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But it was happy.  Well not happy but they're both out there fighting for each other.


There are a lot of fics where thinking of Felicity brings Oliver back, but I like this one the best in terms of hopeful angst.


I was avoiding the fic because of the comments here, but it is hopeful angst, I really liked it.

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I wanted to make a request for recommendation for Olicity fics with happy endings.  It can have some angst has to end on a positive note because the show's so angsty right now.  I also wanted to give Smoaking Billionaires a try and would appreciate some recommendations.

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I wanted to make a request for recommendation for Olicity fics with happy endings.  It can have some angst has to end on a positive note because the show's so angsty right now.

I can suggest effie214 for some warm and fuzzy, sometimes angsty, always beautifully written Olicity fic.  She also writes the most fantastic tag fic (linked on the page, don't miss the polyvore sets, which are great, as well).  I could basically read her all day long. 


lizlook12 can also be counted on to write great established, happy ending Olicity.


I know there's more, but those immediately come to mind.  

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@Chaos is Welcome I agree that video got me in the feels and made me pissed that Sara was killed to push Fakanary and that Moira was killed. I'm also mad about the unnecessary bullshit angst for Olicity

Edited by jay741982
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So many good people lost.   sob


Oliver:  I don't want to be a hero.

Sara:   I'm the farthest thing from being a hero.

Moira, sacrificing herself for her children.  Tommy sacrificing himself to save Laurel when he could have been safe.  Quentin willing to sacrifice himself to defuse the bomb.

And that folks, is what makes a hero.

Edited by statsgirl
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@calliope1975 wrote this interesting fic! It has so much promise and it's quite unique and well written. I so hope she continues it! *glares at her until she decides to continue it*


And If I Die


wonderwall, thanks for the rec.  calliope1975, this was beautifully written!  I'd love to read more, as well, should the muse strike again...

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Oh man, don't glare at me, wonderwall! Thanks so much for the rec. We'll see if my muse decides she wants to cooperate for future fics.

STILL GLARING. :) You did a really good job with that fic btw! I also left a comment in which I left a few ideas on how you could continue it. It's actually the worst when you have good ideas but don't have the talent to follow through with them lol

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STILL GLARING. :) You did a really good job with that fic btw! I also left a comment in which I left a few ideas on how you could continue it. It's actually the worst when you have good ideas but don't have the talent to follow through with them lol

Hey wonderwall I'll tell you the same thing my professor once told me: the doers of the world would never have anything to do without the dreamers/thinkers of the world - because they'll have no ideas to bring to fruition.

In other words: never be sorry for being an idea person!! The best stuff come from a dreamer mind :-)

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Hey wonderwall I'll tell you the same thing my professor once told me: the doers of the world would never have anything to do without the dreamers/thinkers of the world - because they'll have no ideas to bring to fruition.

In other words: never be sorry for being an idea person!! The best stuff come from a dreamer mind :-)

Well you just made me tear up??? If you were next to me right now I would so punch you because I'm not the type to show a lot of emotion so I do things to even that out :p I'm not weird. Thank you for that! It's really a wonderful quote

Edited by wonderwall
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Oh man, don't glare at me, wonderwall! Thanks so much for the rec. We'll see if my muse decides she wants to cooperate for future fics.

You have to continue this ... If only to make sure that Laurel face the consequences of her stupid actions - something that never happened on the show!

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Well you just made me tear up??? If you were next to me right now I would so punch you because I'm not the type to show a lot of emotion so I do things to even that out :p I'm not weird. Thank you for that! It's really a wonderful quote

You're welcome! She's a pretty amazing professor (her class is one of the only ones i actually have an A in, which is depressing cause I'm far from stupid).

just so you know.. you are not alone. I was always frustrated with myself that i could never finish anything i started, and then she came and turned my world upside down.. FYI there was a bit more to that quote, she ended it by saying that in the end it's a circle - that the thinkers need the doers just as much or else their ideas would simply die unfulfilled (or something to that extent i was In state of shock from the first part that this second part is kind of hazy)

I still get frustrated when i don't finish some things.. But it's easier now cause i am slowly learning to accept this is who I am. I think the most importent thing is to be able to chose a career that complements and works well with that quality.

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Oh man, don't glare at me, wonderwall! Thanks so much for the rec. We'll see if my muse decides she wants to cooperate for future fics.

Instead of a glare how about we sit prettily across from you at the table with our hands folded under our chins, bat our eyes, smile and admit to being a hocker? 


To be fair, the one chapter fulfilled most of my musts as I was reading it (and expecting it to end halfway through- so glad I was wrong about that)  I get too why you hesitate on this one. That teaser line could prompt one very complex story. I'd be happy though leaving that question unanswered (a little mystery don't hurt) and get down to wish fulfillment A) some full blown Olicity  and B) Laurel getting either reamed by the others for what she did or her making some other decision about her career as a hero.


Is it absolutely necessary? Nah, but the whipped cream and cherry on top always is a winner. 

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I know that's why I was surprised I liked it so much, in spite of this.


I do think that Fanfic can tend to elevate Felicity into Mary Sue-dom sometimes, so I don't mind some flaws and I just liked this one for being different but still giving me Olicity feels.

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I kind of Adore this fic even though it starts off with Felicity married to Ray & cheating on him with Oliver

I generally like gnimaerd's fic (even recommended on here) but I didn't like the cheating and what really seemed like Felicity taking advantage of Ray since she married him and then cheated with Oliver just because.  It's well written but they're both more selfish than I like to think of them being.

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Yeah it is mine (first Arrow fic) It's over at AO3 too.  http://archiveofourown.org/works/3143573



A line Guggenheim tweeted about

"I don't want to be a woman you love."

just kept bouncing around my head and this is what came out. Call it therapy, lol. 


Oh and while the title is Every Shade of Blue it has NOTHING to do with anything 50 Shades related.  Just have to make that clear.  ;)

Edited by BkWurm1
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Yeah it is mine (first Arrow fic) It's over at AO3 too.  http://archiveofourown.org/works/3143573



A line Guggenheim tweeted about

"I don't want to be a woman you love."

just kept bouncing around my head and this is what came out. Call it therapy, lol. 


Oh and while the title is Every Shade of Blue it has NOTHING to do with anything 50 Shades related.  Just have to make that clear.  ;)

I enjoyed that fic quite a bit, the beginning felt a tad off, but it got better and better as the story continued.

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I enjoyed that fic quite a bit, the beginning felt a tad off, but it got better and better as the story continued.

I'm not surprised.  I have only two or three fics I've written where I am entirely satisfied with the opening.  This one suffers a bit since I just plop the reader in the middle of the conversation but it's nice to know it's not just me that thought it got a lot better.  Thanks!    

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@BkWurm1I just read your fic, really liked it. I don't mind you plonked the reader in the middle of the conversation because it was pure Olicity goodness, no filler.

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@BkWurm1 thank you for giving me what I want. Thats exactly the reaction I'd think Felicity would have. When the two of them reunite and things don't go this way, I can sleep soundly in fanfiction land.

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I'm not surprised.  I have only two or three fics I've written where I am entirely satisfied with the opening.  This one suffers a bit since I just plop the reader in the middle of the conversation but it's nice to know it's not just me that thought it got a lot better.  Thanks!

Than I would recommand finding a beta reader/editor to help you broaden and tighten any stories.

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Genki and Limbo, thank you both. 


Than I would recommand finding a beta reader/editor to help you broaden and tighten any stories.


A second opinion is always a wise course of action.  :)

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I know  this has been recommended on here before, but the story has just gotten SO MUCH BETTER and I feel like it's a lot more entertaining than the actual show right now. The ARGUS stuff is great, the olicity stuff is the sweetest (especially the last chapter, it was the most gorgeous thing ever), there's a lot of Nyssa who's badass, Diggle and Roy aren't really in this as much as I'd hope but then again, they aren't really the focus of the story. It's just a great story overall. And everyone should take their time to read it. And trust me, it'll take time to read it because there're a hell of a lot of chapters. 


You're His Hope

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I would like to point out that there not nearly enough Captain Lance videos out there to help a fanfic writer capture his voice.

Or... How I'm trying to write a lance based drabble but his voice keeps eluding me.

So help me my fine arrow addict friends, recommend really awesome (hopefully long) lance scenes - don't forget the season, episode and minute if you can- to help me properly write his voice. It's a super cool Drabble I'm writing and if i feel confident about it i may just finally post my first arrow fic and the first fic I've posted in.. Gosh! nearly 5 years.


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lol. nope, number one role of fanfic writing: never have another character voice in your head while writing for a different character. unless you're writing an original character and are basing her on an existing one.

for me, I need to be able to visualize the character in my head doing and saying what i am writing and have them do it with natural ease. being a visual person I tend to write better for a character after i watched them on screen over and over, their facial expressions, their tone of voice, and so forth becomes embedded in my inner eye which helps with visualizing the character and writing for her/him.

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Well I tend to see Quentin be a lot like Commissioner Gordon, especially after his speech about not finding out who the Arrow is in Man Under the Hood. And we all know the Arrow writers love to lift stuff from anything Batman. :p

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Think the doll-maker episode is good for lance 2.3 (?) and season finale 1.23 and when he finds out Sara is back.


Others just have too much Laurel interaction these 3 have Arrow, Felicity and Sara.


Oh also whe he gives the speech to Laurel about not wanting to know who the Arrow is...2.19(?)

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PB has said that Quentin is a blue collar guy who is having trouble adjusting to his new administrative desk job (because he still sees himself as a beat cop?)  He cares deeply, about his family and about the law and his city but he has trouble putting his feelings into words, and when he does, they're short and succinct (e.g. telling Laurel the Queen kid has been doing better since he's come back; telling Arrow that he's the closest thing he's got to a partner these days says volumes about how his feelings about the Hood have changed). One of my favorite Quentin moments was Tommy greeting him "How are you, sir?" and Quentin replying "Proficient with firearms."  One of the saddest was how badly he misread Dinah and though they could get back together.  When he's really sad or hurt, he seeks refuge in his work.  He's a soldier like Diggle, but in different terms.


In terms of writing Lance's voice, I think The Man Under The Hood does a good job.

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I ran into an interesting Oliver/Felicity fic. It's obviously an AU where Oliver's a member of the Bratva and the Hood, and he interacts with Felicity under both guises. I like how the writer writes Felicity in this. I feel like it's very in character. Extra bonus, John Diggle is SUPER protective of Felicity in this, they're like brother and sister :)


Oblivion (Is Calling Out Your Name)

Edited by wonderwall
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