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The Starling City Times: News and Media about Arrow

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Could someone help me vet this claim I read elsewhere? 


Executive producer M.G. has said Sara will have memory problems and will blame laurel for stealing her identity while she was gone. M.G. went on to say Sara is going to want revenge.



I've watched most of the interviews and read most of the articles and I don't remember anything being confirmed about Sara  I certainly don't remember anything about Sara blaming Laurel for stealing her identity.  I think I saw something from Caity suggesting Sara would want revenge on Malcolm, but Laurel? 


There were a lot of interviews.  Did I miss something? 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I don't remember reading that. I heard Caity say she thinks Sara would not like Laurel being a vigilante because it's a dangerous life and it's not what she would want for her. Plus Caity's all about women working together, not against each other. When CL was asked about the BC vs WC, she said she would want them to fight side by side. KC is the one that seems to want them to fight against each other. 


Also if Sara has memory problems how does she know Laurel stole her identity?


The only thing I heard is Sara may be mad at Thea for killing her, but as soon she finds out it was Malcolm she'd go after him. 


However knowing MG, who doesn't seem to know how women work (despite being married to the women that brought us Peggy Carter) would probably make WC and BC have a catty girl fight, because he's really a 12 year old boy. 

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Arrow info from the io9 article (posted in the LoT media thread)...

We’ve heard we might see the pasts of the Flash and Arrow universes. Does this mean we might see characters like Robert and Moira Queen?
That’s the beauty part of a time-travel show. You can go back to season one of Arrow, or even before then. That’s part of the fun. So much of it depends on, what stories are we telling, and are the actors game for reprising their roles?


Given that there’s so much time travel on Legends of Tomorrow, will events in this series change or directly affect events in the same universe, on The Flash or Arrow?
The concept of time travel that was introduced on Flash is going to be applied consistently within the Berlanti-verse. So that said, we’re not doing to use time travel on Legends to retcon something on Arrow.


How much will Sara [the White Canary]’s resurrection affect the characters on Arrow, or will that be kept separate?
No, we’re going to cover that whole story on Arrow. She’ll be ready to go for Legends by the time Legends starts up.
*  *  *
In terms of tone and overall story, how is Legends going to compare to Arrow and Flash?
Showrunner Phil Klemmer:
Arrow is super-dark, vigilante, grim, crusader of justice. And Flash has a sort of lightness and family quality that ours will be a little bit closer to. But ours is a little bit more adult, a little bit more madcap, more of like a caper. It’s sort of Ocean’s 11, where you have this team of misfits who’ve been sent on, essentially, a suicide mission. It will have a lot of interpersonal tension, but it’s almost like a family dynamic between people who don’t get along, but they’re forced to get along, because they’re stuck on this time-traveling space ship and having to save the world. But if it weren’t for that, they would absolutely kill each other!

At a certain point we will have darkness emerge, and characters will betray one another, and be tempted by the dark side. Others might not make it along for the full trip, or will get lost in weird time periods. But I think when they’re all hanging out, you can’t help but have people who are that different have fundamental disagreements about the stupidest things. It’s a very quippy, wisecrack-y show. That, to me, is hilarious, and that’s what I want to write.
*  *  *
Will we be seeing Ray Palmer on Arrow before Legends premieres?
Brandon Routh: Yes, I think we’re going to see all of the characters come off of either Flash or Arrow to build the story, to build the team on Legends of Tomorrow.

We Got the Scoop on What to Expect from DC's Legends of Tomorrow!
Cheryl Eddy  Filed to: SDCC2015   7/14/15 2:40pm

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I know there are a lot of Sara fans eager to see her on "Arrow" again but man I'm going to be so pissed if this turns out to be Season 2B all over again. She's going to be in the spinoff, why not tell her story there? And then we're going to see Ray's story, too, right? Ugh! I need this season to focus on the main Arrow characters. That's what the EPs promised during SDCC: the spotlight on Oliver, Felicity and Diggle, with the latter two getting the story lines I've been waiting for for three years. 

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Two interesting recent articles by Laura Hurley...


anonymous asks:
This is probably not news but I just feel that it's all these damn spin offs that caused the decline of Arrow in season 3. The network all ready showed that Arrow's the Woody while LOT and Flash are Buzz Lightyear, that SDCC poster was the worst display of hate and disrespect of a flagship I've ever seen. Then there's the fact that Andrew and Greg we lost to Flash and now LOT, while Marc was left to his lonesome when the three of them together was what helped the show a lot. What do you think?

Jul 14, 2015 4:23 pm


Devil’s Advocate #1: Damien Darhk as Felicity Smoak’s father in Arrow
Jul 15, 2015 9:28 pm

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As a Sara fan, I'd rather her not be on Arrow, so I don't have watch it. 

Sara is the only Lance I like at this point. I don't care about Sara and Laurel and I'm too annoyed at Lance to enjoy those interactions. I realize that there needs to be some resolution in the Lance family, but I was hoping it would be minimal on Arrow and the bulk of it would be on LOT where Sara takes the lead.


If I watch it on Arrow, I'm just going to consistently reminded of how they completely jacked up Black Canary.

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I really hope Ray Palmer is found on ARROW super quickly and them promptly shipped to FLASH to get his big spin-off send-off while they help him adjust his suit & powers. I feel like that should be a Cisco mission. Perhaps his explosion will be the one the link to BA's time blackhole. Somehow his story becomes more attached to the FLASH & less to Arrow.


Two interesting recent articles by Laura Hurley...


anonymous asks:
This is probably not news but I just feel that it's all these damn spin offs that caused the decline of Arrow in season 3. The network all ready showed that Arrow's the Woody while LOT and Flash are Buzz Lightyear, that SDCC poster was the worst display of hate and disrespect of a flagship I've ever seen. Then there's the fact that Andrew and Greg we lost to Flash and now LOT, while Marc was left to his lonesome when the three of them together was what helped the show a lot. What do you think?

Jul 14, 2015 4:23 pm


Devil’s Advocate #1: Damien Darhk as Felicity Smoak’s father in Arrow
Jul 15, 2015 9:28 pm

Enjoyed her take on the comparison of the 3 shows. I do really think that Arrow has the better characterizations & overall is a stronger show. The Ocean's 11 dynamic of LoT is interesting draw. I feel like the Flash will show some major flaws & deficits this season when they have to take on spin-off set-up. The show seemed to have an even worse time integrating stories outside of Harrison Wells.


I hope her Devil's advocate does not come true. I want DD to be NO one's father on the show. He is pure evil from what they describe him as. I feel like Diggle will already have a compromised relationship & rehabilitation path with OQ/FS that I don't need one more anvil of drama thrown on it. I actually think Andy's death will be the thing that helps to reconnect & bond OQ/FS/JD back together without their being any paternal connections.

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They want the LOT team working right out of the gate. They can't do Sara's resurrection story on LOT. Like it or not, she's been a fundamental part of the story of this show since the pilot, even through the entirety of S1 where the ramifications of her apparent death were still being felt by not only the Lances but by Oliver, as well. I personally don't understand why having her be a big part of S4 is any different than Felicity being such a big part of the show now that she will practically be considered a co-lead along with Oliver (and Diggle, who I don't use as a comparison to Sara because he's been a regular since the pilot, at least) other than personal preference. It may not interest most posters here, but it interests others.

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They want the LOT team working right out of the gate. They can't do Sara's resurrection story on LOT. Like it or not, she's been a fundamental part of the story of this show since the pilot, even through the entirety of S1 where the ramifications of her apparent death were still being felt by not only the Lances but by Oliver, as well. I personally don't understand why having her be a big part of S4 is any different than Felicity being such a big part of the show now that she will practically be considered a co-lead along with Oliver (and Diggle, who I don't use as a comparison to Sara because he's been a regular since the pilot, at least) other than personal preference. It may not interest most posters here, but it interests others.


I like Sara. I want her as far away from Laurel as possible because yuck, that relationship gives me hives. I also don't like how Arrow tends to make Sara plot-driven to further everyone else's stories but her own. If they give me Sara's story? I'll be thrilled. If she's back to facilitating other people's development? I'm gonna complain about it here a lot. Just as I complain about it here a lot when Felicity does that.

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Arrow at Comic Con: Stephen Amell Discusses Oliver’s New Path and Friendship With Diggle in Season 4

By Andy Behbakht on Jul 16, 2015

When asked about getting to play a brighter and comic-like version of Oliver: “It’s not moving to play a lighter Oliver Queen, it’s just getting to play with more notes than being just sad all the time. That’s cumbersome if you are an audience member, it’s cumbersome if you are playing the character, it is cumbersome, period. It’s also not as interesting as Oliver going through different phases. I think it has been important and critical to where we have ended up and I hope we get to see some different sides of him”


The theme of Season 4: “It’s too early to tell. You can always tell sort of by the mid-way point when you very much [knew] that it’s all about identity going into season 3. I don’t really know what it is yet, going into season 4. Which is a good thing actually, I think that a season that takes a minute to play out is a little bit refreshing.”


When asked where the flashbacks be taking place this season: “No comment. Where the flashbacks are taking place this year is a plot point that shall remain a secret. We haven’t filmed anything yet so we don’t have a trailer to show anybody, but I actually think it will play well to what the audience will discover in October when everyone else does.”

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I'm getting so sick of these EBR/Felicity is crying too much interviews. Talk about click bait for haters. My eyes are rolling all over the place.

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Ugh me too.It wasn't even that much crying.She cried at moments like her ex boyfriend turning out to be alive and trying to kill her and her mother,Sara dying,Oliver dying,Oliver losing his soul.I remember there were complaints when 3.10 aired that she wasn't sad enough so that must mean she doesn't really love him.She cried and then did what she had to do to help the team and go on with her life.No one is complaining at how much Barry cried,pretty sure it was more then Felicity.

Edited by tangerine95
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They're just grasping at straws to find reasons to hate on her.Its the same thing with the crying as with her flying the ATOM suit.No matter how many times its explained that Ray had no problem flying it they still won't let it go.

Barry cried every single time he saw his father,he cried when he confesed his feelings to Iris,he cried when things went wrong,he cried about tree times in the finale alone.

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I've loved EBR's responses so far, but I'm at the point where I just want her to shut them down. It's not just that they can't seem to get past the crying, but they refuse to acknowledge she actually did something this season.


Oh Barry. I need someone to do a tally of everytime he cried.

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I've seen Barry get the crying complaint.

Why bring him up though? Doesn't validate or not validate Felicity's tears.


People are denigrating Felicity for crying all the time, when Barry did it too and no one's writing any articles about that. It doesn't matter if the tears were valid or not - they're both criers. The woman's getting criticized for it in the media, and the man isn't. 


That's why I brought it up.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Careful with all that truth tea you're spilling there. It's too hot for some people to handle.

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So much off-topic ness!  I've hidden a bunch of posts until I figure out what I'm going to do with them (leave hidden or move).  Next time there will be no warning, they'll just disappear.  Please stay on topic.

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I like Mitovich's implied support for Arrow...


Emmy Nominations: Flash's Grodd Nod, Jane's Narrator and More Fun Facts
By Matt Webb Mitovich / July 16 2015, 10:45 AM PDT

SUPER KUDOS: Fox’s Gotham fared best among comics-inspired fare, totalling four nods (including for costumes and visual effects). Marvel’s Daredevil has eyes on three prizes (title design, sound editing and visual effects), while Agents of SHIELD, Constantine and the aforementioned The Flash nabbed one apiece. Arrow was shut out again, boxed out of even the stunt category (by Blacklist, Thrones, Boardwalk, Sons and Walking Dead). You keep failing this series, Academy!
Edited by tv echo
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'Arrow': David Ramsey on identity concealment, HIVE, Diggle and Oliver and more
Meredith Jacobs  July 16, 2015 2:06 PM MST


Arrow at Comic-Con: Emily Bett Rickards Discusses Olicity and Papa Smoak in Season 4
By Andy Behbakht on Jul 16, 2015

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I know it's superhero television and that doesn't get Emmy nods like that. I'm a Buffy fan, I'm used to genre bias. However I think it's ridiculous that Arrow didn't even get a nomination for their stunt work. Even if it wasn't the best this past year it was better than all the other shows on TV.

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I particularly love how they're pretty much much "Oh, and he's gay! Because we totally don't have a problem with that, despite how it looked last year!" Which I'm all for; it's a rare thing for writers to show genuine contrition and swear to do better (shout out to Dave Polsky from Friendship is Magic, who was awesome with it).

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This is interesting - this writer's roundup of the 18 best Easter eggs hidden in plain sight throughout season 3...


Arrow: 18 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References You Need To See

James Hunt  18 JUL 2015


Now I really wanna see a Flash montage to Born To Run...

Also seeing the boat named Triton's daughter makes me want to have SA burst into the Little Mermaid. Or at least reference some type of of shipwreck & mermaids. Silly wishes but sometimes its fun to be a little silly.

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On July 16 & 17, TV Overmind posted youtube videos of the cast interviews that it did at at the SDCC 2015 press roundtables - their SA & EBR interviews are also subjects of TV Overmind articles (by Andy Behbakht) posted above (here and here), while the DR interview is subject of TV Overmind article (by Andy Behbakht) posted below...





Arrow at Comic Con: David Ramsey Discusses Oliver/Diggle Relationship and the New Team Arrow in Season 4

By Andy Behbakht on Jul 17, 2015


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I was one of the 4 people who watched Ben and Kate, so I'm excited Echo Kellum has been cast. I hope it's a better role than Arrow's usual one-offs.


I loved that show too. I quoted Echo's line about taking his glasses off to prove his serious-ness for about 3 monthes

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I keep hearing about Ben & Kate. I'm going to have to check it out.


I've been reading EBR and Echo's twitter back and forth (and SA's for a hot moment). I'm looking more forward to that dynamic then I was before. It's nice to see an actor get excited about a role. I'm happy for him. I also want him to flirt with Oliver. Or Diggle.

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I keep hearing about Ben & Kate. I'm going to have to check it out.


I've been reading EBR and Echo's twitter back and forth (and SA's for a hot moment). I'm looking more forward to that dynamic then I was before. It's nice to see an actor get excited about a role. I'm happy for him. I also want him to flirt with Oliver. Or Diggle.

Oh they HAVE to him comment on his boss's Boyfriend. Or her "Brother".

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Fangirlish posted a series of cast interviews at SDCC 2015.  The videos of their interviews with EBR, JB, DR, SA and KC were previously posted on page 66 of this thread.  Here are the remaining two interviews with PB and WH...


San Diego Comic Con 2015 - Paul Blackthorne


San Diego Comic Con 2015 - Arrow's Willa Holland

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