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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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The Flash DVD get those Hawk featurettes as well. But Arrow's s4 DVD is empty compared to Flash :( 

Behind-the-scenes visual effects featurettes for almost every episode!
Star Crossed Hawks featurette
Star Crossed Hawks: The Hunt for Vandal Savage featurette
The Many Faces of Zoom featurette
Chasing Flash  – The Journey of Kevin Smith featurette
The Flash: 2015 Comic-Con Panel
The Flash: 2015 PaleyFest
Deleted Scenes
Gag Reel

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8 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

This is a great injustice -_- It's made worse b/c LoT even wrote off the Hawks -_-

That's what's so hysterical.  The Hawks sucked so much that LoT got rid of them but they get 2 featurettes on the freaking Arrow DVD

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What were they thinking? I mean it makes sense if they wanted more people to tune into LoT by having some scenes... But Hawk scenes??? That's a sure way to turn viewers off from ever watching that show... 

And them having 2 featurettes on both Flash/Arrow will most likely annoy the fanbase which isn't good for LoT either...

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They threw the crossover from The Flash on there, as well.  They really want people to know about the Hawks for some reason.  So random.  I'm going to pass (as I did on S3) but there's certainly nothing in the extras to tempt me.  And how do they manage to not do even one commentary? 

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13 minutes ago, tarotx said:

I really thought we would get a featurette on the Flash forward grave idea and why they went with Laurel. 

I thought we would too. I would love something on the thought process for each character.

Edited by Chaser
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Wow, they pushed the Hawk stuff to the Arrow and Flash DVD. However LoT is stuck with one of the Hawks on the actual show for 16 episodes. You guys get featurettes that can be ignored. Why they are not on the LoT DVD, I have no idea but I'm happy that it's not. 

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2 hours ago, tarotx said:

I really thought we would get a featurette on the Flash forward grave idea and why they went with Laurel. 

I also expected something about GothFelicity. Not because it's her, but because that's something they hadn't done before that point and it would make sense to show something of the filming process.

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9 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I also expected something about GothFelicity. Not because it's her, but because that's something they hadn't done before that point and it would make sense to show something of the filming process.

They even made a big deal about how cool it was to film it... Makes no sense

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I don't usually care about special features on DVD's because, aside from deleted scenes, I don't ever watch them. But featurettes on the Hawks is ridiculous. I'm even more annoyed that the crossover was wasted on 2 characters no longer on Legends. So dumb.

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Who puts together the extras? The bagel paid interns? Some lone Hawks fanboy/girl at whatever company creates the extra stuff? (I once interviewed at a company that put together the Star Wars DVDs. I did not get the job.) The guy - and I'm sure it's a guy - who puts together the guest list for the upfronts? 

Whomever they are - they are a big fail! Was this decided before the collective reaction from 3 different shows to the Hawks, which was a big meh? It's like they don't want to make money.

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So this person writes those extremely positive reviews about Arrow and did a really good interview with EBR in the past. So If any of you want to ask... 

I mostly want to know what they're doing with Felicity. So I asked her if she gets the chance to interview WM/MG, whether we'll see Felicity actually DEAL with everything that she's been trhough in season 4 in hte upcoming season.

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27 minutes ago, wonderwall said:
So I asked her if she gets the chance to interview WM/MG, whether we'll see Felicity actually DEAL with everything that she's been trhough in season 4 in hte upcoming season.

Not a chance. 

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Not a chance. 


9 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

LOL I know... But at least if more and more journos ask then they know they fucked up.

Oh, I don't know. I think they will probably make it part of her character centric episode.  

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:


Oh, I don't know. I think they will probably make it part of her character centric episode.  

I like your optimism :) 

What do some people say on this board?



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They could have given us the PaleyFest footage, they did go to Paley last year.

Or perhaps some insightful piece on glowy eyes and putting back together idols. Anything.... besides the Hawks.

I'm glad Flash is stuck with the Hawk Extras as well, I just wish Arrow got more.

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2 hours ago, wonderwall said:

I like your optimism :) 

What do some people say on this board?



The magic was gone when GODDAMN MALCOLM MERLYN lived through the season yet again. After being a traitorous bastard yet again (several times). And then Barrowman started spouting his moronic drivel about saving Laurel, yet again, and my brain prepared to explode in rage, and...

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Just now, AyChihuahua said:

The magic was gone when GODDAMN MALCOLM MERLYN lived through the season yet again. After being a traitorous bastard yet again (several times). And then Barrowman started spouting his moronic drivel about saving Laurel, yet again, and my brain prepared to explode in rage, and...

THE MAGIC IS NOT GONE I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS. My heart wasn't in that Come on!

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I think the COME ONNNNN just needs to recharge, maybe? LL being the one in the grave must have drained a lot of its magic.

Or maybe we need to power it with the hope of more than just one person, like how Oliver defeated DD :P

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I feel like I missed out on Laura Hurley's season finale commentary, so I went looking for it.  

What I found is pretty funny--a video is included with an article for Cinemablend describing how Willa Hollard took LL/BC's death the hardest among all of the character deaths so far. I assumed that the video showed footage of Willa Hollard being interviewed. Nope!  It is a video of someone reading Luara Hurley's article very rapidly as footage from Arrow is shown.  The part that is too funny is that it is footage of SL/Canary, not LL/BC!!!!!  I know that the person reading on the video couldn't possibly watch Arrow, but it was still great for a laugh! I'm not even sure what it was or why it was included with the article.


PS. The video has an AT&T add that includes images of potential phobia triggers, including several 8-legged freaky things (I can't even type it, I'm sorry).

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I really enjoyed this rant

Arrow Isn’t ‘Felicity & Friends,’ It’s Still Arrow


Yet there are some people that say how Felicity used to be their favorite character until the last couple of seasons. You mean the last couple of seasons where the show actually began to give her character backstory? Are you telling me that since Felicity went from cute sidekick to fleshed-out character with flaws and emotion – like every human being in the world – that she somehow became lesser? Do you see the problem here?

I agree with a lot of her points... In the end it all has to do with how well the story has been told, and IMO while the show did a great job coming up wiht new storylines with Felicity, they utterly failed at following through with those storylines. So while people complain how this is the Felicity show, I'm gonna stand here and complain how we need more depth to Felicity's storylines. 

I don't give a crap about the whole "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" spiel MG has been spouting. I care about Felicity dealing with everything she's been through on an emotional level, stumbling, and growing. Unfortunately to MG, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" means that people have to be emotionless when dealing with hardships.

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On 30/05/2016 at 0:59 AM, AyChihuahua said:

Why do so many people call what happened to Felicity her "accident"? She was shot a bunch of times by armed goons. How is that an accident? (This isn't the only time I've seen that terminology.)


On 30/05/2016 at 1:05 AM, dtissagirl said:

I think it's because it happened in a car? And then people just equate car = accident?

it's also a way to make attempted murder less than it really was, but I don't know how on purpose that is.

Oh, it's deliberate - or if it isn't, it's reflecting the attitude towards the character. Because all those ghosts just happened to be firing all their machine guns in the same direction, and Felicity got in the way of their bullets. Oh, Felicity. Always in the way.

I've just read a long-ass article about how the show let Laurel down (thanks, themarysue, I am DONE with your site. One less website to aid in my procrastination), followed by the usual vitriol aimed at Felicity in the comments section. I guess it's only misogyny and fridging when Laurel's in the cross-hairs, but when Felicity gets SonnyCorleoned (and how come Oliver got away without so much as a scratch? Is he coated in Kevlar?) that's ok, because she wasn't with Oliver in the comics. You know what? Fuck the comics.

Oh, and the people who equate Laurel's death with Abbie Mills' erasure from Sleepy Hollow are quite literally the worst.

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26 minutes ago, arjumand said:


Oh, it's deliberate - or if it isn't, it's reflecting the attitude towards the character. Because all those ghosts just happened to be firing all their machine guns in the same direction, and Felicity got in the way of their bullets. Oh, Felicity. Always in the way.

I've just read a long-ass article about how the show let Laurel down (thanks, themarysue, I am DONE with your site. One less website to aid in my procrastination), followed by the usual vitriol aimed at Felicity in the comments section. I guess it's only misogyny and fridging when Laurel's in the cross-hairs, but when Felicity gets SonnyCorleoned (and how come Oliver got away without so much as a scratch? Is he coated in Kevlar?) that's ok, because she wasn't with Oliver in the comics. You know what? Fuck the comics.

Oh, and the people who equate Laurel's death with Abbie Mills' erasure from Sleepy Hollow are quite literally the worst.

I read that Mary Sue article all about poor Laurel Lance and how she 'deserved better' and my feelings pretty much mirror yours. Imo they never seemed to articulate clearly just why LL deserved better or what exactly it was that they were advocating she was deserving of - better writing, a better destiny, the canon love story, more of a chance to grow as a vigilante?

My problem with the article was compounded by the fact that it seemed blind to the fact that barring her comic name Arrow's version of LL, had no reason to be on the team, be in Oliver Queen's orbit or lbr even be on the show.

That being said, maybe what they really meant was she "deserved" to be a part of the show because comics - after all, I can see no other reason why a character whose major claim to fame wrt to the main character is that she's his ex-gf that he cheated on, who has no discernible skills to assist him as he goes superheroing and pretty much no major role to play in his life as a civilian 'deserved' to be a part of his life or to continue to steal screentime as part of his show.

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Nora Dominick's Arrow Season 4 review...

‘Arrow’ Season Four Review
June 1, 2016 Nora Dominick ‘17


With a season filled with magic, new characters and so much more Arrow accomplished a lot this season. Between the first season of Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) relationship to killing off a major, fan-favorite character to a mystical villain, Arrow delivers a season with some strong points, but also some negative ones. After an entire season of reviewing Arrow, I break down and review everything in season four including some of my favorite moments.
*  *  *
If season four proved anything for Arrow fans, it’s that Oliver and Felicity’s relationship is one of the biggest, fan-favorite ships on TV right now. Arrow dove head first into their relationship following three seasons of sexual tension between the characters. Fans welcomed the relationship with open arms and they were given some of the best acting moments between Rickards and Amell. Between their house in the suburbs to their engagement to their tragic breakup, “Olicity” managed to hit all the major relationship points.

Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards have proven themselves tremendously over the four seasons of Arrow. The duo both started out as relatively unknown actors, but now have transformed themselves and their characters into one of the most talked about couples on TV today. All season long, Amell and Rickards gave some of their best acting performances together. It’s safe to say that Rickards is the breakthrough actor on Arrow and her intimate moments opposite Amell are when she truly leaves her mark. The mark of a great acting pair is when one actor can deliver lines that pack a punch while the other simply listens and reacts. This is what happens every single time Amell and Rickards act opposite each other. Their natural chemistry and sheer love for the characters and storylines they portray comes across effortlessly on screen.
*  *  *
Biggest Tear Jerker: In 4×10 “Blood Debts,” Felicity lies in a hospital bed after being shot by Darhk’s crew. Felicity and Oliver exchange a heartbreaking conversation when Felicity tells Oliver, “We didn’t really exchange any vows so the whole, ‘For better, for worse’ thing doesn’t really apply here…” Oliver gives a heartbroken Felicity her engagement ring back and tells her, “For better, for worse.”
*  *  *
It was the season of Diggle (David Ramsey) as he dealt with his brother, Andy (Eugene Byrd) being alive and working for Damien Darhk. Since season one, Andy was always an important figure for Diggle. His brother helped lead him to helping Oliver and finding out he was alive set Diggle on a character arc for season four. Ramsey did a beautiful job at showing Diggle’s conflict between wanting to believe his brother to utter betrayal. His work opposite Byrd helped add to Diggle’s backstory and ultimately enhanced the character fans know and love. One of the biggest requests from fans going into season four involved more storylines for Diggle and Arrow delivered. Ramsey was able to showcase his full range of acting especially in heartbreaking scenes opposite Byrd and Audrey Marie Anderson. One of the storylines fans still wished was explored more was Diggle and Lyla’s relationship. The married couple on Arrow rarely receives many storylines and it began to change towards the end of the season. The duo are often overlooked for more extravagant storylines, but when they are put together they are forces to be reckoned with.
*  *  *
Barrowman on the other hand, seems to be leading the same old storylines... He has been running in circles with his “trying to protect Thea” mantle since season three and it’s getting a little tiresome... Malcolm flip flops on whether or not to align with Team Arrow or be against them so much it’s hard to tell which side Malcolm truly wants to be on....
*  *  *
The biggest and best addition to Arrow season four was the introduction of Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum). Kellum rose to the occasion and created a very dynamic character Arrow fans can’t wait to see more of. Kellum’s portrays the quirky, awkward character with ease and has turned Curtis into the best new character... Kellum and Rickards were the comedic duo to beat this season as they rambled their way into fans hearts. I think it’s safe to say that Felicity has found her “John Diggle” in Curtis....
*  *  *
The weakest link in Arrow season four was the flashbacks... The characters were forgettable and detracted from the action happening in present day. Although the sequences allowed fans to learn more about Darhk’s idol, the source of his magic, they were not engaging enough. Each week, the flashbacks were often the weakest links to otherwise engaging episodes. By seasons end, Taiana, who fans have spent an entire season with, is killed and I didn’t even bat an eye....
*  *  *
For season five, my hope is that Arrow continues to get back to basics, even with the stunts. One of the best moments in season four was the stunts that involved no magic. Arrow thrives in the hand-to-hand combat moments and here’s hoping there are more of them next season. One of the biggest blessings for season five will be that there is not a new show to introduce. Arrow can simply showcase their best assets and get back to basics, this includes stunts.

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Get ready, Philly...

Wizard Philly 2016: Cowabunga! Stephen Amell is coming to town
Updated: JUNE 1, 2016 — 3:01 AM EDT


STEPHEN AMELL, the lead of the popular Arrow TV series, hits the City of Brotherly Love this weekend as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows hits movie theaters, with Amell making his debut as the franchise's Casey Jones.
*  *  *
Addressing the vigilante comparisons with his role on Arrow, Amell said, "I get it from the standpoint of the characters both being 'super-powerless vigilantes,' but everything that Casey Jones does - from his background to his fighting style to the way that he problem-solves and the way that he dresses - is all different from Oliver Queen.
*  *  *
Amell said that there were many differences between the big and small screens, but that one stood out.

"With feature films, it's just time," he said. "We have so much time. We're talking about 4 or 5 months of production for 112 minutes of feature film. It's the ability to get it right, where in television, sometimes, we have to just get it done."
*  *  *
Amell said that he was looking forward to meeting fans in Philly this weekend and that he had one definite goal.

"I haven't eaten a proper cheesesteak yet," he said. "I couldn't last year because I wasn't eating dairy because I was filming, so I'm going to go get one and experience the city a bit. I was taken aback last year by the history of it and how beautiful it is."

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Regarding the Fangirlish article about 'Felicity & Friends' posted above... ITA. Bravo.

Regarding the Mary Sue article mentioned above... Where was all this love for Laurel before she was killed?

Edited by tv echo
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I know I said that I had posted my last ER interview, but I just came across this new one and had to quote it (I really wonder how much of the flashbacks were shot and then edited out)....

Get Acquainted With An Actress; Elysia Rotaru
By 604 Now on May 26, 2016


How would you describe your character Taiana’s relationship with Oliver Queen / Green Arrow?

There is a deep appreciation and love in the relationship. But not the kind of “harlequin romance” love with kisses, horses and wind blowing in your hair, but the kinda of love in which you grow, harness and let it fuel you. The kind of love that you’ll always remember as it helps to shape the person you become. Like an unrequited love because of their circumstances; it’s tough to maintain a healthy relationship with their external forces such as gunfire, evil magic and near death around the corner.

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I kind of don't see how Laurel deserved shit. She's a fictional character. She has never done anything to deserve good treatment, bc she doesn't actually exist. I would say THE AUDIENCE deserved better than a shitty boring inconsistent unpleasant character played by a miscast uncoordinated unpleasant actress, but I just don't understand that terminology that a FICTIONAL character deserves...anything. 

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The critics and publishing says different things about Felicity than some disgruntled comic fans. She's flying high being mentioned in actual articles.

EBR, Felicity and for the most part the writers have done a great job with her. Maybe it all comes down to having a terrific actress who gives it her all on screen and that's why they write better for her. 

Just saying.

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The reviewer gave the season a 6.6.

A thoughtful review of S4... I disagree with a few points though. As a whole, yeah, the season was kind of a dud especially with the way it got lost in the middle of the season and the underwhelming season finale... But there were a lot more high points this season than there was in S3 which was a hot mess.

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I think the IGN reviewer was premature in concluding that Arrow's best days are behind it, and I would rate the season as a whole higher than 6.6.  However, I agree that this review was more thoughtful than the usual knee-jerk negative reaction.  I also agree with the reviewer that the first half of S4 was really pretty good, while the second half of S4 faltered.  I note that the reviewer does not include Olicity among S4's failures:


The Ollie/Felicity romance continued to be one of the show's more divisive elements this year. For every person who obsesses over the pairing, there's another who actively despises Felicity and everything she represents. For the most part, I thought that romance worked well this year. Felicity represented everything Ollie stood to lose by returning to Star City. But when he did lose her, it wasn't the city at fault, but rather his own poor choices coming back to haunt him. But that's not to say Felicity was important only in terms of her relationship to Ollie this season. She dealt with her own struggles as she fought to maintain control of the ailing Palmer Tech, recovered from paralysis after a HIVE attack and reunited with her estranged father, Noah (Tom Amandes). This season offered Emily Bett Rickards a wider range of both drama and comedy, and she rose to the challenge. It also provided her with an entertaining new sidekick in the form of scatterbrained tech genius Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), a character who came into his own over the course of the season and now seems poised to take on a more active role as a member of Team Arrow.


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For every person who obsesses over the pairing, there's another who actively despises Felicity and everything she represents.

This is legit hilarious, considering how there's no possible way to count people who love vs. people who despise. I'm willing to bet whatever popularity numbers the CW and the WB have on Felicity, they're far from 50-50 by a fairly considerable margin, even.

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Some Arrow stuff in SA's recent TMNT2 interviews...

Stephen Amell was 'Out of the Shadows' at red carpet event in Philly 
Meredith Jacobs June 2, 2016 11:56 PM MST


Stephen Amell posed for photos and answered questions for dozens of media representatives on the red carpet yesterday, prior to a screening of the "Arrow" star's new film, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows." The event was part of this weekend's Wizard World Philadelphia festivities. 
*  *  *
Amell responded to a question regarding whether he sees himself directing or writing an episode of "Arrow" in the future. The actor said saying "never" usually comes back to haunt him and, while he has been offered to direct episodes of the show, he does not see it happening right now. He also praised several of the regular crop of directors for the show. For the upcoming season, he hoped to see more female directors. Despite his hesitation to use the word "never," the star was quite firm about not wanting to write an episode, however. That said, when asked about the prospect of Kevin Smith writing an episode, Amell said he would absolutely be all for it and credited the work of another comic book writer, Geoff Johns, on the episodes he has written for "Arrow" in the past. Particularly, "Dead to Rights," the episode from Season 1 where Tommy Merlyn finds out about Oliver's secret identity as The Arrow.

When asked about the possibility of breaking up a season of "Arrow" into multiple shorter arcs as opposed to a single overarching story, like the Damien Darhk story line from this past Season 4. Amell acknowledged that doing shorter story lines on "Arrow" had its benefits like being able to take a back-to-basics approach and do some "Villain of the Week" type one-off stories, but the mold for "Arrow" is to have a single overall story line to a season, whether that takes the form of a single villain or otherwise.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows: Stephen Amell’s secret to playing Casey Jones
BY NINA TERRERO • Posted June 2 2016 — 10:00 AM EDT


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What were you looking for in your first studio movie?  
Quite frankly, I was just looking for a movie. The opportunities for me were few and far between — it’s  [about] whether you can work over your hiatus or not. Once I found out Turtles was going to fit into my schedule, I pursued it pretty aggressively. I auditioned, I did a tape, I met with some people, I did a chemistry read with Megan [Fox]. Next thing you know, I was offered the job!  
*  *  *
Why did playing Casey seem like such a good fit?
He leads with his heart and not with his head. He makes mistakes, and he’s funny. I actually found that he was a little closer to my personality than Oliver Queen, who’s much more reserved, quiet, and introspective. That made the experience fun for me.

Was Turtles a way of stepping into film while staying within the comic book tradition that helped launch your career?
I think my experiences on Arrow made this a role that I was going to excel at, but I wasn’t thinking about staying in a specific genre as a transition to film.   

 What does the next step in your career look like? 
 I’m going back to Arrow. If Turtles does well, I’ll probably end up doing another [Turtles movie]. I’ve had the privilege of playing some characters that are established, but they have been characters that have been portrayed before, so I would love to anchor something new, a character that people would get to know for the first time through my performance. I would love to anchor a Jason Bourne-style franchise.   

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