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36 minutes ago, pizza pizza said:

They even found an article with evidence that he's copied other photographers work to prove that Emily's shoot was done with malicious intent lol. Imagine all the cash DC could make if they sued everyone that's ever worn that combo! 

Throw some bunny ears on there and I suppose they can also sue Playboy.

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16 minutes ago, way2interested said:

In a world being overrun by FICONs, be The Darkest Hour.

To be fair I think the FICON writers write beautifully. I'm just not into their plots or some of their characters etc. 

I loved the first few chapters of Ficon and loved the first instalment of Meet The Press. 

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16 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

To be fair I think the FICON writers write beautifully. I'm just not into their plots or some of their characters etc. 

I loved the first few chapters of Ficon and loved the first instalment of Meet The Press. 

Oh, don't get me wrong, I think they write well too. I was just comparing one side (people gushing, 4 planned sequels, 87 plots, shaky characterization at times, updating very frequently, basically quantity) vs. the other (kind of underrated, one central plot, really good characterization, updating once every so often, basically quality) from the way I feel about them at this point at where both of the stories are.

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Id really enjoyed FICON but cant say the same for Pieces and yet my attachment to Jules and wanting better for her keeps me reading despite that fact haha. So I guess they are succesful in ghat respect. But I also have a loyalty to the authors as Four Walls is my favourite smutty Olicity fic.

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I enjoy her fics as well - I think she's a great writer. 

I will say though that I cannot express how much I dislike it when fic authors who habitually abandon WIPs to start new WIPs get an attitude about people asking when their fave abandoned WIP will be updated and then turn around and pretty much beg for reviews. 

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I think the abandoned fic that scarred me the most was the Homeless Felicity fic... 

But I agree with apinknightmare, while Fina is a good writer, she's flaky at best and her attitude is kind of terrible. Which is disheartening.

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Yeah, I understand writers abandoning fics. Sometimes you lose interest, inspiration etc...I get it. But I don't like when writers get angry/develop an attitude at people enquiring after updates. Wouldn't that be a nice thing, that someone is still interested in what you've written? That's what I don't get. 

Also...do I want to know about this homeless Felicity fic? Never read it.

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Also...do I want to know about this homeless Felicity fic? Never read it.

You don't, because it's abandoned and it didn't get abandoned in a good place. 

I get people losing interest - I lose interest in stuff I'm writing all the time. I have a whole folder of fanfics that I probably won't ever finish. I think that at the point where it becomes habitual and you've got a lot of stuff out there that people are still invested in and curious about that you probably aren't going to finish, and yet are still asking them to get invested in your new stuff despite your track record...maybe you should just ignore the requests for updates and not complain about it. 

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7 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:


But in the last chapter they had


sex and Felicity walked away telling him it was a mistake. 


would the author do that to us???!?!?!??!!

Edited by wonderwall
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The one (of hers) that killed me was the  Broken Hearts and Betrayal series. She got 5 multi chapter fics into that series and then abandoned the whole thing. She wrote some quick wrap up but, it wasn't satisfying since the ending still had them apart.

At this point I will only read her One Shots or if a Fic is completed.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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It was an specific Fina Smallville fic that made me swear off WIPs forever. She planned 50 chapters, but she stopped posting around chapter 30. And thus I never ever read a WIP again.

She has so many stories that 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 4 chapters posted that she never finished, and I'm just... ???

I still read WIPs, but Fina is the reason why I always check the author's profile page before I start one. Her other works page is a massive graveyard of abandoned fics across all fandoms. 

Edited by lemotomato
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14 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

This is like when articles say 'Warning: Contains graphic images' and I have to click just to see how bad they are. IDK why.

So I'm blaming you, because now I've seen who wrote the homeless Felicity fic and I enjoyed her work before. Damn you!

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I really like quivering bunny's stories ..... and she always finishes them!  (even if I had to wait almost seven months for the last chapter of Magic Words.)

On 2017-01-13 at 1:45 PM, wonderwall said:

But in the last chapter they had

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sex and Felicity walked away telling him it was a mistake. 


would the author do that to us???!?!?!??!!

I just read it (because I hate mysteries) and I can understand why she did that in the chapter, because the whole fic was about Felicity being broken so that was inevitable at that point in it, but it's too bad she didn't continue.  It's an intriguing concept and well written.

When someone posts a WIP, she/he is asking you to trust them, and i"ve been burned so many times.....

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I think if a writer is not going to finish a WIP the courteous thing would be to post that they're taking a break or suspending the story. It's the vanishing that I find annoying.  I would prefer that they finish their story, but life happens. A quick note thanking readers and telling them to move on or that you'll return to it later but no current update plan at least acknowledges their contract with their audience.

Another pet peeve I have is when writers ask for comments if they should continue with the story or not. Either finish it or don't but don't beg an audience to tell you that they want to hear more. It's just a little petty.

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8 hours ago, kismet said:

Another pet peeve I have is when writers ask for comments if they should continue with the story or not. Either finish it or don't but don't beg an audience to tell you that they want to hear more. It's just a little petty.

It always makes me enjoy a story a little less, and it seems a little needy. Like they're writing for the accolades instead of because they have a story they want to tell. I always consider that a bad sign. 

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I remember one author posted a note in a story that she wouldn't update with the next chapter until she had 50 comments. 

I get that this is a hobby/passion but that note always struck me as obnoxious. 

I think I remember the author but don't want to say it, in case I'm totally wrong.

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I don't even know where to begin with this chapter of PoA. But holy fucking fuck Oliver and Felicity are even worse parents that I thought. 


Dear Oliver and Felicity, there are TWO of you. And you have two daughters in the hospital. One for each child. I don't care what you need emotionally, your daughters need you more. Split up. Just because one appears to be fine physically, does not excuse you both ignoring her and leaving her alone (and not even alone, they left her to comfort/look over her little brother!) because Ellie was hurt more. And yeah, Ellie was hurt severely, but Oliver said it himself later-- he knew Ellie would make it out okay because of Future-Ellie. (Also. Fuck Moira for leaving Jules alone with Nate and appearing to care more about Future-Ellie than her Jules).

If there was ever a time that Jules needed her parents and their support and love it was then. Because their actions in the hospital 100% confirmed Jules' fears about them not wanting her. I just cannot get over Oliver, Felicity, and Moira leaving Jules alone. She just went through some sever emotional/psychological trauma and if she just had one parent sitting with her I imagine it would have done wonders for her.  

(Also. I kind of hate how they made Sara be Ellie's BFF and not really close with Jules. Does Jules have anyone?) 


Edited by HighHopes
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11 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

Does Jules have anyone?

Just Will, it seems.

I really don't get what they're going for here. Oliver (and on rare occasions Felicity) seems hyper aware of what Jules thinks and why, and how those things manifest in her behavior so it's like...he knows its an issue and does actively acknowledge it, but then continues to do shitty things that reinforce her ideas, like in this chapter.


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Macha updated her 5+1 fic, In Deed and in Truth. The latest installment is at a future point, with Felicity and Oliver very firmly together. It's really sweet, but not toothache inducing. And I appreciated a take on 


very pregnant Felicity which doesn't involve a mad rush to the hospital. If you've read one of those, you've read them all.

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@dtissagirl when I started reading fics there seemed to be lots of great writers who wrote lots and lots of Arrow fics but many of them don't write anymore at all.

Could be that they got over it and found a new hobby over the years but could also be the show. 

It'll be sad if the remaining authors I really like give up too after this season.

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I can't remember if this has already been posted but I enjoyed Out of the Woods by Mintsea. Olicity post s4, get back together fic. And best of all, no new love interests yay.

Also, the author has written some one shots following on from that story and they're cute so far. 

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On 1/15/2017 at 7:29 PM, statsgirl said:

Miss Mudpie's Eight Nights of Light, eight moments back and forth through 57 years of Hanukah nights with Oliver and Felicity.

She hasn't written many fic but I generally like what she has.

I really liked it. Good mix of fluff and angst.

She's a good writer and I wish she'd write more. Her metas about the show are good reads too.

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On January 19, 2017 at 10:08 AM, bijoux said:

ckksac posted Chapter 20 of The Darkest Hour. It made me realize that i still haven't read 19, because I first need to re-read or at least skim chapter 18, since I forgot how that unfolded.

I do love this story, but it saddens me to realize the slim pickings we have for quality stories.  i need more.  

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Deceive, Inveigle, and Obfuscate update. I highly recommend it. It's got Felicity being a badass, Moira seeming to unclench a bit but not in any over the top un-Moira-like way, Oliver seems to be getting off his ass, and I'm almost completely convinced Felicity has seen through him at the end of the chapter. Wheeee. 

I'm trying not to spoil much, but it's really, really good.

Also, I sort of love the moments with Jean, particularly one which I read as, Never thought I'd see Moira's idiot son become this kind of idiot.

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To Sacrifice the Sun has been updated. It's not a perfect fic, mostly due to an overuse of frak in all its variations IMO and that Felicity doesn't match Felicity how I see her in certain aspects. However, I can rationalize it because of the pretty big thing that hit her when she and Oliver were first together, while she was still very young. I like that the author seems to be taking a non-maudlin approach to a fairly difficult subject. This last chapter is all Oliver and Felicity. Best of all, it will be on a regular weekly update schedule for a while.

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