot. 

20 minutes ago, BooBear said:

I was actually surprised they aired a new episode over the Thanksgiving weekend. Typically they don't expend their good stock during the holiday but perhaps for November ratings they wanted to give it a shot. 

They've been way better this year with their scheduling in the past though last year they aired a brand new Arrow ON thanksgiving itself so this isnt surprising lol.

The scythe thing that the demons were trying to get formed into the weapon Sailor Moon use to use to battle the Negaverse.

After I saw that, I couldn't take that right seriously.

Macy's dad is probably locked up in that prison, which would be interesting. Not only for the character, but it would provide a proper reason why the elders wouldn't allow Harry with Macy....it would be a rehash, but since they are going with Cole/Phoebe 2.0 then what the hey. As long as Parker isn't seen as just evil and treated like Cole was at the end, then I guess I'm okay with it. 

I don't like the actor for Parker, but since he's been bumped to a main cast member we'll probably have to get use to him. Just like we have to get use to Galvin. 

I preferred him here than before. If he remains a friend to Macy then I'm okay with it. And while it was annoying that he was interrupting her, I think he knew that she was going to fire him and tried to give reasons for her to not do that. I think many people would do something similar and hope for the same outcome that happened here.

The lightning girl is probably going to hook up with Mel, which would mean that 2 out of the 3 charmed ones will be involved with 'bad' characters. 

1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

The scythe thing that the demons were trying to get formed into the weapon Sailor Moon use to use to battle the Negaverse.

After I saw that, I couldn't take that right seriously.

Macy's dad is probably locked up in that prison, which would be interesting. Not only for the character, but it would provide a proper reason why the elders wouldn't allow Harry with Macy....it would be a rehash, but since they are going with Cole/Phoebe 2.0 then what the hey. As long as Parker isn't seen as just evil and treated like Cole was at the end, then I guess I'm okay with it. 

I don't like the actor for Parker, but since he's been bumped to a main cast member we'll probably have to get use to him. Just like we have to get use to Galvin. 

I preferred him here than before. If he remains a friend to Macy then I'm okay with it. And while it was annoying that he was interrupting her, I think he knew that she was going to fire him and tried to give reasons for her to not do that. I think many people would do something similar and hope for the same outcome that happened here.

The lightning girl is probably going to hook up with Mel, which would mean that 2 out of the 3 charmed ones will be involved with 'bad' characters. 

I am assuming there's some twist where lightning girl is actually this universe's version of a Valkyrie or something similar. Not quite evil, but too violent to qualify as good, and they're holding the scythe because they feel the elders cant be trusted. 

  • Love 1

I guess I'm a week behind.  I found this episode rather boring.  The shards of metal just didn't interest me.  

I was surprised that the frat boy was the paint can evil guy's son.  I wasn't doing a whole lot of thinking while half-watching this episode.  That frat boy knew Maggie was an empath but wasn't that great with keeping his thoughts quiet.  If he were thinking in his head, he wouldn't be saying "I hope she doesn't found out my secret".  It would be "I hope she doesn't found out I'm trying to steal the shards to recreate the magical scythe."  

I don't buy Mel suddenly realizing she didn't want to pursue her academic career anymore.  Did she not enjoy teaching before?  I thought she was totally into women's studies.  Now she only did it because her mom went into it?  Yeah, whatever.  If they wanted this epiphany, they needed to devote actual reasons.

That jerk boss lady must have been an evil character on some other show I watched recently since I despised her the moment she came onscreen.  Isn't it her own job to find inefficiencies and cost-saving measures?  

Overall, this show is start to lose my interest.  

1 hour ago, Camera One said:

That jerk boss lady must have been an evil character on some other show I watched recently since I despised her the moment she came onscreen. 

Rya Kihlstedt was on the recent Heroes Reborn.  She was the main adversary of the show through the season.  Though I'm not sure she qualified as evil, she was definitely not good

Edited by RachelKM
Oy.... typos
4 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

Rya Kihlstedt was on the resent Heroes Reborn.  She was the main adversary of the show through the season.  Though I'm not sure she qualified as evil, she was definitely not good

Thanks.  I did watch that, so it's probably where my memory went.  I looked her up and the only other role I saw with her was Cleo on "Once Upon a Time"... I totally forgot she played that... uh, memorable character.

Edited by Camera One
On 11/26/2018 at 12:39 PM, iMonrey said:

But I was really hoping this show would steer clear of the "Magical Community" that really dragged the original show down. Witches, whitelighters and demons are enough - don't go throwing in Satyrs and Goddesses too

Yes. On original Charmed you practically couldn’t go to the bathroom without having help from a magical creature. I hated it that everyone needed magic to help them cross the street without getting hit by a bus. Literally.  I’d buy a few magical beings but not the god of dryer lint please. 

On 11/26/2018 at 12:04 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I don't mind that they failed with the demon but...they all were so nonchalant about it. Oh whoops, they lost the scythe! But hey, Maggie connected to the shadow demon so....win?

Yes, they were extremely relaxed about the possibility of the baddest of the bad being released from Tartarus. How am I the viewer supposed to care about the plot if the characters don’t?

On 11/26/2018 at 5:41 PM, Primal Slayer said:

I didnt mind bringing in those aspects. Where the OG show failed is that once they brought in more of the magical community they were just ripping off Disney so it felt very cheap. My only problem here is that you bring in a Satyr and a Goddess...why are they so damn weak? Not even enhanced strength? I want to know what exactly puts them in a good position to be bearers of such important artifacts? 

The satyr and goddess weren’t even able to do as good a job as the Charmed Ones did, so that was pretty lame. Not sure why the magical community entrusted the shards to “people” with no offensive or defensive power. 

Harry is more like a butler whereas Leo was more of a handyman. I kind of liked it when Harry was staying there full time for some reason BUT the original Charmed Ones definitely had to work harder to figure things out when they first got their powers. 

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