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56 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Just read the fic version, lol. 

Is it even still up?  I remember when it was posted that her book was coming out, and the name struck me as someone that had written a fic that I really liked so I went and browsed her fics on AO3, but didn't find anything that rung any bells.  I was assuming she took some down.  I pre-ordered her book and look forward to reading it next week on vacation.

Never mind, I missed the link posted above.  I still think I've read something of hers (not that) that I liked.  Or maybe I just really WANT to have a memory of liking a fic these days.  ;-) 

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7 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I feel the same way and unfortunately have had the same experience a few times when reading fanfics. The general impression I've gotten is that the authors don't want to spoil the story but I wish they'd realize how harmful that is. I think it's pretty ignorant and selfish tbh, especially if the author is not new to fanfic/fandom. If they don't want to tag them from the beginning, at least put a warning at the start of the chapter. It's just common courtesy. 

My thinking is if your writing is good enough you can spoil people all you want and still make the story engaging. 

6 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:
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 It's all based on status in "the scope" and "society". Basically if you have money or prestige you can buy your safety while the other person gets kicked out. This story is set in a semi-dystopian world where the government control's everyone, Gay Soul mates are banned and forced to become Nulls (even though society says they MUST be with their soulmates)

For example Noah left Donna (his soulmate) when Felicity was 7 as such Donna/Felicity lost all rights, money, housing etc. Donna was (IIRC) forced to become a maid at the casino/hotel and ended up dying in poverty when Felicity was youngish. 

Felicity hates Oliver because of all the screwing around he did. She's also 10 years younger so she was suffering excruciating pain from the time she was 6. Felicity was working on a breakthrough which would make her financially rich so she could "buy her way" into 'society' so that she's be safe once Oliver rejected her.

There's a lot going on in the story. Ronnie is a Null but he's in love with Caitlin. Caitlin's soulmate was Len/Capt. Cold but he committed a major crime so she was strippedover status based on his actions (he's in prison). Barry/Curtis are gay Soul mates but have to hide their relationship because "society and "the scope" will kick them out.

Nulls have to live on "the outskirts" can't own property or businesses or even drive. 

Unmarried Soul mates have to live in approved housing provided by sponsors (usually the company they work for).

Laurel rejected her soulmate Ray because she's obsessed with Oliver and takes pleasure in screwing around and causing Ray pain. Ray hates Oliver because Laurel slept with Oliver first which caused Ray massive amounts of pain. 

Diggle/Lyla are Soul mates but had issues after marriage and divorced, they lost all place in society. However, after getting re-married the Queens Used their influence to allow them to have children and own a home.

Oh and if you are a made null, you can't have children, the government puts you on pills to make you infertile so you can't reproduce.

Oliver did something,  related to Sara (implication seems to be that he helped Sara/Nyssa escape and be together.  He went to a prison camp on Lian Yu for his actions where he met Dig). This is the secret LL is holding over Oliver and she plays on his guilt because whatever he did hurt her family's status in "society".

The more and more I learn about this fic the less and less I want to read it. Why do so many people take the time to write about their favorite characters, but then turn those characters into awful people living awful lives?

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6 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Remedial Rocket Science, based on her fic Find my Way Back to You

She's a good writer, and the book is basically an expansion of the fic with names changed, so the book is good. I was surprised she removed the smutty parts in the book version.

Unfortunately not available in Canada.  Which sucks and makes no sense.

I liked most of her stories.  I had trouble with the part where Sara was mean to Felicity though.

1 hour ago, Hiveminder said:

My thinking is if your writing is good enough you can spoil people all you want and still make the story engaging.

If a fic is really good, I will re-read it several times, just like I'll re-read books.  Basing the attraction to readers on the "gotcha" is poor writing.

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I'm reading it right now.   Sara aka Lacey wasn't even really mean to her in this version, just in a weird mood the first time they met but apologized and befriended her almost right away.  

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That's interesting.  One of my comments to her about the fic, the only real complaint I had, is that Sara was very bitchy to Felicity when Oliver asked her to join them for dinner.  I guess she toned it down for the book, which makes me happy.

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Finished the book.  It was cute. Pretty much fluff which I enjoyed it.  Didn't drag the angst out too much.  A lot of the season one and two characters were there.  Even an annoying but brief take on Barry as a screenwriter (who is the love interest in the next book for some poor girl name Esther.  I'm curious if she turns out to be Iris or Caitlin) Noticeably absent was Dig and Roy.  :(. 

Her Jeremy wasn't exactly Oliver since there no vigilante stuff and so  while he's mostly right in characterization some is lacking since he never suffered deep trauma or felt really passionately about anything. Still does heart eyes like a champ but he's maybe at only 72% Oliver Queen from the show.  

Still, I'd recommend.  It was very easy to read it as Olicity fan fic   

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32 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That's interesting.  One of my comments to her about the fic, the only real complaint I had, is that Sara was very bitchy to Felicity when Oliver asked her to join them for dinner.  I guess she toned it down for the book, which makes me happy.

Sara says something that makes Felicity (why hide behind the book names, lol) really really uncomfortable but it's done very matter of fact with an air of indifference and self deprecation, though not played for laughs.   I'll include the screen shoot of the scene under spoiler tags, not that anyone who knows Arrow isnt really already spoiled.

Melody = Felicity 

Jeremy = Oliver

Drew = Tommy

Lacey = Sara





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I was curious to see if the comments for that story reflected my anger.  They didn't but, they got me curious, so I have to give the author a break


Oliver goes right to Felicity after making the deal with LL. Tells Felicity that LL is blackmailing him into sex. Tells Felicity to trust him, and that he'll eventually tell her his secret.


I'm probaly done with the fic anyway it's getting really OTT for me but, at least she didn't turn Oliver into the biggest dumbass on the planet

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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Sara says something that makes Felicity (why hide behind the book names, lol) really really uncomfortable but it's done very matter of fact with an air of indifference and self deprecation, though not played for laughs.   I'll include the screen shoot of the scene under spoiler tags, not that anyone who knows Arrow isnt really already spoiled.

I thought there was more. Maybe something in the parking lot?  I remember that it almost made me rage-quit the fic

3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm probaly done with the fic anyway it's getting really OTT for me but, at least she didn't turn Oliver into the biggest dumbass on the planet

Are you sure she didn't? 


There is such a thing as a turkey baster, and it's been used very effectively.

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I thought there was more. Maybe something in the parking lot?  I remember that it almost made me rage-quit the fic.

No, the only other thing from Sara is announcing she's going to the bathroom and then Felicity goes to leave and she (Felicity) and Oliver have an argument in the parking lot. Very next opening chapter Sara is calling to apologize and invite her to yoga.   

38 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I was curious to see if the comments for that story reflected my anger.  They didn't but, they got me curious, so I have to give the author a break

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Oliver goes right to Felicity after making the deal with LL. Tells Felicity that LL is blackmailing him into sex. Tells Felicity to trust him, and that he'll eventually tell her his secret.


I'm probaly done with the fic anyway it's getting really OTT for me but, at least she didn't turn Oliver into the biggest dumbass on the planet

If Oliver actually goes through with the deal, that would be a deal breaker for me.  Keep us updated?

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Thanks for the details on the soulmate fic @Morrigan2575.  Ugh. It sounds like a rather odd world. I'm used to fics where the magic or specialness is either what bestows power (e.g. vampire stories) or something to hide as a metaphor for discrimination (e.g. Mutants).  But you say that real power and privilege in her world comes money, like ever?  Are soulmates a common thing?  Unless it is very common, like something everyone has, I don't see intentionally causing your soulmate harm as something that anyone would condone.

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Majority have soulmmates 


And there's a bond that comes with soulmates but, seems to form after meeting. They can feel each others pain or emotions.  In this story, Olicity are very highly bonded already they can feel each others emotions and Oliver actually has scars from when Felicity was shot/stabbed (don't recall explanations given for those events but, I might have missed it)

I went back and read the last chapter in full, as part of the declaring (announcing to the world/society that you've met your soulmate and intend to marry). They have to go through this horribly invasive procedure. Blood work to make sure they're healthy and disease free, Felicity had to have a vaginal ultra sound, they had to answer all these personal questions.

I swear this story is my crack....I just can't quit it. ?

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On 8/25/2017 at 6:00 PM, statsgirl said:


If a fic is really good, I will re-read it several times, just like I'll re-read books.  Basing the attraction to readers on the "gotcha" is poor writing.

I read something once that said that most people actually enjoy a movie more when they know what's going to happen. Not having to sit there trying to figure out what's coming next gave them the space to notice details and nuances they otherwise wouldn't have. Now, reading allows you the opportunity to pause, think, reread that you don't really get with a movie, but I think the point is still valid. I spoil myself constantly (I used to read the last page or two of a book first, and I have been known to read completed fics backwards.), and I've never thought that I would have enjoyed something more if I didn't know how it was going to end. 

Obviously, if your writing is boring and predictable, that's a different matter. 

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Sorry if someone mentioned this before but is anyone reading BookofLife's stuff? She's maybe my favourite when it comes to S1/S2 Olicity AU, but man it's hard to wait so long for updates. And when she finally does update after months and months, the chapters are ginormous. I almost wish she'd break them up so the updates could be more frequent, but it's also really nice getting the equivalent of 10 normal-sized chapters in one go. Indecent Proposal owns me, but she also posted the first chapter of one called How Did This Happen? earlier this summer that's also pretty wonderful. 

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I like her writing and I read whenever she posts a new fic (although she has a bad habit of not finishing her and then starting a new one).  I stopped reading Indecent Proposal though until the last couple of chapters because


Felicity agreeing to be tortured by Slade so that Oliver could continue his affair with Sara in peace was wrong for many reasons.  Agreeing to that wasn't "true love" as the tags said, it was pathology and I hated the torture scenes.

That said, I still like her fic. And I really appreciate how she replies to comments and very politely tries to address those that aren't 100% positive.

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4 hours ago, Trisha said:

Sorry if someone mentioned this before but is anyone reading BookofLife's stuff? She's maybe my favourite when it comes to S1/S2 Olicity AU, but man it's hard to wait so long for updates. And when she finally does update after months and months, the chapters are ginormous. I almost wish she'd break them up so the updates could be more frequent, but it's also really nice getting the equivalent of 10 normal-sized chapters in one go. Indecent Proposal owns me, but she also posted the first chapter of one called How Did This Happen? earlier this summer that's also pretty wonderful. 

ME! She's actually one of my fav fic writers, i enjoy her style of writing very much and her huge chapters. Having said that, i think she lacks some discipline when it comes to updating and that's her main problem to me, she takes ages to update ( i have been waiting for the last chapter of "What I Wouldn't Do" since August last year ) and keeps starting new fics and never finishes any of her other works. It's truly a shame imho. 

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56 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I like her writing and I read whenever she posts a new fic (although she has a bad habit of not finishing her and then starting a new one).  I stopped reading Indecent Proposal though until the last couple of chapters because

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Felicity agreeing to be tortured by Slade so that Oliver could continue his affair with Sara in peace was wrong for many reasons.  Agreeing to that wasn't "true love" as the tags said, it was pathology and I hated the torture scenes.

That said, I still like her fic. And I really appreciate how she replies to comments and very politely tries to address those that aren't 100% positive.

Regarding IP


I might be wrong b/c i don't even remember the last time i saw an update on that story but didn't she agree to it so Oliver could live a normal live and Slade wouldn't go after Thea, William, the Lances etc? 

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1 hour ago, Balaclava said:

Regarding IP

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I might be wrong b/c i don't even remember the last time i saw an update on that story but didn't she agree to it so Oliver could live a normal live and Slade wouldn't go after Thea, William, the Lances etc? 

Yes, that's why she did agree to it.  But it's hugely psychologically wrong in every way imaginable (and of course it wouldn't work) so I had to skip the chapters while it was going on.

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6 hours ago, Balaclava said:

ME! She's actually one of my fav fic writers, i enjoy her style of writing very much and her huge chapters. Having said that, i think she lacks some discipline when it comes to updating and that's her main problem to me, she takes ages to update ( i have been waiting for the last chapter of "What I Wouldn't Do" since August last year ) and keeps starting new fics and never finishes any of her other works. It's truly a shame imho. 

Is that the one where Felicity gets Mirakuru-ed? I remember getting really confused later on in the fic. Nothing specific I can pinpoint now, just the feeling of, wait, weren't they just doing something else, what is this person doing here? Continuity issues, I guess.

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Can anyone remember the s2 AU Olicity fic where Sara and Oliver both inject themselves with mirakuru to help defeat Slade? I really enjoyed that one but I don't think it was finished.

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26 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

At First, Just a Little


I'm sad she never finished. 

Thank you! :D

Ugh, me too. I was kinda hoping she'd finished it and I'd just missed the updates! Oh well. Gonna have a re-read later.

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7 hours ago, bijoux said:

Is that the one where Felicity gets Mirakuru-ed? I remember getting really confused later on in the fic. Nothing specific I can pinpoint now, just the feeling of, wait, weren't they just doing something else, what is this person doing here? Continuity issues, I guess.

Yes, that's the one 

12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Yes, that's why she did agree to it.  But it's hugely psychologically wrong in every way imaginable (and of course it wouldn't work) so I had to skip the chapters while it was going on.

I agree, it does feel wrong for Felicity to accept something like that and it's really odd to me Lyla seems to know but does nothing about it

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Thank you! :D

Ugh, me too. I was kinda hoping she'd finished it and I'd just missed the updates! Oh well. Gonna have a re-read later.

Is this the one where a side effect of the Mirakuru has them focusing on a person that they love?  Oliver focuses/obsesses over Felicity and Sara focuses on Oliver, and becomes jealous of Felicity to the point that she starts getting physical?

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Is this the one where a side effect of the Mirakuru has them focusing on a person that they love?  Oliver focuses/obsesses over Felicity and Sara focuses on Oliver, and becomes jealous of Felicity to the point that she starts getting physical?


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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Is this the one where a side effect of the Mirakuru has them focusing on a person that they love?  Oliver focuses/obsesses over Felicity and Sara focuses on Oliver, and becomes jealous of Felicity to the point that she starts getting physical?

That's the one! I really wanted to see how it ended. :(

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38 minutes ago, Balaclava said:

I agree, it does feel wrong for Felicity to accept something like that and it's really odd to me Lyla seems to know but does nothing about it

Yeah, as much as I love the way she writes the characters' inner thoughts, Felicity's motivations in IP still need more explanation.  I think it had less to do with Oliver/Sara and more to do with protecting Thea and everyone else, but that logic definitely needs more fleshing out. Seems like that will happen next chapter (if she ever updates).

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I've noticed that some writers seem to go OTT with Sacrificial Felicity, especially during S2.  She loves Oliver so much and is so sure that Oliver will never love/choose her that she willingly tells Oliver it's OK for him to choose Laurel or she sacrifices herself to Slade in some deal her so that Oliver doesn't have to make the choice.

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3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I've noticed that some writers seem to go OTT with Sacrificial Felicity, especially during S2.  She loves Oliver so much and is so sure that Oliver will never love/choose her that she willingly tells Oliver it's OK for him to choose Laurel or she sacrifices herself to Slade in some deal her so that Oliver doesn't have to make the choice.

I saw a lot of these types of fics after the S2 MSF, during the hiatus. Thank God a lot of authors seem to have veered away from that. 

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In the midst of all the criticism of the writing of the show I think one thing they have done well is show that no one puts Felicity in a corner.  When she gets shut down, she finds a way to deal with it or more on.

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