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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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Apologies in advance if this has already been posted. I watched Arrow on Netflix and what I like about it is that I can suspend disbelief and go with the - sometimes - over the top stories. I have not watched this season's episodes but I don't mind being spoiled, so I know what happened to Felicity. 

I am posting this here because I read (a few) comments like "oh my, she is in a wheelchair now", and "how devastating". So I stopped reading. I spend 100% of my time with disabled people, 95% of my friends are disabled, and the last thing they want is pity. Such comments are ableist. Being disabled is not a tragedy and even after unforeseen events people do rebuild a life, with the new focus on new things.


Then I read this and it made me happy. Hopefully the show will continue to improve the disability plot, even if it is by not bringing it up front. After all, the social model of disability is about accommodations, not drama and/or pity



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Here's how the EPs probably want you to view the Oliver/Thea conversation...


‘Arrow’ recap: ‘Code of Silence’

February 19, 2016  by Rachel Rivera


Well IMO that person has bad observation skills. Thea's maturity is one thing but little Ms. "why can't anyone just tell the truth' and who turned her back on her brother and left town with Malcolm for lying to her. She is some how now encouraging her brother to lie to his soon-to-be-wife and her future sister-in-law to support a promise (ugh "not a lie" those are her words) to someone who has lied to him for 9 years is so beyond STUPID I just can't. So this writer accepted the Marc angle with no questions asked or curiosity peeked which leaves me SMH real hard at her.

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Here's how the EPs probably want you to view the Oliver/Thea conversation...


‘Arrow’ recap: ‘Code of Silence’

February 19, 2016  by Rachel Rivera



Gigglesnort. Sure. That's maturity.


The thing is, I do think that truth at no matter what the cost can be a naive attitude and there are situations where lying or keeping the truth to yourself can be beneficial. This is not one of them, however.

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Is it? I figured it would be released before the episode. The Eps usually handle the post-mortems. Still glad to hear from her.

Oh, I was just guessing because I figured it would be released after the episode since I couldn't quite picture what EBR would be promoting in 415, besides Felicity's possible reaction to the kid. Megalyn I could picture them interviewing for the episode, but eh I'm probably wrong and it is to promote 415. Actors occasionally get comments in post-mortems as well, if the story concerns them, but it could be just a last-minute one before the last episode before hiatus, can't wait to read it. 

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One of the writers for Comic Book Resources-- I forget his name at the moment Eric Goldman from IGN tweeted earlier today that he had a phone interview with SA re: 415. 


I'm kinda glad the episode-related interviews are with EBR and SA, not the actress that plays BM. Re-enforces my hope that she and this storyline are just plot points, not something that will stick around.


I wonder if there will be an interview with Megalyn Echikunwoke too.

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Craig Wack (Pajiba) and Tatiana Torres begin discussing Arrow 414 at around the 1:46:40 mark (you can drag the cursor forward and the audio will pick right up)...


Agents of GEEK podcast Episode 16
Posted on 02/19/2016


-- Tatiana said that Thea gave Oliver "the worst advice in the whole world... Telling the truth is always the right idea, guys." 
-- Craig said that Thea basically told Oliver that "whatever Felicity doesn't know won't hurt her, essentially... In order to get visitation rights, Oliver can't tell his 'wife' or even his son, but just has to show up and be the guy that buys the kid gifts or takes him to the park or something."
-- Felicity was Quentin's "staunchest defender" and got Donna back together with him.  So she was the "voice of reason" for Donna.
-- They were both surprised that the son reveal is going to happen so soon.  Craig thought this was "a pretty good episode of Arrow" because it moved things along better than it has in the past few weeks and "things are starting to happen."
-- Tatiana is going to ignore the flashbacks because they're "useless."
-- Craig is looking forward to next week's episode because "it seems like there's going to be some real movement... could be the boulder that starts the avalanche going."

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Arrow Season 4: 17 WTF Moments From ‘Code Of Silence’
Andrew Pollard   19 Feb 2016

Now Oliver Queen is a man who has overcome insurmountable odds and taken on the most dangerous of rogues, such as former BFF Deathstroke and the Lazarus Pit-loving Ra’s al Ghul. But still, it turns out that the Emerald Archer, despite having tackled some of the world’s biggest threats, can be caught out and surprised by a glittery envelope.

Clearly, pink envelopes should be the weapon of choice for Damien Darhk or any other rogues looking to get one-up on the Green Arrow.
*  *  *
The power of Olicity can’t help but brighten any and all bad situations.

Whilst the mission of the day is to pull vital information from a laptop in order to stop The Demolition Team and save a whole host of innocent civilians, Felicity can’t help but get glossy-eyed and reminisce about her and Oliver’s first interactions.

As Miss Smoak reminds us, the first job that Ollie ever tasked her with was pulling information from a rogue laptop. Who says romance is dead?
*  *  *
Did Darhk snatch William from mother Samantha? Did Darhk kill Samantha? Or has Samantha decided to loan out her kid so that she can party hard in Vegas after finally cashing in that $1 million cheque? We can only speculate for now, but this was a shocking WTF end to another stellar Arrow outing.
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Laura Hurley's tweets about watching 414 are pretty funny...

Oh, no. I just started my pre-review rewatch of Arrow 4x14, and I'm already going full MST3K on it.
Had to take a break from my Arrow 4x14 rewatch. My computer doesn't deserve all of the words I was saying to it.
@lah9891 I'm going back in. If I'm never heard from again, remember me well.
Thus concludeth my rewatch of 4x14. Ugh.


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Debatable: Arrow 4x14 Olicity Heart-to-Heart

Speaking of which… Thea finishes some debate prep with Oliver and presses him on Samantha some more. It turns out, she did some more digging and she knows about William. She’s put the pieces together and knows this is Oliver’s son. When Oliver explains the ultimatum Samantha has given him, Thea tells him that she understands why he’s keeping it a secret. Which… I’m sorry, but that’s a load of bullcrap.

Thea actually urges Oliver to keep lying to Felicity. In fact, in her words, its not a lie but a promise to the mother of his child. I understand that Thea is interested in keeping William safe, but I believe telling Felicity (and the rest of the team) is what would keep him safe. And Oliver leaves out that Malcolm knows about William. In fact, he leaves out that Malcolm is now gunning for Oliver.  So how is keeping William a secret keeping him safe?  It’s not.  Remotely.  And having Thea condone keeping a secret when that is the reason she went off the rails and left town with Malcolm at the end of season 2, is doing a monstrous disservice to her character.

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Verena Cote | February 18, 2016

This week’s Arrow episode #4.14 “Code Of Silence” takes us one step closer to the inevitable disaster...
*  *  *
... Lance’s relationship with Donna parallels Oliver and Felicity’s relationship nicely. Where Quentin decides to be truthful Oliver remains dishonest with his partner, which (we know it’s coming, Olicity fans,) will inevitably lead to a lot of heartbreak.
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Got tired of waiting for Game Stop. Just ordered mine from Amazon, will get her on Monday.

I heard fans asked Funko to make a Goth Felicity and they're thinking about it. I really hope they go for it. I'd love a Goth Felicity Pop

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Laura Hurley on What Worked In Code of Silence


Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards as Oliver and Felicity were great together in “Code of Silence,” but the episode MVP was Willa Holland as Thea. The show has gotten exponentially better on the character front since bringing Thea in on the Team Arrow adventures, and Willa Holland is blossoming as she’s given more to do. Frankly, Holland deserves an award just for keeping a straight face when delivering the speech to Oliver about how lying is totally cool and he definitely shouldn’t tell the woman that he’s actively planning on marrying about his secret kid. Considering that most of Thea’s troubles can be traced back to her rejecting the major lies told to her by loved ones, Holland may have felt like she was playing an entirely different character. Either way, she did a great job in the scene, so she gets the MVP.



What Didn't work In Code of Silence 


If Quentin was going to lie to Donna, he could have done more of a stretching of the truth instead of a complete fabrication. He’s a police captain in a city overrun with criminals; he could have told Donna that he was in danger for professional reasons even if he didn’t want to mention H.I.V.E. or Damien Darhk....

Oliver has been demonstrating an appallingly cavalier and self-centered attitude toward the secret. He may tell himself that he’s doing what’s best for William by abiding by Samantha’s terms, but he should have been on the phone with Samantha the identical second that Malcolm Merlyn revealed that he knew about William. He should have cut his losses and told the rest of Team Arrow what was going on and done everything in his power to hide the Claytons from his enemies.

Oliver spent three seasons going to almost obscene lengths to protect those whom he considers family; Oliver ignoring the very real danger to his child and his child’s mother is contrived to the point of straining all credulity. He’s meant to behave in accordance with his role as the hero of the story. When Damien Darhk behaves in accordance with his role as supervillain toward William and Samantha, the fault and responsibility will be Oliver’s.

Even if Oliver didn’t know that a vengeful villain knows the identity of his child, Thea finding out the truth and agreeing to keep the secret should be proof that Felicity is capable of doing the same. The secret is out, and Felicity is going to find out. He has to know that she’ll find out eventually. Letting her learn the truth only because a supervillain kidnapped his secret son is dreadful.

Thea validating Oliver’s lie feels contrary to her established character, and her argument that Samantha’s demand is reasonable because of the danger that Oliver brings to the dynamic due to his nighttime activities doesn’t make sense. Samantha doesn’t know that Oliver is the Green Arrow, and the danger that Thea mentions should be a reason for Oliver to stay away. Furthermore, Samantha may have known Oliver back when he was a philandering waste of space with terrible hair, but he’s running for mayor and engaged to a CEO.

The points-of-view from different characters about shades of truth might have been compelling if they were not blatantly in service of this baby mama drama plot. All of the speeches about dishonesty came from a place of contrivance rather than characterization.
The conversation between Oliver and Thea feels like it was designed to turn Oliver into a more sympathetic party, but he actually comes across worse than before. Oliver feeling guilty on the eve of his engagement party but doing nothing about it means that he is actively choosing to excuse his behavior rather than being oblivious to his misdeeds, and that reflects poorly on him. Oliver is a grown man, and he should know better than to make a major life decision based on a 20-year old telling him what he needed to hear to continue taking the path of least resistance.



And she's got a poll on her twitter asking if any actually likes the Baby Mama drama.

Edited by statsgirl
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ITA with everything that Laura Hurley wrote about 414, especially the illogic and stupidity of Oliver's continued secret-keeping and Thea's WTF speech. On the positive side, I also liked this part of her What Worked article:

Felicity’s gorgeousness wasn’t exactly hindered by the fact that Emily Bett Rickards and Stephen Amell continue to positively glow in their scenes together. For all of the contrivances that have sabotaged a lot of the Oliver/Felicity over the last few episodes, Rickards and Amell are as lovely as ever together. Rickards pulls such a warmth out of Amell that their scenes almost feel like they exist outside of the baby mama drama, and Amell has mastered the moony gaze as Oliver around Felicity. Their reactions to Curtis’ gift felt incredibly genuine. It’s almost possible to forget Oliver’s lies when he lights up around Felicity.
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Felicity Smoak Pops got sold out from the WB Shop and the DC shop! :D It's now back to pre-order status.






She's the #1 New Release and #1 Best Seller in Action & Toy Figure Accessories at Amazon.com...




ETA: This was accurate as of Feb. 21, 2016.

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I don't understand that article. I'm not saying that Arrow has done a great job with the storyline, but it sounds like that person would like Felicity to choose to remain disabled rather than make use of a cure.

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The writer has my full support on it being a lame storytelling device to use for only a few episodes. I even understand the point about not all disabled people wanting to be "cured" and I may see Felicity reacting like this if she were in the wheelchair for a few years and that became a defining part of her. Being as it's been a couple of months, this is a deviation for her and wanting to go back to what's normal for her comes as completely understandable to me.

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He's certainly entitled to his opinion but, I'm not sure looking to Arrow as some sort of flag bearer is a good idea. Arrow is not the show for that, these idiots can't even be bothered to get legal shit right and the show runners a former lawyer

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I am secretly hoping that Felicity will realize it’s okay to be disabled, and that her life will be just as fulfilling, even if she uses a wheelchair....


What non-disabled people do not realize is that this is one of only a few narratives we ever see about disability. We are almost always objects of pity. We almost always are “dreaming of a cure”. Our disability is often used as a plot device. When we don’t see much deviation from the same old story, especially something that is inaccurate of most people using wheelchairs, it’s really hard to want to watch these stories.


The truth of it is that I don’t understand why they even bothered to make Felicity disabled in the first place. It was nice to have a brief hiatus for two or three episodes from anyone wanting her to be walking again, but why bother to even make her disabled, if she was going to be “cured” again within a few episodes?! What a disservice to the disability community, especially to the thousands of disabled actors who can’t get a job because nobody will bother to hire them or even audition them…not even to play themselves!


I get a couple of things from this:

First, that disabled people get shafted by storylines and disabled actors don't get gigs because they go to abled actors. This, sadly, is true from Ironside to Glee. the only disabled actor I'm aware of is Daryl Mitchell on NCIS: New Orleans and he was an established actor before he was paralyzed.  So I can see that he resents an able person taking a disabled role from someone who is.


The other is that disabled people aren't dreaming of a cure, they are happy and fulfilled in their disability. Yes to the second part, my doubts on the first.  Personally, if I could get laser eye surgery that meant that I didn't have to wear glasses any more, I'd be thrilled.  I remember an ADHD expert saying that the idea that having ADHD makes you better is crap (I agree!), and the research on mental illness shows there's no extra creativity to people who have mental illnesses, they just can't control their creativity as well.  There's a difference between making the best of your disability and being glad you have it.


In a sense it's too bad that Felicity will (hopefully) walk again so fast but this is broadcast TV, not the documentary channel.  They have to go with what gives them the best story.

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I agree.  If you're going to base that argument on a superhero show like Arrow, then you might as well complain about how people in real life can't bring their loved ones back from the dead or save them from normally fatal injuries. Within the established context of the Flarrowverse, it would be more unrealistic if Felicity's paralysis couldn't be cured.

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Jessica Breaux's usual, insightful review of 414 (she thought it was "okay, but ... felt mostly like a set-up for the big reveal about Oliver’s son")...


Arrow “Code of Silence” Review (Season 4, Episode 14)
Jessica Breaux February 21, 2016 

I once heard someone say that for every good reason there is to tell a lie, there’s an even better one to tell the truth. That was pretty much the theme of this week’s Arrow. People sometimes convince themselves that the lie is necessary. Maybe we think the lie will hurt less than the truth. Or that we have no choice except to lie. The thing is, if you can be certain of nothing else in this world, you can always be assured that the truth will always, one way or another, find its way into the light. And when the truth is revealed, it will destroy whatever it was we believed we had to lie to protect.
*  *  *
Oliver was also faced with the issue of whether to tell the truth about William. Thea found out about William while doing some research into Oliver’s past for the campaign. She confronted Oliver with what she knew, and he told her everything. As good as it felt for him to get that off his chest, I really wish he would’ve had that conversation with Felicity. I’ve said before how wrong Samantha was for setting that kind of ultimatum. I get that she doesn’t want her son “corrupted” by Oliver’s family, but in case she hasn’t noticed, all of Oliver’s family is dead except for Thea. Also, Oliver has changed since the last time they were together. Anyone who’s in a room with him for more than five minutes should be able to tell that. Moira was wrong for her part in the situation all those years ago, but Samantha was also wrong to essentially make Oliver choose between Felicity and having a relationship with his son. Thea told Oliver what he wanted to hear about why keeping that secret from Felicity is the right thing to do, but it’s not what Oliver needed to hear. Oliver needed to hear that Felicity is Oliver’s partner in every sense of the word. She’s stood by him even when he didn’t deserve her. Oliver needed to hear that he’s trusted Felicity with his life and the lives of those he cares about, so why not about this too? Why not do what Lance did with Donna and explain everything to her? Oliver needed to hear that Samantha doesn’t have the right to dictate how Oliver governs his relationship with Felicity. Perhaps if Oliver weren’t the Green Arrow he would’ve pushed back a little harder against Samantha’s demands, but as it stands, he feels like everyone in his life has a target on their backs. He’s not exactly wrong. Especially when you have wieners like Malcolm Merlyn throwing a temper tantrum and helping your enemies find all your loved ones and putting them in danger. However, whatever perfectly legitimate reasons Oliver has when he finally has to tell Felicity the truth aren’t going to be enough to spare him her wrath.
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I used to post Comics Alliance's snarky reviews but stopped after Matt added a co-reviewer, Chris, who has stated (in past reviews) that he hates Felicity and then admitted that he's unable to articulate a reason as to why he hates Felicity.  However, even he made some points worth quoting about 414 (and he does seem to love the 'older' actors on the show).  I also post this as a partial rebuttal to MG claiming that criticisms of the BMD stem from shipper bias.  If anything, these reviewers are about as anti-Olicity as you can get...


Arrow’ Post-Show Analysis: Season 4, Episode 14: ‘Code of Silence’
by Matt D. Wilson February 19, 2016 11:00 AM

Chris: It also felt like this episode didn’t know what point it was trying to make. Ollie wants to tell Felicity, but Thea (who has discovered the secret son) tells him he’s right not to tell her because he’s keeping his promise. Donna is hurt Captain Lance is lying to her, but Felicity says sometimes you have to lie to protect people. But then Captain Lance tells her all about it anyway. What do you want me to think about the story you’re telling here, Arrow?!
Matt: It’s basically, “Lying is bad, except when it’s not, and even if it is bad, you’ll be forgiven. So just lie.”
Chris: I’ll start working on the motivational posters now. Speaking of Donna and Captain Lance, it’s amazing what great actors they can be when there aren’t any of the CW “young people” in the scene with them.
Matt: Yeah, Paul Blackthorne has been one of the show’s strongest actors from the beginning, which has made me wonder why he’s been so under-used this season. For a minute there, I thought they’d just written him off the show. And Charlotte Ross, who plays Donna, took what could have been a complete one-note character and made her pretty layered and complex. They’re easily two of my favorite characters, and I think it’s largely because of the actors.
*  *  *
Chris: Ah, my dear friend, you’ve fallen right into their trap. They want you to think they put any thought into this whatsoever. I have a theory about this show. Would you like to hear it?
Matt: Oh, do tell.
Chris: So, it is my sincere belief that there are three possible explanations for this show and the way it is written.
     1.  All of the people behind the scenes of this show have suffered some kind of traumatic head injury. Possibly having been hit in the head by a shovel.
     2.  The people behind the scenes of this show think that everyone who watches this show has suffered some kind of traumatic head injury. Also possibly involving one or many shovels.
     3.  Some combination of the previous two.
Matt: That seems pretty airtight. This is a show, after all, where bombs that are booby trapped so you can’t disarm them by traditional means must instead be disarmed by jamming arrows into them.
Chris: It’s adorable how this show tries to find uses for a medieval weapon.
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I just came across this review of last night's TWD episode, which mentions EBR and chemistry...


‘The Walking Dead’ ‘The Next World’ Review: So, THAT Finally Happened ...
Kevin Fitzpatrick | 12 hours ago

Well, that was certainly something! Putting aside the palpable fan delight still showering television sets across the globe (as well as a few questions I might have about Rick and Michonne going forward), it’s always nice to see writers leaning into unanticipated chemistry and fan support. Michonne certainly wasn’t written as a love interest for Rick in any form, the same way Arrow star Emily Bett Rickards initially only appeared in a small Episode 3 role, but there’s no ignoring the manner in which certain actors make relationships leap off the page.
*  *  *
*Looking at it from a comic angle, Rick and Michonne more or less occupy the same space as Rick and Andrea, who herself has been largely grafted on to AMC’s Sasha. Michonne actually had a brief relationship with Morgan in the books, and again, it makes much more sense to capitalize on existing chemistry than follow canon. Still, one wonders where Rick and Michonne might reasonably go from here, given the series isn’t likely to kill off either, or become a love story.
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For your reading enjoyment...


‘Arrow’: 4 Reasons We Hope Laurel Lance Aka Black Canary Doesn’t Die In Season 4 [POLL]

Fashion & Style  Feb. 20, 2016


That was pretty funny. From the article:


It would be much more interesting if the "Arrow" executive producers killed off a character like Quentin, which would give Cassidy a chance to show off her range and would show that Laurel is a complex character.

It would also be very interesting to see how Laurel handles losing her father and debating whether it is morally right to kill the person who was responsible for Quentin's death.

No, it wouldn't be interesting, because we've seen it twice already when Tommy and Sara were killed. In fact, after Sara's death Laurel even went through that exact scenario the writer wants to see-- a moral "debate" over whether or not to kill the person she thinks was responsible. Except it wasn't so much of a debate because she tried to shoot him the first chance she got.


I swear, every time I read a pro-Laurel article, I always wonder "Does this person even watch the show?" Why is that?

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Plus - I know the flash forward was for narrative purposes and isn't really indicative of who's in the grave, but if it is Quentin and Oliver and Felicity are sitting there planning on killing his murderer, seems like Laurel isn't getting much of a say in it, LOL.

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I don't know that I'd want that for Diggle. It wouldn't be safe, and those two are terrible employers. They didn't even mention their late last driver. Poor man.

No I don't want him to be the driver :p Just the guy in the passenger side lol

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It would be much more interesting if the "Arrow" executive producers killed off a character like Quentin, which would give Cassidy a chance to show off her range and would show that Laurel is a complex character.


It would also be very interesting to see how Laurel handles losing her father and debating whether it is morally right to kill the person who was responsible for Quentin's death.


This show has given Laurel a chance to show her range for 3 out of 4 damn seasons with one of those seasons being her reacting to a loved one dying. I think we saw her reactions albeit it was a sibling and not a parent but either way we've been there and done that already. They also done the writer's second suggestion which showed Laurel running around ready to kill on sight anyone she thought had a role in Sara dying. It was painful to watch then I really don't want to see a wash, rinse, repeat especially with Laurel being the one to have to display emotional scenes.


I get this person obviously likes Laurel and Black Canary. However, I think some still are enchanted with the comic book version of the character and not what is being portrayed on the show. Then again I could be wrong and they are in LOVE with what they are seeing on the show. I just have to shake my head at the reasons she wrote because IMO they have either been done or will bring nothing new to the character at all.

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Just read all the interviews. And I have to say, EBR and DR give the best interviews. It's absolutely stunning just how protective they are of their characters, just how much they understand their characters or at least try to understand them (despite some bad writing). They give such rich answers to simple questions which probably help the interviewers engage more and make the interview a lot more entertaining. 


It's jarring seeing the difference between EBR/DRs interviews and KC whose interviews  are usually so dry and often leave me confused because what she says doesn't usually translate onto the screen.


Noticing this difference, I kind of feel bad because LL really was meant to fail with KC portraying her because she doesn't really understand nor really care for her enough to respect her or really dig deep into LLs motivations. 

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She's been in acting all these years and creates back stories for her character she surely doesn't talk about anything in depth unless it's makeup, or just talking about training. Most of her interviews for arrow are "Laurel is strong and a fighter." Let's not forget the one she did talking about the costume, lip stick and nail polish.

That's one of the few reasons I can't take her seriously.

Emily, David and Stephen take pride in their characters and it shows when they talk about them in depth.

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